Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2311891-Heroic-Hiccups
Rated: E · Poetry · Comedy · #2311891
A superhero on his secret identity gone awry. A Writer's Cramp entry.
Oh, Captain Courage, hero bold, whose cape doth shimmer gold,
Today your powers take a break, your life, a tragic fold.
No city threats, no laser blasts, just laundry piled too high,
And toast burnt black, a smoky wake, that makes a tear roll by.

Your morning run, a clumsy trip, face-first in dewy grass,
A squirrel snickers, tail held high, as dignity you pass.
At work, the copier jams again, with paper spewing wild,
Your boss, she glares, a paper storm, her patience gone and mild.

Lunch hour brings a sandwich sad, of lettuce limp and cheese,
The pigeons steal your crumbs, you sigh, beneath a weeping beech.
A date tonight, with hopes ablaze, but fate, it plays a trick,
Her cat runs loose, a hissing beast, who leaves your face a nick.

Homeward bound, in rush hour's crush, your zipper gives a cry,
Your pants descend, with comic ease, as folks go by and sigh.
Then rain, it falls in buckets wide, your shoes are soaked and cold,
And lightning strikes your umbrella, leaving smoke both dark and bold.

Yet, Captain Courage, chin held high, you grin despite the rain,
Tomorrow brings a hero's day, to wash away the pain.
For even gods like mortals are, with troubles big and small,
And bad days make the victories, more glorious after all.

So raise a glass to heroes true, whose trials never end,
Who fight for justice, fight for love, and fight to mend their pants, my friend.

LINE COUNT: 22 lines
WRITTEN FOR: "The Writer's Cramp | "*Pencil*WINNER and NEW PROMPT - Due Friday, Jan 12"  
Write a story or poem about a superhero during a day on which nothing is going right for her or him. (Remember the famous bomb scene from that TV show?)

The "bad day" could be while the superhero is at "work," in the "private life" of a secret identity, or a mix.

One of your genres must be COMEDY.
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