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A girl who went crazy and changed everything |
One day there was a girl, and her name was Ella. Ella was on a walk to the store to get some juice for her mother. When she purchased the juice and was on her way home she noticed something weird... A man behind her with a mask covering his face was following her. She tried to brush it off as just a coincidence but soon realized the man was following her home. She messaged her mother about it and her mother said to drive to another store so the man wouldn't know where she lived. So that's exactly what Ella did. She went inside the next store and the man stayed in his car but was in the parking lot of the store. Ella waited about 10 minutes before going back outside to her car. When she went outside she noticed the man was gone. Ella felt relieved so she got into her car and messaged her mom telling her he was gone and she was on the way home. Once Ella got home she went inside and locked the doors just incase the man had followed her home and she didn't notice. It was around 12:30 in the morning and Ella was about to go to bed when she heard a strange sound outside her window. By this point Ella had forgotten all about the man from the store and just ignored the sound since it was raining and very windy outside. Ella went to bed and the next morning she realized her window was slightly opened but she figured she just forgot to close it the following night. Ella went downstairs to greet her mother but Ella couldn't find her. She thought her mother just went to work early but when she looked outside she seen her mothers car still in the driveway. Ella got freaked out but she was trying to think about whether her mother walked to the store or just went for a run. Ella didn't want to think of the bad possibilities that could've happened, so Ella went to go make breakfast. It was about three hours later and her mother still hadn't returned home. Ella became very worried so she called her mother, no answer, she texted her mother, no answer. Ella grew more and more worried for her mothers wellbeing so she called her mothers work asking if she had shown up there, her mothers job said they didn't hear anything from her mother, they also said her mother was supposed to show up to work that day but.. she never did. Ella decided to wait it out until the next day when Ella woke up she noticed a strange smell coming from the house, Ella of course didn't think anything of it so she just ignored it and moved on with her day. Ella went to work, the gym, the store, her boyfriends, just to run some errands and when she arrived home, there was still no sign of her mother. Ella went down to the police station to file a report about her mother going missing but Ella didn't have much proof or a story to lead with so the police didn't do much about the situation. Ella went back home feeling defeated. She began crying and calling her boyfriend asking him what to do because she was scared and worried about her mother. Her boyfriend came over trying to comfort her but that wasn't much help to the situation. Ella went days and days with no word from her mother. Not a trace or anything but that strange smell in her house grew stronger, to the point where whenever she walked into her house she felt sick. Ella started looking around for what the odder may be, but she didn't find anything. Although when she walked over to the small crack in the wall near her mothers door the smell got even stronger. Ella thought there was a mouse or some type of rodent that died in the walls so she called the landlord to check it out. The landlord arrived to the house later that day but was acting very strange, Ella noticed something was off so she asked him to leave but the landlord seemed to grow very angry about Ella's request but he left anyways. Ella felt a bit uneasy about her and the landlords interacting so she went for a drive but when she got back she noticed the front door was unlocked. Ella went inside and began looking around to see if someone broke in or something but she didn't find anything.. But, the crack in the wall by her mothers bedroom was somehow gone...? Ella thought it was just a coincidence or she may have just imagined it, but deep down she knew there was something weird going on around here. Ella decided to make another trip down to the police station but this time telling them about the wall, the fact her front door was open when she got home and everything else. But then again these are small minor things that the police couldn't do much with so again they sent her back home. Ella was driving home but something weird started happening to her car, so she took it to the shop. Ella left her car at the shop and started walking home since her house wasn't too far. When Ella got close to her house she seen a car out in the driveway.. her landlords car...? When she got up to her house she seen the front door open and the landlord sitting in her living room. Ella shouted "what are you dong her?", the landlord jumped up and seen Ella standing there