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Today is the annual Fruit festival, and the Smash Fighters prepare for it. |
It was obviously rare for the entirety of Smash Kingdom to not be in a state of chaos whenever the time seemed fit for any daily activity to ensue. Heck, it looked as though each and every event that happened seemed to be carefully planned out by the universe itself with the only exception being at night—things seemed calmer whenever the moon came up and everyone was fast asleep. But you may never know when something could occur, as what's happening with our main character of the story, Robin. The poor boy, having been faced with each new predicament day after day, often finds himself wide-eyed in bed and casting away sleep as he awaited the new day to arrive, fully aware of how much weirder and stranger it was going to be after yesterday. While he could only have the soft snores of his housemates to keep him company, Robin still felt like the sounds of them being there beside him wasn't going to be enough for the universe's bizarre adventures. What better way to find out by staying awake? Unfortunately, it didn't go as planned because the teenage tactician found himself suffering severely from a pounding migraine and fatigue that as soon as the Smash Veterans turned off the lights, he was out in a matter of seconds. The next day was... unexpectedly the same as the sun had risen to its fullest height, emitting a bright yellow glow from behind the window curtains. The rustling of blankets and the slight creaks of bedspreads were the only noises being heard as the rest of the Sm4sh Fighters got themselves ready to start the day, oblivious to Robin's still sleeping frame in his bedroom. Until... "Rise and shine, Robby!!" A harmonious voice sang, causing Robin to jolt awake and fall down on his side of the bed. A short sounding thump echoed throughout the room, but silent enough for only the tactician to hear. Shaking himself from his groggy stupor, Robin wiped at the corners of his eyes and looked up meekly, only to be met with the calm vice of Chrom, one of the Ultimate Fighters. "C-Chrom, what are you doing here?" He asked solemnly, his voice low. "Well, when I was walking down the halls and saw the other Sm4sh Fighters, I couldn't help but notice that you weren't present! So, I decided to come down to get you!" He explained happily before relaxing a bit. "But you looked as if you were having a good dream and I decided or not to wake you up so here we are!" Chrom chuckled a bit as he helped Robin off the floor, brushed him off, and stepped out of the room, but not before he happily announced, "but get ready, Robby, because today is the day: party tiiiiime~!!!♪" Robin stopped dead in his tracks and turned to face his fellow swordfighter. "P-Party time...?" "That's right! Link and the rest of the gang are having an announcement about it downstairs! C'mon or you'll be late!" With that, Chrom bolted out of the doorway and into the cafeteria, where he was destined that the rest of the other Fighters would be present. On the way to the cafeteria, the tired tactician made his way lethargically through the entire scenery of the place, completely unaware and tuned out the cacophony of voices around him. His posture was akin to that of a zombie as he was moving very slowly and limped in short seconds. From across his respective table, he noticed that Pac-Man and Duck Hunt were taking notice of his tired frame and scooted up close to him. "Hey, is everything alright, Robin?" The yellow pac-person consoled. "You don't look so good." Jolting up out of his tired stupor, Robin snapped his head quickly to face his housemate and simply say, "yeah I'm fine. No need to worry." "Ya sure?" Dog chimed in with Duck lowering his head down to face him. "You look as if you haven't been sleeping for days." "Nah, I'm perfectly fine." The tactician knew that this was an obvious lie as he stretched his arms out to try and pull some muscles before starting this day off with a hitch. However, that never seemed to be the main focus of his chagrined intent; what he was actually worried about was the fact that he noticed the comically large whiteboard and some writing on its surface, indicating some rather newfound bizarre adventures for the rest of the Smash House. Looking up and narrowing his eyes, Robin could only make out some words that seemed coherent in his vision such as the letters being written very big, but the other words down below them were hard to make out. Thankfully, he didn't have to wait any longer as two Smash Veterans—Link and Kirby—walked up to the front of the cafeteria and examined the crowd a bit. Kirby then lifted a glass and clanked on it a few times with a spoon, attracting everyone's attention and silencing the idle chatter. Robin