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What if, by some random chance Howard and Lalo had met prior to the end of Fun and Games? |
(originally written and published, mid-2022 as a writing exercise) "I'm going to make it clear to everyone, because I'm going to dedicate my life to making sure everyone knows the truth." While Howard continued to tear down the Goodman’s down none of them heard the door open. Someone stepped in as silent as a whisper. The wind from the door caused the candle to flicker ever so slightly, drawing Kim and Jimmy's attention. "Believe it. You can't hide who you really are forever. Starting tonight, you'll see. You'll see what I have planned." Howard smiled at them. A figure stepped into the dimly lit condo and emerged from the darkness. Behind Howard stood the one person whom Jimmy and Kim feared the most. Lalo Salamanca. Jimmy and Kim, now witnessing Lalo show up froze in terror. Mike had assured them he was dead! Mike has assured them he'd be watching in case! How could Lalo have shown up? How could he have shown up NOW of all times! The two gripped each other as adrenaline began to pump in their vines, hearts racing. Howard, blind in his righteous anger failed to notice Lalo enter, possibly attributing their fear to his ire. "How?" Jimmy said, barely getting the words out of his mouth. His throat had dried up. "H-Howard." Kim said, petrified. Her voice was shaky. Now noticing another presence, Howard turned to the new person in the room. His righteous expression did not change, even upon seeing the intruder. "Howard." Kim said again. Howard looked to her and Jimmy. "Howard, you need to leave." Kim knew what Lalo was capable of. Everything until now had just been fun and games. But with Lalo here, everything changed. Howard was unfazed by Lalo's appearance. He welcomed it. What he didn't expect was Kim and Jimmy's sudden reaction to just seeing the man. Howard ignored Kim as he smiled at Lalo, welcoming him in. "Good timing. We were just getting started." "Howard, w-what have you...?” Kim said, trailing off. Did he know Lalo? The two had kept their legal lives separate from their cartel ones. To have them clash in such a way terrified her. These were people who wouldn't think twice about shooting anyone. These people were ruthless. These were not Howard's people. Howard would not survive a second with these people. They were of, 'the wrong crowd' as her mother would say. Lalo had only been here a few seconds and completely changed Jimmy and Kim's attitudes. "Now why would I? We're all friends here aren't we? You see, Lalo and I have a lot in common. I learned that the other day. We've both been betrayed and screwed over by the likes of you." Lalo nodded in agreement. "Tonight. Well, tonight this ends." As his master plan came together Howard gloated. He had a malicious smile on his face. He knew exactly what he was doing. If this were anyone else with such fear he may not have stooped to work with someone like Lalo. Jimmy and Kim caused this. This is what they wanted wasn't it? This was the Howard they made. This was the one they had lied about so often. "Well, now that we're all here. Let's talk." Lalo said, smirking. He drew a pistol and methodically attached a silencer to it. "W-wait. H-hold on. Howard, y-you can't..." Jimmy stammered but stopped as Lalo motioned him to do so. A whirlwind of emotions was going through Jimmy. What had Howard done? How could he be working with Lalo? They had an investigator follow him, how did he not find out about this connection? What had he told Lalo? What had Lalo told him? There were too many questions he didn't have the answers for. Kim was more focused on the gun Lalo had drawn that she barely registered what Jimmy had said. Fear gripped her. She was traumatized. "Well, I've said what I need to say. The stage is yours Lalo." Howard said; motioning as a performer would. "I brought us a Mr. Macallan for after." Howard said pointing to the bottle of wine sitting on the counter. "Back at the law firm we'd crack open one after a victory." "Good. We'll have a toast when this is all over." Lalo said happily. Lalo pointed the gun at Jimmy and Kim causing them to seize up further. "You two, sit." Kim and Jimmy were confused at how Howard was speaking so familiarly to Lalo and his mere presence that they didn't take a seat. They said he had died! "Come on. Sit." Lalo said again with that same veneer of friendliness. He motioned them to the couch. The two were still in utter terror at Lalo's appearance but now also confused as they began to wonder if Howard what Howard had to do with this? How could he have known the Salamancas? "You two have a lot to answer for." Howard said and Lalo nodded. "Let's talk." Lalo said, smiling at the two. In the meantime, Howard had stepped away and grabbed a chair. He sat on