Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/campfires/item_id/2316780-Furries-VS-Aliens
by Twiga
Rated: ASR · Campfire Creative · Fiction · Animal · #2316780
A throwback to my original idea, Teenagers with attitude are transformed to fight aliens!
So a throwback to my original idea where my first characters were originally humans who transformed into Anthro Animals so they could detect and also be immune from abduction by aliens who could be perceived by sharper animal senses only this time...It's a campfire and we make up new characters!

Name: Katie Kablooie
Age: 16
Sex: Female
Species she's been fused with:: Tyrannosaurus Rex (The rare 'One-in-a-million' chance!)
Personality: Introverted, lonely, and vengeful, her recent transformation has caused her to become obsessed with using her new form to get revenge on the bullies who tormented her
Likes: Junk food, Anime, Comic Books, Drawing and Writing Stories
Dislikes: Bitter vegetables, Daytime Soap Opera, Math Class and Bullies
History: Katie was your typical nerdy kid that all the bullies picked on for being 'weird' Summer vacation didn't seem to bring any reprieve, one night when attending a strange summer carnival that said 'All treats served at midnight are on the house!' Katie took advantage to get a free deep-fried Twinkie and got the one treat served at midnight that was laced with the T-Rex serum, all the Midnight Treats were laced with different animal serums to find recruits to fight the alien menace, Now 'recruited' she's only so-and-so into it hoping to use her new Dinosaur form to stomp on some bullies!
Name: Maxwell Wallop
Nickname: Max
Age: 18
Sex: Male
Species he is fused with: Artic Wolf
Personality: Friendly
Likes: Flowers, Nature Walks, Running, Fishing
Dislikes: Bullies, Big City's, Big Crowds
History: Known as a recluse to everybody in his own class, Maxwell spends most of his time in a forest tending to a field of fireweed in the alaskan wilderness. One day while he was tending to the plants, a unknown assailent shot him with a dart filled with a serum that mutated him into a grey furred artic wolf. Since then, he never returned to school and now spent most of his time in the woodsmaking medical medicines.
"Why did they feel the need to shoot you with a dart when they got me to a Twinkie?" Katie asked Max

"Maybe cuz they couldn't put the carnival in Alaska like they could in New York..." Max said noting their different states of origin

"Also why are you gray?" Katie asked, "I thought Arctic Wolves were white?"

"Excuse me..." Said the Agent in charge of this program the strange 'Agent X' who claimed to have escaped from one of these alien abductions they had been transformed to fight "...But I'm trying to inform you young soldiers about the Aliens you're being trained to face..."
         Growling to the agent, Max eyed Agent X with a critical eye.
         "After what you did to us?! Because of you, WE CAN'T EVEN GO HOME TO OUR FAMILIES WITHOUT BEING LOOKED AT LIKE FREAKS!"
         Slowly standing, Max walked up to Agent X, being cautious of what he may have on him.
         "Not to mention, how do we know what your telling us is even true? For all we know this is just one big experiment you cooked up for your own amusement?"
"What would you say if I told you there was a technique that can shift you back to your human forms? That you can actually shift back between your human and animal forms, but it takes training to learn how to do and master?" Agent X said
         Looking into the agent's eyes, Max huffed before going back to his seat.
         "Then you better make your story believable, or I'm taking everyone outta here while using you as a battering ram. Oh, and to answer your question Katie, I got no clue why I got grey fur instead of white."
"All right..." Said Agent "...As I was saying these Aliens...These 'Little Gray Men' abduct humans to experiment on, however they have no interest in any other species hence why we transformed you so they will not try to abduct you, also they have psionic 'cloaking devices' that hide them from human senses however they are only calibrated to human brainwaves also why you've been given animal senses..."
Name: John Richardson

Age: 20

Sex: Male

Species Fused With: Striped Skunk

Personality: Friendly sort, but protective of those he cares about.

Dislikes: Bad Orders

History: Soldier in the Army, rank of Private, John got "Volunteered" for a "Special Assignment", to protect some sort of Suit - Agent X. First things first - he had to take an antibiotic shot. That was when things went strange - like the tail, fur, claws, and the odor.

