Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/campfires/item_id/2314024-The-Cave-Part-1
Rated: ASR · Campfire Creative · Other · Other · #2314024
A WDC Sitcom of a derg, mouse, & fox rooming together.
Massive Friendly Derg , 🐺Wolfkingdom🏰 , & Mousewitch collaborate in a written sitcom here on WDC.
It was another day in the underground mountain caverns its inhabitants dubbed "The Cave". There was a muscular massive dragon (usually around 20ft tall but has been known to grow larger) called Gulp DragonDawn or the Golden Dragon (just GD to his cavemates). He was the cook specializing in freshly caught meat. MouseThyme was another resident. Her magic wiskers helped her keep the tunnels free of icky cobwebs & bat guanf. Lastly William Wolfington (or normally just Will) was in charge of the finances.
She lookedd like a small, unassuming grey mouse, occasionally with clothing when she was in the mood. She was anything but unassuming. She carried her wand in what looked to be the folds of her fur but was actually a small pouch that held the various things she needed for her magick. Yes, she was a sorceress, but it wasn't one of those things where she had been turned into a mouse. She always was one. She had just spent her formidable years in the wagon of traveling gypsies for a little bit, then in the shack of a wild sorceress.

She looked up at the massive dragon who was snoozing against one wall of the cave and smiled. GD has saved her life many times since they had met and she was very appreciative.

She glanced across the room at the fox. She hadn't known Will for long at all and still didn't quite know what to think. He seemed puzzled over something he was studying.

MT laid back and yawned. It was a lazy day. Later she might go foraging for fruits, which were plentiful in a field near the cave.
         Will was a fox of crunching numbers. Ever since he came to the mountain and met both GD and MT, he felt like he could contribute by helping to keeping there funds going in directions that would have the money work for them instead of the other way around.
{indent)As he sits back, he picks up a acoustic guitar and starts strumming a calm tune.
         As he plays, he begins to think of how he could help the two cave-mates to relax a bit easier.
Gulp awoke to a soothing melody flowing around the cave. He sighed contentedly as WK always had that effect on him when he played his guitar. This time though he felt something else as well. He wondered to himself what it was that made his body feel extra nice. The sensation continued. All of a sudden with a jolt he realized what it was, he was growing bigger! GD had always been embarrased about that ability of his. Sometimes it was controlable & sometimes not. This was one of the latter. As the music played on so he continued to grow. Finally after swelling to 40ft, his body taking up most of the cave did WK stop. Gulp swore he saw a friendly smirk. His face beet red he nevertheless enjoyed the growth & his now bigger size. It took some time however to convince MT that there was no danger & it was normal (of sorts) for his body to grow from time to time.
MT wondered if GD would shrink back down eventually. It wasn't that much of a deal, having him grow, but large things were awkward for MT to contend with.

She had enjoyed WK playing and hoped he would continue. She searched through her small corner of the cave and found her pan flute and tried to follow WK's tune. Her stomach growled though throwing off her concentration.
She carefully set down her flute and headed for the cave opening.

The afternoon was crisp on the mountain that day. MT donned a coat and hat and walking cane and headed first down, then up the mountainside. She followed a path she knew well where at the end of it was a ledge where berry bushes grew. These bushes were special, each bush of the seven on the ledge growing a different kind of berry. She went to the snosberries first, those being her favorite, and ate quite a few before putting some in her satchel that she always had. She moved around to each bush, gathering blackberries, strawberries and blueberries. It was strange to find cherries growing on the fifth bush, but then again these bushes were magical. Raspberries and gosenberries grew on the last two bushes and she gathered and ate some of those as well.

