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Just some small fanfic of my kin Tokkori banging Curio haha |
Professor Curio tended to his usual duties of preening and sprucing up his antiques as he hummed a hearty tune to himself, completely oblivious to the ongoing debauchery that seemed to be taking place outside. Unlike some of the many elderly Cappies in Dreamland, Curio wasn't too fond of engaging on social events or gatherings and would preferably keep to himself whenever possible, which puts him at odds with the eccentric Mayor Len Blustergas and the vigilant Chief Bookem, but what about that little yellow wise-cracking birdy, Tokkori? You see, when you've been isolated throughout your adult years it's honestly quite hard to find anyone who is willing to listen in on your troubles. But who would be degenerate enough to just ignore this man like Tokkori himself? Tokkori was the living epitome of each and every expectation Professor Curio had for the perfect personal guidance pet as well as a friend to talk to. Curio might've been antisocial his whole life but it sure didn't seem like it now — that sweet little canary was always there when Curio needed him. Sure the other Cappies paint him as a public nuisance and a little troublemaker, but never had the museum curator find any difficulty with spending his time with that feathered boy. And as much as Curio hated to admit it, Tokkori also had the cutest little ass known to Dreamland; just one look at it would turn any male Cappy gay in an instant. Just the sight of his untouched puckered little boy hole of his made the elderly Cappy anxious and a little bit hard, so he tried his best to avoid looking at it. It had taken Curio a long time to get over his teenage crush, so he couldn't help but wonder what Tokkori must be thinking about this situation. The poor thing surely must have been feeling terribly insecure and confused, especially considering Curio's own lack of romantic interests. Was the young birdy thinking of him too? Did he think that the old curator had a fetish or something? Would he feel embarrassed if he knew? And what if he found out that Curio had feelings for him that went beyond platonic or even familial? With every inch of his being and the little Birdy constantly visiting, Curio couldn't help but imagine himself wrapping his hands around Tokkori's body, whipping his dick out, and fucking him senseless while the damn canary squawked and flapped about. How could he make himself behave when his mind was all over the place these days? Curio shook his head violently to rid of his fantasies, which were really starting to bother him. He hadn't had such a hard time controlling himself lately... As he continued to do his daily chores all of a sudden, he heard a short chirp coming from his windowsill, stopping dead in his tracks. He must've been thinking too loud, he thought as he turned to check the source of the noise. Much to his relief, it was just an ordinary pigeon that looked at him curiously, tilted its head sideways and then flew off. Curio sighed as if to calm down and turned his attention back to his antiques, only to be met with the familiar face of Tokkori who happened to be wearing a smug grin on his deep plum colored beak. Jumping back in surprise, Curio yelped and nearly slipped out of his chair, but was able to maintain his balance in a matter of minutes. Tokkori reacted to this by letting out an amused snicker. "Hiya, Curio!" He squeaked, his voice unusually cheery today. "How's the business goin'? D'ya make any new discoveries lately?" "Ah. H-Hello, Tokkori!" The Cappy responded shyly, his face slowly turning into a deeper shade of red. He came face-to-face with this cute little bigger again, and now he has to accept the fact that he's talking to him. 'You can do this, Curio. Don't get overwhelmed by his small appearance. Mmh, his sweet body...~' Trying not to be obvious, he quickly composed himself and cleared his throat in order to hide his embarrassment. “Well...it’s not like I make any new discoveries everyday, Tokkori." He replied as nonchalantly as he could despite how flustered he was becoming. “However, I’ve come across many fascinating items throughout my stay here. There was once a particularly beautiful clock depicting scenes of a forest filled with birds and butterflies..." He began explaining enthusiastically before trailing off in the end of his little speech and blushing like a child. "Oh, Curio, you're so adorable!" Tokkori chimed in enthusiastically, his face lighting up like an inferno and the tiny feathers on his back twitching. Curio's cheeks reddened further. He had gotten used to the little bird's praise after a while, but hearing it again felt different somehow. He had almost forgotten how good his compliments sounded and felt. His heart swelled up in happiness. Maybe this was why he liked Tokkori — he could give him so much praise and care without ever asking anything in return. Well, except for those few times when Tokkori did give him affection. The curator snapped himself out of his thoughts and returned to his previous topic. "It really doesn't do much and it's probably outdated but I mostly appreciate the beauty of its design," he explained thoroughly. 