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A Society of Mutant Animal Pranksters are tasked to pants one of Arkham's infamous rogues |
So...I'm really pissed...Some asshole just mooned me in public and I want to vent so this is based on a idea that never saw the light of day of a secret underground society of runaway mutant animals who are inspired by footage caught of the ninja turtles and seek to win acceptance in society by fighting crime, trouble is they're not that good at fighting so now they seek to win Humanity's approval by pantsing one of the infamous Rogues of Gotham City (Most likely one of the men, since the womens' costumes don't seem to incorperate pants) And as per usual the 2003 TMNT might show up, having no idea they've inspired a bunch of mostly runaway experiments |
Name: Red Eyes Age: 16 Sex: Female Species: Albino or 'Wistar' Rat (Rattus norvegicus) Likes: Emmental cheese, Dancing, Sci-Fi and Fantasy Dislikes: Living in the sewers, canned vegetables, bullies Bio: 'Red Eyes' actually her real name is a serial number, is a recent joinee of the 'Merry Mutants' a band of mostly escaped experiments led by a Mutant Rat named Rathbone (See also The Lost Mind of Dr. Brain) she came with very little other than a few changes of clothes and a VHS of taped episodes of Star Trek given to her by her 'Dad' who seems to be the scienstist who set her free, as she is a female rat, Rathbone seems to give her an inordinate amount of attention trying to be a father figure to her, which sparks jelousy among the other young Mutants making Red Eyes feel even worse! |
Name: Will Foxington Age: 18 Sex: Male Species: Fox Likes: Pranks, writing novels, and building stuff out of pure junk. Dislikes: Bullies, scientists, and being alone. Bio: A genetically altered fox kit at a young age, Will grew up as a literal test subject to scientists that abducted him from a zoo, creating a large hatred to all scientists. Over the years, he took time to return the same hell to them by escaping his cell and pranking them in all ways possible. |
Today the Young Merry Mutants, were gathered together in their current home, the sewers of Gotham City, they had come here in hopes they could finally achieve their mission of being accepted by Humanity be publically bringing down one of the infmaous Arkham Rogues. Their Leader the old Mutant Rat named Rathbone, he wore the tag in his ear to always remind him of his time in the lab said "My young friends...There has been a massive jailbreak of Arkham Asylum, almost all the Rogues have escaped, we have massive oppritunities here! Of course over the coarse of our adventures I have realized most of you aren't that good at fighting..." The Young Merry Mutants squirmed with embaressment "But I have seen that you are very good at stealing..." Said Rathbone "...And running...So perhaps there is a way we can gain the humans' attention...I'm setting up a bounty...Whoever can bring the pants of one of the Arkham Rogues' costumes will be richly rewarded by me...Bring me the villain's pants!" |
Chuckling by a opening, Will Foxington, a orange furred fox dressed in a pair of shorts and ragged blue t-shirt, shook his head as he tried to think of what to do. It was then he noticed the local young albino rat, Red Eyes. "Hey Red! You holding up okay? Or do I need to mix pink fur coloring into Rathbone's shampoo again?" |
Um...Rathbone isn't the one bulling Red Eyes, it's the other Merry Mutants who are jealous that the leader Rathbone likes Red Eyes a little too much "Yeah and I told you Rathbone himself wasn't the problem..." Red Eyes said her right ear flickering in annoyance "It was some of the other cubs were got jealous because they saw Rathbone grooming my fur the other day." "Oops..." Will said "...Sorry..." "OK..." Red Eyes said "...What you can do is help me with this new mission..." She spread out photos of all Arkham Rogues "Who do you think I should target?" Red Eyes asked "I know for sure I don't want to try to pants the Joker he's way too scary!" |
"And Bane is a trained assassin with special juice to give him inhuman strength. Definently don't wanna go against him." Nodding in agreement, Red Eyes removed both Joker's and Bane's photo's. "And to keep your head out of the gutter, no women." Thus, she removed all the females off the list. Seeing this, Will chuckled. "Okay, point taken. But if one of them show up unexpectedly, no promises." |
"What about this guy..." Red Eyes touched the photo of the Scarecrow "He looks like a real scrawny guy, I think even I'm strong enough to take him." "That's the Scarecrow..." Will said "...And yeah sure he's scrawny but he's got that fear toxin that makes you hallucenate your worst fears, however he's also really cowardly himself so maybe if we work together and double team him we can take him down." |
