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In an apocalyptic world what would you do for the people you love? A rough first draft. |
CHAPTER 1 - TO SAVE A LIFE. Liquid drops down my face, I'm unaware wether its blood, sweat or tears. Swerving left and right past absolute chaos, people crying running through the streets, cars flipped on fire. The car reaches over 100mph and the screams breaking the silence from outside begin to fade as I pull away. It's funny, I was never a religious man but I found myself praying for the safety of my family as I try and make my way towards them. I'm not far now, they're all that matter I cant stop for anyone. I bring the car to a stop, I've finally made it. Pulling into the street it seems those prayers went unanswered, clearly God was no longer listening. Blood covers the street, pieces of flesh scattered around like a decoration, not even the falling rain able to wash it away. Yet somehow, not a person is in sight, I'm yet to decide whether that's a good or bad thing. I see my ex wife's house, the once white door now coated in red. Before I'm able to make a move I'm disturbed by a spine curling cry from behind me, I turn quick enough to give myself whiplash. An innocent woman screaming for her life, this creature on top of her taking chunks out of her both with her hands and teeth. This is my chance, If I go now, this thing will be distracted with her and I can make it to my ex wife and child. I need to be selfish. My trembling hand quickly reaches for the door handle and forces it open as I charge towards the freshly painted red door. Over the consistent cries echoing from my distraction I feel my heart beating ten times over before my feet make two steps. After what feels like forever I reach the front door, I smash my fist against the door and scream for my ex wife "Amelia it's Desmond let me in!". Hoping for any kind of response but once again, my prayers go unanswered. I continue smashing against the door, only this time something was different, there is no longer screams echoing over everyone of my knocks of desperation. There was only silence. My eyes unlock from the front door, a change in my line of sight reveals what I least expected. My distraction no longer on the floor pleading for help but now on both feet mirroring the one next to her. How is she possibly standing, her intestines slowly descending from inside out. No longer yelling for help but stood swaying and off balance with a dead look on her face, exactly like the one standing next to her, almost as if she was now one of them. I cant take my eyes off of them, I'm frozen to the spot, as if I'm melting into the ground. The creature that attacked this innocent woman had skin stuck and hanging from each one of its finger nails, it looks as if someone had ripped and scratched out its eyes. Silence continues to fill the void, the only sound a slight groan from the two opposite me. Until, the woman lets out a scream unlike anything I've experienced before, even worse than when she was being ripped apart. Her arms raise to her face as she begins gouging at her own face. I can do nothing but watch in horror, worried that any slight movement will set those things on me. Blood flying from side to side, each individual nail digs further and further into her skin before she can see no more. Until everything finally stops, her hands drop, going back to swaying side by side, as the one next to her continued to stand in formation. Neither recognisable to the people they were before today. The stand off continues, neither me nor the dead making a move. Until, they take a simultaneous step closer in my direction, both moving together in formation, their movements off balance and clunky. Rain continues to fall, perfectly mixing with the tears that drop down my face. The creatures heads begin rotating as if they are searching for something, finally I'm able to build up the courage to step backwards. To my realisation my back foot smashes up against the door, releasing a large sound which forces rather creatures to look straight back in the way of my direction. Before I can take another step the two begin to charge in my direction. My heart stops, my eyes close, my family aren't here and if they aren't here this isn't a world I want to be apart of anyway. I brace for the torture that is about to ensue, I say a final prayer, praying my family made it out and somewhere safe. I'm thrown backwards from a large force behind me followed by the sound of a door slamming closed. When I open my eyes my ex wives new boyfriend and almost my old best friend Dave stands over me he says "Jesus Des, how the fuck did you make it here?" Whilst reaching his hand out to help me up. I refuse his over of a helping hand and force myself to my feet, after everything today, I still cant forgive him for going behind my back and getting with my wife after 17 years of friendship. Amelia my ex wife stands in the kitchen doorway, her red hair standing out today more than ever. My eyes scan for my son but there no sign of him, rushing through each room I continue to shout "Where's Charlie? Where is he?" Hoping to catch a glimpse of my son. Finally making my way in to the living room I see his curly brown hair peeking out from behind the sofa. His eyes meet mine, relief rushes through my body as he runs out shouting "dad!". Dropping to my knees, I collapse into his embrace my body feeling lighter than ever before, tears once again begin flooding down my face. "You didn't think I'd miss your 5th birthday did you?" I say and we both somehow share a laugh together in this moment, for what feels like a lifetime. Finally, I pull away his eyes meeting mine, we both simultaneously wipe away our tears. Forceful hits continue to echo around the house with no signs of stopping any time soon. Amelia appears in the doorway, we lock eyes as I hold my son in my arms still. I never stopped loving her and I'm not sure i ever will, she doesn't know that but it's too late now so what does it matter. She breaks the silence with fear covering her face she stutters "No one knows what's going on...everywhere I look there's videos of those things just..." She looks towards her son and thinks about her next words very carefully. Before she can finish her sentence I jump in "We'll figure it out okay, we're all here together that's what matters right now." As I finish the fear fades from her complexion and a hint of a smile birthing on her face. The repetition of screaming and bashing against the door begins to fade, whilst Dave continues to stand up against the door. A laugh creeps out of Dave as he says "I think they've given up." I make my way to the doorway, a smile finally meets Amelia's face, I cant help but let out a laugh, Dave joins in laughing as we share a moment of relief amongst all of this chaos. Which would be short lived. A loud thud is followed, I turn to see the door has collapsed on top of Dave as he lay flat on his stomach being crushed by the two creatures that have smashed down the door and now sit on top of it trying to reach under and rip apart different pieces of him but are unable to reach. Amelia lets out a scream, which causes the woman I watched being torn apart no longer than ten minutes ago to charge in our direction. In a quick reaction I push Amelia to the side and shout "Grab Charlie and hide!" Before being thrown up against the wall knocking over the glass vase that sat next to me leading it to smash all over the floor. I try my best to keep this thing off of me, grabbing its shoulders and keeping it off of me for as long as possible, I'm thrown to the floor before it instantly pounces on top of me attempting to bite and scratch away at my skin. I feel its nails dig into the side of my ribs and let out a scream as it rips away at the skin. My hands forcefully pushing into her shoulders stopping her body fully collapsing in on me and keeping her teeth as far away as possible. I feel each and every piece of glass digging and peeling away at the skin in my back. A yell from Dave forces me to look to my left, he's still stuck underneath the door but the creature now ripping away at the fingers he has exposed from underneath the door. I watch as the creature rips off three of his fingers and begins to chew on them. Teeth continue flying towards me, I look down to see different pieces of her insides slowly tipping out of her and on to me from where she had been eaten alive. I cant end up like her, I look around to find anything I can use as a weapon. I feel my fingers slowly digging into her skin which is drowned in blood and rain, the skin continues to tear and my hands begin to slip. I look to my right to see a large shard of glass, my right hand pulls away a I attempt to reach for the makeshift weapon, it continues to slip out of my grasp as the creatures begins to win this fifth and pull in closer towards me. I finally get a grip on the shard, the sharpness of the weapon breaks the skin on the inside of my hand, the skin tearing painting the white see through shard red. Before thinking I raise my hand and forcefully strike downwards, into the top of her head. Blood sprays out like a firework, exploding all over my face and in my mouth