'Such as you, Tokkori...♡' He finished in his head before he realized that he'd spoken out loud. He quickly turned away from the avian's eyes and pretended to focus on cleaning some of his more expensive artifacts to conceal the color rising in his cheeks. He wasn't going to start embarrassing himself now, thank you very much. Oblivious to how flustered his Cappy friend was, the bite sized avian kept his gaze glued to him as if he was planning on saying something else. That was until Curio looked up again and noticed that Tokkori's feathers didn't look like their natural yellow color, oh no; just what had he been doing? He's fucking filthy! Seriously, what is it with you Dreamland teens and getting into messes like little fucking savages, baths exist for a reason! Curio couldn't help but stare at each and every detail of the bird's body until he heard Tokkori yell his name. "Oi, why're you givin' me that look!?" He asked, his common brash tone coming back. Curio had risen out of his chair and cleared his throat before saying, "you're feathers are a bit dusty. Would you care for a soak?" Tokkori looked up at the elderly Cappy with a hint of hoarseness in his eyes only to shrug and respond with a simple "okay." Nodding his head in agreement the historian got up from his chair and beckoned his hand for the yellow avian to follow him, much to his own forgotten arousal. 'Oh. Tokkori is inside my house and I'm about to bathe him... Oh yesss...~♡' Curio couldn't be happier than to assist his guest — who is his crush — get all clean and spotless. As they entered the bathroom, Curio went ahead and activated it with a push of a button, a stream of warm water pouring down from the faucet. The Cappy waited patiently until the bathtub was filled to an acceptable gallon and gently placed Tokkori inside, almost falling apart at the slightest touch of his little feathered friend's cute body. Curio had just recently found that he had an erection but he was trying his best not to let his guest find out, knowing full well that he would try and attack it. So instead he busied himself with helping the bird dry his wings, making sure to keep them clean and dry, brushing the excess water onto the floor before putting them under the stream of hot water. He dried the bird's feathers thoroughly to get rid of all his dirt and debris, while also gently placing a finger down on Tokkori's unfazed sheath. This made Tokkori gasp a little as the slightest impact on his sheath made his small salmon colored cock slide out like a snake and visible beneath all the bodies of water, sparking the Professor's interest even more. He was tempted to stroke it a little, to see if it still tasted nice, but restrained himself before he got carried away and started acting stupid again. With his task done, Curio sat on the edge of the tub and began rubbing Tokkori's shoulders and neck with a towel, massaging them carefully and softly and trying not to make his fingers hurt by accident. He could tell that this little bird was getting quite tense, so the old professor figured that he might want a hug, so he wrapped his arms around the little bird and buried his face against Tokkori's fluffy feathery back. Letting out a short-sounding whimper, Tokkori reluctantly shot his head back, only to be met with the Cappy's face buried deep within his yellow feathers. It made him smile in spite of himself as Curio nuzzled his face against him. Tokkori wanted nothing more than to just relax in his arms, bury his face in the crook of his neck and fall asleep to the sound of his slow heartbeats. But he knew that there was one last thing he needed to do before curling up on top of his pillow in the other room and drifting off into a content sleep, and it was definitely not going to happen with Curio hugging him tight. After a moment of contemplation, he decided that he should leave the comfort of the old man's warm embrace to continue the rest of his evening tasks. As he finished up, Curio ended with carrying Tokkori out of the tub and placing him onto a spare towel, patting his back in a calming manner to soothe him. When Tokkori finally got out from under the towel, it took him a moment to regain his bearings and remember what he'd been planning to do next before he completely forgot everything. Having remembered his short-lived erection in the bathtub, the yellow avian wanted to ask Curio why it had happened or why the old Professor even touched him there at that spot, but since his face was already as red as an apple, he thought it would be better to leave it for another day. Instead, he walked over to the bathroom's doorway and allowed the Cappy to follow him. Curio just hoped that his feathered friend didn't bring up the unusual sheath touching in the bathtub minutes ago, or else this would've already been more awkward than it was at this rate. He was just glad that Tokkori didn't pay it any mind because of how cute his small rod looked; it was the color of Kirby, and it twitched in seconds. Curio could imagine how much of that sweet reproductive nectar he could possibly produce with such a tiny penis like that. Oh, but he shouldn't forget about that sweet little ass of his. Tokkori is a treasure to be won