with a worried look on her face and he explained he was waiting for her so they could talk about her mother going missing. Ella got freaked out because how would he know about that.. Nobody knows that her mother is missing, Ella stated "how do you know my mother is missing.. did you do something to her.?". The landlord exclaimed, "no Ella i haven't contacted your mother since she paid last months rent. Your boyfriend Johnathan told me about your mothers disappearance." Ella had a puzzled look on her face and questioned his statement, "Johnathan told you?". The landlord said "yes Johnathan he stopped by my office to talk with me about something." Ella was very confused and tired so she asked her landlord to leave and once again he got pretty mad at her for asking that but he complied. Ella went upstairs to go to sleep since it was pretty late but she noticed the crack next to her mothers bedroom was back but... it was bigger. Ella got scared and ran out of the house and seen her landlord driving off looking at her with a smirk on his face. Ella called her boyfriend to come over because she was scared. Her boyfriend arrived to the house and comforted her and they both called the police, once the cops arrived they noticed the smell coming from the house and had a suspicious feeling so they decided to investigate the crack in the wall that Ella was telling them about. The realized that when they got closer to the wall the strange smell grew stronger, the cops proceeded to shine a flashlight into the crack of the wall but they couldn't see much so they decided to create a larger hole in the wall. Once they did the whole house filled up with this disgusting rotting smell. The cops put masks on and entered the hole only to find... Ella's mother. Dead. Ella runs out of the house crying, the cops go outside to question Ella and she tells them about how suspicious the landlord was being and how he broke into her house while she was at the police station. The cops find the landlords house while Ella" boyfriend stays at the house to comfort her. The cops arrive at the landlords house and begin questioning him. The landlord admits he broke into Ella's house so the cops take him down to the station for further questioning. Back at the house Ella's boyfriend takes her to his house to get away from everything and so Ella can calm down. The cops call Ella and have her go to the station to question her and ask her if she knows anything about her mothers death. Ella of course says she doesn't know anything and this is all a shock to her so the police let her go but begin questioning her boyfriend Johnathan. Johnathan says he doesn't know anything other than the fact Ella has been telling him about her mother going missing but he never found out how or why. The cops let Johathan go but keep the landlord for more questioning. Back at the house the people are there evaluating the mothers body figuring out the cause of death and how long she's been dead. They figured out she had been dead for about a week and a half and the cause of death was... poison. It's now the next day and the police are very suspicious of the landlord but Ella's boyfriend is thinking something else. The landlord had to stay over night at the police station and Ella is waiting on the update from the cops. Ella's boyfriend Johnathan stayed the night with Ella just to make sure she was okay and safe, but in the middle of the night Johnathan woke up to some strange noises and noticed Ella wasn't next to him in bed. He jumped up out of bed worried and went to look for Ella but found her near the hole in the wall where her mother was found just looking into the darkness, Johnathan asked her what she was doing and Ella looked at him with a very strange look on her face and told him to go back to bed. Johnathan said okay and pretended to walk back upstairs to the bedroom but secretly he was watching Ella, she was in the kitchen getting stuff to close up the hole in the wall. Johnathan was confused how she had that stuff but that was the least of his concerns. Johnathan thought to himself "maybe she's closing it because she doesn't want to remember what happened..?" Ella sees Johnathan watching her out of the corner of her eye but she doesn't say anything so Johnathan doesn't get freaked out. Ella goes into the bathroom and Johnathan decides to go back up to bed. Fast forward about two hours and everything seems normal until the cops show up to Ella's house and tells her that the landlord didn't kill her mother. Ella tells the cops that the landlord had every motive to kill her since most of the time she was late on paying rent and they never got along very well, but the cops persisted and told Ella the landlord didn't kill her. In fact the landlord had and alibi and wasn't even in town of the day of her mothers death so he couldn't have killed her. So now the only other suspects are Johnathan and... Ella. The police take Johnathan down to the station for questioning and his stories don't match up. He told the cops he was out with a friend when Ella's mother died but when they