Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/campfires/item_id/2316025-Crazy-Growth-RP
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Rated: E · Campfire Creative · Other · Fantasy · #2316025
Crazyness with sporatic growth
Where massive growth happens, crazyness follows.
GD was in a chaotic kind of mood, the kind where decisions and reality were thrown up into the air. As usual, he sought one of of his closest friends, a 3 foot anthro fox named Will. Will instantly recognized the kind of mood he was in. *GD turns himself into a hot 20ft anthro dragoness goddess with a super massive chest and hugs his friend.* "You may call me Yani now."
*Fox* *YIP**Fox*

         Blushing a shade of red to make roses wilt in envy.
         "H-H-Hello Yani. You feeling chaotic t-today I s-s-see, hehehe!"
*with a wave of her claw Yani changed their surroundings to have buildings made of cheese and rivers running with coffee* The inhabitants were anthro wolves with rainbow fur coats. "You 'up' for some growth?", she asked Will. "Do you want to grow first or shall I? Maybe you can even become a dragon!" *she smooches him on the cheek as he lovingly caresses her absurdly large chest. She even grows it a bit more for his pleasure (although she had pleasure doing it herself)*
         Looking around, Will took in his new surroundings that Yani created with her unique magic abilities.
         "How about we see how big you can make me? Might ever reward ya if you can be creative in how you do it.~"
*taps a claw on her chin while resting on her chest as it was so massive it reached the groun* "let me see...a creative growth for my favorite fox..." Yani mumbles some ideas dismissing each one. "Nothing's com...No, wait. I got it!" *she casts a spell turning him into a hot vixen & throws magical pepper in the air* Will sneeses profusly and each sneeze caused his chest to swell. After about 20 sneezes Willema stopped only to get a really bad case of hiccups. Each hiccup caused him to grow 5 feet bigger. Yani watched Willema reach her own size after 4 hiccups and grow beyond as she continued to hiccup. Meanwhile, the landscape changed again. They were now in Tokyo surrounded by mega high skyscrapers to outgrow and streets full of vehicles to crush. It was now raining, but it wasn't water, it was chocolate milk!
         Chuckling a bit, Willema secretly snatches a cloud from the sky and squeezes, forcing the chocolate milk to squirt out and into Yani's maw.
         As the milk flows into her belly, her butt begins to grow till she was able to use her cheeks as a seat similar to two bean bag chairs.
Yani enjoyed the unexpected swelling of her buttocks. Like her expanding chest they brought a wonderful sensation. She wiggled enjoying the massiveness of her chest and but even though her body hadn't grown overall. Opening her mouth to catch the chocolate rain, both body parts started growing again. One claw on her chest, the other on a butt cheak, both feeling the expansion, claws spreading as the scales stretched under them, she moans in pleasure from the swelling. Yani's tail wagged furiously as she watched Willema continue to hiccup and grow. The new vixen body was quite hot looking and the increasing height of it made Willema a fox goddess. Yani conjured a snowball and threw it at her friend. It hit her in the back and two feathery wings sprung out.
         Chuckling, Wilema gave her wings a couple of flaps before pointing up with Yani looking up and ends up burried in a avalanche of snow.
         As she pops her head out and shakes the snow off, she finds herself turned into a white scaled dragoness with feathery wings.
"Not too different. Just a scale color change and wing type change" Yani says to herself. Her wings were absurdly small as her chest and butt had grown absurdly large. In fact they were now 80% of her body mass. Stuck between the two Yani's tongue lolled out of her mouth, drooling as she felt all that mass as part of her. Her butt prevented her from toppling back while her chest prevented her from falling forward. She could only see sideways as her chest rose above her head. *Yani casts a spell and Willema grew another 50ft bigger with added muscle. Willema's expaning busty fox body began to take up the entire street and a car or two was pushed aside. The skyscraper's were well above her though practically begging to be outgrown by the she-fox.
         With a wave of a hand, Willema changed the surroundings. Gone was the city of Tokyo, only to be replaced by the surroundings of a cavern inside of a dormant volcano, with vines growing along the walls with fresh fruit growing along each vine.
         "What ya think beutiful? Wanna cause our own kind of erruption?"
Yani cast another spell on Willema. The she-fox started growing again, one foot every second. After some time of the pleasurable growth spurt, Willema's expanding body began pressing against the size of the vast chamber. However, the growth overcame the cave and the volcano exploded! Willema's feet had popped out the bottom of the mountain, her head had cleared the summit towering above, and her chest had caused the peak to shatter as it expanded through. The vine fruit had been smooshed across her chest, the magical juice causing it to swell. Now nice and massive it took up half Willema's body from just under her chin to her waist. Yani meamwhile was still imobilized being stuck between her chest and butt, each of which was now twice the height of her head so they towered above her. "A little help maybe Willema?" she asked still in utter ectasy.