it backwards, arm resting on the back part of the chair. He watched in anticipation. "I-I never turned on you. I didn't. Never!" Jimmy pleaded. "I only worked for you in the desert." He continued, raising his voice in fear. "Shhh." Lalo quietly said. "I don't care." "You two." Lalo raised his gun. "God." He chuckled. "You two and your mouths. Dios mios. Just listen, alright?" He motioned with the gun to see if they'd stay quiet. Both Jimmy and Kim nodded. "These two, perfect for each other aren't they?" Lalo asked Howard. "Tell me about it, they're a real Tristan and Iseult." He replied. "Now, you two listen and stay quiet. My car's downstairs." He tossed the keys at them. "Press the clicker, and you'll find it." He pulled out a folded piece of paper and handed it to them as well. "This is where you are going. Don't speed, don't weave, don't cut anyone off. Just, you know, drive nice." Lalo explained. He had his sincere-on-the-surface voice with just a hint of ominous sound. In the little time that Howard had gotten to know Lalo he was surprised at his ability to appear friendly and simultaneously dangerous. He hadn't thought much of it now but this was someone who was seemingly opposite in all ways, united in their issues against the Goodman's. "From here, at this hour, I'd take Forty East. Get off at Carlisle. Take the third left. The rest, I drew a little map for you on the back. It's not that hard." Jimmy unfolded the paper and looked it over. There was an address and a basic map present. "So, big white brick house with a solid black door. You can't miss it. It's right at the end of the T. Park a little down the street, not out in front. It's a quiet neighborhood, so you'll have plenty of options. Stating the obvious here, maybe, but turn off the car, right?" Kim was listening carefully at Lalo's instruction. She glanced over at Howard. She felt a mix of betrayal and anger at the HHM owner. But, at the same time a voice at the back of her mind told her this was her fault. She felt like the Howard Hamlin she knew was long gone. He had a different look in his eyes from before. "So in the glove compartment, I left you a present. There's a camera. And there's a gun. And you're gonna need both." "A gun?" Jimmy asked worryingly. "Yeah, yeah, yeah, but don't worry. I mean, it's...it's very easy. It's a revolver. It's already loaded, no safety. It's idiot-proof." Howard knew that by this little 'partnership' he had established it put Lalo at total odds with the law. Part of him worried, this was completely unlike anything he'd ever done. But the other part thrilled him. Was this what Chuck meant when he spoke of Jimmy's innate criminality? "So you go up to that house, you walk right up to that black door. Don't run, just be casual, like a stroll, you know? Keep the gun somewhere behind you where they can't see it." Within Jimmy was a growing, burning hatred at Howard. He felt betrayed, even after all they had done to the lawyer. He was depressed, his brother's words echoing in his head. "You're Slippin Jimmy!" Jimmy knew he'd gone too far. "You ring the bell. You count to three. You step back. Then look through the peephole, you're as innocent as can be." Lalo paused to make sure they had gotten it all in so far. "Door opens, you point and shoot. And you keep pulling that trigger until it's empty. Simple." Lalo shrugged. "Y-you want me to...." Jimmy started to ask but was cut off by Lalo. "I know, I know, you're a lawyer and not a killer. But, look, you can do this, okay?" Lalo said re-assuringly. Howard wasn't sure if it was the revenge of getting back at Jimmy and Kim, watching them squirm, or the danger of teaming up with someone so unlike him is what got him excited. There was a certain 'finality' to what was going on that kept him involved. Was this the thrill that caused them to go after him so? "This guy? He's a housecat. Black, medium height. Short hair. Glasses. He kinda looks like a librarian. But don't be fooled. Even a housecat can scratch. So, that's it." Lalo nodded. "Hard part's over. Now you pull out the camera. Same principle as the gun, point and shoot. Take a picture, one where I can see the face. Clearly. And then you bring it back here, where me, Howard and Mrs. Goodman will be waiting for you. And then you're done!" Both Jimmy and Kim held each other tightly as Lalo continued to explain the plan. Neither wanted to do this. Jimmy tried to think of a way out, some way to get to safety. "I'd say it's about a twenty-minute drive over there, twenty minutes back. Maybe ten minutes to do the job...Let's call it an hour all together. So, you're back here in an hour or..." "Send her." Jimmy said suddenly. "What?" Kim asked, surprised. "She should do it." "Jimmy. Don'-" "Why her?" Lalo asked, interested. "Don't do this." Kim pleaded. Jimmy just continued. "This guy, the, uh...The