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by Quin
Rated: E · Poetry · Inspirational · #2319559
an installment following Growth in Expression: Modern Christian Poems

10 things i love

i love the first day of autumn,

sitting on a porch or patio

and reading a lovely novel

in the sun and breeze.

i love that crisp, gushing sound

that happens when

you take the first bite of an apple;

the resemblance of life and virtue

in unspoken words.

i love the sea.

especially when it's blue.

the salt is on the

water, in the breeze,

in everything,

and it lingers...

i love when a line in a book

leaves you breathless or wistful,

and you have to pause,

or put the book down

to ruminate on what you

just read.

i love when someone

has exciting news,

and their eyes light up,

and they grab your


and it ends

with you both

jumping up and down.

i love the trail of tall

forest trees on either side

of the road

when you're on a road trip,

letting down the window

and gazing at the scene go by.

i love it when my pets nuzzle

my arm,

then exhale, as if to say,

"yes i love you too."

i love, love.

the cat and mouse


that will go on

from youth

to wonder years.

i love music,

so many melody


so many.

i love any imposing mountain,

that swiftly puts you

in your place in this massive


those mountains

yell, yet whisper.


I stand here,

and write on the

perfect day.

A day of no regrets

and new beginnings,

of blossoms,

buds, and bird- like


My dreams are effervescent/ incandescent,

wanting only to be

propelled by your glorious


Of all the freedoms

that may exist,

I need not most,

But dwell in this.






there's a time

to martha,

there's a time

to mary.



to thrust,

a time to


a time to mourn

a time for


a time to david

or solomon.

a time to surrender,

a time to cleave.

a time for mercy,

a time for repreive.

the key dear saints,

in time that's spent;

reflexive flow,


In the Dark

my arms are open wide my Lord,

and so too is my heart.

ever endowed with fervor

a flame burns for you through the

darkest of time. our beginning

and our end so entwined.

what did you pray for me?

in the garden of gethsemane?

"my Lord, my girl you know she tries, give

her mercy and strength to conquer.

open her eyes so she can see Us, and give her


in the dark."

in the darkness i see shades of blue.

i used to see black.

i hear the breeze now,

i used to hear sirens.

all i see through each glorious day

is clomping

on a cloud,

you and me, who we

are and who we

will be.

my sights are ever on you.

i hear the breeze now,

there used to be sirens.


Childhood traumas shadow dreams,

yet we sing songs of purity.

Running from debauchery,

Still we sing songs of purity.

Sing a hymn of two or three,

gathering from week to week,

speaking of his purity.

Feeble arms and broken knees,

yet we sing songs of purity.

Our aura of the darkest things.

Teeth of gnash,

what does this bring?

To what owe you these mysteries?

Alight the devil's door.

Stones of concrete

thrown at we,

Defiled, mistaken, broken down,

trampled sent from town to town,

cursed, reviled, misled, bound.

yet we sing songs of purity?

My true face you'll never see.

My heart forever deaf to thee.

Through filth of curses; irony.

We still sing songs of purity.


If it's meekness you seek

You've sought something high

If it's meekness you seek

The world goes before you

If it's meekness you seek

Your talents are secondary

Your wants to their needs

A million hurts and sufferings

But if it's meekness you seek

You provide a lighthouse in the dark

Dependable kindness


And love

You can embrace humanity

And mend a million hurtful woes

And in your peace rule the world

If it's meekness you seek.


a wave it moves within my soul.

i shoulder worlds and dreams

through life's warfare.

these burnished valleys i know so well,

i am fierce among this terrain and

countless valleys,

silent screaming haunts

them all.

but bones

of demonic foes; and pestilence,

decorate its shallow depths.

recordings of a wretched soul fed up

striking out in fury, doubt, and spiritual

rage, the enemy thuds with the heft of goliath.

the victory of another saint that

will inspect their foe's heartbeat,

and learn the ways of the wise--

hoarding another precept like a charm

around their neck.

this wave it moves within my soul,

these burnished valleys i know so well,

they're old, i live to tell their tales to the saints,

as new lands and heights emerge.


And worlds would dance

around her.

And reasons would tell her why.

And emptiness would find her,

But faith would never die.

She held on close to Eden, the

thought of the man in the sky.

Parlay with Him in the cool of day,

And question all the whys.

Directness in her tone, a glimmer

In her eyes.

The mysteries of existence, would

Fill her lovely mind.

He'd both answer and He'd question,

And sigh a blessed sigh.

His child forever with Him,

Where love would never die.


Teacups, doilies

baubles, pearls.

White satin gloves,

and wide church hats.

Lace and bells of little girls.

Childrens' giggles at my side.

Hurling kindness, peace,

by sight, gestures, and my


Temperance, piety all in stride.

Country values are

my preservation.

The Witness

An angel spoke to me today,

it came to me in the form of you.

So smooth and to the point,

your words----

my heart is left aflutter.

You spread wings wide and spacious

as the spanning heavens,

embraced me like a

faun of the green.

Your words spoke,

dungeons fell,

and bridges were mended.

You spoke to me today,

over coffee and biscotti.

I see that I am gold.

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