Looking at the photo of the Scarecrow, both Will and Red Eyes silently agreed to take him on. "So, why you taking the challenge Red?" |
"To show I am a real member of the team," Red Eyes said "Everyone is suspious of me because Rathbone has taken a shine to me probably just because we're both rats, and I want them to know I am willing to pull my own weight around here..." |
Seeing her being serious, Will thought of how she always worked hard each day. Patting her head gently, he grabbed his bag of tools and loads a few surprises into it. "Don't let them get to ya. Keep your chin up, and do what you do best." |
"I know you're right..." Red Eyes sighed "...I guess I'm still dealing with my new life outside since I was set free...Dad knew they were going to dissect me so he set me loose." "You haven't talked much about your life before since you came here..." Will said as they gathered their things. "I was born in a secret medical experiment lab..." Red Eyes said "...They tested a an experimental medicine on me and it caused me to mutate..." |
Name: Sam Stripes Age: 17 Species: Striped Skunk Like: Having fun Dislike: Bullies. Bio: He doesn't remember much about his past. He's sure he's 17 years old though, and that Sam is his name. There are times he wonders who he is, but at the moment, cares for his friends. "So, what's the task for the day?" the skunk asked, waking up. "Get food, or clothes?" |
Chuckling as he looks to Sam, Will only smirked. "Try taking the pants of the Gothom Rouge Scarecrow." |
"At least that's our target." Red Eyes said "Rathbone wants us to capture as many of the Arkham Rogues' pants as possible hoping doing so will win us favor in the eyes of the humans." |
"Sounds crazy," said Sam. "So, what's for breakfast? Might want that before we steal someone's pants. After all, we might want to figure out where these fellas live, and you can't do that on an empty stomach." |
Walking to a fridge he repaired, Will opened it up and looked inside. "How does cheese omelets and Orange juice sound? I'll even throw in a banana if ya want." |
"Sounds good," said Sam. "Still, do we know where this person lives? Also, must we take the ones that the person is wearing currently, or will ones in the guy's closet do the job?" |
Cooking eggs in a frypan over a self-made oven, Will made a couple of cups of O.J., a glass of milk, and omelts before serving them. "Sorry Sam, gotta be off the villian himself. Side's there is no difficulty in just stealing them from a hanger or something." |
"Also..." Said Red Eyes "...The idea is to do something to stop these criminals, even if we're not the best at fighting...Even if the pants aren't the most iconic parts of their costumes I doubt they'll want to show themselves if they have to wear a pair of sweat pants..." |
"Stealing from a closet might be safer," said Sam. "Maybe even steal their stuff too. Hard to do anything if all your stuff is stolen." |
Chuckling, Will shook his head a bit. "True as it may be, but I rather deal with less security measures. For all we know, they may have goons hired. So, best be sneaky, or ya might gat caught." Finnishing his breakfast, Will took his dishes to a container and sat them down. "Sides, I got a few pranks I wanna try. Plus, I wanna see if I can reverse engineer his fear toxin. Might help save lives." |
"Let's turn on the TV and see if there is any news about any of the Rogues." Red Eyes said as she turned on a small TV that was on the counter. Reporter Summer Gleeson said "...Batman claimed that Scarecrow was up to more than stealing game show prizes, could this have anything to do with the Beat Brothers Reinion Concert which will be aired live tomorrow night at the same station?" |
"Okay, how would we get into that place, assuming that it's going to be a target?" Sam asked. |
Taking a map out, Will placed it on the table for all to see. "Easy, there is a sewer lane just under the place. Opens smack dab in the center of the underground basement. If were lucky, we might get both the pants, and get a free concert." |
"If we could get caught on camera pantsing him..." Red Eyes mused "...Maybe that would be just the publicity we need for humans to see Mutants are good and to let us into society!" |
"Let's just make sure that the dude is who they are, if you get my drift," said Sam. "Otherwise, you're talking about getting in trouble for assault or something." |
Thinking, Will grinned like a fox as he went to a chest and began to dig through it. "Where are they...? It's gotta be here somewhere... Ah ha! Found it!" Pulls out three trench coats and fedora's, three walkie talkies, and scarf's. "If were going top side, we'll need disguises. Easier to move around and search around, and communicate." |