MT's lips were purple from the mixed berries she had ate and they had left her with a powerful thirst. Nearby was a trickle of melting ice from the peaks cascading down a menagerie of rocks. To her small size, this was a waterfall, but still just right for her to wash her face and paws. Now that she was clean, s h happily skipped her way back to the cave opening.
         Reaching behind a stone, WK took out a bowl of strawberries and began to eat them one at a time as the scent began to fill the cave.
GD hurried with a quick brebkfast of almonds and raisens from the shared stash behind the rock. He then squeezed out of the cave mouth to go hunting. It was odd to tower above the trees, but it also felt good to be bigger than everything else. He closed his eyes for a moment soaking up the sun & feeling the extra muscular massive girth he recently gained. After an hour of this he went hunting. It was much easier to hunt boar when he was big. All he had to do was reach down and scoop them up with his giant claws. Around noon he had enough for the three of them for a week. He was also shrinking down to his more normal 20ft. As he appoached the cave he caught wind of MTs beries & he hoped she was going to bake her famous berry pies. There was also the matter of WK appraising his treasure hoard...
MT trotted in with her stash of berries and began looking for the makings of crust for pies. After searching for a little bit she decided it was futile to keep going. She pulled out her wand and tapped it against her hand until it sparkled and glittered off the end. she waved it at the wall and created cupboards filled with everything she could need for the crusts. She then waved it toward the corner and created a wood burning hearth. She set to work mixing and rolling pie crusts in nothing flat and soon had them browning in the hearth. Once her pies were in, she found GD leftover raisins and almonds and munched. She went to the mouth of the cave and found a comfortable rock to enjoy the scenery.
         Going through the hoard, WK found a glowing stone. Picking it up, he began to feel a bit strange...
         It wasn't painful, but he began to feel what he guessed was magic running through him.
         It was then it happened...
Sensing something was off in the treasure cave GD hurried to see what was going on. He had arrived just in time to see WK turn into
Randy (Renemon)  (E)
Muscular Renamon Digimon
#2314400 by 🐺Wolfkingdom🏰
. Gulp took the stone from him before it could cause any unwelcome changes for it wasn't known as the stone of chaos for nothing. WK seemed to have gotten lucky being now 15ft tall and sporting a muscular fox body, but Gulp still gave him a stern talking to about using common sense such as not picking up glowing stones. Afterwards they went to the dining cave to have some of MouseThyme's pies.
MT sighed. It seemed everyone was getting big except for her. All she ever wanted to be was human sized, but she couldn't cast spells for herself. That was against the code.

No matter. She could still make her pies huge (with a flick of her wand) after she had baked them so there was plenty for everyone.

While the other two were snoozing with their bellies full of pie. MT decided to go check out the treasure for herself. If nothing else she could store it nice somewhere in the back caverns....

MT was sifting through the goods and caught wiff of something she couldn't resist: Cheese!!!! She burrowed through the treasure until she found the yellow orange tidbit of her desire... Without another thought she gobbled it down.

Suddenly MT felt strange. The room started spinning and she became lightheaded. She laid against the cave wall and passed out.

When MT awoke there was something different about her. She could see that her back legs were longer and her paws had fingers. She stood up and created a mirror on one section of cave wall to look at herself . She was tall, almost 6 feet. She also had to admit she was beautiful now with her white fur and tattoos. Mousethyme was very pleased with herself and ran off to show her friends.

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         Waking up at the soft padding of feet against the cave floor, WK rubbed the sleep of of his eyes, only to come face to face with the new MT.
         Not realizing who it really was, he let out a audible 'YIP' amd ended up jumping up to the top of the cave, and dug his claws into the ceiling.
Gulp, who had seen stranger sights immediatly recognized MT by her smell. He couldn't help but laugh at the sight of the muscle bound 15ft fox's reaction. He walked to the back of the hoard cave & came back with a gun & suitable clothing for MT. He began to explain how these changes were rather timely as WK had come across a mercenary job. Apparently a king's daughter was abducted by an evil warlock and held prisoner in a giant castle full of traps, demons, & gun wielding hyper zombies (think regular zombie with guns and smarts). GD felt kinda out of place as he was the only one not transformed so he used his magic to grow & transform into his feral form. He was now 45ft from head to tail & 20ft tall. Fortunatly, the warlock's castle was built by and for 50ft high dragons so they would all fit in the corridors with ample elbow room.
MT was still getting used to the new form she had which included sharper claws. She basically shredded the clothes GD had given her so she used her wand to create something that barely covered....but it felt right for her new form. She went through the guns and picked up a couple that suited her. It sounded like it would be a true adventure to be a mercenary.

