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Rated: E · Fiction · Contest Entry · #2302551
Short Shots: Official WDC Contest
Short Shots Image Prompt (August 2023)

2,037 Words to show what an abandoned desk could do if could talk to people who were hurt from being abandoned.

         The abandoned desk did nothing wrong. With tons of friends, surrounding it with confidence, work, and love, could you ask anything more from your friends? The desk trusted them with their thoughts, and loyalty, to their company. The name of the company was We R Legit, Inc. Having friendly conversations was the number one thing listed on the policy requirements. They rewarded their employees with good career opportunities. Whatever they choose to do with their life, these opportunities would provide an advancement toward the success of their career.

         We R Legit, Inc., believes that it's essential to travel to the destination of your choice. If they did their job well, they gave them an incentive to travel. The morale of the company would get a big boost by doing this. The idea sounded good to them. Cynthia May Doodle was the name of the supervisor. She hired bands to play songs that made you feel good. The songs were so good that your toes would tap along with the music. It wouldn't be long before you'd be on the dance floor having fun. It's thrilling to have the courage to kick up your heels and have fun. Anyone can dance, after all, you've just proven that you can.

         Whenever a person wanted a comfortable place to be alone, this desk was highly recommended. The desk was so relaxing that you could lay down on it and go to sleep. When the power was turned on, the desk loved to give you a nice massage. The heating element was great for your back. Ah! What a way to get the comfort that one needs. You could sit back, relax, and enjoy. The desk was unique; it was able to communicate. Using soft tones, it would put your mind into a dream-like state. When you awoke, you felt rejuvenated. Your body felt refreshed; it was ready to proceed with the everyday activities of life.

         The desk was invented by someone new to the area; their identity was unknown. Cynthia May Doodle found this desk at a special event. She had no idea that the desk could communicate. The desk communicated to everyone except for her, because it didn't want to violate the trust of the employees. Whenever someone was sad, the desk would listen to them. Before you were done talking, you ended up smiling. Happiness was the name of the game. When others were happy, the desk was happy. It heard all kinds of jokes, jokes that had you rolling around on the ground with laughter. Whether the jokes were funny or not, you ended up laughing regardless. Even though the punchline may have been forgotten, a laughing hyena would roll with the punches no matter what. Even when a room is dismal, everyone needs to have a good laugh; laughter will lighten up a room with joy. An analogy to make here is that even though laughing hyenas aren't amusing, they will go overboard with laughter. Good or bad, indifferent or not, it's what laughing hyenas do.

         The desk began to speak when it felt the problems that people were having. Having feelings of heaviness, it carried the weight of the world on its desktop. A young girl of the age of twelve was the first person that it spoke to. Her reputation was ruined because of the gossip that was spread about her all over the neighborhood. None of the gossip was accurate. The name of this girl was Melody Sung Riddle Macher. She developed a friendship with Harmony Destiny Tune-It-Better. Harmony was born in a village in Green Master, Czechoslovakia. She was orphaned at the age of eight. Her mother decided that she didn't want to be tied down with a child. They said goodbye one afternoon and didn't come back. Harmony was teary-eyed, alone, and isolated; she didn't know what she was going to do. She didn't have any relatives around to take care of her. She was forced to go into an orphanage, after being by herself for three weeks. The other orphans didn't treat her well. They would throw shoes at her, make fun of her, and tell her that she was a disgrace to the community. One day she sat alone in a room by a desk. She sobbed like there was no tomorrow. Then, she thought she heard another voice in the room. She looked around but saw no one. She thought that she was going crazy. The desk started to shake and began to speak after opening one of its drawers. When it realized that there was a young girl with loads of tears sitting in the room, it said, "Harmony", Sounds like you need a caring object to reach out to". "I'm all ears. You can trust me. What you say here, stays here".

         Two years had passed. Harmony was now ten years old. She was now one decade old. She wanted to confide in someone about her struggle to survive. It terrified her to no end, thinking that someone was going to harm her.

         Now at the age of fourteen, Melody Sung Riddle Macher decided to contact Cynthia May Doodle. Doodle's company, "We R Legit, Inc.", wants to help little girls who have become orphans. When Melody told Cynthia about Harmony, she wanted to get to the truth of the matter about why her parents had abandoned her. When she was successful in contacting them, she was shocked to find out that her mother wasn't able to handle the stress of raising a child. She didn't have the tolerance, or the patience to handle stress of any kind. She suffered from anxiety and depression. Being a teenager, Melody didn't understand why she had been abandoned. After Cynthia told her the reason why this had happened, she asked if she could still see her mother. From the trauma of being abandoned, Harmony was dealing with some emotional scars. She understood why this would happen, and wanted to let her know that she still had love in her heart for her.

         Harmony's mother was somewhat reluctant to establish contact with her daughter. Not having enough patience to handle stress, she felt guilty and mad at herself. The two major reasons why she couldn't do it were due to the hardship of handling anxiety and depression.