as I begin to taste the inside of her head. Her body no longer pushing down onto mine but now lifeless on top of me. Dave's screams continue as blood sprays from his fingerless hand, the creature on top of him, seeming as if he couldn't care less that Dave is underneath him now that he is eating his fingers one by one. There's no longer time to think about what to do next, I have to just act. I take a handle back on the shard sitting in the top of her head and try to rip it out, part of the shard gets stuck most likely in her skull. One last forceful pull and the shard rips out, a large piece of her brain sits at the very tip of the weapon. I look up towards the creature as it enjoys its meal, in full force I sprint towards her, this causes a disturbance in her meal as she looks up at me. Her eyes full noon existent, just two gaping holes, she lets out a scream, showing off different pieces of Dave's fingers stuck in her teeth. I drive the shard through the gaping hole where her eyes once were, it goes straight through and I feel it split through her brain, it tumbles backwards and seems like it's finally dead. I scream "Amelia, get in here help me get this off him." I hear as she runs through the house. We both grab an end of the door and place it up against where it once sat, hoping it would cover us from any creatures that walk past. Dave slowly begins to crawl away from the front door, blood trailing behind him. I drop to the floor and help him to his feet, blood continues to pour out of him, his back leg dragging along the floor as i walk him to the living room and shut the door behind us. I plant him down on the sofa as he wails whilst looking at the three missing fingers with blood continuing to pour out. Amelia swiftly runs over to a draw where she pulls out tissues, trip and falling she makes her way back . Dave applies pressure to his wounds. You can see as the white kitchen roll is invaded with blood, instantly turning red once pressure is applied. Whilst Amelia does what she can to help him I drag a sofa and force it up against the door, this is all that is stopping them from breaking in. "Damn this shit hurts, they were fucking eating my fingers did you see that? What the fuck is going on." Dave says almost sounding sarcastic. "Someone has to have an explanation for what's going on, maybe a load of people broke out from the psychiatric hospital on Buckingham street. They're fucking crazy in there who knows what's they're capable of?" Amelia says trying to come up with a reasonable explanation for what is happening. "No, this is bigger than that, it's not just here. I drove through the whole of hertfordshire to get here. I saw cars flipped and on fire, people running and screaming everywhere. This is bigger than we think." I say whilst blood floods my hands as I begin too apply pressure to Dave's wounds. "We need to stop these bleeding and wait it out, someone will figure something out, The government have to have some sort of plan for this." Amelia says once again trying to be as positive as she can as our son listens on from afar. "The door is secure for now, if we stay quiet here we should be fine till at least the morning. If we go out in the dark who knows what's going to happen. We'll at least wait till the morning" I say hoping to sound confident enough to put some belief into them. "Okay." They both whisper in agreement. CHAPTER 2 - OLD FRIENDS. The night hits its darkest as I sit and think about every decision I've made in my life, the ones I'm proud of, the ones I regret, every moment flashing before my eyes. I sit here finding myself thinking about what I could have done better. My life never meant anything, I never strived for greatness or did amazing things, I never even chased the girl I love, I let her slip away. Now here I am, in the dark as my ex wife and son sleep in front of me and I'm sat next to the man I once called my brother who betrayed me the worst way a friend can. Here I am regretting all the decisions I've ever made, wishing i could get a second chance. And do it all over again differently. "Cant sleep either?" Dave stutters out as his bloodshot eyes slowly open, still holding tissues up against his wounds with the blood finally beginning to come to a halt. "No." I mutter back. This is the first time we've spoken since I found out he was dating Amelia, we went from speaking every day to not speaking for seven months. I miss him, i always missed him in those months but it was a choice taken out of my hands. "I missed you" he quietly says as he turns to look at me. I don't give in and continue to watch my son sleep. "I know you hate me for what I did but I love her, it just happened. I didn't go behind your back, this isn't a teen romance film. I really love her. I wouldn't have taken this risk if I didn't think it was worth it." He passionately says as his eyes beginning to fill. "Do you really think now is the right time to do this." I question him. He quickly responds "Is there ever going to be a right time Des, it's been seven months and I haven't got a word out of you. You come to pick up Charlie and ignore me like I'm not there, I message you almost every day praying for a response, you were my broth..." Before he can finish I jump in, I finally break and look back at him, our eyes lock for the first time in months. "You want to talk about being my brother, you know me better than anyone, you were my only family. For years it was me and you, you know how much I loved her and you stole her." I let out, finally confronting the problem that has kept me up for seven months. "I didn't steal her Des, I always loved her, just like you. If I could change how I feel for her I would because I never wanted to do this to you...but I cant, I love her just as you do but more importantly, I love you Des. Y1ou saved me today, I mean shit you could've done it a bit earlier." He says as he raises his hand with only the thumb and his pinky finger still attached. A smile breaks out on both of our faces as we share a laugh for the first time in months. He continues :"but you did, you saved me. You saved all of us." I look back to the floor, looking at the two people I love most in the world. "I just did what you would've done...I'm not a hero." I whisper. We sit in silence for a moment, both watching as Charlie and Amelia sleep. I break the silence first "I need to get to my mum's house. I need to make sure everyone is okay." He re-adjusts himself in his seat before saying "Tomorrow, when it's light that's the first thing we'll do" His face pondering on old memories "Your family always did so much for me. When my mum died I had nothing left, I had no where to go and they took me in. I wont ever forget that. As soon as we're ready, that's where we'll go first." The memories come rushing back as I think back to all the great times we had together. A slight smirk grows on my face "you remember the time we bunked off school cos she had work, we set everything up so perfect. We even forced Theo into it." I laugh at the ridiculous thought of persuading my 12 year old brother to bunk off school with me. "We took your dads beers from the fridge and just hoped he wouldn't notice. Had the PlayStation's set up to play COD all day." "Which I went on to top the leaderboard in every game we played" "What are you talking about I was always better at COD than you!" I declare, knowing how stupid of a conversation this is to behaving right now but still laughing and enjoying it anyway. "I mean if that will finally help you sleep I'll agree to it." He responds. "Oh my god, Theo started to throw up after one sip of the bud light." We both laugh at the thought that feels a lifetime ago now. "I guess I wont be playing COD anytime soon" He laughs raising his hand in the air one more time. I sit and think about my brother, praying once again that he's okay. To tell you the truth, I was always saw myself as an atheist, if there was a God he certainly never believed in me, so why should I believe in him? I guess feelings change. On the inside I'm happy to be back, like I said I've missed him, if you asked me who I missed more him or Amelia I couldn't even give you an answer. I just didn't know if he deserved to here that yet. I stand up and move to the other side of the room where the sofa sits as a barricade in front of the door. Without responding I lay down and get comfy turning away from Dave "I missed you too." Slowly creeps from my mouth. A small laugh is the only thing I get in return as I hear him lay down and get comfy on the other side of the room. After all the world has gone to shit, before we had that conversation I was sat there thinking how I wanted a second chance, but that's not how life works. Sometimes you have to set a fresh start for yourself. The sun Pierces my vision,. A stench flowing in from behind me, the decaying bodies that lay outside still filling the room. As my eyes creep open, I try to move but cant, a force holds me down. My son was laying on top of me, he must've made his way over in the middle of the night, the thought of him crawling over here comforts me. I haven't got much right in my life but I always thought I was a good father. Opposite me Amelia lay her head on Dave's