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Rated: 18+ · Sample · History · #2295951
This is a little preview of my "Reality Queen" story !! (Formally finished May 20th)
A long time ago, in another Reality called "The Perfect Reality" there lives this Goddess named Candice Gwen and this God named Asher Gwen. This reality is the reality that the Goddess and the God rule over Infinity from; the very center is where they live their place is this Mega Mansion, Base, and Castle take in total 25% of the Reality!! If you don't already know, the Multiverse is the place in witch you can travel between each Universe; the Megaverse is the place in witch you can travel between the Multiverses; the Ultraverse is the place in witch UltraGiantess live in order to prevent anyone from getting or going anywhere. Time stops after the Multiverse witch allows the UltraGiantess to decimate thing or people. Above the Ultraverse is this place called the Realiverse; this is the place in witch things or people are brought further up to the place that the Goddess and God live. The Infinity Reality. It isn't a verse because it's the place that rules everything and anything. Whenever the UltraGoddess brings things or people that reached there, they take it and they learn it's location by thinking of it and then they go down and Mercilessly, Effortlessly, and Cruelly force everyone and everything to serve them and they also annihilate, demolish, and crush the place and those people are then brought up there. They're put into their peak condition and they are forced to serve the Rulers for all eternity and forever. They're made immortal but can still feel pain; the pain they feel is not from health or anything, not at all, they are all cursed with infinity perfect health, no starvation, etc etc etc -- what they do feel is when they're stepped on and things like that. They're much too valuable to let die and instead deserver pain, suffering, and misery whilst they do horrendous tasks. To the rulers, the really massive Realiverses are the size of basketballs, the huge Realiverses are half the size of one soccer ball, and the "regular" Realiverses are the size of tennis balls. Instead of only the group that managed to reach that zone, the ENTIRE Planetary Zone is playfully rampaged then picked up and crushed; If they don't do what they're told, then they're confined to the Finger Zone. The Finger Zone is the worst place ever imaginable, it's the place where you must dodge either the Goddess or God's finger not to live, but to feel less pain. The pain you feel is defined by different levels; -∞ to +∞ and all the "+" ones are HELL and all the "-" are HEAVEN. If you do the best job ever, your pain levels are set into the negatives; if you reach high enough values, then you're freed from being the Servant and become the Served. This means that people will now work for you instead of you working for other people.

THIS IS THE FIRST BIT OF MY UPCOMING STORY !! Thank you for reading and have an amazing day !!
This story was finished May 20th, but I decided to add some more content into it...
*This image belongs to MechaSesk who gave me perms to use this photo*
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Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2295951-Reality-Queen-Preview-