Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/campfires/item_id/2316258-The-Cave-2
Rated: E · Campfire Creative · Other · Fantasy · #2316258
Three females (mouse, fox, & derg) have shinanigans.
MT, WK, & GD (now Yani) are all female anthros (mouse, fox, and derg in that order) that have adventures in and around their mountain cave in a magical land.
Be sure to read the last entry (my entry) in The Cave-Part 1. That was when I took my turn so MT is next followed ax WK.
sorry it took so long to get to this

MT went and found her comfy spot inside the cave and took a well needed nap.

When she woke, she found that the others had decided to follow her lead. WK was snoozing in the fox hole and GD was asleep in his... uh, her.... nest.

Saying that she awoke dressed like a domestic maid, MT decided to make a fabulous dinner for everyone and clean up the cave. As she polished a gem stone, something crazy happened. There was a huge flash of light and when it faded MT, WK, and GD were back to their old selves. Well, almost. MT had to laugh because, even though her friends were back to being male, they were dressed in slinky evening gowns......
         Rolling off a rock, WK fell face down onto the floor and groggily woke up.
         Looking himself over, he blushed before coming out of the den dressed in a t-shirt, jeans, and sneakers.
Sighing deeply because he was just starting to really get into his former female body, GD decided it would be a good time to tinker around with magic. He was very good at coming up with helpful magic. First, he made a potion that would give any fur coat a lustrous sheen and make it soft and thick. Then, he created a life simulation spell so the lawn gnomes could tend to the area outside the cave. Gulp was pondering how else he could help so he went to MT to ask what he could do to help with the generator.
MT looked over her shoulder from cooking dinner and sighed. GD was playing with magic again. Oh well. There couldn't be too much worse than what they had already been through. Besides, it seemed to be working this time. MT passed on having her coat altered, but she whistled a little tune that the gnomes seemed to like to do their work by....

When GD came to her about the generator she thought it would be an excellent idea for him to work on it. "I'm sure you can whip something up with your magic," she said. "I don't have magic any more but I plan on taking a walk aroound the outside after dinner....."

Sending GD off to find out how to magically produce a generator, MT finished up making dinner. WK had just woken up and MT pretended she hadn't seen him dressed in the evening gown..... She brought WK to the table and called for GD and they all had a grand feast of all their favorite dishes.

"I cooked. You guys get to clean," said MT. She armed herself as though she was off to fight a war and ran out of the cave.
         After the feast, they cleaned up with a mix of WK washing dishes and GD using magic to dry the dishes.
         After they finnished, GD went back to finding a way to produce a generator, WK went to the far back of the cave and began to work on using some of the magic fruit and started to try and make them into pills.
Although Gulp was magically inclined he was also very tech savy. The problem was finding generator parts. "ah well, let's be creative shall we?" GD said to himself. He took a long rope from his "spare parts" stash and chanted a spell to turn it into iron as he formed it into a coil. Other parts were made in a similar fashion. Lastly a long wire was run from the generator to a hub outside the cave mouth. The generator itself was solar powered and could store a weeks worth of power in it's batteries. If necessary it could even draw on GDs magical aura with no ill effects. GD then began to create some blueprints. Now that they had electricity he was brimming with ideas on how to use it. He couldn't wait to show his home improvements and entertainment gadgets.
Electricity was a great improvement..... "Should we act like civilized humans and build indoor plumbing?" MT chuckled to herself. "No, I'll leave the rest of the electronic equipment to GD. ..... " She started going down a list of creature comforts in her head but really couldn't think of anything else. Then it dawned on her...."Water!" she shouted. "I WILL build us indoor plumbing so that we have a warm shower and running water in the sink instead of hauling water from the falls."