"So, who brought the map?" Sam asked. "Also, who got the Smell Good stuff? We're going to smell like homeless bums if we're not careful. That, or Stoners." |
Digs through bag and pulls items out. "Ask and you shall recieve. I may not like the rest of ya, but I can think like ya." Holds two bottles out. "Would ya like bubbly bubble gum or rose scented?" |
"Um...I'll take rose..." Red Eyes said "...If there's one thing about small animals is they never want to smell like food!" I admit I stole that punchline from a Drabble comic |
After placing disguesses on and putting on smell good stuff, the come to the manhole they were suppose to go up. "Okay, here we go. Here, so we can stay in contact." As Will hands them each a walkie talkie, and places his on a belt. "Remember, we are to search and pants a villian. You find him, contact the rest." |
As they went their seperate ways Red Eyes went down one hallway and instantly her her sharp rodent eats caught what sounded like muffled screams...She tried the tiptoe as quickly as possible... She peeked into one room and she saw Jonathan Crane! Problem was he wasn't in his Scarecrow costume he was infiltrating in a janitor costume on the floor was a woman being tied up by a nerdy looking blond man with glasses "Don't kill her you fool!" Jonathna hissed "I'm not good at this rough stuff like Sergio of Iceman..." Said the Henchman as he finished tying up the woman, fortunatly both their backs were turned from the doorway. "I don't know why we're here..." The henchman said "...We could watch from home..." "We're here to make sure everything works..." Said Jonathan "It will," Said the Henchman "It will be like World of the Wars times ten!" "This is no April Fools Day Prank Friday!" Jonathan said as he began adjusting the monitors "Tonight we unite America! Tonight we make history!" |
Sam was walking along, being careful not to be spotted. That was when he saw what looked like a bunch of people his age wearing costumes that made them look like andromorphic animals. "What's this?" he asked quietly. "It can't be Halloween already?" |
Deciding to look from a high vantage point, Will took the upper floor. Weirdly, it seemed dessalent. "It's quiet.... Too quiet..." As he turned the corner, he quickly slipped back around and peaked back around the corner, and what he saw surprised him. "Turtles?" |
Red Eyes quickly realized how dangerous the situation was, if she called for help here and now Jonathan and his henchman would hear her and she saw he had a pistol at his side (Weather he held fear toxin or regular old bullets she didn't know) However she feared if she left him alone that would give him time to do whatever his evil plan was! |
Sam looked at the costumed people. "Hey, cool costume," said a female voice. Sam gulped. The person was behind him. He turned, and found himself looking at a young woman dressed up as a rabbit. "Wow, that's a well-made outfit," the young woman said. "I'm Jane." "I'm Sam." "Make that a very well-made outfit," said Jane. |
With Will, he continued to spy on the turtles as he noticed the weapons. The blue masked turtle had two katana's on his back. The red masked turtle had two sai's strapped to his belt. The orange masked turtle had two numbchucks in his belt. And finally, the purple masked turtle had a wooden bo-staff strapped on his back. "Do these guys work for the Scarecrow guy? Are they assassin's or something?" |
Just then Scarecrow noticed something on one of the moniters "Batman!" He exclaimed "Quickly! I must get changed into my costune..." He probably saw the fursuiters and even the Turtles but he paid them no mind because Scarecrow figured they were probably just animal costumed reverlers here to enjoy the concert |
Sam was looking at Jane. He didn't know what to say to her. "So, are you here for the concert?" Jane asked. Sam nodded. |
Backing away slowly, Will tip toed away, making sure not to make a sound. Only for him to back into something. Tapping a hand, he felt it was leather over a musclar body. Flattening his ears, he looked up at who he bumped into to see said person clad in grey and blue with a bat logo on his chest stare down at him. "Uh, hi?" |
Thinking quickly, Red Eyes saw a large cardboard box, large enough for her to hide under, and could shield her from the fear gas (At least that's what she hoped) As Scarecrow emerged in his costume, he saw a moving cardboard box through the doorway. "Stop whoever is in there!" Scarecrow yelled "They could be a witness!" And Red Eyes knew she had been spotted as she began running with the box still on her... |
Sam looked around, hearing the sound. He looked at his cellphone as a distraction. "Um, I got to go. I just got a text. Someone's messing with my sister." "Sister?" Jane asked. "Why isn't she with you?" "We split up to get different things," said Sam. |
