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Rated: E · Chapter · Action/Adventure · #2317570
My attempt on a storyline to see if this writting is even the thing for me to do
One day John goes to school like usual,but from that they on everything would be but usual.The first unusual thing John noticed was that evry othen 8th grade class was quiet his class was the only one thats making any noise.Confused but also happy that he can now enjoy his day peacefully he went to the cafiteria after the 2 class.In the cafiteria they served slopp with the side of expired milk.John just enjoyed his meal and the silence.After his lunch he went outside only to hear the ambulince geting closer.He rushed to see what it was,because Jonn was an explorer , he doesn't run away from danger he goes strait to it.He sees that the ambulence was picking up Anna,a girl from Johns class.Anna was a pick-me type of girl and she was a smart kid no doubt but she was always trying to fit in with the popular girls like she was pretending she was someone else.Jonn sees that Anna is beaten she's bleading badly.Her head is covered in scars and sche has a black eye.From the bleading she fell uncounthsous.Jonn was suprised,confused,curious."Who could've done this,and why...I will find out"John thunk that as he left before the sight got too crouded.After school John did his usual activities,low amounts of studying.John is a straight A student with putting minimun efort into studyig.He played Gems of war until he got a text from his freind that wasn't in school that day,George.So they text
Top G-George
Top G:"Ayo what the f happend to Anna in school"
"I've heared she was badly beaten"
MJ:"You got that right,Im not quite sure but someone must've attacked her"
Top G:"But who,I mean i know she's a pick me bitch but.."
MJ:"And in the middle of the day and whoever did it got away"
Top G:"I know strange,right"
"Anyway you'll send the homework when your done"
MJ:"yeah whatever"
left on read
John what's to get to the bottom of this so he tells his Mother that he is going for a walk.In reality he was going to the...
To be continued.....
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