MT though was not mechanically or plumbing inclined and she didn't have her magic. She trotted off to find GD to see if she could help him in any way.
         It was then WK came out of the lab with a bowl of magic fruit pills with a label saying 'DO NOT EAT' written over the container.
         "That should bring in a steady income. Somehow..."
         Seeing MT going over to GD, he went to join them as the label blew off the container holding the magic fruit pills.
Gulp thought about how to best channel water into the cave system they called home. That's when he hit upon the idea. "Of course! This will be an all natural solution to our needs." Closing his eyes and chanting, Gulp reshaped the flow of water so that a portion of the falls fell into a hole in the side of the mountain. That hole funneled the water into the bathing cave and washing pool before naturally flowing out of the cave mouth where it collected in a lake. The bathing pool had some hot air guisers keeping the baths nice and warm. The lake outside acted as a swiming pool which was a bonus. Spying the bowl, he mistook the pills for Tic Tacs and grabbed a clawfull.
"Hey, share!" yelled MT. "You know mice like fruit." GD gave MTthe bowl and she downed a handful.

Everything started to go hazy and look extremely weird. Was GD changing colors? Was WKs fur getting longer? Was that awful looking English guard in the corner real? Was there really cartoon characters dancing near the cave opening?

MT sat on the floor and began playing with imaginary jacks.....
         A hour later, GD and MT found themselves infront of WK, tapping his foot hard and fast, with there heads down as if they were kids cought with there hands stuck in a cookie jar.
         "You two just had to eat the Magic fruit pills I made. Yes I admit, the label I had on it fell off, but you two didn't think of asking me if I knew what they were first?!"
Gulp sheepishly raised a claw and asked, "Is this a trick question?" On the positive side the water was flowing perfectly as it was intended and the generater was humming away on the hilltop ready to supply electricity to any number of gadgets.
Yes all the chores had been done before the candy was eaten, but that didn't make WK any happier.....
Saying t hat GD seemed to be taking the lead on the blame, MT stepped back quietly and realized something was going on with her.....

She had been wishing she could just disappear and ..... she was......
         Huffing, WK took notice of MT's disappearing, but using his nose, he closed his eyes, reached into the shadows and pulled her gently by the shoulder.
         "Due to the circumstances that led to this, I'll let the two of you off, and consider this a warning. Next time, ask me if you find strange stuff again. I managed to get the effects to last half a day, so try not to cause too much trouble, okay you two?"
Both Gulp and MT both knew that WK was more bark than bite. Besides, as the most powerful and potentially the largest dragon of tie most powerful and biggest dragon species, The Cosmics, it would be hard for WK to do anything. Still, for MT's sake he left the other pills alone.

The only side effect Gulp was experiencing was a noticable increase in his girth. It wasn't that his body had grown bigger or muscular, just that there was a pleasant additional amount of derg mass without any fat. Not wanting to tempt fate GD decided to stick to enjoying it while it lasted without trying to modify the magic.

Gulp went back to his gadgets. There was one in particular he hoped to finish soon. If it worked as well as he hoped it would be an indespensable device for their entertainment.
MT tried being a ghost. She tried to sneak up o n WK but he could smell her so that was no fun. She tried to sneak up and poke GD but he was too engrossed in his new gadget to notice.

MT sighed. She went and sat on a rock by the cave entrance and looked out over the valley. Then a thought hit her.. she knew exactly where she could have fun being invisible. She ran down the mountain and into town....
         After making a fresh batch of magic fruit pills, WK went for a walk outside and tossed out a line and into the lake, hoping to catch a few fish for dinner.
GD heard the splash of the fishing lure and took a break to enchant it so it would be impossible for any hooked fish to get away. He then went back to his invention which looked like some kind of laser gun. He now was adding a helmet with wires leading to the gun. It occured to him that MT hadn't been around for some time. Although she was invisible Gulp could sense her sorceress' magical aura.
MT ran through the town creating mischief and mayhem. She untied clotheeslines, spun dinner plates in front of the patrons trying to eat off them, created mountains of bubbles in cleaning buckets...tipped over carts of hay, upset baskets of fruits, took people's hats and spun them off on the wind...... blew up ladies skirts, kicked gentlemen in their trouser butts, and generally caused a rukus. When she threw an apple though that hit a man and almost caused a riot she figured it was time to head for home.......

