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Sebastian's cravings for humiliation and femdom continue. But how far does Rachel take it? |
This story is based on real-life events from a fellow writer on WDC, Windowlicker. All names and certain details have been changed for anonymity reasons, however, what happens is essentially the same was what happened in real life. Chapter 3 - Taking Control As Christmas was fast approaching, there was only one real 'gift' on Sebastian's mind. His girlfriend's ass! It had been on his mind for a while now - in fact, it was one of her assets that he had admired from the beginning. Being jerked off with her feet in his face was not getting dull, far from it. And Rachel did not seem to be tiring of him. Yet, he couldn't help but crave, almost obsess over the idea of being under her sizeable behind. "What do you want for Christmas?" Rachel asked, scribbling ideas for him, along with her family and friends (of which there were apparently many) on a notepad. She was always so organised and took great pride in this, rolling her eyes when he informed her that he would only be buying presents for her, and his mother. "I won't be able to give it on Christmas Day of course but I'll see you here back in January". Sebastian couldn't deny that their emotional, 'couple' connection was pretty terse. To be fair, it was really only the physical one that was motivating him. "I'd like you to... sit on my face," Sebastian stated, making sure to smile but keeping a steely look in his eye. Whenever he wasn't being dominated with her feet, he was direct with her. This seemed like the best way to do it, as in bed together, he was too enamoured her feet to do anything than submit. Rachel rolled her eyes. "Oh really... well, eventually that could happen..." She laughed, shaking her head a little, but at the same time Sebastian sensed she was flattered. "Maybe when we're back in January after the break." He persisted and routinely asked her this request. Before the end of the first semester, again after they got back to Vienna in January (she was delighted with the Manele book he got her for Christmas, although he detested that music, it was one of the only interests she had really shown him), but still with the same response, to the point that he sensed this may never happen. Being back at his Mum's over Christmas was a useful checkpoint in a way. Although he and Rachel messaged on WhatsApp, along with the occasional reel shared on Instagram, one positive of not being with her in person was that things just seemed calmer. Anyway, the a string of arguments soon began once they both returned to Vienna, culminating with one particularly nasty one, a week into the second semester. They had been watching a film on Rachel's laptop, one Rachel suggested called 'The House That Jack Built'. During it, Sebastian felt increasingly uncomfortable; whenever there had been a reference to the main character, Jack, staring randomly into space, or seemingly not showing emotion, he could feel her eyes boring into him. She even muttered, "Wow, what a psycho stare...". Finally he snapped and told her that he didn't like being compared to a serial killer! Rachel fumed at this, outraged that he was challenging her and could not see her point of view. She became increasingly cruel and even derisively mentioned something clearly went wrong with him after his father died, as if that explained and rationalised his 'psycho-ness'! He retaliated, calling her an angry, difficult person and referring to some of her issues in the past, like when she was younger, driving her car into rubbish bins and deliberately hitting her dogs... now she was using him as her vehicle to vent at; if anything, she was the psycho! This was too much and Rachel promptly broke up with him, only to take him back just days later. They had started to lose count how many mini-breakups and getting-back-togethers they'd had. So it all happened on one wet Wednesday afternoon, when Sebastian had just got back from Jiu-Jitsu training. His plan was to shower, then catch up with Aleks and Jessie (and the spaniel). Instead, he noticed that Rachel's door was ajar so thought there would be no harm in surprising her with another sit-on-the-face request. Even after he closed the door once he's let himself in, he wasn't expecting anything more than some foot action. Sighing at him, kicking off her fluffy slippers and putting down the coursework she was doing, Rachel shrugged her shoulders. "OK. Fine." He wasn't expecting this to happen here and now! His thoughts were racing and whirring with needing to change from his workout gear and taking a shower, seeing his friend, but this was it! Something he'd been fantasising about for many, many weeks! He very nearly dropped to his knees as he wandered over, almost in a daze. Unlike with her feet, Rachel seemed more uncertain about this particular erotic experience. Perhaps she was self-conscious. Either way, she slipped off her shorts, while she kept her vest top on. Almost salivating at the sight of her round, juicy pantyhose-clad ass, Sebastian positioned himself onto her bed, his head sinking into her pillow as her voluminous cheeks descended on him. It was incredible! The feeling of his entire face being submerged under her powerful ass was like nothing else. His nose was buried in her crack and a strong, sweaty stench immediately dominated his senses and made him both invincible and so vulnerable at the same time. Rachel giggled as she lifted up to take off her pantyhose, revealing her naked skin. He loved it, loved how her bare cheeks were engulfing him, how they took over his whole world and caused it to descend into darkness. He couldn't see a single thing but he didn't need to. The sheer stench of it was so overwhelming; despite that, he had enough manoeuvrability in his mouth to place grateful kisses against her back passage. With a whimper, not that she could probably hear, Sebastian proceeded