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After finding out I'm into feet, my teacher shrinks me down and makes me rub her feet |
It's a hot summer day, I'm in art class and my art teacher is walking around the classroom, lecturing about art techniques and projects due, etc. I couldn't hear a word she said, I was busy staring at her feet. Most days she wears these black leather doc Marten boots and today was no exception. 'on a hot day like today her feet must be so sweaty in those boots' I thought to myself, mesmerised by her boots as she walked back and forth up and down the classroom. Even the sound of her boots hitting the floor with every step she took was music to my ears. She was a fairly small woman, 5'1, shoe size 5 or 6 UK if I had to guess. She was a bit on the heavier side but not by much. I was so inspired by her, I started to draw her and her boots for my project. I drew a few sketches of her in her boots, I drew one of her taking them off after a long day before class ended. I got up to leave and I forgot my bag under my desk, I didn't realise until a good few minutes after school had ended. I remembered leaving it in the art room and so I made my way through the eerily quiet hallways to the art room. I knocked on the door, half expecting her to have left but to my surprise I got an answer "hello?" she says meekly as I sheepishly opened the door and peeked in. She's sitting on the floor, staring at the door as I look in with a smile on her face "oh, hi! You must be here for your bag, I noticed you left it here during class" she says as I come in. As I walk towards my desk to get my bag I notice a strong cheesy scent start filling the air, I turn around and see her taking off one of her boots. She looks at me as she takes her boot off and notices my expression, she laughs nervously "oh, I'm so sorry, I've had these on all day, I didn't even think about the smell, it must stink!! I can put them back on if it's too much" and I laugh with her and tell her I don't mind as I walk closer. She looks at me curiously "you sure? I've had these on all day, it must stink" she says before picking up her boot and sniffing right inside it "ugh, yeah that stinks!! It smells really warm and cheesy, it's so gross, you sure you don't mind?" she asks again as I sit down in front of her. She looks at me, still holding her boot, I tell her I don't mind and she grins maliciously. She jokingly holds her boot up a few centimetres from my face "you suure you don't mind?" she says, laughing before continuing "well, go on, take a sniff, you sure it's not too much?" she says, jokingly taunting me. I nervously lean forward and sniff right inside her sweaty boot, I had finally been given a chance to live out my biggest fantasy.. I couldn't believe it!! She laughs worriedly as I take in her warm cheesy scent. After a few seconds of inhaling her foot stink I tell her I don't mind and she continues laughing "oh my god I was kidding!! You really just sniffed my boot, oh my god, that must have stunk so bad, I've had them on sockless all day, you sure you're ok?" she says, pulling her boot away from my face and putting it down next to her. I look at her bare sweaty foot in front of me and she looks at me curiously. She looks at her foot and then laughs "don't even think about it! Ok, you sniffing my boot was funny but I'm not going to let you sniff my sweaty toes, trust me, I'm doing you a favour" she says jokingly before getting up and going over to her desk, she starts flipping through some papers. She keeps flipping through as she says "you know, I never got the chance to review your project work while in class, this could be a perfect opportunity to go through it with you" and I slightly panic as she continues flipping through. "found it!!" she says excitedly as she walks back, my nerves going wild remembering the drawings I did of her in her boots 'why did I draw that? I'm stupid, how'd I not think that she'd find it?! She's gonna know, it's gonna be weird, she'll think I'm weird!! Ohh god.. ' I think anxiously to myself as she walks over and sits back down on the floor next to me and her sweaty boot. She holds it and then looks at me, she notices that I look like a nervous wreck, I'm on the verge of tears and she gently puts her hand on my shoulder "hey, it's ok, I'm not here to judge you, I just want to see what you've done so far, knowing you it's probably amazing, ok" she says endearingly as she gently rubs her hand up and down my upper arm before taking her arm back to flip through the pages, she looks at some of the stuff I did before drawing her in class "ok, yeah, hmm, this is really good, I don't know why you were so nervous, it's amazing" she says excitedly as she flips through the pages. She flips over another page and sees the first few drawings I did of her and her boots, she looks at them and excitedly says "oh wait, is that me? That's so cool, wow, these are really well done!" as she looks through them, she looks at me, still nervous and laughs "awwh, is this why you were so nervous? Well you shouldn't be, I love this" she says as she flips the next page and sees the drawing I did of her taking her boots off after a long day, a surprised expression quickly moves onto her face, replacing the one of excitement that came before. She looks at the drawing as her expression changes, she looks up at me and sees me, still nervous, she laughs as she looks back at my drawing "I really like this one, it's kind of for-shadowing if you think