         Taking a few stray fruit that survived, Willema smirked as she carefully fed them to Yani, letting the fruit to do the work.
         After what felt like the tenth fruit, Yani's form soon exploded through the volcano's side, allowing her the freedom she wished, bringing her to equal height upon a tropical island.
Both Willema and Yani were now 200ft tall anthro goddesses. Their mega size caused them to feel the power running through their mass. So happy to be so big Yani gave Willema a huge hug with her muscular arms. She wrapped them around Willema's neck and fed even more power to the she-fox. Willema began to grow in size again while retaining an increasingly busty form. As Willema rose farther in height, Yani hung on and was lifted up off the grown. Her plan was working! She would continue to hang and cause Willema to grow. It wouldn't be long before the she-fox body would be busty enough for her to rest on top of. The island would be smothered but by then Willema would be so big she could just stand in the ocean with her top half clear of the waves. "Grow Willema! GROW! GROW!!!"
         Moaning, Willema carefully hugged Yani as she felt the growth continue, covering the island with her body as she soon felt her feet reach the beach.
         Laying back, she took Yani from her spot and carefully placed her in her mountain sized bussom.
Yani let out a meep as she cozied herself in Willema's plump, soft, massive, & powerful breasts. Once settled down the magic flowing from Yani's body continued to cause Willema to grow and her chest to expand. Wilema's chest was now so big they could be two small islands. Meanwhile, Willema's body had grown 50% farther, now it was 500ft tall. The she-fox was truly turning into an extremly busty, hot godess.
         Smirking, Willema kissed Yani while blowing air into her, causing her to grow at a faster rate.
"If you are intent to keep me at the same size you are then lets do it properly" Yani says. Another wave of her claw and they were in a mountain range full of castles and forts. The two 650ft giantesses towered above. Arrows were shot but they either broke against Yani's massive chest or got tangled in the she-fox's coat of fur. Yani bent over one of the castles on a mountaintop and caused her chest to expand even more. The swelling breasts smooshed the wall and continued on, invading the courtyard. She and Willema were also still growing in size (now at 700ft). Yani looked at her friend. She was very proud of how Willema turned out. She was so big, tall, muscular, and busty. "Hey Willema! You look so awesome as a truly massive she-fox giantess goddess! (and quite fetching too *Heart*)
         Giggling, Wilema blushed slightly as she placed a gentle hand over Yani's rear and carressed her as if she was dough.
         "Your quite the beauty yourself Yani."
         Gently moving herself onto Yani"s side, Willema waved a hand and a two piece bikini appeared of both with Yani's being Saphire blue and Willema's being red.
         "Maybe I should do this more often with ya beautiful~."
         Wagging her tail, gusts of wind forced the soldiers to take cover as stray arrows from her fur flew towards them at high speeds.
The arrows stuck into the mountains like a cactus. Due to the mountains humidity, Willema's fur went *poof*. Yani laughed a booming laugh seeing the she-fox as if she just had a ride in a dryer. Yani wagged her own tail thumping it against the mountains and causing avalanches. Yani had one last trick to play. She packed a ball of magic and thew it at Willema. The ball landed in the middle of her chest and stuck. The orb looked like a ball of lightning, but began to such up the surroundings. The castle blocks and trees were sucked up. The more mass the she-fox absorbed the bigger she became. Yani then threw her 700ft body against Willema hanging on to her neck again as the growth of the she-fox went rampent. Feeling her friend's ultimate growth in size, chest, and muscle, Yani roared, "GROW! GROW! GROW!"
         Moaning from the growth, Willema soon reached the 800ft mark when she snapped her fingers.
         Hearing the snap, Yani looked around her as ten storm clouds began to form around her just before they each shot out torrents of fruit punch straight into her mouth.
As she savored the punch Yani grew. She grew until she once again met Willema's height (700ft). However, this time Willema had the magic orb stuck to her chest. Yani found herself being sucked in. Her consciousness remained intact at the back of the she-fox's brain. Yani's massive dragoness body had caused Willema to suddenly double in size. It was so much that Willema had to sit down. As Willema was in great ectisy so was Yani. Everything Willema felt, Yani felt also. Yani could also read Willema's thoughts. While Yani couldn't controll the she-fox's actions, she could still use her magic to change her body and the environment. "What next?" Yani thought spoke to Willema, "An even bigger body? An overwhelming chest expansion? Or maybe gobs of muscle on your body?"
         Chuckling, Willema gained a bit of a idea.
         "How about this~?"
         Snapping her fingers, loud moans and groans can be heard.
         Confused, Yani looked through Willema's mind and was amazed as many other's began to grow in all aspects that they have.

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