shoulder "We're heading to Jennifer's house, we were having a chat last night me and Des, it was nice I missed him y'know." "I know you did, I'm glad you two are finally talking again." She says. "But yeah that's where we're heading next, you know how close he and Theo are. I mean me and him practically raised the little shit after their dad ran off so, I need to know too." Dave looks over to me as I close my eyes, pretending to still be asleep. "Wherever we go, we go together. So we're in." Amelia says before planting a kiss on Dave's cheek and then resting her head back down, there hands locked in to one another's. I finally decide to raise my head, who knows what time it is at this point. I feel horrible, Dry blood stains not just my face but my hands. Little pieces of blood turning my beard hard. My hair flopping down into my eyes, mixed with both blood and grease, usually I would have it slicked back but I don't think I really have much of a choice right now. "Finally up are we?" Amelia says. Charlie begins to awaken on my lap, a large yawn coming from his direction. "Yeah sorry, what time is it?" Dave checks his watch before saying "10:23". The time surprised me, somehow during all of this I still managed to wake up later than I would have to for work, guess there's another benefit to all this. "How long have you guys been up? Have you heard anything on the news?" I say. "No ones saying a thing Des, whole internet is fucked." He looks in Charlie's direction and pulls a face knowing he probably shouldn't swear in front of him. "What about outside, any sounds or anything?" "Nothing since last night." Amelia says with relief planted on her face. "Okay good. We shouldn't waste any more time now, I was hoping to hear something by the morning. I need to get to my mum's house. It's flats so...maybe they're both okay?" "Im sure they're both fine mate, I struggle to get up all those stairs to the tenth floor so no chance those things can. I tell you, that one was lucky the door was trapping me." He says with a convincing look on his face, I don't believe him for a second obviously. All that COD talk has got to his head clearly. "Alright, we need to grab everything we can and fill the car. First, I'm gunna peak outside the door, if none of those things are out there we might be able to make a few trips back and forth, get as much food and water as we can." I say. Amelia and Dave both raise to their feet, somehow Dave and his two fingers are still in better shape than me. The door clearly covered him from getting covered in blood as his clothes look good as new, his hair still lights up blonde with barely a drop on it. The only hints of blood flooding down his right arm which you can see now dried up staining his skin. Amelia the same, her clothes looking rather new but both her arms painted in blood from the pressure she was applying to help stop the bleeding. Dave grabs the other side of the sofa as Amelia takes a hold of Charlies hand, we pull it away, not fully incase something lurks but just enough to squeeze through. My hand lowers to the handle, I squeeze and twist peaking my head around the door, I'm hit with an even worse smell breezing through. The two bodies still lay flat and motionless, which is good, we know these things can die. They don't get back up a second time. I gaze toward the door to see it still sat up against the hinges it had been ripped off, nothing has tried to break in since. "I think we're okay for now." I turn and whisper back. I slowly force the door open enough to the point all four of us can squeeze through without really making a noise. Before Amelia exits she picks up Charlie and says "Hun, I want you to close your eyes okay. We're gunna play a game, When I say red light you close your eyes, when I say green light you open them. How does that sound?" Charlie excited to play a new game not understanding the stakes produces a smile and cheers back "Okay". "Okay ready...Red light" I watch as she squeezes through holding Charlies head down into her shoulder, shielding him away from the corpses as she leaps over each one. I take the lead, checking each and every corner of the house. As i walk out the bathroom is on my right, thankfully the door is still shut and no worries spawn in from there. Past the toilet is the kitchen, which has a window facing out on to the street. We'll be able to see what's out there, hopefully we have a clear shot to the car. My head peaks around the corner once again, Every footstep I take I continue to gaze down as to not make a sound, continuing to check back on those three behind me. Once again everything is clear as we step foot into the kitchen. "Okay Charlie green light" I hear Amelia say behind me. The window sits just above the sink, looking out and to our delight it seems as if the street was still empty. Nothing roaming the streets nor no one screaming for help. "Okay, grab what you can find, make sure you grab something to use as a weapon as well." I say as I open the kitchen draw where the knives are, only to find kitchen towels and wooden spoons. "Sorry Des, had a switch around lately." Amelia reaches into the draw next to mine to reveal the cutlery. The knives aren't anything like machetes but they'll do, it's better than a shard of glass anyway, my hand still in pain from the damage it caused yesterday. We separately grab different cans of food, as much water as possible and a few objects we can use as weapons and find our way to the front door that's still only covering half of the entrance. Dave offers to go first, it's a good idea I should probably stay at the back so that Amelia and Charlie are safest in the middle. Dave picks up door up and places it down against the wall next to him. Before he can exit I remember a bag I once left in the cupboard under the stairs, it could easily fit all of this in and more. "Give me one second, I need to grab a bag." As I slowly back up I see Dave peak his head, first right, no reaction. However, when he turns his head to the left he immediately moves back into the house. His face filled with shock yet he continues to say nothing. "What is it?" I say Dave doesn't reply, still facing forward he hasn't turned to face either me or Amelia. "Dave, what's up?" Amelia says as she goes to take a peak past Dave to see what it is that has him starstruck. Her head pushes past, she catches a swift glimpse of it. Almost mimicking Dave she swiftly moves back inside and grabs Charlie dropping the supplies she was carrying and picking him up. "Guys, Someone tell me what the fuck is going on" I say as I grab the bag out of the cupboard and begin filling it up. "Des, you need to come and look at this quick." Dave finally spits out. I begin to pack each item into the bag quicker, anxiety building about what it is they're both so afraid of. The food goes in first, then the water and finally the weapons but I make sure to leave my knife on me. "Des, I mean it we need to figure something out and quick." Dave urgently says. What has got them so stressed? I finally zip the bag up throwing it over my back, I begin to make my way over to the door. I brush past Amelia and Charlie, planting a kiss on Charlies head. I finally reach Dave, he's still planted right up against the wall refusing to peak over again. I place my hand on the wall putting all my weight on to it so I can peak around the corner. Finally i begin to turn my head and understand what it was that was that crushed fear into them CHAPTER 3 - NORMALITY HIDEN. A group of over one hundred of those creatures slowly brush into each other, almost as if you were the the London underground they all pack together. The group so large that the line up goes from one side of the street to the next and the depth of the group being greater than the house they currently walk past. They're just there, they aren't aggressively screaming like the creatures yesterday although they all have the same facial markings. I'm unable to see their eyes, scratch marks and dried blood covering their faces. A few stand out, one especially at the very front, He's a big guy but more importantly he stumbles around with no arms on either side, bone sticks out of each side. Those things must've eaten his fucking arms but now here he is standing amongst them. "Alright, it's fine..." I say with absolutely no conviction in my voice at all. "It's fine, it's fine we just need to make a run for it, we have everything we need in our hands right now. Get the car started and go, they can't be faster than the car. By the time we start the engine and they notice us we'll be gone." I say knowing this is the only way I will ever be able find my brother and mum, if we wait who knows what could happen. "You're right it's fine, we'll reach the car before they even see us. We just need to go together." Dave adds. I take a few steps back to face Charlie, still in Amelia's arms "Hey bud we're gonna play that game again okay and I need you to promise me you wont cheat." Hoping to excite him once again I say. "I promise." He says. We both smile at each other, I plant yet another kiss on his forehead. I place my arm on Amelia's shoulder, her face as white as a ghost. I look into her eyes almost instructing her to look