MT looked at GD and thought he looked more like a dinosaur on steroids then a dragon, but then again this was a feral version. Besides he looked like he could more than handle demons and gun wielding zombies.

MT went outside and took a few practice shots. Her sniper senses worked well. Soon the others joined her and they were ready to embark on their journey.
         After calming down around the new MT, WK took time to take in trying to figure out how he could help out with everything going on the past few days.
         Waving a hand casually, he somehow managed to bring a diamond in the shape of a shard into existance. Taking a closer look at it, he noticed it started to glow.
         Not wanting another stern talking to, he tossed it deep into the woods.
         Smirking, he started to walk off, just before a explosion was heard, causing his and MT's fur to stand on end.
It was time to get going. Gulp picked up MT and WK with his tail and set them on his back. ~~Image #2314756 Sharing Restricted~~

The warlock's castle was located deep in the land of Uruk which was one of the few realms that his dragon portal magic wouldn't work. Thankfully, he was able to teleport just outside the realm. Unfortunatly, it was still a 3 days flight through the realm of Uruk until they would get to the castle. It wasn't long before winged demons, inhabitants of Uruk began to swarm around them. GD used his fire breath, MT fired her guns with uncany accuracy, & WK used his hyper fox form's agility & strength to junp from demon to demon smacking their heads together. Still the demons came flying out of the many caves of the barren rocky landscape dotted with lava flows.
         After the battle was won, Gulp and MT took time to relax as WK took to checking the battle area and castle for any items and/or treasure that may of been hidden away. Only to to step on a stone and fall into a trap hole with a giant diamond with what looked to be a person cased inside, frozen in time.
Long story short, they had found the princess and freed her from the crystal. As they flew away however, the warlock cast a spell. A huge ball of pure magic was about to hit the three of them. At the last second GD managet to turn so that he took the entire blast on his flank. Flying on the powerful magic of Uruk steadily became weaker until he could portal the princess to her realm and himself with his friends back to The Cave. MT and WK went inside and GD was about to follow when all the magic he absorbed from the warlocks spell activated. The pure magic in the projectile was causing another growth spurt! GD groaned as he simultaneously fought the growth while secretly enjoying it. There was so much magic that he knew this one would be one of his biggest growth spurts yet.
MT paced around now, bored. WK was busy doing an inventory of the treasures they had brought back from their adventure. She tried munching on some cheese but threw it across the cave. Something was tingling her senses. Something that didn't feel right.

She went outside to see what was up with GD. When she saw he was having another growth spurt she simply shook her head and went to walk the banks of the riiver. She thought about going to the waterfall to take a shower. Yes freshening herself up woukd help.
DragonDawn didn't stop growing until he was 100ft tall! Cringing at the sight of the forest barely coming up to his knees, and knowing MT was somewhere within, he was too scared to move. Sighing contentedly & closing his eyes, he consentrated on his massive self. It really did feel good, but he had to find a way to reconcile his growth so it didn't put his friends in danger. Dipping his massive head he drank from the falls like it was a super sized derg water fountain.
No one knew that the growing that GD was going through was affecting the other creatures in the woods. MT heard the hard padding behind her and huffing breath of what was following her. she moved a little faster, pulling the large knife from its sheath at her waist. She started darting through the woods, using her agility skills to zig zag between the trees. then she whirled in a large circle to face her foes....