spoke to Johnathan's friend he said he wasn't in town that whole week. The cops found it very odd that Johnathan lied about that so they grew a lot more suspicious of him. They tell Ella that Johnathan's story doesn't match up and Ella starts accusing Johnathan of killing her mother. But little do they know Johnathan didn't do it.. A few hours later the police decide to keep Johnathan in they're custody since he's currently the biggest suspect. The landlord decided to stop by Ella's house to check on her but found her taking some strange pills. He asked her what she was doing and she said "oh nothing just taking some ibuprofen my head hurts I'm going to go take a nap.". The landlord says okay and Ella goes upstairs to bed. Ella left the pill bottle on the counter so the landlord looks at it. The landlord reads the pill bottle... "schizophrenia medication..?" the landlord says to himself. He starts to think "what if Ella killed her mother...". He stops for a second to think about that but comes to the conclusion maybe he's just scaring himself since Ella has been acting strange lately. Secretly Ella didn't go up to her room though, she's been watching the landlord snoop around and Ella thinks he knows something now, perhaps.. the truth.? It's a few days later and the police let Johnathan go and found out the reason he lied about where he was is because he didn't want to seem guilty, he was actually with Ella's mother the night before the attack which seems suspicious. In reality he was just getting help from her so he could get a gift for Ella, he realized Ella seemed a bit off the last time he seen her so he figured if he got her a gift it would cheer her up but that was not the case. Johnathan knows about Ella's mental disorder but he never thought anything would come of it since she was on her meds but now.. Johnathan is thinking something really weird is going on with Ella and she may need serious help. Johnathan decides to go over to Ella's house only to find her talking to someone, or should i say something.. Johnathan says, "Ella what are you doing..?" Ella says "i know that you know Johnathan. The voices told me and now there's only one thing left to do..." "wait Ella what are you talking about? I don't know anything come on we can talk about this." Ella agrees to sit down and talk with Johnathan about the situation. Ella offers Johnathan a drink and he says yes not thinking anything of it. Johnathan takes a drink of the juice Ella gave him and immediately starts to feel sick, Johnathan mumbles "Ella what did you do.." Moments later Johnathan collapses onto the floor and passes out. Ella begins talking to something that isn't here again and she says "okay i will dispose of the body." Ella puts Johnathan's dead body into the basement and locks it. Johnathan is never seen again. The police have been trying to contact Johnathan and when he didn't answer the first few times the grew very suspicious so the decide to check his apartment but of course, he isn't there. The call Ella asking if she's seen him any time in the past few days and Ella says no she hasn't she thought the cops arrested him since she hadn't seen him since the night the cops took him to the station. That was all clearly a lie just to make sure Ella didn't get arrested for the murders of her mother and her boyfriend. The police don't really believe Ella so they ask to search her house and Ella says yes. The cops find Ella's pills and half the bottle is still in there though she is due for a new prescription. The cops also find this strange unlabeled bottle in Ella's cabinet they ask her about it and she gets very nervous. The cops decide to take a sample of the liquid to the lab to test it and when they get the results back they find out the shocking truth. Ella poised her boyfriend and her mother all because she went off her meds and she started hearing people, people that would tell her to kill others for no reason but Ella didn't realize this since she wasn't on her meds and couldn't think properly. The cops take Ella down to the station where she admits everything and the "strange man" following her when she went to get the juice for her mother was never real, and the police reports she made of her mother going missing, her having a stalker, and hearing strange noises none of it was true. Well besides hearing noises, that was true. It was the voices. Ella says she killed her mother because the voices told her she was a bad person and was out to hurt her, and the reason for killing her boyfriend was because the voices told her that he knew she killed her mother and he was going to tell the police and Ella would be sent away for a very very long time. Which yes once Ella admitted all of this she was sentenced to 25 years in maximum security prison with rehab and therapy twice every week. Once Ella would get out of prison she had to check in with her doctor everyday showing that she's taking her pills and the correct doses. And ever since her mothers death Ella still hears the voices telling her people are coming for her... Author: Allissa Patterson |