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Rated: E · Assignment · Activity · #2306098
General: Freestyle Brainstorm, World Building or Research
Prep Assignment

Draft a story about your protagonist that takes place outside of your novel. Make your readers relate to them in such a way that we would be devastated if they were to experience conflict (which, sometime in November, they will.) The object of the contest is to make your judges root for your protagonist! Put: the character we like best wins if your protagonist is a drug dealer or someone similarly "unlikeable" (a.k.a, an "anti-hero"); never fear! I love Vlad Taltos, the professional assassin. You can make us love your character, too.
Sword, Steel, and Magick

Meira - Anti-Hero

         After Meira's Mem's curse took effect, turning her into a Pixie, it was impossible to be around her anymore. Meira tried several times to talk with her; however, if she stepped into the room her Mem occupied, her reflection would be seen in one of the hundreds of mirrors adorning the walls and ceiling. When this occurred, her Mem would break into irrational anger and attack the mirrors with the offending images, shattering them until only her images remained within the room.
         Nypadora's hands, arms, and feet would have cuts caused by all the edges of fallen shards of mirrors. As she walked, the bottom of her feet left bloody footprints on the floor due to her walking on all the broken glass. Halrond, Meira's Da, would have Magick users cast Sleep on his wife and then have a Cleric heal her wounds weekly. It was during this time that he would visit her. He knew he could not speak with her; however, seeing her sleeping at peace comforted him.
          Meira knew her Da sent her away because he did not want her around; she didn't know why. She knew it wasn't because it was something she had done because he was never around her for her to do anything to upset him. Her Academy studies were always at the top of the class, she was one of the best at all outside activities, and her etiquette was impeccable.
          Her only conclusion was that he blamed her for what happened to her Mem.
          As Meira grew older, her visits to her Mem grew less frequent because her Da didn't visit as much as he previously did. She saw other families at the Academy visit their daughters frequently. When they asked about her family, she would advise that Mem was busy throwing parties and her Da had many businesses to run.
          When Meira transferred to the Titania Academy of Magicks and Higher Academics, she was two hundred fifty-five birth celebrations old. Her Gre-Gre-Mem's curse had been active for over fifty birth celebrations and embedded fully within her personae.
          Because of her enchantments, she became popular among lesser intellectual scholars and gathered a following. There was one student she felt compelled to try and make hers. In the long run, she thought he would make a fun pet once adequately broken and re-trained. What made him even more attractive is that his Will was formidable and proving to be a challenge.
          She would need to go to her chateau by Willow Forest to obtain one of her spell books from one of the many libraries she had visited, thanks to her Da. Returning to this chateau would also allow her to see some old friends.
          The people working in her chateau were not enslaved. When Meira bought the house, she made a point to have the complete staff part of the deal. After the purchase, she freed all the staff and paid them a wage. This caused a two-fold effect: their loyalty and dependency on income.
          As she went through her tome of spells to search for what ingredients required for the spell she had in mind, Miseris, her maid, knocked on the library door.
          "Enter," Meira called.
          "Please excuse the interruption, Mistress. There is someone at the door wishing to see you. He is saying it is most urgent he meet with you."
          "Did he say what it's about? I am busy. Unless it is truly urgent, send him away. Miseris."
          "It is rather urgent," A new voice said behind Meira.
          Both Meira and Miseris turn and face the newcomer within the library.
          "How did you get in here?"
          "I swear, Milady, I left him outside. I shut the door after I left him. I wouldn't have let him come in." Stammered Miseris.
          First, looking at Miseris, then at the stranger, "Who are you, and how did you get past a locked door, three guards, and me facing the door? I should warn you; this house isn't easy to rob."
          "I assure you, I am not here to rob you. I am here to speak with you, Meira Heijor, daughter of Halrond Heijor and Nyhadora Heijor." The stranger said.
          "If you think I am impressed because you know who my parents are, I'm not," Meira smirked. "Just looking at your ripped robe, tattered hat, and scuffed boots, I would say you are either a Wizard or a bagger. Or both. If you want a handout, Miseris will take you to the kitchen for a hot meal and clean clothes."
          The old man smiled and said, "A hot meal does sound good, but I have business we need to tend to first. You have something I need.
          "Well, it is better you just leave then because if I don't like it, you won't get it. Just take the free meal and go, and nothing will happen to you." Meira turns back to search for the scrolls she needs before being interrupted.
          The older man stood there, not moving. Miseris attempted to escort him out several times, but he kindly denied, "No, thank you. I will wait for your Mistress to complete her task of looking for the Null Spell."
          "How did you know I was looking for that spell? Who exactly are you?"
          "I am called Dhisorin Aquam Nadiois Dhestrum Ubarin Iphiar Lexar. But you may call me Danduil."
          "I have heard of the Wizard Danduil. If you are he, what are you doing here?"