to stick his tongue out, sliding it around and absorbing the strong, unforgiving flavour of her ass. It was both disgusting and delicious at the same time. It didn't take long at all for him to crave the taste! Already at full mast, he could just about make out a giggle from Rachel, smothered as he was, as she wrapped one hand around his fully erect cock, pumping vigorously away until he fully surrendered, squirting at such velocity that his girlfriend had to arch her head back to avoid being hit by it. "Wow.... that was, Pinky...wow..." He gasped after Rachel lifted her behind off him, giving him a smug look. He was not usually lost for words and rarely said something that wasn't dry or sarcastic. "Well, I'll be honest, Sebastian. That was... a lot more enjoyable than I thought it would. Your face fit my ass so well!" She giggled while he slumped back, completely spent but in a euphoric state. "I guess we could do that again sometime...." He'd done it - he'd got Rachel to sit on his face and she'd enjoyed it! The exploration of his desires had expanded and she was fine with it! Face-sitting was new and exciting - not that it made foot smothering any less fun. Depending on what Rachel was happiest to do, and, depending on what Sebastian he requested, both sexual scenarios were just irresistible to him. This didn't help him to feel more content in general though. Whenever they talked, it would usually lead to a disagreement, or full-on row. She had been pushing him to acknowledge his lack of emotions, even suggesting a therapist to help. After admitting to her that he had felt seriously depressed in the months building up to coming to Vienna, instead of showing support and concern, she instead took this badly. She even asked if this was where his 'psycho stare' came from. He wished he had never said anything but at the same time, he thought she wanted him to be honest with his emotions! It was like he couldn't win! One evening, later on in January, Rachel had been smothering Sebastian's face with her bare ass, chuckling at the whimpering noises he was making, just about audible underneath her. Suddenly, she jerked her cheeks up, hovering it over his surprised face and mischievously swaying from side-to-side. "Who's the best? Who's the best, loser?" She giggled while giving herself a playful spank on one cheek. "I'm so much better than you, dog. Who's the best?" "Y-you... you're the best!" Sebastian practically cried up at her, feeling embarrassed but knowing that was the only conceivable answer. "Rachel is the... b-best!" He cried out, which made her nod in satisfaction. He cringed at how loud this voice was - Aleks and the other dorm-mates may well be able to hear. Yet he couldn't deny her. "Oh, and that little discussion the other day, when you thought Aphex Twin was better than Manele music... you still think that do you?" This was torture... he was practically quivering with anticipation as she lightly brushed a finger on his already-hard cock. He knew what she was doing and had to admit that she was timing this so well, taking full advantage of his aroused state. Clearly disagreeing with her would only come back to bite him! "I...er... please, please, please Pinky!" He whimpered while she sighed impatiently, wiggling her bare, voluptuous cheeks in front of him. "Who's better? Aphex Twin - that sociopath music - or Manele... Come on, wimp, you know the answer..." She turned around for a moment, fixing him with a smug look that he knew he couldn't deny. "Manele...M-Manele is the b-best..." He managed weakly, feeling ashamed but knowing he had no choice. Rachel punched the air, looking delighted with herself as she forced him to repeat this a few more times, forcing him to shout this out until she was satisfied. Grinning, she actually left him whimpering on her bed for more, while she played some Manele music on her phone. Expertly stretching back over to him, showing off her flexibility, she promptly lowered her butt down, covering his trembling face and casually jerked him off in little over a minute. After he came and all of the sexual energy was out of his system, it was almost boiling point for Sebastian. He did not appreciate her mocking him as he demanded she turned off the awful music, or using her dominance over him to take advantage that way. He explained that he had pride, which she practically sneered at, while he roughly put his sweatpants back on as she listed a whole raft of things that he was inadequate with - his penis not being very big, being smaller than her ex, his emotions being limited... he responded with how boring her stories were, how possessive she was, especially in public. Before he could continue, she silenced him with a thunderous roar. "Well you.. you're a fucking sociopath, who should be locked away, psycho!" She snarled, pulling her pantyhose back on and giving him the foulest look, her chest rising and falling heavily. He picked up his underwear and hoodie and stormed off after that, not speaking to her for over two days. Yet, again, they always ended up back together. Sebastian needed to be sexually dominated by her, and she had clearly now got accustomed to the power of indulging him in his fantasies. One of the things with experimenting sexually and exploring desires is that they keep revealing themselves, or continue to evolve. During a drunken night out with some of the dorm-mates, Sebastian noticed on several occasions Rachel giggling a bit too excitedly with Heather, who wouldn't even look at Sebastian, after he was sure they had called him 'Jack'. He remembered the character from the movie, and already felt insulted. Even though he appeared so cool and calm, and people assumed he didn't have emotions - he was not a doormat! Rachel should have known better. When he brought over some drinks, Rachel insisted he kept an arm around her, while holding her drink in his other hand. Where was he supposed to keep his?! He didn't snap at her, but he had certainly