Skidding to a halt in front of her were three wolves that had grown to twice their size with long fangs and claws of a saber tooth era. MT snarled brandishing her knife. With her other paw she beckoned the wolves to come on.....
         ...only to see three daggers fly by around her and impacting each of the wolves heads before exploding and scaring them off.
         Landing beside MT, he handed her a energy potion to help restore her health.
Gulp had just finished quenching his thirst when his accute senses alerted him to the commotion. He saw that many more sabor toothed wolves were closing in on his friends. With a flick of his massive thick tail he took out 20 of them. A stomp of a claw took out another 15. That's when the bees came...
"Bees, why did it have to be bees....." MT hated the little buzzers at their normal size, but these were 10 times that. After drinking the welcomed potion from WK, she flipped into the air and used her magic to lengthen her blade. She whipped the knife around and easily took out six of the bees. When her knife slipped from her hand because it was covered in bee guts, she caught one of the huge buzzers and ripped off it's wings and stinger. She started stabbing bees, grabbing another stinger so she could stab twice as many. That's when she noticed the wolves were still coming. She grabbed a bee's wings and swung it around aiming for the wolves. The wingless carcass hit one wolf stabbing it with its stinger and knocked it into two more of t he wolves, sending them tumbling into the water........ The water seemed to wash away whatever was making the animals bigger and crazy. They crawled out onto the bank at normal size and slinked away into the woods.
         Looking around, WK found and took notice of GD's problem.
         "Ya gotta be kidding me, and you berated me on magic..."
         It was then a giant sized frog tried to eat WK, only to be met with a strong right fox hook to the jaw, sending it into the water causing it to splash GD's giant form.
Gulp began to shrink & change back to his normal 20ft anthro self. He pulled a massive gunblade out of a portal that lead to his personal stash of equipment. Firing water pellets and slashing the gunblade about, he was able to help thin out the swarm of bees. Soon all the forest creatures were either slain or back to normal. It was then he made a decision. If he was to grow every once in a while, it would be safer to include his cave mates rather than trying to avoid them. After all, they had just shown once again that they were capable of taking care of themselves. Perhaps by including them less weird stuff would happen. He spoke his mind to them about it then & there blushing as he thought about how they might turn out if they accepted the inventation.
GD's proposal was intrguing. I had been with the massive dragon for what seemed like most of my life. I was glad we were going through all these changes together and I was getting used to the growth spurts.
Besides, confused seem to be the state of my mind even before we had met.

We all went back to the cave. It had been a long day and we all needed to sleep. I took my knife to my blanket and made a hammock between two stalagtites. It rocked a bit when I first got in it but it settled quickly. I took another blanket, a softer one, and curled in so that I was basically cocooned between the two with only my head showing.

Tomorrow we would have to look for supplies.

         It was morning and we just finnished eating breakfast as we were all heading out to find supplies.
         Taking a dagger, WK began to cut a few apples off a tree when he noticed something strange. One of the apples was a rainbow color. Thinking that GD or MT might know more, he picked it and began to haul a cart full back to the cave.
Upon seeing the apple Gulp picks it up and studies it. Nodding knowingly he speaks, "I have not seen one of these in 10,000 years! This here is a Mystery Apple. If you plant it, a tree will imediatly grow. This tree will have a wide variety of fruits (hence the rainbow color) and each of those fruits will bestow a different magical ability or effect when eaten." He deposits the apple back in WKs paw & bids him to plant it immediatly before it could lose it's magic. Afterwards he joins MT in a nap, his breathing rocking her hamic.
With her hammock rocking, MT dreamed she was on a boat. Unfortunately water was something she did not like. She was a fine swimmer. That wasn't the problem. It was what she imagined was in the water...... sharks as big as whales, orcas, giant octopus and squids. She could see them all coming for her and she was the only passenger on the tiny boat she dreamed......

MT flipped out of the bed and brandished her sword, a snarl escaping her clenched lips. She looked around, not recognizing the cave still caught in the terror of her dream. She ran outside, skidding to a halt just before going over the cliffside.

She stopped and shook off the dream. She cracked her neck and shoulders and found her balance. She realized she could hear the jumbled thoughts of her friends inside. If she reached out with her mind, she could easily see the different animals going about their business in the woods.

There was more. She concentrated on some nearby rocks and lifted them in the air using only her mind. She put them down and shook her head. She didn't know what was happening to her. Somehow, she knew how to use and control these new gifts. She also knew something else. She no longer could use her wand. It was nothing more than a piece of stick hanging from her belt.