When she got back to the cave she had reappeared..... but there were more magic pills on the table! What other mischief could one of the pills get her into??????
         Unfortunately, before she could reach for one, her hand was smacked away by a wooden spoon held by WK.
         Grinning, he placed a lid and tightened it before placing it into his personal safe that he fixed and rigged to blow up the contents within if forced open, or not have his magic signature, or correct combination.
         "Nice try mousette, I think you caused enough mischief for one day."
         Returning to the kitchen, he returned to cooking the koi-fish he caught that was the size of three GD's.
Gulp just finished putting the final touches on his gadget and had walked in right as MT tried to get around the safe via a teleportation spell. Looking pointedly at MT, he said, "something smells fishy and it ain't the koi." Both MT and WK groaned good naturedly at the typical derg humor.

While the fish was finishing being cooked GD showed off his invention. "The helmet picks up on your brainwaves and sends a duplicate set of electrical impulses to the laser which will then recreate what you are thinking as a super realistic hologram. There are however limitations. First, you have to keep the helmet on or the laser projected image will fade. Second, since the objects are just light, they can't interact with the real world." He frowned as he realized that this meant his invention had no use, practical or otherwise. *sigh* "Back to the drawing board"
MT snatched the helmet and put it on...."I'm sure it has some kind of use..."

First, MT made several copies of herself, thinking that would confuse her enemies (and her friends while she tried to get the magic pills).... Didn't work..... WK was standing in front of the safe with wooden spoon tapping in his hands....

Then MT filled the room with dancing gypsy mice and a band. IF I can't have the pills to create mischief, then I might as well create some fun...... MT snapped her fingers and tapped her feet to the beat......
         Thinking, WK had a idea of how he can sell the pills, add more to GD's gold while using his latest invention, and let MT have her fun.

         The next day, the three are seen in town square. WK using GD's helmet to create music and dancers while MT was demonstraiting the pills in action, and GD selling ten pills to each customer for at least twenty gold coins.
         By the end of the day, WK handed over thirty pills each to MT and GD to use as they please.
It was late evening when they arrived back at the caverns they called home. MT had picked edible mushrooms from the deeper part of the cave system so she could make her famous mushroom soup. Gulp surprised his cavemates with a double decker dutch derg cake. The meal made them nice and full. They then swapped stories of their lives prior to their meeting up with each other.
"I really don't remember much before meeting GD," MT said thoughtfully. "Just a lot of scavenging and going hungry. I needed someone to take care of me but I didn't know it..... Then GD saved me....."

MT took out her pan flute and played soft background music to their stories......
         Nodding before taking out his guitar, WK began to strum to MT's tune.
         "Before meeting you two, I was nothing more then a two bit thief, stealing from corrupted rich folk and giving to orphanages. It wasn't till I met you guys that I decided to go clean."
GD recounts, "Before I saved MT and took WK under my wing I had been very lonely. Several centuries ago I was the King of the Cosmic Dragons and Prime Alpha of the White Werewolves. Both were peaceful and stayed mostly to ourselves. However all that ended when we were attacked by The Slayers, a cult bent on extinguishing the life of all magical creatures. We fought bravely but it was foolish for they used weapons made of dragon bone and armor overlayed with dragon scales. In the end I was the last one alive and barely escaped heavily wounded. If not for a kind wizard who tended to my injuries, I too would have perished. The nearby town is full of kind souls that see me as a potential protector and ally so that's why I chose to dwell here after being healed."
"If those slayers come around here we would give them the what for," said MT. "I almost want to go hunting them. Turn the tables I would."