back at me, and she follows orders. Her eyes meet mine, I give her a nod with a smile. She smiles back and nods her head wiping away an oncoming tear rushing out of her. I make my way to the back preparing to open the car first and then run, I reach into my pocket to make sure I have the key in my hand ready. Dave glances back at us " You ready?" "We're with you. Charlie...Red light." I never thought such a simple sound could mean so much. Dave ran first, then Amelia carrying Charlie, then me. I pressed unlock as Dave began running out, by the time I took my first step the sound of the car unlocking had alerted every single one of those things. I don't turn back, my eyes fixated on the car that I left in the middle of the street. Hefty footsteps bulldoze their way closer, Dave is the first to reach the car, He opens the back door waiting for Amelia to reach him first before entering the car himself. She launches Charlie into the back seat first before climbing in herself. Once I reach the car I finally allow myself to peer to the direction of the screams as I open the drivers side door, one by one they force their way closer. Throwing each other out of the way, fighting to be the first to reach us. They're all covered in different types of wounds, yet somehow move with the speed and drive of a human in peak fitness, if not faster. "Des get in the fucking car!" Dave screams as his car door slams behind him. Forcing the door shut, my hands reach for the ignition hoping to meet it at remarkable speed. Shaker hands force myself to miss a few times before the key finally slides in. The first wave of creatures reach the car as the engine turns on. A substantial force almost lifts the car up from behind, "Mummy!" Charlie screams having broken the rules of the game. "It's okay it's okay." Amelia repeats whilst holding Charlie tight, her eyes scanning all around her. The creatures face's graze up against the window's leaving blood marks on the freshly cleaned windows. We begin pulling away, creatures clenching on to any part of the car they can, I feel the added weight of the car as I begin to pick up speed. The wind mirror reveals a creature holding on as tight as possible to the back of the car, a swift right turn causes it to go flying off and into the front lawn of the house that sat on the corner of the street. The colossal screams beginning to escape the sound barrier, Charlie's cries now the only sound travelling around the car. My jaw finally unclenches, my shallowed breaths continue as a constant ring begins to trump the sound of the cries. No one able to build up the courage to comment. A silent car ride followed, my mums house wasn't exactly close, around an hour drive. The ride was mainly country roads thankfully, we didn't have to shield Charlie's eyes for an hour. What kind of life is this for him, seeing all of this at that age, there's got to be somewhere we can stay safe, somewhere we can build some sort of a life for him. A small town approaches, this meant we were about ten minutes away. Drifting through, it was clear to see the area had been hit with the same problem. Windows are smashed, once again blood filled the empty spaces. Time almost slowed down as we passed through, every little detail about the location lighting up, the simplest blooded print up against a wall stood out like a sore thumb. For the first time, bodies scatter throughout the town. They weren't just bodies though, it wasn't as if someone had shot or stabbed these people, it was clear that these people had been torn limb from limb. The bodies laying on their back, gaping holes in each of their bodies with pieces of rip cage poking out. Horrified looks planted on their faces, most had their mouths wide open as if they were screaming till the very point of death. "Wait, please! Wait for me!" A plea comes from in front of the car. A man sprinting towards the car comes into vision, it's clear to see he's no stranger to what's happening right now with his rips across his shirts and a large wrench gripped in his right hand. The weapon no virgin, blood covering the tip with indents most likely coming at the expense of those creatures. I cant stop, I don't know who he is, I don't know what he's capable and I don't want him sat in the back of the car with Amelia and Charlie. I need to think about my family and our safety, I cant afford to make the wrong decision right now. My foot pushes further into the accelerator as the car speeds up. "Des what are you doing?" Dave turns to me. I can feel as the sweat of my palms begins to cover the steering wheel. "You really want a stranger sitting in the back of the car next to Amelia and Charlie right now?" Amelia doesn't comment, her focus on Charlie as always. "It may not be the moral thing to do... but it's the right thing to do." Dave shrugs back into his chair, seeming to accept my comment, yet not agreeing with it. The strangers cries continue as I speed past him, unable to look him in the eye knowing I probably just wrote him a death sentence. As we build some distance between us I gaze into the mirror seeing him drop to his knees, I know what I did was wrong but...someone has to make these decisions, I'd rather his blood on my hands rather than someone in this car. My foot hits the breaks, the ten floor buildings tower over us in perfect condition. Sunlight reflects of the freshly cleaned windows,the cars sit in their spots untouched as if it was a normal day. No sign of the once living and the and the havoc that follows. Pateo doors lay open, the breeze the blowing through. The weather opposing the thoughts and feelings of everyone sat in the car. Could they really be okay? This place looks untouched, they're so high up and need some sort of a key to get in, we could get to the top, find mum and Theo and all stay their together. Amelia leans forward into the front "It looks normal." Confusion follows her voice, her eyes scanning the area. "I don't know but I need to get up there and see if they're okay." Dave joins the conversation "Let's do it then, we'll all go together." "No, we cant all go. Although it looks clear we cant see inside. Im not taking Charlie up, there could be anything in there. We'll park the car somewhere hidden, Amelia you and Charlie sit in the front and wait, if you see any sign of those things you drive off and you don't wait. If everything is clear we'll come back down and get you. If this place is as good as it looks we shouldn't have anything to worry about." "He's right, if something goes wrong in there...we need you two to be safe." Dave turns back to Amelia. She bit her trembling lip turning back to face Charlie, her fingers tapping up against the drivers seat rhythmically. Her eyes continued to avoid eye contact once she turned back. "Okay fine. Just...just be careful okay, both of you." "We will, I'll look after him don't worry." I say trying to lighten the mood. Dave leans in and plants a kiss on Amelia's lips, I pull my eyes away and drop my head. I can get behind forgiving him but I don't know if I will ever get used to that. I still haven't even spoken to Amelia, we really fell out of touch the last few months and to be honest again it was my fault. I just couldn't take the thoughts of them together, I can see now they're truly in love but it still hurts to watch. I don't know if there will ever be a right time to have that conversation now that Dave is here but I just hope she knows how much I still care about her, no matter what happens. The car now sits in a dark corner sat behind one of the flats. I turn back to Charlie "Hey bud, Dad's gonna go check a few things out but I'll be back real soon okay. Mum's gonna stay here and sit with you okay?" Charlie nods his head in agreement whilst playing with a toy Amelia packed for him. She was always good like that, thinking about the little things that would escape my mind. Dave exits the car first, slowly scanning around before taking his first step on the slabbed stone beneath him. My hand reaches for the door before Amelia pulls me back up against the chair. "I mean it, be careful...please. Charlie needs his dad...and I need you here too." Our eyes connect as she pleads for me to stay safe. I avoid eye contact as i feel my water coloured eyes begin to puff, as I chew on the inside of my cheeks. I don't reply to avoid the inevitable crack in my voice and decide to focus on my breathing. In response I nod back to her and quickly exit the car. My eyes scan side to side, every corner I turn I expect a creature to jump out and take away any time I have left with the people I love. Tightly gripping the handle of the blade in my right hand, step by step we come closer to the entrance, still shocked at the sight of normality. Each foot step we take the only sound that meets the birds flying above. I wonder if they know something is happening up there, gracefully floating above in formation without a care in the world. The flat had never looked this daunting before, towering over us unknowing what awaits us when I open the front door. I always had a key to bring mum her shopping, she hasn't been able to move round much since the accident at work, I cant imagine how she's feeling right now. I've never seen