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An entry into a contest writing about a cat and a mouse |
Gregory sat down at the table, while his wife, Rebeccah, served dinner to the children, Patrick and Silvia. "You have stolen an excellent bit of cheese, today, dear," said Rebeccah, "We are eating well, tonight." Gregory smiled, but being a very religious mouse he pointed out. "Of course, we must give thanks where it is due: To Mus, the creator." The entire family bowed their heads and said a quiet prayer to Mus. Afterwards, Patrick spoke. "Papa," he said, "Why must you always go out of the hole to get us food? I get scared the cat will get you." "Now, Patrick," said Rebeccah, "you know that if your father didn't go out into the house to get us food, we would starve to death very quickly." "But," protested Patrick, "if Mus is truly so good, then why does he not simply give us food without having those cats threaten us?" "You know, the answer to that," said Gregory. He sighed, "but, of course, it should always be repeated." So he told the story which every young mouse learns in Wednesday school. (Wednesday is the sabbath day for mice, but that is a story for another day.): In the beginning, Mus created the Heaven and the Earth. And he created a beatiful pantry called "Eden" where and placed the first two mice in the pantry. And he said to them. "You may eat any of the cheese in this pantry except the Cheese of Knowledge of Good and Evil." But the first female mouse was tempted to eat some of the cheese and gave some to her husband. For this sin, Mus banished mice from Eden and said that from that day forth, they would be forced to labor for their food. Furthermore, Mus created terrible beasts called cats, which would forever make it difficult for mice to get food." The story satisfied Patrick and he went back to enjoying dinner. But then Silvia spoke, "But Papa, What I don't understand is if Mus loves everyone, does he love the cats?" "Well, no," said Papa. "The cats do not please Mus because he they are evil and do not worship him." "Well, then," said Silvia, "if we could teach the cats to worship Mus, they would know his love and be our friends." "Great whiskers!" That came from Rebeccah. "Walking up to cat and talking about the love of Mus is suicidal! Never do such a thing." But Silvia was a somewhat independant mouse and so the next day, she decided to venture out of the hole to see if she could talk to a cat. * * * The cat she ended up speaking with was a one-year-old named Veronica. Veronica was particularly excited because just that morning, a Norn had scratched her behind the ears. She was astonished when a mouse came running up to speak with her. "What's big idea?" "I'm here," said Silvia, "to tell you about the one true God, Mus." "One true god? There are many gods. The chief is Feldan, the one eyed cat. But there's also Felthor, the cat who makes thunder with his hammer and Feloki, the cat of mischief. And of course, their servants, the Norns." "That's crazy," said Silvia. "Do you even love those gods?" Veronica shrugged. "We honor them." "Honor them? How?" "By killing as many mice!" Silvia cringed at that. "Normally," continued Veronica, "I would slay you right now, but I have just been scratched by a Norn which means that I am about to be given the greatest honor a cat can be given-the honor of spaying. Now begone!" Silvia realized that it was probably best to obey, so she went back to the hole. A few minutes later, the Norn reappeared to Veronica. "It is time to go to the vet," said the Norn. 636 words " |