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Arturo and Farley team up to start a world-wide empire |
Artsy Fartsy Start a Lemonade Stand
We join Arturo and Farley on an untypically hot Tennessee afternoon...
Farley: Sure is a swelterin' heat, Turo. Arturo: Si, it's too hot to do anything. I just want to lay here under this tree.
Arturo: We can't even see shapes! There's no clouds. Farley: You ever think that the Sun kinda looks like a lemon...
Arturo: (pauses to think)--That's what we can do today! A lemonade stand! Farley: I don't know nothin' about no lemonade stand. What do we need?
Arturo: All we need is markers! And paper! And glitter! And lemons! Lots of lemons! Farley begins to think, "we're gonna need some help, I reckon."
Farley: I'm sure we can find some of that stuff over at Meema's. Arturo: I already have a bunch of color schemes!
Arturo and Farley make their way to Meema Evans' house, and are welcomed with a warm, loving smile.
Meema: How are my favorite grand babies? Farley: Good, Meema! We need some help making some lemonade!
Meema: Oh, well I'd love to help! What do you need from me? Arturo: I need poster board! And a ruler! And lots of glitter!
Meema: Let me see if I have some of that... Arturo: No need! I have glitter at home! I'll run across the yard while you two get started on the lemonade.
Farley: Have you ever made lemonade, Meema? Meema: I sure have. My momma used to make lemonade with me. And her special iced tea.
Farley: Did she teach you how to make that??? We could use that at our stand! Meema: She sure did. I'll have to find it in my recipe book...
Arturo races through his front door and right past his Mami and Papi dancing away in the living room.
Arturo: Now where did I leave my glitter kit? We need a really, really big sign. Good thing I have some poster board left over from my Geography project! Arturo ponders. "What should the theme be? Lemons? No. Too simple. How about, "As Good as Gold!" He continues to tinker...
Arturo is on his fifth and sixth version of "Lemonade Stand!" Signs while Farley follows Meema into her pantry...
Onomatopoeia pages(2): Ca-Ching! Arturo sees dollar signs from his signs Farley sees the "treasure trove" of recipes from Meema Evans
Meema: Now, we start with all of our ingredients. We have lemons, a little bit'a sugar, and a whole lotta ice. Farley: I'm so excited to try it! What about your momma's special iced tea?
Meema: For that, we'll need some tea packets, some more'a that sugar, and a secret ingredient... Farley: Tell me, Meema! I gotta know the secret!
Meema: Alright! Now if you wanna know, we'll put in a little bakin' soda in case we wanna save some of this for later. Farley: Knowing Turo, we will be out there until we sell every last drop!
As if announced, Arturo bursts into Meema's kitchen with glitter swirling at every move and poster board ready!
Arturo: How's our product coming along? I've found the perfect blend of sales-focused and community-conscious! Farley: Meema is about to let me taste the first batch! She has so many cool recipes in this book from her momma and aunties!
Arturo: That's great, but don't drink it all! We need to have as much as possible for out thirsty customers! Meema: Don't worry, Turo. We have enough here to fill the whole neighborhood with some southern charm.
Arturo steps outside to find a table for their expanding corporation and to find suitable supports for his poster-masterpiece.
As he focuses on rapid marketing shares, Farley listens intently to Meema talking about her memories with her momma and aunties and all the things they taught her that make her so clever.
Meema: And somehow we all ended up with whipped cream mustaches! Farley: Hahahaha oh Meema, y'all sound like fun!
They sit together for what seems like minutes, sipping on the blended flavor of tea, sugar, and of course, lemons.
They are interrupted by a sweaty and perturbed Arturo, ready to begin his refreshment empire.
Arturo: It's going to be dark soon! We have lost key selling hours! What have you been doing?? Farley: We've been enjoying our lemonade. Would you like some? Arturo: !Ay dios mio! You two are going to make my hair turn gray!
Meema: Gray hair ain't so bad, long as you got good stories and good company...