          "You and I have important matters to discuss."
          Meira raised her eyebrow in query. Addressing Miseris, "Please bring some of those delicious tea cookies you make and tea, please."
          Brightening to the compliment, "Of course, Mistress." Curtseying, she left the room and closed the door behind her.
          "Now that we are alone, Wizard, what are you after?" Meira asked directly.
          "Well, indeed, I was looking forward to biscuits and tea. However, we can speak of my other business as well." He approached her most comfortable chair, usually used solely by her when doing research, and sat down. "Exactly how long have you been a Tawl?
          The question is not what Meira expected. She quickly regained her exposure and replied, "I'm sorry, your question left me dumbfounded. What exactly is a Tawl? Is it some slang for trollop? Because, sir, if it is, I assure you, I am not, and I would have to ask you to apologize and leave for such an insult."
          "No, I did not misspeak. You and I know very well you know what a Tawl represents. Your Da's Gre-Mem cursed your Mem before you were born. You are an innocent victim. You have no choice in who you are and what you do."
          Dropping all pretense, "You know nothing about me, Wizard. You have no idea of my pain, suffering, and torment. The continued loss, I feel. The loneliness. The bitter anger, resentment, even hatred I feel, every-single-day."
          Wizard Danduil thought for a moment before speaking. "You are correct. I was unaware of your anger toward those people. You were indeed wronged. Unfortunately, there is nothing that can be done about them."
          "Them? There is no Them? It is ME I feel this way about. You were right. It is a curse. I am cursed. It drives me. It compels me to behave the way I am. I am its slave. I don't control it; it controls me. Right now, I want to lash out and attack you. Kill you. Relish in the pain and suffering I would cause."
          "That is why I am here. Let it out. I need to talk to the other you."
          "No, you don't want her out. She is evil and only wants to learn new information and kill."
          "Let her out."
          "No, Please." Meira was now crying. Her restraint on the Tawl was growing weaker.
          "Come to me, Tawl."
          Hello Wizard. Want to play?
          "I am here to bargain a release."
          Why would I give up such a host? I was given this in a fair trade. It has been amusing seeing her and others suffer.
          "Your time in this realm has ended. You can leave unaided, or I can force you out. If I do, you will be so weakened that the lesser demons will destroy you when you reach your realm. It matters not to me."
          You have no skill to send me back. You are bluffing. I may consume your Soul instead. Wizards taste much better because of all the Souls they have consumed through duels.
          "I will ask only once more, demon, leave or be sent. This is an innocent, and your possession will no longer be tolerated."
          The demon struck before Danduil had the opportunity to react. A spray of green acid emerged from Meira's hands toward Danduil, striking his robes and chair where he sat. A few drops landed on his hands and burned small holes into his flesh, causing blood to pool.
          Danduil quickly rose from the chair, knocking it backward, and pulled out his long sword. Magical glyphs formed on the blade's flat surface burst into a bright blue-green flame. Seeing this, Meira made a throaty hiss.
          How did you acquire the Mythic Blade of Hellfire? Only Unholy Arch Demone Srehyrpe is said to know how to wield it.
          "Who do you think taught him?" Placing three fingers across the hilt, moving down to the blade, and rapidly touching specific glyphs, the blade's coloring turned from blue-green flame to red-orange.
          Seeing the demon call forth a black blade dripping a tar-like substance, Danduil cautiously approached.
          Impressive for a mortal. The blade will be useful in my arsenal, the demon gloated.
          Instead of replying, the Wizard started by feinting a high attack, then quickly switched to a low strike. Caught off guard, the demon received a spectral wound across the stomach.
          Wound me, wound her.
          "This weapon is designed for non-material realms. Meira's physical form will not suffer any harm."
          Angered by the information, the demon rushes Danduil with the black blade held high, bringing it downward when it is within range of his body.
          Danduil brings his sword to block the oncoming black blade, and the clashing of blades fills the air as the two combatants engage in combat. Just as powerful, the demon swings his blade around the red-orange sword to meet the waiting flesh, only to be parried by the skilled swordsmen. The demon becomes frustrated because his once easy target has become the better swordsman.
          Danduil sees an opportunity: he thrusts his blade once-twice in rapid succession and catches the demon off guard, leaving him mortally wounded.
          "You are done. Leave now, and I will not bind you. Stay, and I will exorcise you."
          Why do you care about this one? She is a no-one. Not even the one who professed to care about her wants her. There is nothing special about her except me.
          He was stabbing the demon in the chest and turning the blade until the demon left the body. Meira collapses. Danduil catches her, places her in the big chair, and checks his pulse to ensure she is still alive. Satisfied the blade did not harm her physically, he covers her up and prepares to leave.
          "Sleep now, little princess. When you awake, you will be whole again and not remember any of this.'
          Speaking to the demon:
          "Oh, you are wrong. She is destined for greatness. If she fulfills her destiny, she will be the Mother of a New World."



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