MT yawned and stretched and scratched her belly. It was time to call it a night again.... but she enjoyed talking with her friends like this. MT laid back in her hammock "The life of a thief is probably what I would of led if I hadn't been found by GD. I guess that is two creatures that he had reformed."
         Taking a bite into some popcorn, Wk nodded in agreement.
         "If those 'Slayers' ever show up here, just know we got your big guy. Sides, it'll be kinda fun to try a new mixture I made on one of them."
*sigh* If it were only that easy. A single Slayer can easily hold their own against a dozen dragons. You must understand the reason why we had no hope of routing their army. The scale armor protects them from all magic and even the most potent of weapons. Their dragon bone tipped arrows and swords easily penetrate a dragons scaly hide. Even worse, they boost their agility and strength through a serum made from dragon blood. I've lost my family, heck my entire dragon species and wolf pack because of them. I want you to promise me that if they discover my whereabouts and attack that you two will flee while I engage them. I will have no more deaths, no more lives lost to their cruel cause. I am old and have lived a good life, you two still have your lives to live.
MT mumbled something about Slayers being no match for Mariah like herself with her magick and physical abilities. Then she turned over and started snoring..... and started having a nightmare about being too arrogant......
         Seeing MT having a nightmare, WK knew a old trick to make it a good dream.
         Picking up a bag, he took a small cube of cheese, sat it on a platter, and placed it near her so the aroma could travel up to her.
GD tossed and turned that night reliving the awful night that everything was taken from him. As the dream reached its climax he sat bolt upright wide awake. He soon remembered that he was with his two friends and settled down again for a more fitful sleep.
MT dragged her fully extended nails down the wall next to her bed. She woke. Actually she had been awake and dragged her nails down the wall in angst. She rolled out of her hammock and popped the piece of cheese in her mouth.

Why did mice like cheese so much anyhow?? Pushing the question out of her mind MT went to the storage to find breakfast. Cheese and Berry Danish seemed like the best bet. Then she found the rosenberries she had found on their last adventure. Those would make lovely smoothies with the heavy cream and blue ice . She pulled out WKs industrial blender and threw everything in it at once. She casually munched on the danish as she watched it spin.

What do wolves and dragons like?

         Waking up, WK stretched before making his way to the kitchen area before taking a couple pieces of lamb jerky he saved up and a glass of water.
GD woke up last with a revelation. He spoke to MT & WK about it. "The thing about Slayers is they arn't too smart. While they are too well protected from harm we can still take advantage of unorthodox ways of slowing them down, trapping them, or distracting them. Who wants to help me create these defenses around the mountains?"

He decides to eat a couple of Derg Donuts for breakfast. "Mmm, cherry filled."
MT sighed as no one seemed at all interested in her smoothies. Ah well. Helping GD set traps sounded like fun. She loaded herself with weapons (so she could keep a look out while GD worked) and waited for the others.......

They were taking too long and MT, easily bored, trotted outside to do some target practice .....

She stopped at the edge of the opening when she saw some ominous shadows crawling up towards her.....
         Quickly placing a hand over Mt's mouth, WK pulled her into a nearby bush as the shadows came closer until they say what they truly were.
         As they passed, WK pulled out what looked a trigger. Pulling it, the Slyers all ended up in a deep ravine that suddenly opened up. But as they began to crawl up, he released the trigger, ignighting countless explosives around the edges of the ravine, burying most of the army under the rubble of boulders.
Hearing the explosions GD rushed outside (but not before downing one of MT's smoothies). Looking at the scene he went pale, "They've found us. Thank heavens these were just scouts. We have a week or two before more check up on their missing breathren. We need more traps (good work by the way Will) and we need to disguise both the cave and generator at the top of the mountain. I'll leave that to you two while I'll fly down and warn the village. They shouldn't be in danger, but it will help if they know who will be buying their wares (in accordance with our friendship the Slayers will not find any shops willing to sell to them)". *flaps his wings taking off and glides down the mountain*
MT was feeling somewhat powerless. While her new anthro size gave her superb fighting and weapon skills, her magick had been lost. It would have come in so handy to be able to simply whip up a spell that would transport the cave and her friends to somewhere safe; perhaps another plain or dimension.....

