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This is a test of a new writing style for my WIP. Contains placeholder names atm. |
# THE Press Conference *Capital city.* The proud capital of *country*, had ground to a halt. All eyes fixed firmly on the Erchrom Building. “The jewel at the centre of the crown” “That’s right Dan” *news anchor* read from the autocue directly into the camera as an aerial shot of the Erchrom Building played out behind him, LIVE prominently displayed in the lower corner, “and thank you for being our eye in the sky today. More to come after this short message”. The light on the camera flicked off and *news anchor’s* smile instantly faded. “Where the **fuck** is Katy?” ___ An ad-roll for an Erchrom Group technology product. [Need a tagline, a little cheesy, something to emphasise the company] ___ The open reception that absorbed the majority of the buildings ground floor, welcoming one and all, was in the process of being transformed. Chairs, cameras, a podium all being set in anticipation of the announcement. “Do we have any indication what Warren Erchrom’s speech may bring this morning?” “There’s no doubt that recent events will be top of the agenda *news anchor*.” *reporter* stood at the base of the Erchrom building, the preparations continuing over his shoulder. He was not alone, spaced just out of one another’s shot ten’s of reporters delivered almost identical conversations as they waited for the main event, “it’s now been almost ten days without official acknowledgement from Warren or indeed the Erchrom Group as a whole. I am not alone in thinking that…” “I’m sorry *reporter* we seem to be having some audio issues. Hopefully we can get back to you, after this short message” Red, to black. “Have we got her? **No**? For fuck sake. And who told this idiot to think? ___ Another ad-roll. [Make sure the tagline is repeated] ___ **BREAKING NEWS** **WARREN ERCHROM PRESS CONFERENCE** **STAY TUNED** ___ **WARREN ERCHROM** stood, twenty three floors above the preparations. The blinds drawn around his office. Several aides fussed about his suit, a lint roller passed over each arm, his collar creased tightly, his tie tightened. “Give it here” he dismissed the aides, removed his tie and folded its ends against one another. “Everything has to be perfect” he studied the tie. “This was my father’s” he garnered no response, “but you’ll know that of course”. He folded the tie and placed it gently onto the desk before him. His aides left without word or instruction. Warren stood in front of the full length mirror beside his desk. His shoes polished, his trousers fitted and ironed. Suit and shirt crisp. His expression blank. ___ KATY *LastName* sat cross legged on a lone paving slab nestled in a sea of green. She held flowers across her lap. The headstone beside her etched with only a name, Henry *LastName*. The distinct buzz of a mobile phone interrupted in fits and starts but she ignored each, gripping the flowers tightly. ___ “We’ve got movement on the ground” *News Anchor* began, “let’s cut back to our live feed with *different reporter name*”. “That’s right *News Anchor*, in the last few moments what appears to be a large contingent of security has emerged from within” One by one, Erchrom security filed out of the building and erected a shoulder to shoulder barricade covering the entirety of buildings sole entranceway. “That must mean we are moments away, stay right there as we will be right back after this short message”. ___ Ad-roll. [Tag line] ___ “Sir, they’re ready for you”. Nothing. “The majority of the press has gathered, they are being shown to their seats” One by one members of the associated press were filtered through the wall of security. Their bags seized, recording devices taken and handed notepad and pen before being given their seats. Murmured disagreements filled the reception with an almost electric hum, but all complied. “Ms *LastName* has been in contact. She will be arriving after a short delay” “Then we wait”. Warren remained transfixed on his own reflection. Again, he found himself alone. His gaze lowered from the mirror and settled upon his desk, amongst the papers and laptop stood a sole photo frame. Small, wooden, out of place in the grandiose office space. He lay it photograph down and folded the stand onto itself. *Everything must be perfect.* ___ “Welcome back. We have received word that we are now minutes away from the start of the press conference. *EyeInTheSky* what is the capital looking like now?” “I’ve never seen anything like this *NewsAnchor*. It truly is a momentous occasion, it appears as though the entire capital has come out in force to hear what Warren Erchrom has to say”. “With good reason *EyeInTheSky*. With good reason.” *NewsAnchor* shuffled papers on his desk and struggled to hold his smile as the producer spoke into his ear, “We still can’t get Katy. Stall.” “We have a few moments, how about once last lap of the city for those that have just joined us. Think you still have enough in the tank?” “Oh *NewsAnchor*, as you asked so nicely.” “That’s great. For those just joining us, where have you been” he laughed, “please, enjoy the show”. Red, to black. “**FUCK**” ___ *EyeInTheSky* looked down over the capital, ensured the camera was firmly affixed to his brow and took a heavy, deep breath before angling his wings and diving towards the ground. The rush of air stretched the skin back across his face and took his breath, momentarily. As the initial inertia stabilised a smile grew and with a flap of his wings he was away. “Good morning Worthington” *EyeInTheSky* flew low across the amassed crowds and ran his fingers across the sea of raised hands. A large cheer erupted. “Is there any point in doing this tour *NewsAnchor*? I don’t think anybody is left watching, look at this sea of people, they have been steadily arriving since early this morning and I don’t see any signs of