about it, haha. These are really well done" she says as she flips through some more pages. I get up and go over to my desk to get my bag, while I get my bag she flips over another page and finds a short story I wrote when I was bored in class. The story was about her shrinking me down tiny and messing with me with her giant boots and feet before eventually stuffing me inside her giant sweaty boot for the day. She giggles to herself as she reads it, I walk over to the door with my bag and before I leave she closes the booklet and stops me "hey, wait! Before you go, there is something I'd like to show you" she says hurriedly, I stop and wait at the door, she gets up and starts heading over to her desk. She opens one of the drawers and pulls out a weird looking remote. She points her remote at me and smiles "could you come a bit closer, trust me, you'll really like this.. Actually could you pick up my boot, trust me, it's important" she says excitedly, I can tell from the enthusiasm in her voice how excited she is to show me.. Whatever it is she wants to show me. She starts pressing a few buttons on her remote and then says "ok this might be a bit gross.. But earlier you said you didn't mind.. Anyway, I kinda need you to.. Sniff my boot.. Yeah, like I said, gross" she laughs a bit as I lift her boot up to my face, it still feels warm. She laughs as she points her remote at me "ok, just sniff my boot until I tell you to stop, ok, ready?.. Go!" she says excitedly as I lift her sweaty boot up to my face and start sniffing deeply. As I sniff her boot I feel it start to grow in my hands, I feel myself getting.. Smaller.. Somehow? I hear her giggle to herself as I continue to sniff her boot, the smell starts getting stronger and more potent, I hear her start to walk over to me as I get smaller and smaller, her boot getting bigger and heavier, the smell getting more and more intense. By the time she walks over her boot feels like it's about half my height, the weight and the smell are almost too much for me, I feel myself stop shrinking as she giggles "ok, you can stop sniffing my boot now" she says giddily. I drop her now giant boot and I look up to see her, now towering over me, I'm not even up to her knee. She looks down at me and smiles "surprise!! Awwh, look at you!! You're adorable down there, you're just a bit taller than my boot" she says, laughing endearingly. She points the remote at me again and I feel myself start to shrink "might just make you a biiiit smaller.. Ah, perfect, awwwwh, you're so cute!!" she says as she shrinks me down even smaller until I'm only as tall as the soles of her boots. "oh my god you're so adorable" she says in excitement, she screams giddily as she rapidly stomps her feet, excited at how tiny she made me. I back away from her, terrified of being stomped on by her, she sees me backing away and immediately realises "oh my god I'm so sorry, I didn't even think, it must be terrifying having to look up at me, my feet must look so big!! Here, let me sit down" she says as she carefully sits down, she puts her feet up to me, I'm eye level with her toes. I look over at her other foot and I notice her boot is still on, she smiles as I look at her booted foot "I forgot to take one of my boots off, it feels really sweaty, would you mind taking it off for me.. If you even can at your new size" she says as she smiles at me and gestures her foot towards me ".. I'll let you sniff my toes if you do" she says, laughing a bit. I look at her, slightly embarrassed, still finding everything so surreal right now. She looks at me as the embarrassment washes over me like a flash flood, she giggles "awwh, are you embarrassed? Don't be! I kinda guessed you liked my feet when you sniffed my boot, then when I saw the drawings it confirmed it for me, it's ok though, I'm ok with it" she says endearingly, she then continues saying "I also noticed you staring at my feet a lot in class, especially when I'd wear these boots" and I look at her as she smiles at me and the embarrassment starts to fade, being replaced with arousal and lust. I walk up to the sole of her boot, still not fully believing what I'm seeing, the once small and petite woman I used to tower over now looking at me smiling as I stand slightly shorter than the sole of her boot. I grab one of the laces and pull, I tug on it hard and it gently unties. I grip down by the the heel of her boot and start pulling as hard as I can, she watches in amusement as I struggle to pull her boot off her giant sweaty foot. After pulling for a while, I still can't get it to budge, I keep pulling, even harder this time, I give it all that my now tiny body can give. She giggles as she leans forward to help me when suddenly I feel some give. She stops and watches in amazement as I manage to finally pop her giant heel, her boot was finally off.... Almost... The intense smell that came out of her giant sweat drenched boot was like nothing I'd ever experienced, it was so strong, really strong, like the cheesy smell of her feet but a lot stronger. It was warm, taking off her boot, at my current size, was like opening an oven. All of the heat and the scent released, flowing over me quickly, it was like I could smell everything in more detail, from the warm cheesy scent of her sweaty toes to the faint leathery smell of her boots, even to the slight hint of her perfume. As I took in her surprisingly intense scent she was watching me, still amused. She laughs as I stagger from the intense smell "oh my god, I