MT sighed. Her friends were already gathering supplies. She headed down the cliffside to the village. She didn't have much gold, but she had skills she could bargain with.

         Taking the apple to a nearby meadow, WK removed the seeds from the apple before placing the seeds into four seperate holes before filling them with a small amount of dirt and fertilizer.
         Watering them, the ground began to suddenly shake before four tree's suddenly grew three stories tall, and bore fruite of all kinds.
Gulp awoke from his nap and followed the scent to the new tree grove. He noticed the four different fruit: banana's, oranges, apples, & pears. He could sense each fruit type brimming with a secret magic. He picked a pear to give to MT and watched as WK ate a banana, suddenly WK...
MT hadn't been paying attention to the others, lost in all her new thoughts and feelings. Besides, she was in the village looking for supplies.

Before she had gotten to the village, MT had wrapped herself in a grey cloak with a hood and donned black gloves. She went to the first stand, hoping they would mistake her for a young maiden. It seemed to work. MT bought several herbs and spices from the merchant to restock the hold back at the cave. She moved to the next stand. She realized she would not be able to take large kegs of mead back to the cave. She passed by the stand looking for something that might help her.

MT was almost to the other end of the village when she came upon an old woman leading a pony. Behind the pony was a rickety cot with an old man laying on it moaning. The pony startled at something and the cot almost flipped over if it wasn't for MT using her telekinetic ability. Somehow the old woman knew that MT had helped.

"Pleasee, if you have the skills, help my husband. He shouldn't die yet."

MT stooped next to the old man and took her gloves off. She ran her paws over the man and stopped over his lungs. With one paw she made a motion of pulling something out of his chest. An object looking like a burnt stone had lifted out of his chest. MT took it in her paw and crushed it, letting the ash that was left be taken by the wind. The man got up and hugged his wife...

"Please, take this pony. He is strong and can carry many things for you."

MT took the pony's lead and bowed in thanks. She thought she had seen a cart in the village that she might buy........
         "Don't. You. Dare. Laugh."
         Tapping his foot, WK ended up shrinking down to the size of a chipmonk after taking a bit of a pear, making his voice sound at a higher squeeky pitch.
         Yet seeing this, GD couldn't hold it in and busted out laughing.
Finally settling down to a few chuckles GD apologized. "I'm sorry, it's just that you look so absurdly adorable right now. I know just how to make it up to you." He pulls a spellbook out of his personal dimensional portal. "I've had this spellbook for over 50,000 years. I once read a growth spell wrong and that's why certain things tend to cause me to grow withot any magic of my doing. The point is there's a spell that will make it up to you." GD began reciting the spell for growing WK. The longer he recited the spell, the larger WK grew and the more buff he became. He continued to grow until he towered at 200ft tall and was more muscle than anything else. "This spell lasts for 2 hours. I trust you are enjoying yourself being so much bigger than well evevything." GD then took a bite out of an orange (peeling it first). The change was rather embarising as he changed into a 50ft female anthro derg with a chest twice the size of two beachballs. His face red he muttered, And I don't have a spell for this either."
MT watched all the shenanigans with mild amusement. The magic around here seemed to be more absurd than useful. She picked up an apple that seemed to be pinker than red. She bit into it and....

MT was in a gown with high heels and long flowing auburn hair. She tried to rip the dress off but it only mended itself. She kicked off the heels only to have new ones appear on her feet. She tried to speak, and her voice came out sultry. She proceeded to spill out a barrage of curse words and sat on the ground having a tantrum. She threw herself onto her back and kicked her feet before settling down and breathing in large puffs.

