Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2312371-The-Curse-Unravel
Rated: E · Short Story · Romance/Love · #2312371
Would you be willing to take the risk of exposing your curse for someone you dearly love?
WORD COUNT: 1194 Words
WRITTEN FOR: "Tales Shown, Not Told Discussion Forum
Genre Prompt: Romance. Your work should feature a love story with an emotionally satisfying ending.
Words Prompt: Write a story using the words glimmer, quandary, and demur.
Character prompt: Protagonist fears something or someone.

PROMPT USED IN THIS STORY: Genre and Character Prompts
Genre: Romance
Character: Protagonist fears to reveal his secret.

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The Curse Unravel

Tension thrummed in the moonlit air, a counterpoint to the gentle chirping of crickets. When Dylan's silhouette materialized around the bend, Yvonne felt a familiar unease tighten her chest. It wasn't fear, precisely-but the apprehension of a crossroads she'd been dancing around for far too long. Tonight, beneath the silver brushstrokes of the crescent moon, the question hung unspoken, a palpable presence humming between them.

His voice, a warm caress on the cool night, sent another shudder through her as he called out, "Yvonne?" He stopped several paces away, his eyes, liquid gold wells shimmering in the moonlight, fixed intently upon her as she caught her breath.

Yvonne took a shallow breath, the honeysuckle scent and his cologne swirling around her like a heady mix. "Here, as promised," she said softly.

His slow, disarming smile carved valleys in her resolve. "Beautiful as ever, I see."

Yvonne tried to smile back, but the corners of her mouth shook. Every word, every glance, felt like a tightrope walk over a precipice. The unspoken question, a silent drumbeat echoing her uncertainty, filled the space between them.

Dylan took another step closer and held his gaze fixed on hers. "Yvonne," he started, his voice husky, "there's something I have to ask you."

The knot in her stomach tightened. The question. It was coming.

Dylan,' she started to say, her voice breaking, 'we maybe should—"

He reached out and caressed a lock of her hair, pushing it behind her ear. His fingers were as cold as ice, yet they shot a jolt through her, a silent explosion in the quiet night. 'No,' he declared, voice firm, gentle. 'We owe it to ourselves. We owe it to what could be.".

Yvonne took a deep breath, steadied her nerves. This was it. The moment of truth. "Alright," she whispered in barely audible tone.

Dylan looked at her with softened gaze. "Yvonne," he started to say, the words clogged and dripping with emotion, "do you recall that day we first met by that old oak tree by the river?"

Yvonne nodded, memories dancing like fireflies around them. Dappled sunlight, the rush of the water, Dylan's laughter as they chased butterflies, really seemed to be years ago, but it was also there in the painful present.
"That day," Dylan continued, "I knew. I knew with every fibre of my being that you were the one, the sun in my sky, the anchor in my storm."

She listened, her heart jackhammering against the cage of ribs in her chest. What he said was beautiful, laced with a truth that was terrifying and exhilarating.

But, he said, his voice dropping to a low murmur, there is something you don't know, something I've been afraid to tell you.

Yvonne's stomach lurched. The fear, ever present on the periphery of her mind, now sprang forward. What was it? What secret threatened to shatter the fragile world they'd built?

Dylan closed his eyes for a moment, then looked at her, furrowing his brow with worry. "Yvonne," he said on a barely audible breath. "I… I inherit a legacy, a burden passed down through generations."

He told her of the whispers that haunted his childhood, the strange happenings punctuating his life: flickering lights, sudden chills, shadows that danced at the edge of his vision.

As he spoke, Yvonne felt her heart sink with every word. The fear she had always harbored and the reason she had kept him at arm's distance suddenly felt eerily prescient.

"I know this may sound crazy," Dylan said his voice breaking, "but it is. And I wouldn't say it if it weren't worth telling."

He looked at her, his eyes begging her to comprehend. "Yvonne," he whispered, "do you still… knowing as you do."

He couldn't complete the question, but it hung there between them, a gulf opening up wider and deeper than the river sang softly in the distance.

Yvonne stared at him, and a maelstrom of conflicting emotions threatened to overwhelm her: fear, yes, but also a flush of protectiveness, a fierce, unreasoning loyalty that defied logic and reason. She wondered if she could love someone burdened by this legacy, someone touched by shadows?

Then, reaching his hand out to her, with eyes that screamed vulnerability, something crystallized in her heart. It was not blind acceptance, but a commitment to knowledge, a journey into the unknown together.

She thrust her hand out to him, and their fingers got all tangled up together. The touch wasn't cold, as she half expected to find it, but warm, like life pulsing against hers. "Dylan," she said calmly, her voice underpinned with a determination that made her feel like she could say it a thousand more times, "you are cursed and not alone. Whatever darkness you bring, we will bear it with you."

A wave of relief creased Dylan's face as tears shimmered in his eyes, as if the moonlight had been captured within them. He pulled her close against himself, an embrace and a shield against unseen shadows. "Thanks, Yvonne," he whispered in a voice slowly extinguished by repressed emotion. "Thanks for accepting to follow this path with me."

Then, under the moon's watchful eye, love branched over fear. Before them lay uncertainty and whispers of a curse, but they moved hand in hand with their two flames lighting up the darkness. Yvonne knew it wouldn't be easy, but she knew, with the steadying beam of the lighthouse, love could steer them through the most tempestuous of seas.

Standing there, embracing and emboldened, a new flicker of light comes into view. No firefly, but rather a small, delicate, shimmering spark radiating from Dylan's palm. It pulses faintly, casting dancing shadows on his face. Is this the curse or something else?

As she stretched out her fingers, Yvonne felt a spark of curiosity rather than fear. She brushed her fingers against it, and was startled when her hand seemed to close around the warmth. It lived with its own essential essence and pulsed with every touch, then unfolded a vision for her mind as it touched her fingertips. Ancient symbols erupted in ghostly inscriptions; the hushed silence of whispered forests whispered across her thoughts; and behind it all, a hidden waterfall shimmered under the moon. Here, indeed, lay a glimpse of another world, one hopelessly inextricably intertwined with the curse that separated them from their lands. That other world was so close.

Yvonne looked at Dylan. His eyes, wide with amazement, mirrored her own. They knew then that their journey had just begun, but without fear. Instead, they were bonded by a common purpose: that of unravelling the mysteries of the curse together, rather as victims and burden, but as partners united with love and promise of a future bright and uncertain.

The moon rose silently, casting its silvery glow along the uncertain and hopeful path in front of them. The outcome sealed the eternal tenacity of love in the face of darkness and into it that Yvonne and Dylan walked hand-in-hand knowing that whatever awaited them after this brief moment together would be faced hand-in-hand, hearts bound forever under the watchful eye of the moon.
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