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Three Creatures from Across the Multiverse are Summoned for an important mission |
So...This is a revamp of an early idea where three random creatures are summoned to do something, OK this time the protagnists can be any kind of creature...Human, Anthro...One eyed, one horned flying purple people eater...Why you could potentially have some non-anthro animal that for some reason has magic like that book series about those cats... Other than that lets keep it clean for the whole family to read |
Name: Venom Age: 38 Sex: Female Species: Mutant King Cobra (Ophiophagus hannah) Personality: Quiet, stoic mostly keeps to herself to avoid others from being hurt Bio: Before the accident that created the Turtles and Splinter Bishop experimented with creating a Mutant Assasin with a different kind of Mutagen this substance seemed to have been extracted from the psychic dimension of the unconscious and when he doused a baby king cobra in it, it transformed into an Anthropomorphic Mutant he could raise to extertenate any suspected enemies however as she grew, Venom began to have doubts about her work, but before Bishop could imprison her and dissect her, she escaped and fled to the rain forests of Central America now the source of legends about a 'Weresnake Woman' Venom had been doing her usual thing basking in the forest when suddenly the forest vanished and suddenly she found herself in a pitch black room with the only light being a spotlight shining on her! |
Name: Rodger Jones Age: 35 Sex: Male Species: Human Personality: Likes to be in charge. Looks after those under him. Bio: Rodger is special forces - Army Ranger to be specific. Led a number of missions into hostile territory. Recently finished a mission that cost the life of one of those under him. Currently at home, pending an evaluation into what happened. Also, recovering from a bender. Rodger was looking for another bottle. He couldn't get the memory out of his head. That was when things changed. "Don't tell me - last bottle had something in it," he said, as he found himself in a dark room with a spotlight. He tried to slink into the darkness, his head bothering him even worse. |
Venom flickered out her tongue, in addition to another spotlight turning on, she smelled something, the unmistakable scent of human! "Who's there?!" Venom asked alarmed as she knew she noramlly couldn't trust humans not to freak out around her... |
Rodger put his hands to his head. "Not so loud," he said, as he looked around. "What the? Now I know that batch was bad." |
'OK...' Venom thought to herself '...He's either drunk or drugged, if I play my cards right I can get out of here without incident!' So without saying anything like 'That's right, this is all a dream.' Cuz she knew that would sound way too obvious, she tried to slither out of her spotlight into the surrounding darkness. "Stop Venom!" Came a mechanical sounding voice "You are not to wander the spaceship freely!" |
"What's going on?" Rodger asked, trying to locate the source of the voice. "Who's talking?" |
The voice seemed to give a mechanical sigh "I hoped to introduce myself until the final hero was here, but we seem to be having some trouble locating them and it seems you Organics are a fidgety bunch..." A platform lowered baring something that looked like a rip off of R2-D2 a trash can shaped robot with flipper like arms with soft plastic hands. "I am Rexondoll..." Said the Robot "...I am a Gaurdian from Ninth Dimension! I was chosen to summon a select group of heroes to help with...A little problem..." |
Rodger looked at the robot. "Now I know for sure I drank a bad batch of liquor," he said. "Wait - what do you mean 9th dimension?" |
Name: Samual Monks Age: 16 Sex: Male Species: Road Runner Personality: Energetic in all situations! Bio: Raised in a zoo, Samual came into contact with a strange liquid that ended up mutating him into a human sized road runner that can run at speeds of a bullet train. Running across the dessert, Samual was training for a upcoming competition. Only to trip and begin to skid into a portal that suddenly opened up in front of him. ~¤~ Before Rexondoll could answer, her system detected the final hero was fast approaching. "Oh! Seems our final member to your party has arrived. For safety though, please stand on either side of the hallway so you won't be-!" It was then a portal opened and Samual is seen skidding across the floor and into a far wall. "...over." Groaning, Samual looked around in confussion. "What the...? Where am I? Who are you people?!" |
"I am Rexondoll and I have summoned you all here tom help me with something..." The Robot pulled down a map of stars "In a faraway planet called 'Fantasia' in an alternate universe, that has many of the same species as Earth like humans and most Earth Animals but also things like Dragons, Unicorns and Gryphons and also Dinosaurs are still alive in remote areas...An evil villain has been causing trouble! He has been stirring strife between the humans and the animals...Somehow making the Animals intelligent without turning them into full on Anthros and whispering words that the humans seek to extermenate all the animals in hopes he can lead the animals to rebel against the humans!" |
Rodger looked at the snake, and the bird. "Wait, we're talking about talking animals?" he asked. "Yes," said Rexondoll. "Okay, now I know that I'm sober," said Rodger. "At least, I'm not listening to my neighbor, who is a little too much into the Vegan thing. Can't even have a hot dog around that woman." |
