Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2312465-A-Quiet-January-Night
Rated: E · Poetry · Spiritual · #2312465
The cross remains a guiding star, to lead you to the day.
Beneath a veil of stardust, on a canvas spun of snow,
A quiet January night unfolds, where frosted shadows grow.
The moon, a pearl adrift in space, casts silver o'er the land,
And whispers secrets to the wind, that brush like angels' hand.

Upon a lonely hillside, etched against the winter sky,
A wooden cross, a silent shade, where dreams and prayers lie.
Its weathered arms outstretched, embrace the starry light,
A beacon in the frozen dark, a sentinel of night.

No clang of hammers echoes now, no blood stains stain the wood,
But memories of sacrifice in whispered shadows brood.
A story carved in seasoned grain, of hope that would not die,
Of love that conquered mortal form, beneath a boundless sky.

The quiet January night descends, with snowflakes soft and slow,
A blanket for the sleeping world, where dreams of healing grow.
The cross, a patient silhouette, against the moonlit scene,
Holds whispers of forgiveness, where burdens intervene.

For in this hallowed quietude, beneath the starry dome,
The cross invites all weary souls, to find their way back home.
No matter what the winter brings, of sorrow, ice, or pain,
In the hush of January's grace, hope blossoms once again.

So gather near, ye hearts that ache, and let your tears be free,
Beneath the cross, on this quiet night, where solace waits for thee.
For in the stillness, whispers rise, of promises untold,
And life renewed, like morning light, breaks through the winter's cold.

Let faith ignite a gentle flame, within your wounded soul,
And find in the embrace of grace, a strength that makes you whole.
For even on a quiet January night, when shadows shroud the way,
The cross remains a guiding star, to lead you to the day.

LINE COUNT: 28 Lines
WRITTEN FOR: "The Writer's Cramp | "*Type*WINNER & NEW PROMPT Due Sunday January 21"  
Please use the following as the Title of your story or poem: "A Quiet January Night"
Please select "Spiritual" as one of your genres.
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