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Shao Pui, Intro |
The night was as any other in the city, the majority of citizens having been asleep for hours and the street lanterns flickering in the cool breeze as it swirled around the streets causing anything not fastened tight to stir. The sign of the local watering hole swung back and forth, creaking as it did so. The elaborate, yet chipped and worn sign read: "The Mourning Star, Tavern & Inn" despite a number of the letters having been removed by troublesome youths. Upstairs a young man moves about in his room, he stands only 5"2' in height, and possesses a light, yet firmly defined build. Shao-Pui is his name, he has a light tan, almost olive in complexion and he possesses midnight black hair, tied up into a knot in the middle of his head. A white crescent-like tattoo is apparent on his face, curving back toward his ear from his left eye, finishing in the middle of his cheek at the height of his upper lip. A small goatee hangs down under his chin, twisted round and round with a curious iron ring slipped over it to hold it in place and covering all but his head are deep shadowy robes. Shao opened the large wooden storage chest at the foot of his bed, inside he found everything as he had left it that morning. A small pouch of reagents, his books and weaponry were all there, as well as a small piece of paper. Despite it's size the paper was perhaps his most important piece of equipment, although having previously committed it to memory, he still secreted it away within his robes. The paper was a short note, outlining Shao's job for the evening. He did many jobs for many people, be they bandits, mercenaries or even a wealthy merchant. Shao had no trade as such, instead he kept to the shadows, for there are many things that can be done within them. Shao tied a bandanna over his head, keeping the knot in his hair from catching on anything during the night and with that the last of his preparations, he leapt out of the open window and down in to the city streets. Shao moved quickly and silently along the streets, keeping as close to the walls as possible, the shadows his ally as he darted across the lit doorways of the various buildings. He soon reached a crossroads, the streets of the city stretching out in four directions, a single street lamp illuminating the usually bustling intersection in the night. Without braking a stride he swept through the crossroads turning left and quickly disappeared down an alleyway. Shao's light run slowed to a walk as he moved stealthily down the narrow side street, the glow from the streetlights fading away behind him as he slowly crept toward his destination. Twelve...Thirteen...Fourteen. Shao counted his steps in his mind. Suddenly he dropped in to a crouch, his hand instinctively reaching for the closest blade secreted on his person, a short curved dagger. He waited, a faint clapping sound off to his left had caused him to turn defensive. Shao wasn't paranoid, but he was smart enough to be wary when lurking about in the night, he wouldn't be the first to be found dead in the streets upon daybreak. Nothing more was heard, and Shao soon returned to his mission. Feeling around on the wall he found what he was looking for, an old wooden ladder, snapped short and moss covered in places, still however it was usable. Shao had seen it earlier that week when scouting the area. He began to climb, rung after rung he pulled himself up soon reaching the top, he scrambled over the wall and on to the roof of the building without a sound. Moving in a crouch, he walked across the roof to the front of the building stopping and peering down the street in each direction, the nimble Shao then lowered himself over the buildings edge head first. Reaching down, Shao extended his arms and began to silently open the window of the sleeping noble's quarters. He rolled over the edge of the building, pulling himself in to the room with expert ease, Shao smirked slightly to himself, he was going to have some fun with this one. The young noble peacefully in his bed turned in his slumber, a slight moan of pleasure emanating from him as he moved in to a more comfortable position on his back. Perfect.. Shao thought as he crept slowly up to the bed head. Keeping his movements without sound he unsheathed his katana, extending it out and turning the blade down to face the the nobles exposed neck. Sweet dreams... Shao began to snicker, the noise almost a hiss as he began a series of short incantations, filling the sleeping nobles dreams with nightmares of a kind straight from hell. Images of Daemons, fire and molten rock, filled the mans mind, corpses of children hanging in the streets, his family strung up like pigs and to let bleed. The young noble awoke with a start, lurching forward in a panic, Shao-Pui held his blade firm as blood splashed out across the wall and the young noble's head rolled on to the hard oak wood floorboards, his body falling back down in to its sleeping position once more. |