         Would Harmony's mother ever want to see her daughter again? If she decided to see her, it would be possible for their relationship to heal. Time will tell. After what she had done, her mother didn't think that her daughter would ever forgive her. It's important in any relationship to communicate with one another. Rather than have bitterness fester inside your heart, it's better to forgive. With forgiveness, the slate can be wiped clean with a fresh start to a new beginning.

         One year went by before Harmony's mother agreed to see her daughter. Harmony was now eleven years old. Harmony wanted to meet her in a meeting room at a nice restaurant. Melody was more than happy to arrange a meeting for them. The meeting went well.

         After being advised to get some counseling, Harmony's mother had enough gumption to establish a healthy relationship. After she got on the right medication. felt like a brand-new person.

         Elated that Harmony and her mother were reunited; Melody was happy that it turned out to be a joyous occasion. Harmony's mother's name was Jordee Nia Moldavia Tune-It-Better, and her father's name was Edwardo Munez Tune-It-Better. After Edwardo had been away for sixteen months, he decided that he wanted a better life for his wife and daughter. For security purposes, Edwardo bought a house for them to live in. He wanted Harmony to feel wanted and accepted. By having a safe place for her to grow up, he also wanted his wife to feel comfortable and protected. Having good intentions, this was an investment that worked out well.

         Coming from a bad situation into a good one, is a wonderful feeling. When you have a forgiving heart, it goes to show that amazing things can happen. When bad feelings and guilt have been wiped away through forgiveness, you get freedom from bitterness and distress.

         After living in this house for a year, Harmony asked her parents if Melody could live with them. Harmony's parents agreed to her request. Harmony asked Melody if she would be willing to live with them. Melody was delighted that her friend thought about her. When two months had passed, she moved in. Harmony was pleasantly pleased to have Melody as a sister; She was now a part of the family.

         Being witnesses to a crime, Melody's parents were targeted. The crime was murder. During a political dispute, due to a difference of opinion, Milton Randolf Rittenhouse, a friend of theirs, was murdered because he stated that he was a Democrat. He was shot and killed on the spot. Shawn Derik Randolf and Sheree Leanna Randolf, Melody's parents, weren't married at the time she was born. Because she was born out of wedlock, Melody became a target of malicious gossip. Harmony Destiny Tune-It-Better and Melody Sung Riddle Macher soon became Harmony Destiny and Melody Sung Randolf. They were both adopted. What a happy day this turned out to be!

         After the successful adoption of both the girls, the abandoned desk was alone once more. All by itself in the garden, it felt abandoned and forgotten. As time went by, the weeds began to grow around it. The abandoned desk was able to congratulate the girls on their successful adoption. "I wish you well in the future", it said. After that, the abandoned desk never spoke again; it just felt like crying. "Why was I abandoned?", it wanted to know. "Why did the circumstances turn out to be such a hardship for Melody and Harmony?" Luckily, Melody and Harmony didn't end up being orphans. They were being watched and cared for by the abandoned desk.

         Deciding to rescue the abandoned desk, Cynthia May Doodle washed, sanded, and painted it. Polished to perfection, the abandoned desk was fully restored. The restoration process was done with a labor of love. It was given a makeover, and, now, it is a beautiful desk. The desk felt that it had been given a brand-new life. Its zesty spirit was ready and eager to help other girls get out of bad situations that were beyond their control. The desk felt refreshed and motivated to begin.

         Whenever difficult situations should arise, the conclusion to this story was that there was a place to go. No longer did girls have to be in fear of abandonment. The warmth and affection they received was phenomenal. They knew that they had a protective environment; they were off the streets where violence was occurring every day.

         The abandoned desk wasn't abandoned any longer. By making itself available, it gave the girls love, support, and encouragement; it always made the girls smile by giving them hope for the future.

         When your patience is tested, anger can sometimes fester into a person's mind by inducing negative thoughts; it can break a person's momentum. Before it gets to the point of anger, talk it over with someone; this causes the anger to subside into a state of calmness. Having sensations of peace, your feelings become refreshed and energized. You feel alive, connected, and committed. It's marvelous to feel the connections it gives you. It's like a revival of a newer mind (relaxed, and full of ideas). Your ideas are being taken down, thought about, and tried. You are known for having a good mindset when you develop ways of getting people to enjoy what you're trying to get across or present.

         Skilled at training youngsters to be good at their jobs, your strategy for getting things done is remarkable. To acquire a good reputable name in the community, the Randolf family proved that they were good and happy people. The smiles on their faces showed how much love they had for one another.

The End

(center)Written by Anna Marie Carlson
(center)Preferred Author
(center)Sunday, August 13, 2023

© Copyright 2023 Anna Marie Carlson (annamc.poet at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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