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Rated: E · Letter/Memo · Children's · #2316748
John 19:17-30 Lesson 25 Jesus Dies for Us
Jesus Said “It is Finished.”

Scripture: John 19: 17-30

Scripture Verse: “Jesus said, ‘It is finished.’” John 19:30a

God’s Attribute: Just. God Is just.

Main Truth: Jesus died on the cross to save us from our sin.


“God Is listening…when I pray. Our hands we fold, our heads we bow, so we can talk to God right now. God, Thank You for Jesus being perfect. Thank You God for sending Jesus to die on a cross for us. Thank you for loving… so much you took our sin away. Amen.” Make sign for Amen.

Hold up Bible. “Does anyone know what book this is?” Wait for answer. This book is the B.I. B. L. E, the Bible. Can anyone say Bible?” Sing The B. I. B. L. E. “Touch the Bible.” Begin clapping. “Absolutely true, absolutely true, everything the Bible says is absolutely true. The Bible is God’s true word. ‘The Bible is God’s holy book, let’s open it and see where God tells us of His love. God loves you, and He loves me.’” ASL for Jesus.

*AsteriskB* Show picture of soldiers and of Jesus. “The soldiers came and took Jesus away.”

*AsteriskB* Speak sadly. “The soldiers put Jesus on a cross.” Hold up cross, let children touch cross.

*AsteriskB* Hold cross in one hand and Jesus’s picture in the other. ”The cross hurt Jesus. The cross hurt Jesus on his arms and legs and hands and feet.” Touch or indicate each body part.

*AsteriskB* “Jesus got on the cross because He loves us. Jesus loves Abby and Calvin and Alexis and Miss Volunteer and Miss Sheila.”

*AsteriskB*Jesus died on a cross to save us from our sin.

*AsteriskB*“Sin is when we do what we want, not what God wants.”

*AsteriskB* “Sin hurts us. Jesus doesn’t want anyone to hurt.

*AsteriskB* ”Jesus loves us. Jesus came to stop sin from hurting us.”

*AsteriskB* Thank You, Jesus!”

*AsteriskB* Questions:
What is this book called? The Bible.
Who always loves us? Jesus always loves us.
What did Jesus do? Jesus died on a cross to save us from our sin.

Verse: To Good Morning God. “Jesus said ‘it is finished.’” John 19:30a 3X

*AsteriskV* Get out eggs. “Jesus did a very hard thing. Jesus died on a cross to save us from our sin. Jesus and God are very, very good. Let’s praise God and Jesus.” Praise Him, Praise Him.

*AsteriskV* Swap eggs for ribbons. “Jesus got on the cross to save people—people like Alexis and Calvin and Abby—from sin. That is because God Is Good.” God Is So Good. Include Jesus died for us, God loves us.

*AsteriskV*Swap ribbons for bells. “Jesus obeyed God. We need to obey God, too.” Trust and Obey.

Quiet time: Talk about Jesus and how much He loves us. How He did a hard thing to save us from our sin. Explain sin again. Sing We Thank You Loving Father. Sing Jesus Loves Me.

Large muscle: Large blocks, marching, If You’re Happy and You Know It.
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