Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2308227-BSF-Childrens-Lesson-9
Rated: E · Letter/Memo · Children's · #2308227
John 6: 22-40 Jesus, the Bread of Life
Jesus, the Bread of Life

Scripture Verse: “I give people life from God,” Jesus said, Jesus said. “I give people life from God,” John 6:35 Trust and Obey 2x

God’s Attribute: Omniscient. God knows what we think. Jesus knew what the people were thinking, because Jesus Is God.

Main Truth: Eternal life comes from God.

Story: “Our hands we fold, our heads we bow, so we can talk to God right now. Thank You God for this story about Jesus. Thank You for sending Jesus to give use life from God. Amen.” Use ASL for amen. Hold up Bible. “This is the B.I. B. L. E, the Bible. Can you say Bible?The Bible is God’s true Word.” Sing The B. I. B. L. E. “The Bible tells us about God and Jesus.” Open them, shut them, or Mother, Father, Brother Tall to quiet them.

*AsteriskB* “People were looking for Jesus.” Make binoculars, look at each child.”

*AsteriskB* ”The people wanted Jesus to give them food.” Pull out a piece of toy food.

*AsteriskB* Emphasize sentence. “Jesus told them something important.” Add, “Jesus wanted the people to listen.” Tug on ear.

*AsteriskB* “Jesus said, “I give people something better than food.” Put away toy food, shake head.

*AsteriskB* ”Jesus said, “I give people life from God.” Say wow, wide eyes, look happy.

*AsteriskB* Stress last two words. “Life from God is called eternal life.”

*AsteriskB*”Eternal life comes from Jesus. Eternal life means we always have Jesus.” Stretch arms wide for “always.”

*AsteriskB* ”I give people life from God,” Jesus said, Jesus said. “I give people life from God,” John 6:35. To God Is So Good. 2x

*AsteriskB* Question one: “What is this book called? This is called the Bible.”
Question two: Who does the Bible tell us about? The Bible tells us about God and Jesus.

Music: Pass out instruments.
*AsteriskV* Intro one: God sent Jesus to give people life from God. People like Benny/Abby/Calvin.” Name each child and adult. “We can thank God for sending Jesus.” We Thank You Loving Father.
*AsteriskV* Intro two:God likes to give us good things.” God Is So Good. Verse 2 The people looked for Jesus.” Make binoculars. “God gives us eyes to see with. God gives us eyes.” The people heard Jesus talk. We can listen,” tug on ear, “because God gave us ears to hear with.” God gives us ears.
*AsteriskV* Intro three: “God sent Jesus so we can be with God and Jesus forever. That’s called eternal life.” God gives us eternal life.

Quiet time: Sing Jesus Loves Me.

Large Muscle: Baseballs
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