Jesus at the Feast of Tabernacles
God’s Attribute: Wise. God knows everything and always does what is right.
Main Truth: Jesus helps people know what is true.
Story: “ Our hands we fold, our head we bow, so we can talk to God right now. Thank You for everyone,” name children, “Here today. And Thank You God, for sending Jesus to teach us the truth. Amen.” Hold up Bible. “Does anybody here know what I have? Do you know, Calvin/Benny/Amelia? This is the B. I. B. L. E, the Bible.” Sing The B. I. B. L. E. “The Bible is God’s true word. Can anyone say God? Can you say God, Amelia?” Ask each child. “The Bible tells us about God and Jesus.”
Sit up. “Jesus told His brothers what is true,” lean forward, look children in eye and shake head, “but Jesus brothers didn’t believe Him.” Sit up, lean back, maintain eye contact.
“Jesus told the people what is true,” lean forward and shake head, “but the people didn’t believe Jesus.” Sit back.
Jesus told leaders what is true. What do you think happened?”Look around, lean forward. “The leaders didn’t believe Jesus. It’s sad they didn’t believe Jesus.”
Perk up. “What did Jesus tell all those people? Jesus told people God had sent Him.”
“Jesus told people He would save them from sin.”
”Sin is anything we think, say, or do, that breaks God’s rules and makes Him sad.”
”Jesus helps people know what is true.”
Verse: To God Is So Good. “Lead me and teach me because You Are my God.” 3x, then “Psalm 25:5.”
Questions: “What is this book? This is the Bible. What is in the Bible? God’s true word is in the Bible.”
God Is so Good. “God sent Jesus to us, to Alexis and Benny,” name each child and point to him,” because God Is good.” Verse 1. “Because God Is good, we praise Him. Let’s praise God together.” Verse 2, Glory Hallelujah. “We have families. Jesus had a family too.” Verse 3 God gives us families. “And God gives us Jesus, and Jesus always tells us the truth.” Verse 4, God gives us Jesus.
”God gives us—everyone here”—sweep arm around room—the Bible.” Tap Bible. “The Bible is God’s true word.” The Bible is a treasure book, 2x
Trust and Obey. “Jesus teaches people what is true. We can always trust Jesus.” Trust and Obey, 2x.
Quiet time: Pick a child to turn off light. Tell children you are turning off the light. Sing Jesus Loves Me,
Large Muscle: Balls and hoop.