Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2321224-The-Way-Sin-Rules-and-the-Way-it-Doesnt
by MayDay
Rated: E · Poetry · Writing · #2321224
The story of the fall of man.
When God made the world,
He made one rule,
No eating the fruit
from just one little tree.
The tree of Knowlege
Of Good and Evil.
But Satan,
the cunning, tricky snake,
He tricked innocent Eve
Into eating from there,
from where?
From the forbidden tree.
Eve shared the fruit, with her pal and man,
Adam soon ate, and their eyes were open.
Covered in shame and guilt,
they covered themselves in a leafy quilt.
Hiding from God, who had once been their joy,
They knew that their disobedience would come with its cost.
"Adam! Did you eat the fruit?"
God had figured them out.
"Yes, but because of this bride you gave me!"
Even the first man on earth
was trying to pass blame
Just like we do now,
as if it's a game!
Eve blamed the serpent,
and all were punished.
Snakes had no legs,
man had to do tiring work,
and women have to bear pain with their children,
all of their days.
That day is when sin entered the world.
Sin means missing the mark,
a swing and a miss,
and doing what's wrong.
Doing what God has said not to, all along.
And even today, Satan rules our lives.
He deceives and he preaches
the lies he is father of.
Say no to the serpent,
Say yes to the King,
Say yes to Jesus, who reigns up in heaven.
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Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2321224-The-Way-Sin-Rules-and-the-Way-it-Doesnt