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}Ideas for a story that flips what should be a scary situation into humor . |
September. 15 years ago Ideas for a story that flips what should be a scary situation into humor . Options for use of paranormal skills. Straight thriller with a nod to strong intuition, gut feeling' Thriller with mix of characters paranormal and mundane ?Fantasy mystery thriller, lots of magic. Where to begin. start present day use flash backs to fill in. Today she could not decide where to go first. On the to do list was Laundry, memory cards, groceries, fun time for Marshmallow. Marshmallow always comes first. Where do we go? Not Sara's Field, getting boring. Nothing new at Comanche, maybe DMN? Hmmm. Perhaps Gallegos, maybe La Luse, but I'm in sandals, she is murmuring to little Marsh. Let's go up to the Tram, chill for a few minutes,. anyone trying to follow them, or guess where they were going would be talking about it on the phone. In the apartment across the courtyard Brandon, todays lead, is watching Judy getting ready to leave. Her curtains are all open, all the windows face the courtyard. he has been watching since 8am. He gets the other five drivers on shift for the day for the conference call. "So, she is getting ready to leave, Laundry is ready to go" Brandon reports, and starts giving assignments. But she doesn't usually do laundry in the daytime someone says. Most likely one of his more experienced flunkies. Brandon just pushes on. Ok, car 1 down to Chelwood Park, ready to go to Sara's field. Car 2 & 3 go north toward Comanche, and Spain. One on Eubank and one on San Pedro. Car 4 stand by over there on Lomas and University. Need to put names on characters in following paragraphs. Description of vehicles Drivers' "Ok she's on her way". Brandon says, The phones are still all on, drivers are sending in real time comments. No she did not load her laundry. "Of course not" someone mutters, "that would be too easy" "She's going up Tramway. She Passed Comanche, and Passed Spain" 2 and 3 report. "Maybe Corrales today", Brandon hopes. "Its always busy over there. We don't stand out so much." Get that new car over to 4th. "Car 2 take Coors, and 3 go to 550", "maybe Jemez today, its early and a nice day." "Doesn't anyone have any idea where she is going? Oh Shit, she made a quick turn on the road up to the tram." Brandon keeps up this running commentary. He has no idea that most of his people are rolling their eyes wondering when he will finally realize he's a joke. Hmm. Now he is thinking maybe Corrales is a good bet. Here comes another pointless question. "Did she nail the new car? It does stand out a little bit". Now someone is catching some of her mental broadcasting. "Hey Boss, she's thinking Coralles", the group telepath says. "Is she saying where she deflects to if she tags us.?" Brandon again. "Wait a minute.. Alameda open space. Give her a few minutes. We'll set up at a couple of places toward Corrales." She never starts at Alameda. Oh Fuck, she parked at Alameda. One car at Alameda. she headed North. Watch for her to cross the bridge. She left her phone in the car so we don't have to be too close. She won't be calling anyone. She didn't cross the bridge. ? Where is she?"' Brandon sounds aggrieved. Ok guys, Ill go get some coffee for the guys left in the parking lot. Mike called Josie and Tim to get out with their dog to follow on the trail. Hang tight. "Wow This is getting so old" Jason texted to the other followers. leaving Brandon out of course. Car 2 is on the east side of the river and car 3 is on the west side. Car 4 over on 4th will be another 5 or 6 minutes getting over to the west side of the river. The vehicle is a little bit more noticeable because it is more silver then grey. Even the newbies think these guys are nuts. She walks her dog. She goes to the store. She laughs about playing follow the leader. She hasn't made a phone call or text anyone in weeks. I heard a rumor that she is changing her clothes in the dark in the bathroom. Guess something kicked in about changing in the closet. It looks like she's getting more paranoid. Maybe someone found a way to drop a hint?.. What? and risk getting fucked over by that creep themselves? Don't think so. She just has this strange sense of knowing. Ya know what I think. She is just playing him. She wants to know how far he will go. Acting paranoid like that, Do you think that rocks the old man's nuts or do you think it makes him paranoid that someone is dropping hints. Jody Thinks it rocks his nuts to start, but the fucker is crazy and real paranoid himself. Once in the car Judy wasn't thinking about making it hard to follow her. she decided where she was going to go and she just went. Do what she wants when she wants. It has been an adjustment to make. Always that 6th sense when they are out there. She doesn't have to question why. The past says it all, in her mind. That crazy dude in the MP's who just would not take no for an answer. 15 years later..still trying to be in her head all the time. Today Judy chose the path she thought would be shadier. Cooler. It was 11 am and all ready about 80 degrees. The path she chose was easy to walk in sandals. It was flat, clear of rocks and tree roots, and partly shady. the irrigation canal ran along the west side of the trail. Add description of use of canal and history. The canal was running at a moderate speed. Lots of growth along the bank. Long grass, and bushes. Not too many tall trees on the banks of the canal. In the bosque on the east side of the river Judy could see the tall cottonwoods on the other side of the canal and ditch bank. Marshmallow is a good walking companion. Goes full speed, then slows down to a stop to investigate a new smell. He wanted to follow one down to the water, but the path was really overgrown. When he stopped the first time a couple 100 feet up the path it gave her a chance to ground herself, Judy relaxed and notice the light, sky, and leaves on the trees. When she relaxed and calmed herself, the Tree Spirits would poke out and give her a nod. |