Dave stay quiet for this long, his ADHD must be through the roof right now but I wish for nothing more but it to continue. Dave's head continues to turn back checking on the car as it slowly pulls out of our vision. His hands agitated, his blade in his left hand. Thankfully he was a lefty, I don't think that right hand would be holding anything any time soon. The door stands tall in front of us, placing my ear up against the steel door no sound breaks through. Dave continues to bite down on his lip, his right leg followed a rhythmic shake "You hear anything?" He whispers gently. I pull away from the door "there's nothing, doesn't mean it's empty I guess. When we go in stay behind me, if anything comes at us we cant be in each others way. No hesitations in there." "No hesitations" Dave nods. Slowly the key enters the lock, I make sure not to make any noise. The unlocking door doesn't produce any sound but I feel as the key turns and the weight gives in. The key smoothly slides out of the hole as I take a look toward Dave asking if he's ready yet not saying a word. He replies with a nod and a fitting posture, left arm raising, the knife lifting up and his knees bending. As the door opens our wishes come true, the sun light beams through each window on the clear staircase. A smile bursts on to Dave's face "See Des, its gonna be alright" He pats me on the back as he overtakes me and steps into the flat first. I don't reply, nothing has gone the way it should lately...and I still don't trust this place, as much as I want to believe they're okay, I cant give myself that false hope yet. We begin climbing the stairs with complete silence assuring every footstep was taken with extreme delicacy. My eyes couldn't help but continue peering up to the top floor, wanting to begin sprinting up each step but knowing I couldn't run, I had to be smart, I cant just forget about everything I've seen. With each step I allowed myself to believe more and more that they're really going to be up there and they're going to be okay, in the end its always the hope that kills you not the outcome. If you always expected the worst, the actual outcome can never hurt you, that was always my philosophy, yet I find myself forgetting everything I'd ever known as the tenth floor approached. The ninth floor feels the longest, every flight of steps feeling like its own marathon, time moving slower than ever before. My legs now dragging along the floor, I was never the fittest person ever, I never went on runs or did a massive amount of exercise but I'd never class myself as out of shape. Composure was out of the window as we finally reached our destination, the doorway so compact that Dave and I walk in single file, my legs feel as if they weigh 100kg each, yet I still move at a great speed ignoring the pain. The door finally approaches, again normality filled the top floor, no signs of blood or guts, no sign of damage or fighting. I move towards the door and reach into my pocket to pull the key out once more before noticing the door already sits open by a jar. I slam the door open and rush inside, forgetting about every rule I set for myself. She stood there in front of me, unable to see her face as she had her back toward me. A slight unbalance covered her posture, her head turns our way due to the slam of the door, yet her face is still out of vision. Dave stands behind me, knowing not to interrupt what is about to happen next. "Mum" my voice cracks. A very quiet groan escapes from her direction, her hands continue to twitch, each finger moving separately. Her head snaps left to right consistently. Although I try to ignore it, a puddle of blood fills the floor below her. "Mum, its me". Finally, her gesture finally rotates in my direction. A torn apart face is revealed first, slowly followed by the pivot in her body and legs. Her eyes gapping holes with nothing but blood flooding through, bite rips cover her neck, exposed muscles creep out. The tip of her fingers ripped apart as bone sticks out of them almost as if she had been scratching against a wall until the finger itself tore off. My vision becoming blurry, the destroyed surrounding room now feeling miles away. She takes a step towards me, just like one of those creatures she's clunky in her movements. Her legs seemingly not working as one drags the other forward. "Please mum...its me." Groans followed her continuous steps towards me. "Des, I can do..." I jump in before he can finish "Fuck off! It's my mum...we aren't doing anything" Her steps slow, taking her time shuffling towards us. "Please mum, it's me" I plead as my voice continues to crack, I feel as the tears trickle down my face. Every feeling in my body stimulated to the maximum, my heartbeat pulsing in each of my fingers, each breath I take causing a tight pain in my chest. Dave's short and accelerated breaths pushing against my back. I take a step forward, knowing what I have to do, I just don't know if I have the strength to do it. Sweat meets the floor as the grasp on my weapon pulls tighter than ever, my hand now turning red. The shuffles edge closer toward me. She lets out a scream, like one of those things. My emotions swiftly change, I raise my weapon and land a huge blow to her chest, continuing to rip the weapon out and slash it back into her chest, this doesn't stop her movements as she continues to throw her hands towards my face, her teeth now visual. Anger flows through my body taking over, I'm no longer in control. I let out a scream mimicking the one my mother lets out as I continue stabbing her in the chest, blood exploding onto me. Finally I pull the knife out one last time before smashing it into her face, going straight through her cheek bone and into her brain leading her body to drop to the floor. My breaths fast and aggressive, the pain in my chest continued no longer. Blood and tears once again meet on my face, my mother now lifeless on the floor...and I killed her. Dave stood in the doorway yet my eyes still fixated on the damage I caused, I reach down and pull on the blade sticking out of the face of what was once my mother. My full force unable to retrieve the weapon, the sounds of bone cracking follow my continuous pulls. Finally as her head raises the blade flies out, causing what is left of her head to smash against the ground. "Des..." Before Dave can say what he was going to several loud screams are let out from the stairway, doors smashing against walls quickly travelled through the air. Dave turns to his left to see a creature swiftly arriving...he freezes, his posture full of hesitation. I look up to see the creature meet Dave head on. Standing all but one metre away from his face, no sounds escapes Dave as he stares back into the void of the creatures eye socket. Blood dribbling down the creatures lip as his mouth lets out a groan, I can do nothing but watch as this creature steps face to face with him. Yet...nothing. The creature meets him face to face showing no aggression towards him, continuing to scan for what seemed like sound. Dave continued to freeze, not knowing it was seemingly saving his life. The sound of creatures bulldozing their way up the stairs continued, as the creature which faced Dave slowly worked its way into the room totally ignoring Dave as if it couldn't see him. Currently kneeling over the body of my mother, I have no choice but to simulate the same actions as Dave and once again pray. There was no fighting my way out of this situation, the hallways are too narrow, if I even took out the creature stood in-front of me the next would swiftly line up. If I tried to reach for Dave those things would beat me too him, all I could do was sit and pray. One by one they trickled into the room, their heads scanning the room for what seemed like they were searching for any type of sound. Dave still stood in the doorway, the creatures brushing past him, fear continued to hold him hostage. His chest expanding as if there was a balloon inside. My hand holds the weapon firm, ready to attempt to fight for my life if that's what it comes too. Around ten of the creatures now inside the room shuffling around, I scan the area for the closest object, my hand reaches toward a Tv remote that had once sat on top of a cabinet but now knocked on the floor by the roaming creatures. My hand slowly extends, the slightest sound now being the decision between life and death. Ringing in my ears plays over the sound of groans like an instrumental, my fingers slowly cupping the bottom of the remote and beginning to lift it. The rattle in my hands causes one of them to turn my way as if my invincibility cloak had been lifted, I swiftly threw the remote to the other side of the room, every creature letting out a scream before sprinting to the sound of the remote smashing against the wall. I pick myself up and begin slowly stepping backwards towards Dave and the door, my eyes continued to fixate on the creatures smashing into each other all fighting to be the first one toward the sound, as if they were a pack of lions fighting over prey. I meet Dave grabbing his arm, I meet his eye line but no one is there. He stood eyes wide open, whilst his weapon sat loosely in his hands. I began tugging on his