         Hearing MT, both GD and WK looked in her direction. Getting a sly fox smirk, WK picked a banana up aimed toward her, and squeezed, forcing the peel to shoot the inside out toward her.
         At a high velocity, the banana aimed true into MT'S mouth hard enough to force her to swallow, causing the effects to begin changing her, making her grow to the same hieght of GD.
Coming to terms with his new female body GD had had just begun to attempt to counterspell his rather absurdly large chest. However, the sight of seeing MT growing to his or rather her new height GD got startled and mispoke. Instead of becoming more managable GD's chest expanded 6 times bigger enveloping MT. Back in her own clothes, MT looked much more suitable (if not slightly more hot) at such a great height. GD patted her swollen chest admirably as their growth in largeness felt just as good as regular size growth. "I wonder how it'll feel if I grew even taller and bustier" she mused. "Hey MT, want to join me? WK, more fruit! I'm really getting into being a massive busty dragoness goddess!" Looking at MT she asked, "Any requests?"
MT couldn't help but laugh. She ate more of the fruit. and a whole wardrobe of dresses appeaared around her. What gave MTthe most giggles was how GD mumbled gown into grown and made MT become gigantic. She liked being the new size and hearing her laugh booom down the valley. She let iout a howl and watched the reaction of thte wolves below. They sniffed around looking for the new canine that would be her.

         Eating a stray apple, WK felt odd as he soon lost the use of his legs and became a bipedal female nine-tail fox.

Looking hi- herself over, she huffed a bit. Got room for one more?
GD grinned a very large grin. Everything was so perfect! He was now a she and she had the bestest friends all now female who have come to love growth just as much if not more than GD. GD pulled them both into a conspiritorial hug laughing with glee as she looked at their three looming anthro female bodies. It all felt so right. They would be 3 giantesses that would regrow again and again together for the rest of their days. Joy flooded through GD at the thought. "You to are the best companions a dragoness could have! I vow here and now you will have no shortage of busty muscular and size growth while I'm around. We will all be godesses together! Aint that the best?!" GD then grew her chest as big as she was before growing them all another hundred feet bigger. Their feet grew pushing trees over as more room was needed. They were now the size of three small mountains. GD's tail wagged in utter delight at the ectisy of all the growth and power rushing through them. "More! Bigger!" GD shouted her voice as thunder
MT just leaned against the side of the mountain next to the waterfall. She yawned. So many things had happened to her lately that the growing shenanigans seemed to be just another normal day.

Something shiny in the next mountain over caught MT's eye and se went to see what it was.....
GEMSTONES! All different shapes and sizes and colors. She gathered a bunch of them up in her paws and stuffed them in her satchel. She spotted some wire fencing that would be perfect for what she had planned......
Inside a cave in the same mountain she found jars and glass bulbs. These gave her another idea for a project. She gathered them in her satchel and found what she needed next: electrical wires. MT stopped and thought: I really should build us a generator instead of running lines up here from the Village.....

MT skipped her way to a comfortable spot just outside the cave opening and began polishing and shaping the gemstones.

         Napping near a waterfall on the mountain, WK awoke as her hear MT begining another of her projects. Being a fox, curiosity got the better of her.
         Sneaking over, she watched intently of what she was up to while her nine tails wagged, creating a breeze through the forrest.
The sun was setting and as it did their sizes began to reset. MT went back to her human sized anthro mouse form, WK was once again 6ft (but still a nine tailed anthro she-fox, & GD was back to his usual 20ft size except GD continued to be a busty anthro dragoness (her chest had gone back to normal size). This was to become the normal for each evening so they could grow anew each day if they wished. The night passed with them snoozing together in one pile the others resting in GD's largish lap resting against his soft chest scales as pillows. They awoke as the sun rose into the sky and GD made an announcement at breakfast. "I'm going to change my name to Yani. I rather enjoy this busty dragoness body & intend to keep it. Besides, it fits my motherly nature better". *Yani bit into a pear from the magical trees and her chest grew to tripple it's size* "Mmm! I just love it when I or my chest grows!" *Heart*

© Copyright 2024 Massive Friendly Derg, Mousewitch, 🐺Wolfkingdom🏰, (known as GROUP).
All rights reserved.
GROUP has granted Writing.Com, its affiliates and its syndicates non-exclusive rights to display this work.
Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/campfires/item_id/2314024-The-Cave-Part-1