Chuckling, Samual only became pumped from thr challenge. "Booyah! When do we start? You need a scout? I'm a great sco-?!" Unfortunately that was all Samual could get out before Venom clamped his beak shut. "Maybe we should let our mechanical friend finnish speaking before jumping the gun?" |
"Obviously what we need is to calm down the situation before a war erupts between the humans and the animals...We need someone to talk the humans, which is why I chose a human, and someone to talk to the animals...The Bird will do nicely since he has a likeable demenor that leaves trying to find who is stirring this strife in the first place..." "That's why you chose me," Venom said "The Snake...Obviously most of the other creatures aren't going to trust me so my job is just to kill.." |
"Don't be too sure on that one," said Rodger. "Most dangerous-looking person might be the most peaceful person you meet, and the most peaceful-looking one being the most dangerous. Trust me on that. I've seen it." |
Patting Venom's shoulder gently, Samual gave a reassuring smile. "Don't let your past dictate your future, for your past is not today." Looking to Venom, Samual unknowingly started to blush before removing his hand started to look away bashfully. |
"You raised by a bunch of Hippies to have an attitude like that?" Venom asked as she was sure the Roadrunner wouldn't think that if he actually knew her past Rexondoll made a throat clearing sound "We should be arriving in Planet Fantasia in aproximeatly have an hour, "Rodger, we've prepared some clothes so you can blend in more with the local culture." A panel in the wall pulled back revealing a what looked like a tunic and leggings from a Shakespere play |
"Mind showing me examples of what technology they currently use, especially in terms of weapons and such?" Rodger asked. "Also, what about these two - do they get to wear clothes?" |
"OK..." Rexondoll said "...Fantasia's Technology seems to be similar to what you on Earth would call your 'Renaissance Period' however here magic is also rare but common enough that most people know about it which probably explains why firearms aren't as important when you can hire a wizard to throw fireballs instead..." |
"Well, depending on how easy it is to use magic, being able to shoot a gun might prove to be more useful, or just as viable," said Rodger. "Still, what about these two - what sort of outfits would they be able to wear? I mean, are they seen as people, slaves, pets, or something else?" |
Going over Fantasia's history, Rexondoll showed a planet size diagram with numerous locations and "It would mostly depend on location. Where some area's work in peace with one another, others would do anything possible to force the two of you into slavery." |
"Also the plan was for these two to go into the wild areas and try to talk down the wild animals to not wage war on the humans...The idea was for the three of you to split up to cover the most ground..." Rexondoll pulled down a map "The idea was to start in this area...Rodger, you start in the human city of Demnetina to investigate and talk to the humans there, Samual and Venom you would go to the nearby forest 'Fangly Forest' to talk to the wild animals there, on Fantasia you can find wild animals from all kinds of habitats living together, from animals of the Afrcian safari like elephants and monkeys to temperate species like moose and bison living in Fangly Forest..." |
"What about languages?" Rodger asked. "We're bound to speak different ones, to say nothing about writing them. Of course, if you got something for that, might be useful." |
It was then a metal tray with three rings on them slid out of Rexondoll's many ports. "Interstellar language Translator Rings. As long as you are wearing these, you'll understand anyone you speak to and vice versa." |
Good one Wolf, I would have done the gag from the first Simpsons Halloween Special 'Actuually I'm speaking Rigelian by astonish coincidences our languages are exactly the same!' "So..." Rexondoll said putting his soft plastic hands together "...Any further questions or can I beam you down?" |
"What do you have on the person causing trouble?" Rodger asked. "You got a photo or something? Don't want to go down there without knowing what this person looks like." |
"Unfortunatly we believe this myseious person is a shapeshifter, that's how he can stir trouble with both the humans and the animals...However because it's clear this person has been spending more time spreading fear among the animals, we put spies in the wilderness areas in hopes of catching a glimpse...One spy believe they saw one form in the shape of a giant black worm!" He pulled out a photo of what appeared to be an earthworm black as tar swimming up a creek.. |
"So, not much to go on," said Rodger. "Still, I'm going to need some sort of credentials. It's not like I can just show up knowing nothing, unless I'm from another place, and even then, it's possible that someone there might know of folks there, ones I'd need to know, among other details." |
It was then Rexondoll printed out credentials for each in accordance of Fantasia's government, along with currency of 2,000 gold coins for each of them. "These should surfice. If you need further help, your rings can also be used to communicate with me, as well as each other. Anything else?" |