for the curator, and he was going to get it. And he knew exactly how. As nighttime had steadily rolled around quicker than expected, Professor Curio looked down at the yellow bird, who was already walking lopsidedly and looking fatigued. He smiled softly. If it were any other bird, Curio might've said that he looked ridiculous, but it wasn't anyone else in particular. The Cappy was absolutely fond of how Tokkori's crooked body seemed to mirror his own perfectly. The fact that Tokkori's body seemed to fit into the curve of Curio's body perfectly had him feeling strangely aroused yet again. He wondered if Tokkori could feel his sudden increase of energy. He hadn't had an issue with his arousal in years, so maybe this was normal. His hands slowly lowered themselves to grip Tokkori's hips tightly and he gently lifted the small bird towards himself. He smirked as he watched Tokkori toss his body in a resting position under his grasp, which caused his cheeks to flush pinker and his heart to thump loudly against his chest. 'Sweet little Tokkori, you're doing great...♡' With that, the elderly curator Cappy carried the tired avian off into his bedroom, hoping he could at least get some "loving" out of his unconscious friend. Entering the dimly lit room, Curio was settled on having just the lamp on and not the actual light in order to let Tokkori sleep and to finally work away with his sweet little body. Setting him down gently, Curio did his very best to get another good look at the bird's delicious little sheath, his mouth salivating at the sight of such a naughty organ on an innocent little creature. He couldn't wait any longer and moved closer until he reached over the sleeping Tokkori's body and began kissing his bare belly gently as he rubbed his nose between Tokkori's plumage. A quiet moan escaped the young Avian at the sensation of those wet lips against his stomach, causing a satisfied chuckle to come from the Cappy. His tongue flicked across the skin once more before giving the avian a lingering lick, his tongue running along the slit in between his legs. A few more kisses followed along those same lines then the old Cappy leaned forward and pressed a soft kiss on Tokkori's thighs and the area just above his ass. Without hesitation, Curio slid his tongue across the slit on the bird's sheath, letting out a satisfied groan as well as lapping at the premade juices that were oozing from the tip. He sucked on the slit and began licking it with his tongue, making sure to not slip his tongue past the small opening on the sheath. Once he felt that the bird was sufficiently lubricated, he proceeded to move up the shaft and kissed the hole, sucking gently with every swipe of his tongue. Tokkori's moans grew louder at the sensation of Curio's mouth being placed on his cock and he quickly bucked his ass in approval to allow the Cappy more access. The young golden colored Featherhead couldn't help but feel his cock twitch as the older curator's rough tongue rubbed his length and lapped at the sensitive tip, making it feel even softer and wetter. With each pull of his tongue and stroke of his hands, Tokkori began to wiggle more and more, wanting more of whatever was happening below, desperate for more stimulation. The young avian kept thrusting his hips, making Curio's tongue wrap itself tighter around his cock. However, Curio had stopped before Tokkori could reach climax, much to the bird's disappointment. Curio rose upwards from his feathered friend's body, wrapped his fingers around his body, and turned him over on his stomach, revealing his pink little anus. Curio couldn't contain himself anymore, he needed this bird! Kneeling down again and placing his lips gently onto the open entrance of the young avian's little pussy, he gave it a gentle suckle and licked around its opening, teasing the inside of the little hole lightly. When he felt that he had gotten enough attention and saliva mixed with Tokkori's fluids, Curio finally moved his mouth up to Tokkori's ass cheeks and placed several sloppy kisses all around the base of his ass, before moving to his inner thigh. With no time to enjoy the taste of Tokkori's cum in his mouth, he immediately set to rimming him like there was no tomorrow. As he pulled Tokkori's buttocks apart, he could feel his tail swishing excitedly through the air behind him, a clear sign that he was ready for more stimulation. He grinned to himself and went back to lining the little bird's opening, taking a bit of extra care to ensure that he was thoroughly wetted and ready for him to fuck. While he was doing this, he took hold of Tokkori's hips and rolled them backwards, stretching the young bird out wide and lifting up his rear. Then, without wasting any time, Curio sank into the hot depths of the little yellow feathers, filling Tokkori up completely with his thick old man rod. "A-Aaah~! C-Curio~!" Tokkori moaned, his leg twitching as he tried to keep himself balanced on his feet. In response, Curio tightened his hold around his arse and pushed his hips downwards with more force, driving him deeper into the little bird's insides with each movement. Tokkori's eyes were widened in surprise, he could feel Curio moving inside of him, the intense