slowing” He remained low and flew across the amassed crowds, before coming to a graceful stop atop a network television van. *NewsAnchor* laughed. “Oh *EyeInTheSky*, there are plenty of eyes on the screen let me tell you and we are so grateful to have each and every one of them here with us today at *Station Name*. ___ “Guys, seriously come on. They’re clearly stalling for time here we don’t have long before its a go” **TYLER** shouted into the empty corridor. “**GUYS**!” The corridors adjoining doors opened one by one. “You need to chill out man!” Jab to the ribs. “What is wrong with you?” Squeezed side, and involuntarily spasm. “I’m here, calm down” Uninvited kiss. “You know I could just keep the television to myself!” Tyler wiped his mouth, rearranged his clothes and looked back out into the corridor, expectantly. “He’s not coming, just let him be”. Tyler’s fingers rested on the doorframe for a few moments more. The door left ajar, the corridor empty. 1102 “Help yourself to snacks”, his guest mouths already full and beaming at him. “What time does it start then?” Questioned Gradeon in-between chewing. “Really nice. Real nice indeed” his eyes audibly rolled, he smiled, “it’s been on all morning. Mr. Erchrom should be on” “Ohhh, Mr. Erchrom” they mocked in unison. Tyler’s cheeks immediately flushed, “Seriously?” ___ The flowers nestled against Henry’s headstone as Katy made her leave. She turned, the once, before leaving the cemetery. “I’m on my way. Soon. Just soon. Goodbye”. The calls from her producer went unreturned. The streets beyond the cemetery were relatively calm but the murmurs travelling on the air betrayed the crowds just out of sight. Katy walked quickly with her head down, her hood pulled tightly around her face. It wasn’t enough. “Katy! Katy!” “Hi” she offered a slight smile and a half raised hand, her stride never breaking, “Katy, can we get a picture?” “I’m sorry”, her pace quickened. ___ Warren descended in his private elevator, flanked on either side by armed security. Their musculature far exceeded what could be achieved naturally, unaltered. All three stood in silence as the slow descent continued. “Everybody is seated sir” the flustered assistant handed a small file to Warren, one of his security taking it instead. “*LastName* is here?” Flustered, blushed cheek silence. Warren’s eyes bore a hole into his underling. “No, no sir. Not yet. We have tried to contact her again but nothing. Yet, nothing yet. We will keep trying”. The elevator doors opened. Warren and a member of his security stepped from it, as the doors closed his assistance swallowed, hard. “Miss *LastName* is on her way. She is not responding to our attempts to reach her but eyes on the ground confirm she is heading in our direction” the assistant approached almost immediately, his head held high, confident. One eye brown, the other green. He received a subtle nod in response and returned from where he had come. “Then we wait”. Warren muttered to himself, almost inaudibly so. “Everything has to be perfect.” ___ “Thank you *EyeInTheSky* for that breathtaking circuit. I’m sure we can all agree, nobody delivers the news like us at *StationName*. Now,” his tone softened, the jovial edge replaced with sombre, “before we pass over to the Press Conference, where I’ve just been informed that Warren Erchrom has made his way from his office,” “Out of his ivory tower to talk to the common scum, how nice of him”. “Hey everyone, Reuben’s here”. Tyler patted down the laughter and glared at his other guests. “Glad you could make it”. Reuben stared blankly, “come, sit. There’s some snacks left, you haven’t missed anything yet”. Reuben stood, scowled at the television screen. Tyler half smiled and too returned to the screen. “…so let us now taken a moment of silence”. ___ Katy gingerly made her way through the silent and still mass. Her movement drawing uneasy stares and indignation, but she shielded herself with her drawn hood and continued as quickly as able. She manoeuvred left to right, pivoted and turned, rushing, quicker. “Thirty three, thirty four, thirty five…” her lips barely formed the minutes long count, each second dictating her pace. “Forty seven, forty eight…” a hand pressed against her chest and stopped Katy in her tracks. Startled she bolt upright, a single, extended finger pressed against her lips”. ___ The room was silent. Tyler glanced at his guests, each holding their own personal moment. Individually they were fortunate, suffering no losses. But collectively they mourned. “Hypocritical bullshit!” Reuben blurted the second the onscreen timer finished its count. A collective groan, “A full minute, congratulations” “Reuben” “What? You think I’m wrong? How long has this been on? An hour? Two? Three? And now, before the man himself comes on screen we best remember what happened and let the saviour come and tell us how it’s all going to be alright”. Spittle grew in the corner of his lips, his voice ranging from anger to open mockery. His jaw clenched and shimmered as his teeth ground top against bottom. “Tyler why did you invite him? Seriously, you knew this was bound to happen” Gradeon vocalised what the collective thought. Reuben stormed from the room. “Because he’s a friend, that’s why. And a good person, he’s just intense, we don’t know everything about him. Remember that”. Tyler followed. The others sat, half-smiling at one another. Scorned children, uncomfortable, guilty. “Reuben wait” he did not, “Reuben”. The door slammed, narrowly missing Tyler’s face. The sound echoing through the empty corridor. “Reuben”, he tried the handle. Locked. “They didn’t mean it” something from the inside banged against the wood, “okay, okay. They did. But that’s not the point. The point is I invited you, I want you there and you’re as welcome as anybody else in that room” Nothing. “Look” the shadows beneath the doorframe retreated into the room, “okay” Tyler resigned. |