arm, gesturing him to follow me, finally his trance was lifted, with a shake of the head he returned to reality. I slowly take the lead and thankfully he follows, now being more careful than ever to make no sound. Our worst nightmare comes to fruition as I catch a glimpse of the stair way, creatures spread throughout the floors, scattered now roaming the once empty stairwell. There's only one way down and this was it. I turn to Dave and put my mouth to my lips, cautioning him to stay quiet, unknowing if he knows that the silence saved him. I don't know how I didn't think of this before, their eyes are ripped out, which I'm still not sure why yet but they cant see. All we have to do is stay quiet and we can travel around them. The sunlight hit the creatures perfectly lighting up their features as we crept closer to the first wave on the ninth floor. One foot in front of the other, facing toward the floor to avoid any obstacles that may cause a sound. I step closer preparing myself to drift past the creatures, the stairway small and compact, the wall's painted white and sit undamaged, for how much longer I'm not sure. I come to a stop, two creatures dragging in the way of our direction, Dave stands up against my back holding on to my left arm, sticking as close as possible. It slowly approaches, Dave's head drops to the ground, I feel his hand grips onto my arm and notice his eyes squeeze shut. My eyes forced wide open, staring back into the soulless creature, it doesn't stop to focus on my being here and continues to work its way up the stairs. It's actually working, this changes everything. Floor by floor we brush past the creatures, all of which were unaware of our presence. As we finally reach the bottom floor creatures spread out across the main entrance covering the front door, holding us hostage. Dave seemingly building courage, he now stood behind me no longer shying away from the creatures. The exit sign lights up red above our safe haven, our family waiting on the other side. I grab Dave's hand, holding onto each other I take the first step, I push past the creatures hoping to come off as just another one of them. The red light now stood above my head, the door unlocked yet still closed. I grips the handle and begin the pull, a slight whine is let out, slowly and surely I continued to pull whilst Dave stands up against the wall ready to escape. Enough space is finally opened for Dave to sneak out, once he steps out he holds to door open for me to creep out. On my way out I brush into a creature, I freeze hoping my presence stays unknown. A scream blares out from behind me to notify me I'm no longer camouflaged, I reach for the door, a hand grasping onto my shoulder forcing beginning to drag me backwards. It's nails dig into my shoulders and tear my skin ripping all the way to my back, the rest of the creatures scream out in harmonisation. I raise my weapon striking down into the top of a creature to my right it drops to the floor taking my weapon with it. Dave reaches his hand out to me "Des!" I grab onto him, the force launching me outside, a slam from the door follows from behind me. The creatures crush up against the exit one by one trampling on each other but unable to breach the door. Standing paralysed I stare, fixated on the door that separated me and the once living. Dave begins to speak but nothing enters my mind, my muscles locked with my feet nailed to the ground almost like a deer in headlights trying to let myself accept everything that just happened. Dave's voice slowly becomes clear "Des, we have to go." He continues to repeat. No words reach my mouth despite a thousand thoughts running through my mind. He grabs my shirt from behind and begins tugging me back towards the car, my feet drag along the floor as I obey my orders. The car sits in it's place, Amelia able to sit and hide without having faced any threats. Dave runs ahead reaching the car before me, I'm unable to hear the words spoken yet I can guess he's telling Amelia everything that just happened, informing her of what I did, what I had to do. My ears once again playing the song of high pitched ringing. Once I enter the car complete silence follows, the other clearly to nervous to be the first one to speak. I place my hands back on the wheel "He wasn't there." "What?" Dave looks back to me in shock as my first words tremble out. "Theo...he wasn't there. I looked at everyone of those things, he wasn't one of them." Once again the others refuse to acknowledge my being there. "When I first saw the news it was around 11am. He wouldn't have been at home. He would've been at school. I need to...I need to go there." Amelia leans forward looking toward Dave "That's where we'll go then." It was clear that they were avoiding the subject, not wanting to bring up how I just brutally murdered what was left of my own mother before Amelia finally places a hand on my shoulder. "Desmond...I'm so-" Before she can finish I brush her hand from my shoulder "I'm fine...I just...I just need to find Theo." CHAPTER 4 - SUMMER SCHOOL. Back on the road now nothing is the same, the sunlight that once breached through the windows hides behind a layer of dull clouds. Rain continued to fall for what felt like an eternity, the steady patter of water crashes against the windshield. Dave and Amelia partake in a conversation on my right but the words don't reach my ears. My brain emotionless continuing to block out everything around me. My body numb in this moment, the anger that once took over now faded, no feeling or emotions left to feel. The school wasn't too far from home...what was once home, a short drive now in between me and what was left of my family. He's probably not there and if he is, I'm not sure I want to see what's left of him but I have to try. I wont be able to live with myself knowing I didn't try. Dave's voice once again Pushes through and becomes clear "They cant see at all. We just stood there still and they walked right past us." Amelias eyes light up in both confusion and positivity "Well that's good right? We've found something we can use against them. If we've figured that out I'm sure the government are even closer to finding a way to stop all of this. It cant be long now till they're all out patrolling the country and ending this." Dave twists the handle of his bladed weapon "Exactly, we'll find Theo then find somewhere to waste the time before they figure this all out." Amelia's curiosity peaks again "but...these things they just keep multiplying. We put them down once they just get back up?" I join the conversation "No, once they're put down in the form of...whatever they turn in too. They don't get back up. They only seem to get back up once they're attacked by the creatures themselves. I'm not sure whether its the biting that does it or if it can be the slightest scratch, but lets do our best not to find out." I gaze at the once bright red now turned dry and more of a dark purple blood that stains my hands "They also don't seem to go down from anything but trauma to the brain. When I was stabbing my...when I was stabbing that thing, it didn't show any emotion until I hit the head, that's when it dropped." Dave looks in my direction "I'm sorry about back there, I fucking froze and it could've gone really wrong. Even with everything you managed to keep calm." "It's not on you. Anyone would've froze in that situation. If anything you helped us, if you didn't then we wouldn't know what we know now. But I cant take you in the school, who knows what condition its going to be in and I just need to be quick, get in and out." "Des don't be ridiculous, I'm not letting you go in there alone? Look It wont happen again and plus, we know now we can just make our way through quietly. We don't need to worry about fighting through tens of them, we can be smart about this." I take a moment before responding, he's probably right. We can be smart about this, if we make no sound then we can be in and out even faster, But if I do it alone then I don't have to worry about saving someone else, I just need to look for Theo. "I cant, I don't know what's going to be waiting in there. If something happened to you in there I wouldn't be able to forgive myself. We're doing this for me, I'm the only one who should be put in danger." Dave sits up in his chair, an aggressive tone in his voice "I'm not doing this for you...I'm doing this for Theo, he might need our help right now and I'm going in there to find him and get him out of there. Believe it or not he may not be blood but he's still my brother, just like you." His words sit with me longer than expected, Theo and Dave always had a good relationship. Although they hadn't spoken much lately, it was like he told Amelia this morning, we raised him together. It was a burden stuck on me, our Dad ran off at such a young age for Theo, it quickly became my job to do everything a father was supposed too but Dave didn't make me do it alone. Dave taught Theo how to shave for the first time, not that the three blonde hairs that stuck out of Theo's chin were noticeable in any way. Dave helped me teach Theo how to ride his first bike, he helped me talk to Theo about having his first girlfriend. Dave was right, he was family