stood up straight and tried to muster the energy to listen, but kept feeling his body shut down for each second he could. From a distance, he could hear Link clear his throat. "Welcome, welcome!!" He exclaimed, rocking on his heels and giving the entire room a warm smile. "As some of you may know, we have been preparing a little something to help with the current festivities at hand, and we would like to announce them, but it'd be best to hype it up first." Every Fighter in the cafeteria exchanged confused yet curious glances with each other. "Link, please don't tell me you forgot about today," Kirby stepped in, his voice still a bit high-pitched but with an irritated tone. The hylian teen simply chuckled as he turned to his pink friend. "Of course not! Why would I forget?" "Oh, Link... It's on the whiteboard..." Kirby groaned, facepalming. Turning around, the hylian noticed the massive board behind him and nodded in acknowledgement. "Oh yeah, right! Today is the annual Fruit festival! We throw a huge party for the Smash House every year and we celebrate it with fruits of all kinds!" All of the Sm4sh Fighters seemed to take note of that piece of information now. Some were interested and others just looked like they wanted to eat someone else. After some small talk between each fighter and their housemates, a small crowd gradually formed in the center of the room as more fighters began arriving, looking to find a seat to join in on the festivities. Robin watched them all walk in while holding back an exhausted yawn. Once everyone was settled, Link took out a clipboard and flipped through the pages. As he scanned down each section, his lips curled into a grin and he gave a proud nod to those sitting closest to him. When he reached the last page, his eyebrows furrowed a bit, but his smile only grew larger and his expression changed from excited to mildly interested. He put the pen down as he cleared his throat. "Now, we have assigned each and every one of you Fighters for each role to have for the gathering of the festival. They're currently on the walls of the hallway when we dismiss." He announced, eliciting a collective "ohh" among the crowd as everyone stared at one another, slightly bewildered. Even Link could notice the tension in the air and gulped a knot down his throat. "Now, before we begin, I would like to point out that any type of fruit that is brought back to us must be ripe, clean, and uncontaminated, so no dangerous or poisonous fruits!" Link pointed a single finger at one of the Brawl Fighters and gave them a hard style. "I should not have to elaborate!" "Whaaaat!?" Wolf groaned, "why not!? I'll have you know, Mr. Hyrule, that Possum Berries are nutritional and are very high in calories." "That's exactly what he meant," Kirby chimed in. "Possum Berries are loaded with a dangerously large amount of sugar and having two or more of them in one sitting can lead to health problems. We don't want that for our fighters." "What kind of problems will they pose for our bodies?" Toon Link asked from afar, his eyebrows furrowed. His older, original counterpart began holding out a hand to count them down individually. "Breathing problems, diabetes, cardiac arrest, need I go on?" Wolf threw his hands up and then chuckled slightly, his white muzzle turning into a mischievous grin. "Alright, alright. No Possum Berries, got it." As the entire cafeteria erupted into a silent chorus of chatters amongst the Fighters, Robin already caught a glimpse of three of the Ultimate Fighters discussing with each other about their fruit of choice. "I'm going to pick the most brightest colored fruit that ever existed!" Isabelle announced to her housemates enthusiastically. "Should we collect each fruit by alphabetical order or by color?" "Well, I'm going to pick the most heaviest fruit there is out there!!" All this idle chatter was close to putting Robin to sleep as he crossed his arms on the cafeteria table and laid his head down to rest, only to be shaken out of it by the rough, firm hands of his muscular housemate Ryu. "Might wanna stay awake for this one," he insisted as the hylian Smash Veteran continued explaining more of the event before dismissing the rest of the Smash House. "And that adjourns our meeting! Don't forget to check the sheet on the walls for your roles!" Link announced happily as he watched each and every Fighter shuffle out of the cafeteria. On his way back to the Sm4sh pod, Robin stopped to check the list of roles and see which one he had been assigned to. A smirk crept across his face as he saw his name under "Fruit Gatherer" and crossed his arms, but not until his smile faded when he realized that a small handful of the Brawl Fighters were going to be part of that role as well. Robin sighed and walked off, hoping this would all be worth it soon. |