Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2313051-22---A-Symphony-of-Success
Rated: E · Poetry · Inspirational · #2313051
Let success be not a fleeting spark, but embers fanned aflame.
Upon the path of twenty-two, where cosmic strings align,
A fabric of blessings spun, with threads of grace that twine.
Balance, a dancer poised and light, keeps harmony in view,
Abundance whispers secrets soft, of dreams both old and new.

No longer confined by shadows' grasp, hard work ignites the sun,
Ambition's flame, a flickering spark, to victories to be won.
Sweat becomes the fertile ground, where dedication sows,
And from the seeds of focused will, a vibrant garden grows.

The job that once felt like a chain, transforms to purpose, passion's guide.
Within the heart, a joyful rain, as burdens fall, with worries tied.
No longer merely sweat and toil, hard work transforms and gleams,
A fertile ground where aspirations sprout, bathed in sunlit beams.

Then, like a feather on the breeze, an angel's touch descends,
Unveiling pathways unforeseen, where fortune gently bends.
"Promotion's door now cracks ajar," the whispered message rings,
"A raise awaits, a well-earned star, on merit's shining wings."

Surprise may paint your cheeks with blush, a blush that speaks of worth,
For recognition's gentle hand confirms your inner earth.
The universe reflects your stride, each drape starts to unfold,
As dreams that dance within your heart take root in stories told.

But twenty-two's a guiding light, not just a fleeting prize,
It beckons you to climb the stars, with wisdom in your eyes.
Let success be not a fleeting spark, but embers fanned aflame,
A steady fire that sets your soul alight, and whispers back your name.

So dance with balance, hand in hand, let harmony reside,
Embrace the whispers of abundance, with gratitude as your guide.
For even in the deepest dark, where dreams like diamonds gleam,
Remember, friend, your inner light, forever brightly beams.

LINE COUNT: 28 Lines
WRITTEN FOR: "The Writer's Cramp | "*Coffeep*WINNER and NEW PROMPT- DUE TUE 1/30"  
Write a story or poem inspired by this prompt:

The number '22' can mean a variety of things to different to different people. So for our prompt today, we are going to look at Angel Number 22 and one of its meanings.

The number 22 represents balance, harmony, success, and abundance - the vibrations are all working well in your favor.

Keep that meaning in mind and use the following prompt words in your entry:

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