to him and I can't stop him from helping. "Fine, I cant stop you, but we need to be quick. It's already been what twenty four hours or more since everything went to shit? I'm not sure if he's still even there or what version of him may be there if we find him." Dave's tone becoming light once again "We're gonna go in there together and figure it out. I cant promise you we'll find him. After what just happened, Im not sure I want to promise anything ever again, but I will promise to stick by your side no matter what." Amelia sat in the back, Charlie leaning up against her as he continued to be fascinated by his toy. "You two are always making plans and somehow forgetting I'm here. I don't to just sit here, I can help too." I look up meeting her eye line in the mirror "I know you do, but right now the best thing you can do is stay in here with Charlie. He needs someone he cant trust right now." "Where are you going mummy?" "I'm not going anywhere hun don't worry." Her arms wrap around her son, comforting him. " I understand, I'm just saying you need to include me. I wont sit here and be just another character in the back of the movie." I reply "You wont be, once...If we find Theo we'll get him out of there and come right back here. From then on we do everything together. The five of us." The rusted silver gates stand over us as we approach the entrance, the gate stands up right and locked. Nothing seemingly having come in or out. The steel sits a good distance away from the actual entrance of the school and at each end is held up right by a ten foot tall wall that circles around the whole school, hiding the contents which lay behind it. Our only line of sight through the gaps in the steel. As expected, the school has been hit and hit heavy. I feel my heart sink at the sight of hundreds of students scrolling across the field that sits in between us and the school building. The strolls that on a normal day would seem so casual, the sound of laughter would play over the celebrations of someone scoring in lunch time football or the laughter of the older kids booting the young kids ball across the field. Yet in this world, the scenes so different. The strolls were coated by loud groans and screams that no human vocal cord should be able to produce, kids no older than fifteen dragging there upper half along the floor as there legs no longer connected and it begins to haunt me...anyone of these could be my baby brother. The school was built up of two separate buildings, connected through a second floor bridge. Each building was large, up to three floors high and coated in white and blue paint, a lot of the white now beginning to fade. I used to go to this school and I know it well, I met Amelia here and we were inseparable for the next 6 years, of course Dave tagged along, usually bringing whatever girlfriend it was that he had at the time and funnily enough that changed a lot. Either way everything is different now, nothing is as easy as that anymore and all that matters is finding Theo, whatever version of him that is. Dave's fists clenched closed next to me and his jaw seems tightly locked. Amelia a mirror image, that rhythmic tapping she loves so much begins to hit the back of my chair, her right leg bouncing up and down. Dave's jaw finally unlocks "Okay, we need to work your way in. Maybe if we jump over the wall we can slowly walk through them and avoid being heard. It seems like a lot of them are outside, so maybe inside the buildings are clear?" I sit in silence pondering on an idea, that's not an awful idea, we need to find a way inside. Amelia begins to scratch her cheek, another nervous tick of hers "Doesn't work, I mean...there's a lot of them out here...what if he's one of them. You make your way in the building and your never going to find him. I'm sorry Desmond but, he could be one of them and then trying to sneak your way in to the building makes no sense. You're risking yourself for something Theo wouldn't want." The harsh reality hits me that she's right, but only in a certain way. He could be out here and that would make going in pointless, but if we figured out he wasn't then he has to be inside. "You're right, but I need to know. Whether he's out there or inside. I need to know. I have an idea, They're attracted to sound, if we get up on one side of the wall and call out to them they'll all come over in our direction. We'll be able to see their faces. I'll know if he's out here." Amelia's eyes slowly shut, a large sigh follows "It might work." She agrees, although it's clear she doesn't like the plan. "Look I have to try, but I cant do this alone, I need both of you with me. I was wrong to try and tell you I don't need you Dave, I do." Dave's face lights up, I'm unaware whether that because I said he was right or I said I needed him. "We said we're in this together and we'll stick to it, you two just need to be safe. How close was it back at the flats, this place is even worse." "We didn't know what we do now, we can work our way through I promise, we can do this, for Theo." "Uncle Theo?" Charlie lets out an exciting giggle as his face lights up. Theo was always great with Charlie, with Theo being a lot younger then me I think that made him the 'cool uncle'. Amelia turns to Charlie "Hopefully you're gonna see your uncle soon. That would be nice wouldn't it?" "Yeah!" I feel as my face lights up red and my shoulders drop, I turn back away from Charlie and Amelia as once again my eyes began to water. "Okay, we need to do this." The inside of my right hand begins to bleed as the scab is opened up once again, this time on the brick wall. I lean back down and grab Amelias hand as she launches herself towards upward, Dave below her giving her a boost up as he did for me and then sitting at the car watching over Charlie. Amelia straightens up next to me, now standing on top of the wall glancing over a sea of the dead, searching for the living. "You see anything?" "No, not yet." My eyes peer across the waves and waves of school kids, they never expected this when they went to school yesterday morning. It was just a normal day for them, their alarms waking them up, taking the bus to school and meeting up with their friends. The idea of double business probably the worst thing on their mind, little did they know, it was going to be the last day of their lives. The sight was bone-chilling as the dead slowly began creeping our way due to the noise of our climbs. "Hey, over here!" I scream and the dead oblige, they begin springing over one by one. They smash up against the platform holding us up but thankfully it stands strong, a slight unbalance at the first crash but now steady. "This is probably your dumbest idea yet and I'll be honest...and you've had some stupid ideas" Amelia laughs as she raises her arms out to keep balance. "It's a trait of mine" I share the moment of laughter with her, trying to enjoy any moments I can alone with her. The search continued on, to spot him out was hard. The creatures features rarely matching the ones of the people they used to be. Of course their eyes and face all marked the same as if they were apart of a tribe, being the scratches across their eyes. I can still say confidently that he's not here, I know my baby brother and I'd know any version of him. He's not here. "He's not here!" A smile breaching my face as I grab out to Amelias balancing hand. "Dave! He's not here he could be okay." Dave steps forward a large grin on his face "That's good, you ready for the fun part then?" "Let's do it. Okay you go down first then I'll drop myself." I turn to Amelia. "No, I'll stay up here it'll make it easier for you." "No its to-" Her tone of voice turns sober "This isn't a debate, I'm staying up here. I can see Charlie he's right there and the car is locked, I can get to him if I need to. If I stay here I can keep calling out to them and distract them. You wont even have to worry about sneaking through them they'll all be here." I take no time in replying "okay then, like you said we're in this together, it's not my choice" a smile still covering my face, strangely proud of her. I drop down towards Dave, ready to make our way around to the other side before dropping into the pit of the dead. "Why's she still up there?" "She's staying up there, she's gonna keep distracting them so we can get in easier." Dave didn't seem as eager about the idea. His eyes peer up towards her, before he can say anything she shouts down. "I told him and I'll tell you the same thing, I'm gunna help." "Okay that's fine...please, just be careful." Dave walks toward Amelia, almost out of respect so I'm unable to here what he would say to her next, but unknown to him every word is clear. "I cant lose you okay, if anything goes wrong, if they start to get too close, if you feel the wall move even an inch you get down okay?" "It's gonna be fine hun, I should be the one worrying about you, you're going in to that place." Pointing at the school. "I guess we'll both just have to be careful then." He smirks in her direction. "I guess we will" I gaze to my watch, the time already pushing past 4pm "We should get going, don't want the sun to fall before we get out." Dave turns, acknowledging my comment "Okay, we