can smell that from here!! Do you want me to help you lift my boot off my foot or do you think you can manage?" she asks as she notices the intense smell coming from her giant stinky boot. Her question finally registers in my mind as I acclimatise to her warm stinky scent. I look at her giant boot and realise that popping her heel was only the beginning of my challenge. I tell her I can try to lift her giant boot, I walk up to her boot and grab the heel again. I start lifting.. Or.. Trying to at least.. As I try to lift her boot I realise just how small I've become, her once small, petite boot now towers over me as I try and fail to lift it's sheer weight. It wasn't even a platform boot or anything like that, it was a regular doc marten boot. Eventually, after trying to lift her boot for about 2 minutes, she leans forward and asks "do you want some help? I think you might be a bit too small for such a big task" she says as she watches me trying to lift her boot to no avail. After a few seconds I accept her offer, she reaches out her giant hand and grabs her boot, she effortlessly takes her boot off. I stand there, staring at her with a weird mixture of both awe and terror as she effortlessly lifts her boot high into the air, the same boot that I had been trying and failing to lift even a fraction of that distance. She lifts her boot right up to her face and sniffs deeply inside it, she looks down at me as she says "ooh, that stinks!! Here, do you want a sniff?" and she holds her giant boot towards me. I feel her warm cheesy scent flow over me as I stand in front of the opening of her boot, I lean forward directly into her giant boot, I take a deep sniff and immediately her strong cheesy scent overwhelms me, the heat and the smell are overpowering and yet to me it's heaven, I keep sniffing. I take in her hot cheesy scent until I pass out. I wake up on the floor with her kneeling over me, looking worried, I start to get up and she smiles and lets out a sigh of relief. She carefully sits back as I get up, putting her giant sweaty feet towards me. She giggles as I walk towards them "hey, be careful!! I don't want you passing out again, ok, let me know if the smell is too much" she says, concerned, pulling her feet away slightly. I slowly walk up to her massive sweaty feet, I feel her giant soft sweaty soles, she giggles slightly. They feel warm and damp, the smell coming off of them is really intense, I struggle but just about manage to reach her toes as I sniff between them, she notices me struggling to reach her toes and angles her foot down towards me, giggling to herself before saying "awwwwh, are my feet too tall for you? that's ok, here, is that better?" and looking down at me adoringly. As I feel and sniff her giant sweaty feet, she begins to push them towards me slightly, she sighs, sits back, and says "hmm, you know, you're tiny hands feel so good on my feet.. and I could really use a foot rub after such a long day.." and she smiles down at me intently, wiggling her toes slightly. I begin to rub her giant tired sweaty soles, feeling her soft, damp, and warm feet relax slightly, she sighs contently and sits back before saying "awwh, thank you, ooh, my god, that feels nice, mmmh, keep going.." and wiggling her toes again. As she wiggles her toes, the smell gets slightly stronger, I continue rubbing her feet, sniffing them every now and again, she giggles as I sniff them, finding it cute. After a while of rubbing her feet, I tend to focus more on the left one, she notices and pushes her right foot towards me, teasing me "hey, you know I have two of them, right? This one's getting a bit jealous.." she says, giggling to herself slightly. As her right foot is pushed towards me, I notice it smells stronger than her left one, it feels warmer and sweatier too, I start rubbing it for her and she gently moans. This continues for a while as I rub her giant sweaty feet, eventually she takes her feet away "ok, that's enough, thanks, I should probably start packing up now, we've been here for a while" she says as she starts getting up and walks to her desk, still barefoot. I watch her walk over to her desk, slightly worried that she's forgotten about changing me back, she walks towards the door with her bag, opens it and says "ok, well, bye" and looks down at me, noticing I look slightly worried, she laughs and comes back in "oh my god, obviously I'm kidding!! I'm not going to just leave you like that!" she says giddily as she picks up her boots, she gently puts her giant sweaty toes in my face, gently wiggling them. she teases me "thought you might want one last sniff of them" she giggles and stands in front of me with the remote. She presses a few buttons but nothing happens, I get nervous but she reassures me "awh, sweetie, don't worry, it's ok! It's not broken, it's just a bit low on charge, it doesn't have enough power to change you back.. I can charge it at home.. but I can't leave you here.. I have an idea, but you have to trust me!" she says sweetly. She looks at the remote for a few seconds, pressing a few buttons before saying "ok, so I can't change you back just yet.. but.. the remote has just enough charge to shrink you down to 2 inches tall, I could carry you home, charge the remote, and change you back.. I know it sounds scary but trust me, I'll keep you safe!!" and I look up at her, I ask where she'd keep me and she picks up one of her boots "I think you already know where I'm keeping you" she says, winking at me. To be Continued... |