housecat." "Jimmy, please." Kim said again, sniffling. "And he sees me?" Jimmy stammered, his breath was heavy. "Who's this asshole? What's he doing here? Maybe..." Jimmy took a deep breath. "Maybe he gets his gun. Maybe he calls the cops. Either way, that door stays shut." "Mmm-mmm." "But, he sees a woman?" Jimmy continued. "No." Kim begged. "She looks like she's in distress. Maybe her car broke down." "Mmm-mmm." "Phew. I mean, you'd open the door for her, wouldn't you?" "Stop. Stop." Kim was crying now, she knew she what Jimmy was getting at and she didn't want it one bit. "Yeah, but...She's really clever. How do I know she's gonna stick to the plan?" "She will." "No, no, no, no." Kim tried to plead. It fell on deaf ears. "No cops." Lalo said. "You know she will do it." "Look, this doesn't even make any sense." "I-I've, uh...I've never shot a gun before." Kim said. "Like I have?" Jimmy shot back. "Jimmy, what are you doing?" Howard asked. "You know she's the best choice." Jimmy said, raising his voice. Howard had picked up on what Jimmy was getting at it but chose to say nothing. This was ultimately their choice. There was still some morality left in him. "No, I'm not! I-I-I can't! I can't do it!" "She can do it. You know she can do it!" "No, Jimmy." Kim was crying now, starting to break down. "I'll stay!." "Stop." "You know I'm right!" Jimmy shouted. "Just stop Jimmy! Just stop it!" "Shut up! Shut up!" Lalo said, raising his voice. "Oh, my God. Okay, fine, yeah. Her." Lalo turned to Howard. "What do you think? You've known them a long time." "It should be her. I agree with Jimmy." Howard said. In his mind, it didn't matter who went. After this, neither would be the same. Whether it as Kim or Jimmy, they were both screwed anyways. Howard just wanted to get it over with. "Whatever. Give her the keys." Lalo said. "Give her the address. Let's go." "Don't. Don't." Kim tried to plead again, begging for some other outcome. "You gotta go." Lalo said, motioning towards the door. "No." Kim cried. "Come on." Lalo said calmly. "Let's go." Slowly, Kim arose, shaking, carrying the map and keys and walked towards the door. She couldn't even look at Howard, her mind racing and breathing heavy. Jimmy knew what he had done and hoped she understood. He just wished he could have said something else to her. Kim got her shoes on and took one last long look at Jimmy. "Okay, so, one hour starting....now." Lalo clicked at his watch. "Clock's ticking, Mrs. Goodman." He waved her out. After making sure she got to the car and left, Lalo turned back to Howard and Jimmy. "How does a chichifo like you land a girl like that, huh?" Lalo said chuckling. "Now...What to do with you?" Lalo questioned. "Give me your hands." After binding and sufficiently silencing Jimmy, Lalo was ready. Howard listened attentively as Lalo spoke of his home being destroyed and of Jimmy having something to do with it. He mentioned an Ignacio, someone Howard assumed was a client of Jimmy's. Jimmy tried his best to refute it and try and convince Howard to turn against Lalo but neither were interested. "I'm gonna come back. And then you are gonna tell me the whole story." Lalo said menacing. "Howard. You wanna come along?" "Well, I got nothing left to do, let's go." Lalo tossed Howard the pistol. "Ever used one before?" "I have a gun license. Never used a silencer before." Howard said, inspecting the silencer. He held the gun. If this were a few months, nay a few weeks ago he never would have agreed to this. He tried every opportunity to appease the two and it never worked. They just continued and continued their antics. His marriage was in shambles, his reputation damaged, HHM was screwed, 'Howard Hamlin is a drug addict' and more. Was this who he really was? Were Kim and Jimmy right, was he a criminal and a loser? Or was he just a victim, like Lalo was? He knew there was no going back now. This was the point of no return. They had created a monster. "It's easy. Just point and shoot." Howard nodded and followed Lalo out. He looked briefly at Jimmy his eyes showing sadness. Howard just shook his head. This was Jimmy's problem, not his. The two left the condo and went their way. "Do you think Jimmy really gave me up back there?" Lalo asked Howard. "Jimmy's slippery like that, I wouldn't be surprised. I'm sorry for your loss." "It's okay. After tonight I'll get my revenge. And you will too." "Right. So where are we headed?" "You remember that Laundromat we met at? There." --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (It's not stated outright but basically, they somehow met at the Lavandería Brillante sometime before and bonded over a mutual hatred of Jimmy and Kim. After the end of the day in "Fun and Games", Howard contacts Lalo and convinces him to come along, that tonight is the night to take down the Goodman's.) |