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Rated: E · Letter/Memo · Children's · #2312858
Jesus Washes His Disciples Feet John 13: 1-17
Jesus Washes His Disciple’s Feet

Sing “Love One Another”

Scripture: John 13: 1-17

Scripture Verse: “You should do as I have done for you.” John 13:15b

Attribute: Omniscient. Jesus knows everything.

Main Truth: Jesus shows us how to love others.


“One little, two little, three little fingers…in prayer. Our hands we fold, our heads we bow, so we can talk to God right now. God, Thank You for sending Jesus, because Jesus loves all people. Thank You Jesus shows,” name everyone, “ how to love others. Amen.” Make sign for Amen.

Hold up Bible. “Does anyone know what book this is?” Wait for answer. This book is the B.I. B. L. E, the Bible. Can anyone say Bible?” Sing The B. I. B. L. E. “Who wants to touch the Bible? Do you want to touch the Bible, Isaac? The Bible is God’s true word. The Bible tells us about God and Jesus.” ASL for Jesus. “Today’s story is about Jesus loving everyone.”

*AsteriskB* ”Jesus and His friends were eating.” Pull out plastic food, pretend to eat. Rub tummy.

*AsteriskB* ”Jesus saw,” make binoculars, “everyone’s feet were dirty and stinky.” Make face, hold nose.

*AsteriskB* Make signs for Jesus” and “loved. “Jesus loved His friends.”

*AsteriskB* “Jesus took a bowl of water and a towel.” Use toy bowl and pitcher to pour water.

*AsteriskB* Show picture of Jesus washing disciples’ feet. “See, Jesus is washing His friends feet. I bet they were happy to be clean!”

*AsteriskB* “Jesus was happy to help His friends.” Big smile.

*AsteriskB* ”Jesus wants His friends to help their friends too.”

*AsteriskB* “Jesus shows us how to love others.”

Verse: To God Is So Good. “Do as I have done for My friends, Jesus said, Jesus said.”
2X “John 13:15b, John 13:15b. Do as I have done for My friends, Jesus said, Jesus said.”


*AsteriskV* Praise Him, Praise Him. “We praise God because God knows everything.”

“God loves us, and Jesus loves us. Why? Because Jesus Is God.”

“Jesus does good things for people. He does good things for Bastian and Abby and Alexis. It’s important to thank Jesus for the good things.”

“Jesus washed His disciples’s feet. Jesus served them. Jesus wants people to serve like He did.”

*AsteriskV* We Thank You, Loving Father.

*AsteriskV* God Is So Good

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