In another section of the room, John looked at Agent X. "Could you explain to me why it was necessary to bring along a kid? Bringing a civilian was bad enough, but one that's a kid? You could of gotten a group of Rangers, Green Barrettes, the Seals, or some other special forces. I mean, no offence, but I don't see what one private and two civilians are going to do to stop an invasion."
         Clearing his throught, X looked to the three of them with seriousness.
         "The reason you three were chosen specifically for this was because of your strengths in certain area's."
         Taking a breathe, X continued with his explanation.
         "For Katie, keen eyes of that of a t-rex, mixed with that of a artist, can find slight differences if peoples appearences. For you John, a trained soldier of the U.S. Army. As for Max, a wilderness tracker and able to make mixtures out of plants to cure any and all poisons you might encounter. Oh, and people say he used to make a mean meat lovers deep dish pizza."
         Hearing this, both John and Katie look to Max as he was thankful his fur his his blush.
         "What, I used to work at a Pizza Hut."
I was initally imagining we were part of a large group and there were several other people/furries 'NPCs who our characters can interact with

"Furthermore..." X said "...It was ideal that the people who were fused with be young and healthy people, teenagers are actually the best because of the energy of their changing bodies, because as all of you now know the transformation process causes great pain, so much it can be too much for the hearts of older people..."
John gave a small groan. "I do hope that the three of us aren't the only ones." He looked at Agent X. "So, what do you want us to do?"
"You three are the most recent ones..." Said X "...There are several others who have been transformed."
John looked at the agent. "Alright. Let's see about meeting them. Something tells me that plenty will need combat training."
         Chuckling, Agent X turned on a projector showing footage of a few others that have been transformed, just as they have.
         In one of a few video's, they see a female artic fox playing a game of poker with a few soldiers, and winning each of there paychecks.
         "This is Mara Sombra. Guess you can say she is a mistress of both stealth and gambling. We found her sneaking around the science area."

Name:Mara Sombra
Species fused with: Artic Fox
Likes: Pizza, sneaking around, gambling, and steals from only thieves.
Dislikes:Rich folks who use there greed to make others miserable.
History:Living on the streets after she graduated highschool, she took up becoming a thieve who steals from corrupted rich families. One night, she snuck into the military base and found the science bay. Finding strange liquids in test tube, she was caught and turned into a artic fox from not wanting to go to prison.
I mean we don't have to give detailed Bios for all of them, like I said they can be NPCs to our PCs

"Have they learned how to change back into humans?" Katie asked

"Some of them have reached that level..." X said "...Therefore they've begun being sent on missions..."
"I hope that they know how to fight," said John. "So, what do you want us to do now?"
         Changing the screen to a forested area, Agent X opened a file, passing out copies to the team.
         "Reports show a random U.F.O. air craft crash in a mountainous area before disappearing without a trace. We sent a team in to discover the location, but ended up going missing."
         Feeling a bit confused, Katie raised a brow.
         "How does this team tie into all this?"
         Pushing a switch, photo's of five high ranking officers appear as M.I.A. reports along with security cams in the town showing them interacting with the town's people.
         "They went missing, only to find them back in town ten days later, each acting slightly different then when they went into the forest."
"We believe they may have been replaced by...Alien Infiltrators..."
"Tell me that we have some sort of tool to help us out," said John. "Like a device that we can use to check their temperature or something?"
         Reaching under the desk, he brings out a briefcase, opens it, and turns it around to show the contents within.
         "We call them the U.A.T.D.'s, better known as the Unidentified Alien Tracking Device. They may look like simple watches, but they will pick up the DNA trace of any lifeform not found on earth. It can also act as comunicators, hack traffic cams, and yes, it tells time and pick up t.v. signals."
"But also...One reason you were turned into animals is...You can smell if something is not human!"
"I take it that we can smell out those pretending to be humans," said John.
         Nodding, Max raised his hand to ask a bit of a question.
         "Is there any paticalar area's you want us to check on for the investigation?"
"The last known report of possible Alien activity was Roswell New Mexico..." X said "...They can't seem to keep away from that place, we suspect it has something they want..."

