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This is my first story. You’re in the house of a giantess streamer. What could go wrong? |
Finally, I wake up, after all that sleeping. I just gained consciousness, but something’s off, and the first thing that comes to my mind is: “Where the fuck am I?!”. Yeah, that’s not my room. It’s a girl’s, and it’s enormous. Actually I am probably ti So many questions come to my mind, but my thoughts get interrupted by a girl talking. I recognize that voice, it’s my friend Juliet. She’s the same age as me, she’s short and has long brown hair, and is pretty cute also. We’re not from the same classes, but we managed to become friends. She gets mad pretty easily, and I sometimes pick on her for that making her even angrier,, but in the end we enjoy our time together. She also usually streams videogames on Twitch, and she’s probably on a live right now as I’m hearing her talk. I need to get her attention, but I believe that doing that while she’s live for her thousands of viewers would just make more troubles. So I just decide to get closer, and I notice one thing: she’s barefooted. And I’m not sure why, but this was turning me on for some reason. “Ok guys, I’ll see you in the next stream, bye! ^^” She just finished! It’s a good time to get her attention, and when she stands up I get in the middle of her room and start jumping and screaming to get her attention. Luckily she starts walking closer to me, but unluckily… she’s watching her phone and didn’t notice me, and before I even realize I find her foot right above me, that was about to squish me to dust. I try to run, but sadly I don’t make it on time and I find myself right under her foot. All I feel is her soft skin, and when she raises her foot again I realise I’m all fine, for some reason I didn’t die! She then notices that she stepped on something, and finally sees me. I’m thinking that all is going fine, but then she says: “Eww I’m not keeping a bug into my room, no thanks”. I’m then filled with fear, and I regret getting her attention. She then raised her foot above me one more time, preparing the stomp that would lead my to death. I completely freeze on my place, as Juliet is towering in front of me and her massive foot about to end my life is the only thing I can see. “Bye bye, bug!” She then said and started lowering her foot. Then I scream as loud as I can “PLEASE JULIET I’M NOT A BUG DON’T DO THAT-“ And right before she could stomp me, her foot stopped moving, and went back to its normal position. “Wait but.. y-you talk?” She says, and looks closer “Y/n… is it you?!” "YES, IT'S ME!!" I desperately say. "Oh my god, what are you doing here? And why are you so small?!" She asks me. "I have no idea, that's what I'm trying to figure out". She then says "Did I, uhh, maybe accidentally step on you? Are you hurt??" seemingly really worried, so I try to reassure her "No, don't worry" "Are you sure?" "Yes, really I'm okay" and I actually am, even if her foot entirely flattened me I'm feeling completely fine. "Mhm... okay then... so you have no idea why you're here or what were you doing before this? I can see you're staring at my feet..." "Yes really, I know it sounds really weird but I can't remember anything, I'm not here for that I promise you!" she then chuckles: "Yeah I'll believe you, if you really say so..." "How tall am I tho?" I ask, to change argument "Hmmm, I think about 3 cms (1 inch)" she then gets one step closer: "By the way I was thinking, stepping on you for accident didn't feel that bad you know?" I get confused by her telling me this: "Uhmm... what do you mean by that?" "Well, feeling your body under my feet really felt nice, I might try doing this again alright? I might get my revenge for you picking on me" In a moment I completely regret calling for her help, or calling her short any time I did it, maybe I have been lucky before but this could really be my end! I try to say "Juliet please stop, this went too far!" She then raises her foot above me: "Just don't move, Y/n :)" I am feeling so insignificant right now, seeing her foot about to overwhelm me. But as soon as she's lowering her foot down I start running, and barely avoid the fatal stomp. She then starts blocking my path with her steps, and keeps laughing while doing that. "Oh, you're not calling me short anymore now?" and while saying that she slams her foot in front of me, making me bump against that and fall. But as soon as I get up I find her foot close to my face, this time I really can't avoid that. "Right where you belong..." and said that, she crushes me with her foot, putting all of her force in it. She then starts twisting it: "Oh my god, this feels amazing!" I can hear all muffled. I'm not feeling any pain, at first I thought to be dead but I can still smell her feet, which aren't really bothering me at all After some minutes of squishing me, she finally put her feet to rest, and checks if I'm alright: "No way you're still alright!" she says all excited. I forgot how playful she can become. "Ugh... yeah, kinda..." I say. "Well, that's good. Now that I'm the one in control, we will play my way, but I'm sure I can find something to do we'll both like :)" and said that she picks me up, and places me on her bed. She then sits on it and places her feet in front of me. "You know, stomping you was pretty tiring before... would you mind rubbing my feet shorty? :)" She's now using the names I call her against me!? "Oh come on, any of your followers would literally pay you for doing that, why me?" "Why you ask me? Because I want YOU to do that! You always act like you can boss over me when I'm around, and now having you so tiny to serve me is the perfect chance for me to take my revenge on you :)" I then have no choice but to massage her feet. I then realise I'm really enjoying this, her feet are so soft and smooth, and they have a nice smell, I could do this for hours. She then says "That's good... yeah... you're pretty good actually, it's so relaxing! Now the other one, thank you :)" I then start massaging the other foot "Ahh, I wish this happened way before" she says, and I reply "I'm starting to think this is not just for revenge purpose" "Yeah but don't you also like feet? This will turn out great, I could maybe stream this one day!" "YOU WOULDN'T DO THAT" She then laughs: "Come on I was just kidding, you're safe with me now" and wraps her feet around me. I get confused: "Uhm... what are you doing" "Now it's my turn to massage you with my feet" and starts moving her feet closer to each other, with me in between. "No you're not about to do this" "I can do what I want with you now, don't enjoy this too much :)" "You fucking b-" and then she squishes me, twisting me between her soft feet. "Ah, this feels so nice!" She says. Having two of her feet now crushing me is feeling even better, it's scaring me a little but her skin all over me feels amazing, I never felt like that. After some time she stops squishing me. "Ew, you're not looking so good, was this too much shorty?" "Nah, let's say I could stand this" "Alrighty... by the way it's time to go to bed, we'll get some sleep" she says. Then I say "So... I guess you're planning to keep me with you?" "Of course I am, this was just the beginning of your new life, we have a lot of games to play together, you'll massage my feet while I study and go live on Twitch, when I go outside I'll keep you in my shoes, and when I'm bored I'll just, you know, trample you. It will be perfect!" "As long as you're not showing me in your streams, I guess it's fine ugh" And I prepare to sleep in a corner of her bed. "Where do you think you're going?" she says. "Uhm, to sleep?" "That's not where you're going to sleep silly, there you go" and throws at me a sock with silly drawings on it. "Come on, be a good boy and get in there :)" "You think I'm really going to sleep inside your socks?" "Of course you will!" She then rapidly gets closer and before I even realise she grabs me, and laughs: "Come on this ain't right!" I say, pissed but also while having fun. "Oh come on, I'm just giving some purpose to your meaningless life... people would pay me to letting them sleep in my socks, you have the chance to do it for free!" "Oh my god, I hate you so much..." "Is that so? I'll grant you a really warming good morning tomorrow..." "I guess it can't be so bad after all" "Yea, sleep well in there shorty :)" She then puts me in her sock and wears it, and now I'm completely stuck to her soft and warm foot. Even tho I wish I didn't give her this satisfaction, this will probably be the best night of my life. "From now on, you'll be my tiny foot slave and do whatever I want, okay?" I couldn't let out a single word, as I was blocked inside her sock, all that went out were muffled sounds. But inside of me, I know I was going to like it. "I'll take that as a yes, goodnight Y/n ![]() |