Hearing Red, Will forgot all who were around him and bolted with the five mystery figures hot on his tail. Jumping over stairs, he quickly made his way to her from hearing her quick steps alone. Turning a corner, he let her pass him as he round housed her chaser. |
'Not good! This is not good!' Red Eyes thought to herself as she heard Scarecrow and his henchman on her tail, Since she was wearing the box and not looking wear she was going Red Eyes wandered right onto the stage, and Scarecrow so focused on catching to potential witness followed her not realizing where he was going until he heard the crowds gaso seeing the Scarecrow rush onto the stage! Now realizing where she was, Red Eyes realized she now had the oppritunity she had been thinking about, to prove live on national television that Mutants are good and should be let into society! Throwing off her box and also her hat, revealing her rat face, though at the moment everyone was too distraced by the Scarecrow and he in turn was stunned by what he had just did. Taking advantage of the Scarecrow's distraction, Red Eyes made a flying leap and pulled down Scarecrow's pants! For a moment the crowd gasped again and then they burst into laughter, as she was still wearing the trenchcoat they all believed she was a human wearing a rubber rat mask! |
"Well, little sis knows how to make an entrance," Sam said, as he watched the show. "How old is she?" Jane asked, having followed him. "Um, she's got a form of that condition that makes folks small," said Sam. |
Back in the hallway, Will and the hentchman was still going at it. It wasn't till Will was stabbed with a needle and fear formula was injected into his system. "What? What did you-?!" It was then his vission began to morph into a scene that replayed in his mind from his past and still haunts him till today. |
OK was initally imagining Red Eyes was only a little shorter than the others but with the recent chapters, let's say she's three feet tall For a few moments Scarecrow was frozen with his own fears, hearing the laughter at his exspense was giving him flashbacks to being bullied at school. But he was quickly brought back to reality when he felt the pants around his ankles still being tugged at... He looked down and gasped with shock! He saw what looked like a three foot long white rat was grabbing his pants with the teeth and to his shock and horror he heard the creature say in a voice that sounded like a human girl "Give...Me...Those...Pants!" |
"What on Earth?!" Scarecrow gasped wondering if he had briefly inhaled a bit of fear gas the fact he seemed to be seeing a giant talking rat, despite the fact he couldn't recall ever having musophobia...But then...He realized this felt a little too lucid to be a fear gas hallucenation and he knew if mostly from second hand stories animalistic mutants had been seen in Gotham before most often Man-Bat (Killer Croc didn't count as he was a human born with a skin condition) "Insolent Rodent!" Scarecrow snapped "I'll get you..." But with quick thinking, Red Eyes pushed Scarecrow and he fell flat on his face causing more laughter as Red Eyes no had it easier to pull his pants off his feet |
"No... no don't... D-don't take me..." Seeing Will in a state of fear from the fear formula, the henchman grabbed a knife and moved closer to him. Unknown to him though, the man in grey and blue snuck up on him and knocked him out. Upon seeing Will, and knowing what to make of him, thr mystery man moved closer with caution as the four turtles tied to bad guy up. |
With the Scarecrow's shoes only made of burlap it was easy for Red Eyes to remove the pants as she ran away, Scarecrow quickly got up furious and began to give chase! |
Unfortunately, Scarecrow only got a few feet in as Batman and the four turtles got thrown into him and dog piled. Stumbling onto the stage, Will slowly walked into view, only his eyes were red, and he was growling. "No... more... experiments..." It was then he fell to the floor, exhausted from the fear juice, and slept. |
Knocked out from exhaustion, Will's memories began to haunt him, filling his mind with his worst fears from his years as a kit. |
Batman however was quick with the andidote, he injected the serum into Will "He'll sleep for two days..." Batman said |
Red Eyes was amazed when four Turtles dropped down from above to hold the Scarecrow in place "OMG!" Red Eyes squealed with fangirl glee "It's you!" "You know us?" Asked the Orange Masked Turtle |
"Not what I would have said, " Sam muttered, as he looked at the four turtles. |
Kind of have no idea where to go with the story from here, so I'm going to end it unless I get any further ideas The End! |