grumbled, sarcastically asking her if she was incapable of multi-tasking, which caused several others to stare. Heather had a smirk on her face, her bright eyes amused as she put an arm around Rachel had led her away, scowling back at Sebastian. In his bed that night, Rachel berated him, practically punching him on the arm, listing things he'd done to piss her off that evening. He tried to explain himself but was met with another firm hit to the same place, and one surprising but fairly gentle slap to the face. This kind of stunned him, but secretly he enjoyed her being forceful. She picked up on this too, curious as when she accidentally hit him in the balls that he let out a gasp of pleasure, rather than pain. Smirking, she did it again and confirm that this was something else that she could explore with him. The next time the dorm-mates gathered, Sebastian decided to stay away, instead seeing Aleks and Jessie at Das Kauzchen while the others went to a club further out in the outskirts of Vienna. As always, they asked about Rachel and he gave little away, just assuring them that things were great between them, even though this was far from the case. They'd got back to the dorm relatively early that night, but then he sighed when getting ready for bed as he read a message from Rachel. I'll be back in a bit. Be awake so I can get some change for a beer from the vending machine. Already he was feeling annoyed - she'd probably be late and keep him up, just so she could get a beer from their dorm! Sure enough, at approximately 4am, Rachel stumbled back, clearly drunk. Drunk and totally forgetting about needing change for the machine! So all of that, without needing the beer anyway! Although he was both exhausted from no sleep and frustrated with her, he didn't even get a chance to vent this as she practically threw herself onto him, hornier than he ever remembered her being as she kissed him all over the neck and face, rubbing her body against him. Sebastian was not in the slightest bit horny and beyond tired, yet he realised that this was an opportunity to please her. It had been more about his desires in recent weeks and months, so when he was able to get her off and she reached climax, he couldn't help but feel proud. Her whole body quivered as she squeezed her powerful thighs against his leg in pleasure. sighing with content. At that point, he was desperate for some sleep but Rachel wanted to talk... Wishing that she would finish her rambling soon, Sebastian hoped she would soon pass out but when she began talking about issues from her past, including one awful experience when she had seen a dead body when she was only seven years old, which she had told him before, he knew it wasn't going to be over anytime soon. He did not possess anywhere near the sensitivity or patience to discuss that, so he merely listened as she went over the horror of it again. Somehow the conversation had steered to exercise - the fact that she didn't feel the need to do any, while he worked out six days a week! She was particularly smug when she stated how flexible she was, noticeably more so than him, even though he made sure to stretch after every training session; she just seemed to have a natural superiority in this area. She clearly had such an advantage over him, that he couldn't possibly compensate for, despite his best efforts. This annoyed him, so he made a casual reference to her weight... "OWWW!" He cried out in agony as her soft, but powerful hand suddenly slammed so hard down onto his testicles that he saw stars. "What the...?!" Rachel proved her impressive flexibility once again by rapidly swivelling around and hovering her bare ass over Sebastian's face. She was already butt naked and he was powerless to do anything about it, still reeling from the forceful punch to his nuts. "P-please..." He whimpered before her ass slammed down against him, causing the mattress to creak somewhat. He tried to suck in some air but could only get her heady ass stench while she grabbed at his cock, roughly pumping her hand against it. "Talking shit about me. You love it, you dog. You love it when I hurt you," he could just about make out her voice but what was worse than her dismissive words was the fact that she already had him at full mast. She laughed at this, refocusing her tugging on his cock. Sebastian instinctively reached out his hands, maybe to try to slow things down, but she effortlessly used one to pin his down, using the free hand to resume the dick pumping. It was all over in under a minute when he quivered and came but such was her ferocity that she continued to jerk away, until his cock was starting to get sore. Sebastian felt weak, helpless. Up until now he hadn't needed to try to force her off him, not once. If he had to he knew he could! But with her pain in his testicles, her domineering weight and pressure from her ass... it was just too much. While his cock began to feel red raw, mercifully, his wincing into her ass was enough contact to make her aware that he'd already ejaculated. Finally lifting her ass off him, she sat down on the bed, giving him a look that was hard-to-read. "Hey, I was just too into it. I didn't know you'd finished... that quickly..." Sebastian meanwhile had flopped to the side, utterly dominated and panting for his life, yet he had thoroughly enjoyed it and knew that it was one to store in the memory for another time! Afterwards, though, there was that creeping feeling that this was technically against his will. Had she assaulted him? In his next chat with Aleks, he seriously considered revealing to him the nature of their relationship. His Ukrainian friend had picked up on some of the arguments, having heard tidbits of them. Still, Sebastian sucked it up and kept it to himself. No-one, not even Aleks would understand. All of the sexual pleasure he was getting was making this well-worth it. Surely! Click here for the folder link so you can access each part of the story! ![]() |