"Wait, wait..." Said Venom "...Why are we getting credentials? You said we're to interact with the wild animals who while intelligent aren't like us...Mutants...They are just like..Smart four legged animals...What are we in this world?" "Well to the Animals you'll be enchanted animals hopefully similar to the Worm-Thing that has been pumping them full of fear, when you have to move among the humans, you'll tell them you're humans who were...Put under a witch's curse..." |
"Okay," said Rodger. "Now, while I don't know what else those two will need, but I'm going to need some equipment. After all, I can't just show up with practically nothing. Perhaps, the equipment of a traveling merchant, who has been fairly successful." |
Going to a spare door, Rexondoll pushed a code into a side panel. As the door opened, it was revealed to be full of clothes, weapons, and other sellable wares of the planets era. "Take all that you need. Will this suffice?" |
After everyone took what they felt they needed Rexondoll beemed them to Fantasia, Rodger to the city of Dementina and Venom and Sam to nearby Fangly Forest. What Venom and Sam saw was quite fasinating to the two Mutants, they saw animals who looked like ordinary members of their kind not anthropomorphic mutants like themselves, but they were beginning to get civilized many making rudmentery clothes capes or clothes out of leaves or bark and many had put on war paint made out of mud and/or berry juice. Animals of various kinds were taking various foods like fruits and nuts and putting them in a stockpile while what looked like a monkey secretary wrote down everything that was stored on a clay tablet, Several fierce looking animals were gathered in a circle disscussing potential battle plans with a green dragon who seemed to be the General... |
Rodger looked around, having found himself off of a road, outside of the city. "Alright," he muttered. "Time to start looking." |
Moving forward, Venom and Sam took time to look around and gather a bit of info from the locals. But as they walked, a little bear cub came up and began to play with Sam's tail feathers, making him jump a bit. Seeing the cub, he relaxed and patted him on the head before moving forward. "So, any advice of how to go about this?" |
Venom was a little amazed that none of the animals seemed to really notice a snake with arms, so she said "It looks like that Dragon General is still busy with his council we better find someone else to talk to..." Just then she spotted an old Giant Tortoise sleeping in his shell. Feeling good about the fellow reptile she said "Why don't we try him first?" Venom slithered over and knocked on his shell "Sir?" She said "Can we ask you a few questions?" The Tortoise yawned, blinked his eyes and then looked his visitors up and down. "You're not from around here are you?" The Tortoise said quietly with a chuckle The Tortoise's humor gave Venom hope that this wasn't a sign to panic "Was it the arms that gave it away?" "No," Said the Tortoise "I can see things others don't, my name is Sage and I am a wizard! The only animal wizard in this forest!" |
Rodger noticed something that looked like a tavern. He saw what looked to be guards, ones that were off-duty. He decided to enter, and listen, while seeing if they had something that helped out those who were still dealing with the aftereffects of having too much to drink, like perhaps some fried foods. |
Taking a seat to be eye level with Sage, Sam relaxed a bit. "Well, your right about us being new here. I'm Samual, or Sam for short. And this is my friend, Venom. Can you tell us a bit of this place? Maybe a bit of the trouble that we might be able to help solve??" |
"Specifically it seems you're preparing for war..." Venom said "...I mean that doesn't seem to be a secret around here..." Sage shifted his eyes to side to side "Let's go somewhere a bit more private shall we?" He said Seemed the Torotise knew something was up and wasn't safe to talk when so many sharp ears around So they follwed the Sage to a cave luminated by glowing mushrooms "We're safe here," Said the Tortoise "Not even the Bats come here they don't like the smell of the mushrooms! It's a good thing you found me, I've been waiting for the ones I knew would come even if I didn't know who or what they would be...The Worm...Don't know what else to call him, but that's what he looks like...He's got them all hypnotized...I'm the only one who's immune because of my magic...Other animal wizards in other forests have said the same." "How does an animal become a wizard?" Venom asked Sage sighed "I'm an escaped familar of a human wizard..." He said "...My former Master may still be alive in Dementina for all I know!" |
Rodger entered the establishment. The talk he heard about sounded like something akin to preludes to a battle. Only one person wasn't talking. They were sitting at was, most likely, the bar top, and they were dressed rather odd. There was something about them. Rodger sat near them, and looked up at the menu, which he was able to read. If nothing else, it was stuff he could eat. "Steak and eggs," he said. The bartender went into the back, to get the meal ready. "You don't sound like you're from around here," said the odd-looking man. "I travel a lot," said Rodger. "Your travel rather far, Rodger Jones of the Rangers." |