After dreaming for a second about such a place, Mt shook herself back to reality. She may not be able to use magick but she could use some of her magickal tools and spells. She gathered bottles and jars of herbs and powders and the like along with a scattering of wands, mirrors, staffs and other brick-a-brack. Hefting it all ion a sled along with a descreet selelction of weapons and ammo she dragged her party favors up the mountain to set about a disguise and a surprise for the slayers who might make it to the cave opening and the generator........
         As GD flew to the village and MT went to the mountail, WK went to the trap he used on the scouts and took any armor, shields, and weapons that survived. And to his surprise, he found a map with the location of the Slayers main camp.
         Giving a foxy, yet devilish grin, WK headed throuhout the forrest, setting up a few of his surprises before heading to the cave to work on his own surprise for the intruders.
After a few hours GD returned landing among his cave mates. "We lucked out. A traveling wizard was at the inn and he was well aware of the slayers goal of destroying all magic wielding creatures. He gave me a few things to help us out." He gives a totem to MT, "This will provide enough magic for low level spells." He gives a magic staff to Will, "This can turn into any melee or ranged weapon you can think of. Unfortunatly, it can't turn into throwing weapons as you need to be holding it for it too work." GD takes a bag of shelled walnuts out, "I'll hold onto this to dispense at my discretion. Eating one increases ones size and strength four fold for five minutes."
"There's always got to be something that will increase ones size" mumbled MT under her breath.

She swung the totem around a bit, wondering just how low were low level spells. She was sure she would find out when the time was right.

MT returned to her work at hand, placing brush and debris around the generator then setting small traps at precise locations to protect it further. The cave opening was another matter. She didn't want to waste the magick on a mirage but a camouflage spell might do the trick. She lit incense at equal spaces across the opening. She hung dream catchers and different reflective gems across the top of the opening. She then took a canvas and tacked it over the opening and chanted a spell that made the whole thing combine to make the opening look like just another side of the mountain.

         At the end of the day, WK decided to surprise everyone with a few gifts.
         "Okay, after salvaging a few pieces from the scouts, I manages to do a bit reforging for us to have armor to use against them. Only these are a good twenty times stronger. MT, I made sure to enchant your armor to give ya a boost in magic. GD, I created armor that'll grow and shrink as you do."
         Tossing a pouch to both of them, he sat as he picked up a shield with the Derg insignia on it.
         "Those pouches have those magic pills I made a while back. But these are specifically made to turn us into giants, so use them as a last resort if needed."
Gulp decided to test the armor out so he ate a walnut from his bag. Unfortunatly the wizard neglected to mention that it had a kick to it. He shot up to 30 feet so fast that he stumbled and fell backwards into a clutch of trees turning them into splinters. However the armor held up as promised. He gave a sheepish grin for the next 5 minutes until he returned to normal, but not before he licked MT and Will with his tongue (he had become very fond of his brother and sister in arms). That's when he turned to WK and asked, "So how do my walnuts differ from your pills? Also, do you like the staff?"
Once her friend turned to normal size (and she had dried off from being licked) she gave each of her companions furry hugs and whisker kisses. She had already donned the armor from WK with honor and tucked the pills away for safe keeping. She also snuck a walnut away from GD for another plan she would hatch when the time was right.

Then she snuck up behind GD and booped him, then ran like heck, only stopping to give WK an extra kiss before running out the cave entrance and surfing down the mountain on her sled she had built while disguising the cave.
         Blinking a couple of times, WK shook his head before turning to GD.
         "Think of it as expansion. Instead of growing your whole body, just picture where you want the growth to go."
         As a demonstration, he took a pill and focused the growth in his right hand as he pulled back.
         To GD's amazement, WK's fist grew to his size, and was slack jawed as he shot his fist forward to a boulder, and shattered it before it shrunk back to normal size.
"So the seed growth is more localized then," GD said to Will. His mind still on MouseThyme's furry hugs and wisker kisses he galumphs after her. After catching up he nuzzles her with his dergish snout. GD couldn't help it. The mouse's antics always made him feel so loved that he had to return the favor in his own dergish fashion. The three of them romped and played until noon. Then, after a hearty meal of fresh deer (roasted by derg fire), they continued to work on the preparations for when the first wave of slayers came. Feeling spontaneous, GD decided to assume his vixen form. At 20ft tall she had a massive bushy tail and looked uncannily cute. Along with the physical change, the personality changed to a charming and playful one.

© Copyright 2024 Massive Friendly Derg, Mousewitch, 🐺Wolfkingdom🏰, (known as GROUP).
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