Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2312181-The-Dragons-Fall
Rated: E · Poetry · Fantasy · #2312181
An epic fight between the knight and the dragon.
In caverns deep, where moonlight dared not tread,
A dragon slumbered, on a hoard of dreams instead.
His scales, like emeralds, caught the faintest gleam,
His breath, a perfume, whispered of a forgotten stream.

But slumber's hold was fragile, prone to break,
When shadows danced, and mortal men did wake.
A knight, clad silver, with a heart of flame,
Sought treasure's glint, and whispered dragon's name.

He pierced the darkness, blade held high and bold,
His courage burning, brighter than the gold.
The dragon stirred, a tremor in the air,
One eye unfurled, a gaze that froze despair.

With thunder's roar, the beast emerged from night,
Wings unfurled, obscuring moon and starry light.
The knight stood firm, his voice a battle cry,
As fire and fury painted crimson sky.

The clash was epic, prowess met with might,
Steel sang against scales, a symphony of fight.
The knight, though brave, was weary, hope grew thin,
But then he saw, a chink in dragon's skin.

With one swift thrust, his blade found purchase true,
A gout of blood, the dragon's roar anew.
But fury's fire turned to pained surprise,
As venom seeped, from armor's busted guise.

The dragon faltered, wings began to fail,
A mournful cry, upon the wind's sad wail.
The knight, victorious, yet with heavy heart,
Knelt by the beast, as life began to depart.

He saw not monster, but a creature old,
Guarding dreams, within a cavern cold.
The perfume's scent, a memory bittersweet,
A whispered tale, of power and defeat.

So learn from dragons, let their lesson ring,
True power lies not just in scales and wing.
For dreams are treasures, more than gold can hold,
And hearts that conquer, leave their stories told.

WRITTEN FOR: "The Writer's Cramp | "*Wink*Winner & New Prompt Due Wednesday, January 17"  
PROMPT: Write a story or poem in which the characters are animals. Use FANTASY as one of your genres, and include these three words, bolded: perfume, busted, prowess
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