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An index of all Delta Pokémon. |
The Holon Research Tower was created to analyse Dimensional Energy. However, this caused the Dimensional Energy to alter the types of some pokémon. Some were affected slightly, others drastically. The effects may also be different depending on if they are in Holon City or not. Please note, not all pokémon listed will be Delta Pokémon, some may be unaffected. If you want another Delta Pokémon, feel free to message me the pokémon and possible Delta Types. Kanto 004 Charmander- Electric (close) 004 Charmander- Dark (far) 005 Charmeleon- Electric (close) 005 Charmeleon- Dark (far) 006 Charizard- Electric/Steel (close) 006 Charizard- Dark (far) 007 Squirtle- Rock 008 Wartortle- Rock 009 Blastoise- Rock/Steel 013 Weedle- Grass 014 Kakuna- Grass 015 Beedrill- Grass/Steel 016 Pidgey- Electric 017 Pidgeotto- Electric 018 Pidgeot- Electric/Steel 021 Spearow- Electric 022 Fearow- Electric 023 Ekans- Fire 024 Arbok- Fire 025 Pikachu- Steel 026 Raichu- Steel 027 Sandshrew Rock 028 Sandslash- Rock/Steel 029 Nidoran♀- Steel 030 Nidorina- Steel 031 Nidoqueen- Steel 032 Nidoran♂- Dark 033 Nidorino- Dark 034 Nidoking- Dark 037 Vulpix- Psychic 038 Nintails- Psychic 041 Zubat- Poison 042 Golbat- Poison 043 Oddish- Water (close) 043 Oddish- Poison (far) 044 Gloom- Water (close) 044 Gloom- Poison (far) 045 Vileplume- Water (close) 045 Vileplume- Poison (far) 052 Meowth- Poison/Steel 053 Persian- Poison/Steel 054 Psyduck- Electric 055 Golduck- Electric 056 Mankey- Fire 057 Primape- Fire 086 Seel- Dragon 087 Dewgong- Dragon 090 Shellder- Fighting 091 Cloyster- Fighting 098 Crabby- Fire 099 Kingler- Fire/Steel 102 Exeggcute- Fighting 103 Exeggutor- Fighting 104 Cubone- Fighting/Steel 105 Marowak- Fighting/Steel 108 Lickitung- Psychic 116 Horsea- Fighting (close) 116 Horsea- Fire (far) 117 Seadra- Fighting (close) 117 Seadra- Fire (far) 120 Staryu- Ice 121 Starmie- Ice/Steel 124 Jynx- Fire 125 Electabuzz- Rock 127 Pinsir- Fighting 129 Magikarp- Steel (close) 129 Magikarp- Fire (far) 130 Gyarados- Electric/Steel (close) 130 Gyarados- Fire (far) 133 Eevee- Steel 134 Vaporeon- Water/Steel 135 Jolteon- Electric/Steel 136 Flareon- Fire/Steel 187 Omanyte- Poison 139 Omastar- Poison 140 Kabuto- Electric 141 Kabutops- Electric 142 Aerodactyl- Fire 143 Snorlax- Grass 147 Dratini- Electric (close) 147 Dratini- Bug (far) 148 Dragonair- Electric (close) 148 Dragonair- Bug (far) 149 Dragonite- Electric/Steel (close) 149 Dragonite- Bug (far) 150 Mewtwo- Fire/Steel (close) 150 Mewtwo- Electric (far) 151 Mew- Fire (close) 151 Mew- Ice (far) Johto 152 Chikorita- Rock 153 Bayleef- Rock 154 Meganium- Rock 155 Cyndaquil- Fairy 156 Quilava- Fairy 157 Typhlosian- Fairy 158 Totodile- Electric 159 Crocanaw- Electric 160 Feraligtr- Electric 165 Ledyba- Steel 166 Ledian- Steel 169 Crobat- Poison/Steel 172 Pichu- Steel 175 Togapi- Water 176 Togatick- Water 177 Natu- Poison 178 Xatu- Poison 179 Mareep- Flying 180 Flaaffy- Flying 181 Amphros- Flying/Dragon 182 Bellossom- Water (close) 182 Bellossom- Poison (far) 183 Marill- Water/Ice 184 Azumarille- Water/Steel 194 Wooper- Bug 195 Quaggsire- Bug 196 Espeon- Psychic/Steel 197 Umbreon- Dark/Steel 207 Gligar- Electric 208 Gliscor- Electric/Dragon 214 Heracross- Fire 226 Mantine- Electric 230 Kingdra- Fire/Steel (close) 230 Kingdra- Fighting (far) 235 Smeargle- Psychic 238 Smoochum- Fire 239 Elekid- Rock 246 Larvitar- Fire (close) 246 Larvitar- Electric (far) 247 Pupitar- Fire (close) 247 Pupitar- Electric (far) 248 Tyranitar- Fire/Steel (close) 248 Tyranitar- Electric (far) Hoenn 252 Treeko- Psychic 253 Grovyle- Psychic 254 Sceptile- Psychic 261 Poochyena- Dark/Poison 262 Mightyena- Dark/Steel 270 Lotad- Fire 271 Lombre- Fire 272 Ludicolo- Fire 279 Taillow- Fire (close) 279 Taillow- Fairy (far) 277 Swellow- Fire (close) 277 Swellow- Fairy (far) 278 Wingull- Electric 279 Pelipper- Electric 280 Ralts- Fire 281 Kirlia- Fire 282 Gardevoir- Fairy/Steel (close) 282 Gardevoir- Fire (far) 286 Azurill- Water/Ice 318 Carvanha- Fighting 319 Sharpedo- Fighting 328 Trapinch- Fairy (close) 328 Trapinch- Bug (far) 329 Vibrava- Fairy (close) 329 Vibrava- Bug (far) 330 Flygon- Fairy/Poison (close) 330 Flygon- Bug/Steel (far) 331 Cacnea- Ground 332 Cacturne- Ground 333 Swablu- Water 334 Altaria- Water 335 Zangoose- Steel 345 Lileep- Poison 346 Cradily- Poison/Steel 347 Anorinth- Steel 348 Armaldo- Rock/Steel 349 Feebas- Fire 350 Milotic- Fire 357 Tropius- Steel 358 Chimecho- Steel 371 Bagon- Fire (close) 371 Bagon- Ice (far) 372 Shellgon- Fire (close) 372 Shellgon- Ice (far) 373 Salamance- Fire/Steel (close) 373 Salamance- Ice (far) 374 Beldum- Electric 375 Metang- Electric 376 Metagross- Electric/Steel 380 Latias- Electric/Steel (close) 380 Latias- Fire (far) 381 Latios- Electric/Steel (close) 381 Latios- Ice (far) 384 Rayquaza- Electric/Steel (close) 384 Rayquaza- Electric (far, in the sky) 384 Rayquaza- Fire (far, close to land) 384 Rayquaza- Water/Steel (far, in the sea) 386 Deoxys(N)- Normal 386 Deoxys(A)- Dark 386 Deoxys(D)- Steel 386 Deoxys(S)- Electric Sinnoh 446 Munchlax- Grass 458 Mantyke- Electric 466 Electivire- Rock 468 Togekiss- Water 470 Leafeon- Grass/Steel 471 Glaceon- Ice/Steel 475 Gallade- Fighting/Steel (close) 475 Gallade- Fire (far) Kalos 700 Sylveon Fairy/Steel Alola 778 Mimikyu- Water/Ice Hisui 979 Annihilape- Fire/Steel |