wont be long. Be careful, " "You too." Dave makes one final gaze towards Amelia "I love you." In which the reply would be silence. Amelia almost ignoring the comment. Dave's face fills with confusion "you not going to say it back?" "I'll say it when you get back. Now stop wasting time, go." She smirks before turning her back to us and beginning to shout abuse at the dead. Dave slowly backs away, seeming as if the joke didn't go down very well with him. "Gunna have to wash my ears out after that. I'm sure you'll live if she doesn't say it back for an hour mate, let's get on with it." I nudge him in the correct direction. Before heading off I reach into my bag that sits in the back of the car with Charlie "Mum's gonna be just out there okay, you can see her just up there. If anything is wrong just give her a shout mate, okay?" "Where are you going?" My cheeks raise "Im going to get uncle Theo." I plant my ritual kiss on his forehead before lunging to the side of him and reaching for a weapon, my knife got taken down with that last one I killed. Maybe something that wont get stuck might be a better idea, I reach and grab the hammer that sits on top. The hammer sits in my palm, trying to get used to the weight I continue flipping and throwing it around. I shut the door behind me and begin to lead the way "Let's do it." We begin swiftly working our way around the corner, making sure we get in and out as quick as possible. Like I said, we need to get in and out before the sun falls. In the dark we can hit and bump into who knows what, causing all types of noises. We'd be screwed. The wall tracks around the whole school, picking the right spot felt crucial. After jogging for about 3 minutes I glance at a small part of the brick wall that falls lower due to the hill it sits on. "There, gimme a boost. We should be far enough now." I point towards the top. Dave leans up against the wall and places his hands out ready to boost me up, and he does. I reach down and launch him upright. We both sat and stared out at the dead still heavily fixated on Amelia. Sounds of her hurling different types of abuse at the dead continue to echo across the field and to say she was being creative with her insults would be an understatement. "Did she just call one of them a donkey?" A laugh escapes me. "Honestly doesn't surprise me" The walk across the field would take no time now that nothing stands in our way, it dawns on me what we're really about to do as Dave drops down first. His knees bending as he reaches the bottom. The thoughts of the past twenty four hours all come rushing back, the ones I've tried so hard to push back, everything I just did. Yet I cant allow that to stick with me, I've done what I have to and I need to continue doing that. Now isn't the time for doubts. My eyes blank as I have a moment alone with myself, inside my own thoughts. An occasion that seems to be repeating itself. Dave turns back quietly "Des, come on." A shake of the head and I'm once again back with reality, my mind falls blank, pushing every emotion and thought to the back once again. I'll deal with that another time. I lower myself down as to not make any sound, my legs dangling down, whilst my arms hold me up until I let go and feel the floor catch me. I grips the wooden handle, the weighted head tilts downwards ready to deal a large amount of damage if called upon. Dave on the other hand still has his knife, untouched and still a virgin as the tip shines bright and clean. CHAPTER 5 - ONE OF US WONT MAKE IT. The first steps are always the hardest, you're about to attempt something and have no idea how it's going to play out, but taking those steps is important, that's what it means to be alive, and that meant more than anything right now. We move together at the same time, both stepping through the high standing grass, that the school clearly hadn't cut recently. The dead not in sight as we work our way up to the buildings. Both doors sat shut, which is a good sign, those outside cant get in, but that's also applies to us. Windows scatter across the building on each floor, some smashed and some only damaged, yet none sit untouched. Glancing through nothing and no one roams the classrooms or corridors. The thought that he may not be here at all begins to enter my mind, I guess that leaves the opportunity for him still being alive, so I entertain the thought. I slowly approach the door to the left building, It stands as tall as the bricked wall currently imprisoning us. The metal handle begins to twist and somehow luck was on our side as the door silently began to open. Dave turns back to take a look at Amelia, His body laying still taking the situation in. My hand reaches out for his shoulder "I'm just as worried as you are but she'll be there when we get back, she can handle herself . I promise mate." He nods back to avoid making any noise as we both entered the building. Crazy how something once so innocent can turn so quickly. Handmade posters scatter the walls, different pictures of each class with their teacher that once hung up so proudly now swing from side to side hanging off the walls. The light shower of rain that began on our car journey quickly turned into an eruption, rain beginning to crash down. The front door that kept the dead out slowly crept shut as a breeze ran up my spine. No dead were in sight, however the sounds of their presence were recognisable, echoing against each wall of the isolated building. Theo was in sixth form, his final year, if nothing had changed since we were here five or six years ago now, who knows it all feels like a lifetime ago, then his class will be on the top floor. I notion in the direction of the stairs that sit in front of us, thankfully it seems Dave also remembers the lay out as he doesn't question the notion and takes the lead. As our shoes meet the marble floor minuscule thuds escape, it didn't seem to be loud enough to attract any visitors as we continued our way up the stairs. The school so damaged it looks as if it had been abandoned for decades, scratches cover each piece of the ancient wooden frame. Paper scatters over the floor which at times help to camouflage our footsteps, and of course the reoccurrence of blood does not fall short. Our destination arrived sooner and easier than expected, the third floor was in a state of dismay, bodies cover the sixth form floor both the ones who got back up and the ones who didn't. The blood began pounding in my ears, the heartbeat in my chest seemingly wanting to escape more than I. My vision begins to blur the state of the building fully taking my over me, I'd be happy to be anywhere but here, but I cant leave, not yet. Dave continues to shuffle forward on mute, discreetly avoiding the bodies that lay beneath us. Different pereces of different people spread across the floor, the smell taking stronger than anything, slow breaths the only thing stopping me from coughing, and not coughing the only thing stopping me from dying. My hand now covering my nose to hide from the stench that bounces of every wall The sound of the dead dragging different limbs across the floor seemingly covering our foot steps, loud screams continued as we crept through, with every scream I felt as if our position had become common knowledge. The third floor had a long corridor that spread down the whole building, the chances are right now that he is one of them. Every one of the dead I creep past I study extensively, then try to convince myself that its not him and he's not here. Suddenly, loud crashes and shouts Come from the other side of the building, yet seemingly on the third floor. The sound of screams had become usual but there was something odd about these, they were somewhat human. The noise forced the tens of the dead to charge to the opposite end of the corridor, Dave and I continuing to lay low and let this play out. "You cant go out there!" A human voice screams out. My eyes light up at the realisation of something living. I pivot towards Dave, his head nods before I can even come up with a gesture. Slowly we creep up mixing ourselves in with the dead, distance is created between me us as the dead began pushing between us. My head continues rotating in all areas, looking for him as well as locating the strangers voices that continue to panic. "We've been in here for over a day, I'm not staying any longer!" The stimulation from the voices continues to aggravate the dead, smashing up against any form of a physical object they can find. Creatures to my right smashing up against the wall, blood spraying from their fingers as they scratch up against the wall tearing through the tips of their fingers. I slowly work my way through the large group, my body slowly being crushed by the creatures as they bundle together. Air is continuously taken out of my lungs, every next breath harder than the one before. Dave no where to be seen as my head attempts to peak over the sea of torn apart faces, I have to assume he's okay. I see the thick wooden door that separates the dead from the voices of the living, cracks 1 I think you should split this into 2 pieces of dialog . Just something small and simple inbetween like hr begins to smile or something idk I'm not a writer |