Using a not pad, Sam began to write down all he could on the so called Worm. "What is the reason for the war? What sparked it?" Taking a breathe, Sage made himself comfortable. "You see, about three months ago, a mysterious stone fell to our world from space. Both human and creature alike went to investigate, me being one of them. Unfortunately, due to not feeling well that day, I was running late to the location." Taking a heavy breathe, Sage tool a moment before he continued. "It was then it first appeared, as I walked to the location of the stone from space, I was just in the tree line when I saw it come out of the stone and attacked everyone." |
The Worm killed both the humans and animals who were there to kill the witnesses of its entry to this world...It had to talk to both species alone to stoke the flames of fear...It had no idea I was the only witness...It takes the shape of a giant Earthworm when with us animals...And claims the humans are planning to invade the wilderness and kill every wild animal and I'm sure it takes a human form to stoke fear with the humans..." |
Rodger tried to not show surprise. "Good guess," he said. "What makes you think that's who I am?" "I'm a wizard," the strange man said. "Seen plenty of odd things." |
After finnishing the notes, he placed his notes back in his bag. "I'm sorry for what happened, but we can use what you told us to help stop this war, and the worm. Hopefully..." Standing up, Sam began to stretch his legs. "Which way to the rock?" Raising a brow, Venom looked to him. "What are you thinking?" Chuckling, Sam looked to her. "I was planning on getting a sample of the rock, see if I can find a weakness or clue of beating this thing." Thinking, Sage looked to Samual oddly. "It's due south from here. But it's guarded by humans." |
"That's one of the things the worm said, the humans guarding his 'home' is proof that they want to destroy all the animals." Sage said |
Rodger looked at the wizard. "So, what do you know?" "Something crash-landed in a clearing in the woods not too long ago," said the wizard. "I was looking for an old friend of mine - a turtle I'd named Sage. Then, the impact happened." He took a sip oh his drink, and looked deeply into the cup. "I've seen, and fought, plenty of things, but this was something else. It killed all that had come to it - human and animal alike. I was far enough away to avoid its attention, I guess. That might be why I was left alone." |
"This worm has got them all under its spell!" Sage said Basically got all the animals in the forest to believe that if they don't wipe man out, man is going to wipe US out! Now that its done its work here in Fangly Forest it's moved on to other areas..." |
"Sounds like something needs to be done," said Rodger. "If we are to save this place." |
Lookng to Venom, he grinned before chuckling. "Remember that comment of hippies you said at base?" Groaning, she nods in remembering. "Yeah, I remember." "You were half right, but they were zookeepers, kinda raised me in the family after I turned into this." Relaxing a bit, he smiled a bit. "Good luck on the dragon." With that, he was off to the site of the space rock. |
So then Venom asked Sage "Do you know the next place the Worm went to..." "Basically the Planet's Polar Ice Cap which we're really close to to talk to the Polar Bears and other Snow Creatures." And Venom's face fell "And I'm a cold blooded reptile..." She said ruefully. "Maybe where a Parka?" Sage said "I really don't know what you are, other than you aren't from this world, but you're clearly more like a human than I am!" |
"So, got any ideas?" Rodger asked. "Head to the north," the wizard said. "Might find help there. Hopefully, you and your friends have supplies." |
Arriving at the crash site, Samual took to the tree line and look to see the meteor as well as the hypnotized guards. "This ain't gonna be easy. Might have to knock them out." Taking a breathe, he took off at a run to them and began his work. |
"OK..." Venom said taking a deep breath "Gonna have to regroup...Gonna have to find that human and..." Just then her train of thought was interupted by a Wild Boar crashing down right in front of her... "Huh?!" Venom asked "Where did you come from?!" "Lady it was this craziest thing!" Said the Wild Boar "This crazy giant bird came right out of nowhere and punted me nearly across the forest and..." Suddenly the Wild Boar blinked "You're a snake!" The Porcine exclaimed "How come you have arms?!" "So..." Sage said chuckling "...Seems that crash landing shocked you out of hypnosis..." |
Rodger soon found himself near the clearing. "Let's see if there's a way for me to contact those two." |
After finnishing his 'punting spree' on the guards, Samual soom collected the samples and scans of the rock before seeing his ring blinking. Raising a brow, he pushes the ring and hears a bit of static. "Um, hello?" |
"Who are you?" Venom asked the Wild Boar The Boar rubbed some blood away from his snout "My name is Grunter..." Said the Wild Boar "...I've just recently joined the Forest Guards..." |
"Hey, can either of you two hear me on this thing?" Rodger asked. "Heard that we might want to check out the Polar area." |
"Roger that! I'm closest there and I just finnished sending Rexondoll samples to study. I'll head that way now! Over!" With direction set, Samual headed deeper to the North. |
This campfire was for keeping me company while my parents were on vacatio now they're back and I think I'm starting a cold so this campfire is gonna take a break at least The End! |