Katie was quickly becoming distracted she was imagining using her new jaws to bite bullies' heads off
John looked at the T-Rex. "Hey, keep your head in the game."
         "He's right Katie. You may find it cool to harm bullies, but in the end, you'll just be like them when you do it."
         Standing, Max walked up and took one of the watches before looking to Agent X.
         "Do the head of the base know we are coming?"
"Motherhubbard..." Katie groaned "...You sound just like my Mom."

"As I was saying..." Said X "We'll be sending you along with some more experienced recruits to Roswell tomorrow..."
"Alright," said John. "Let's hope that this works."
         Shutting the projector off, Agent X tossed the other watches to Katie and John before motioning to the door.
         "Better to prey then hope. Now, if you three will follow me, I'll lead you three to your personal transport to Area 51."
         As Agent led them to there transport, Max smelled something a bit off in the air. With his neck fur standing up, he started to look around.
         "Hey Max? You okay?"
         Shaking his head, he caught up to them.
         "Yeah, just not used to being watched most of the time."
On the ship was a Vixen along with a Bald Dumbo Rat and a Pig

"Just what animal a certain jerk I know would be..." Katie said "...Bet he would be a tapeworm!"

"Inveretrabrtes can't be fused with..." Said the Pig Gordy "...They're just too different to mesh properly with humans."
John looked around as they got onto the craft. "Makes me wonder what's really going on," he said.
         "Kinda makes me wonder if were being watched right now."
         Pointing to the U.A.T.D. on his arm, he showed the tracker online as it pointed out to the mass of soldiers as the ship's doors closed shut.
And off they went from New York to New Mexico they asked the three new members how they got transformed the Fureless Rat and Pig said that like Katie they are serum laced treats at a carnival
"I kind of hope that there's more military sorts," said John. "Sometimes it makes more sense to get folks that have the training, although if folks already knew each other, that helps too. Getting untrained folks that don't know each other, that could lead to some trouble. After all, if folks don't trust each other, or know how they'd think, might cause some issues."
         Nodding in agreement, Max continued to play around with the watch device, as if looking for something.
         It was then the scent he smelled earlier returned, only much stronger. Getting up, he began to walk around.
         Seeing this, Katie got a bit confused.
         "Um, Max? You okay?"
         Finding the source, Max smirked.
         "Yeah, just gotta deal with something right QUICK!"
         Quickly rearing a fist back, Max punched through a door to the restroom and drug out the artic fox thief, Mara Sombra.
         "Um... Hello?"
OK when I said there was a vixen in the group of three I was trying to incoperate the Arctic Fox character who was already created
"Well, always someone hiding somewhere," said John. "Might be a good idea to look next time."
         After tying her up and taping her mouth shut, Max sat down back in his seat.
         "We'll let the base deal with her when we arrive. Might even get a bit of info from the prison area if were lucky."
Katie looked at the other Vixen Carmalita

"Well who the heck are you?" The Red Vixen asked
"I am John Richardson, Private First Class, United States Army," said John. "What about you?"
"No I was talking to the White Fox he just pulled out of the restroom." Carmelita said
"Fair point," said John, as he looked at the white vixen.
         Scratching his cheek a bit, Max remembered who it was.
         "If memory serves, her name is Mora Sombra, a thief that broke into the labs that created serums that turned us into who we are now, got caught, and is now the artic fox you see all tied up."
OK I'm ending this story right now because it's clear no one's paying attention to the plot, I wanted us to be a bunch of teenagers who got mutated together by eating laced carnival food because we were all being recruited by the same government agency but everyone came up with their own versions but I went with it but now it's clear no one remembers what was said in previous additions as Mr. X was talking about why we were mutated to be recruited in the first place!

The End!

© Copyright 2024 Twiga, 🐺Wolfkingdom🏰, BIG BAD WOLF is Howling, (known as GROUP).
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Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/campfires/item_id/2316780-Furries-VS-Aliens