pleasure hitting him hard and fast. He gasped loudly as his body spasmed beneath the older man, his whole body tensing up with every new thrust. Just as Curio began moving his hips faster, he was able to hit the right spot, making Tokkori's body jerk with every hard strike. The Cappy curator started emitting low growls and grunts of approval as he momentarily slammed himself inside Tokkori's unusually small body, making the little bird boy moan with each hard thrust he applied. His body began to ache internally as he felt these nerves shoot up his spine, making him hang his tongue out and pant like a dog. From beneath his belly the yellow avian felt his small dick harden at the slightest touch of his feather tips and found himself jerking it off, gritting his teeth in response. "Tokkori... Gggh... So tight ♡," Curio groaned. "You're so damn tight baby...I'll never be done fucking you!" After the older male gave Tokkori several slaps on his ass, he picked up the pace and pounded into the bird, making sure to make every hard thrust count and to give him a proper blow job. It had been ages since he'd taken this bird to bed, and he wanted to take his time to enjoy every single aspect that Tokkori presented before him. Every second he spent inside the bird was precious as he himself was an introvert while Tokkori was the polar opposite. Having stopped midway, Curio rubbed a gentle hand down Tokkori's back and ran his fingers along the soft feathers that covered that cute little body of his. As the party of two turned into a wholesome mess of gasps and moans, the elderly Cappy averted his attention to the bird as he groaned his name. "...C-Curio?" "Yes, Tokkori~?" Tokkori stopped for a bit before he spoke again with honest sincerity. "C-Can I ride your cock?" He asked sheepishly. "I mean I just wanna be on top!" Curio stayed silent for a moment before saying, "absolutely, my dear" and grabbing a hold of his guest's small body. Tokkori felt himself being placed on top of the Cappy's still erect tip and being carefully broken into, leaving only a thin line between his body and his friend's dick. "Are you ready, Tokkori, my darling?" asked Curio, looking down at the bird who nodded nervously. "Good boy", Curio purred and with that he thrust deep inside of Tokkori's ass. The young avian let out a loud shriek of joy as the feeling of the big Cappy's cock invading his ass filled his little body and a few moments later, his tiny rod was already leaking precum onto his partner's belly, coating his feathers and making him slippery. "Gnn-Aah~! T-Tokkori~!♡" Curio moaned passionately at the feel of the yellow bird riding his massive member. Tokkori let out short-sounding whimpers as he moved his small body up and down, allowing the Cappy's adult-sized penis to hit that specific spot where he needed it to go. He wasn't used to having other men inside of him but if it made his friend happy, he would be happy too! And if that meant taking his ass in order to please him, then so be it. As soon as the younger Avian was positioned to his liking on top of his round belly, Curio continued pumping into the smaller avian, keeping their bodies connected with ease, giving the other Avian some room to spread his legs further apart and make himself comfortable. As his large cock hit the perfect spot, Tokkori cried out loudly, letting the sounds echo through the room. "Yeeeaaaahhh..." Curio grunted as he moved his hips up and down at an almost frantic rate, pounding mercilessly on Tokkori's bottom, causing the young bird to squeal out his delight. Curio was enjoying himself immensely, but was forced to slow his pace down when Tokkori's cock started to leak. He didn't want to leave any evidence of how much he enjoyed it and was reluctant to stop for fear that Tokkori might start to regret what was about to happen next, which could potentially lead to another orgasm. This would require him to move his body away from Tokkori's butt hole and instead use his left arm to push away from his friend's body. Tokkori whimpered loudly when he realized what Curio was trying to do to him but then heard him softly call out his name again. Looking down, Tokkori looked down and saw Curio pulling his arm away, the Cappy was reaching for something under the bed. He saw the older curator place something on the bed and lean towards the edge of the bed to grab onto something with his free hand. When Curio got up and stood straight again he revealed what exactly he had grabbed. Tokkori recognized it as a large, wooden stick; a long sharp piece of wood that had a thin metal hook on the end. Tokkori watched with amazement as Curio lifted the metal hook above his head and brought it down on the ground in front of the young avian, making Tokkori gasp in shock. Tokkori was surprised by the sheer strength the elderly Cappy possessed as he gripped tightly onto Tokkori's legs and ensnared them in the hook's harnesses, somehow suspending him in the air. "Now, Tokkori. Do you trust me enough to allow yourself to be held by a hook and held upside down by someone else?" Curio smiled widely as he looked down at his little love, holding the metal hook over his head like a makeshift whip and slowly raising it upwards. Tokkori whimpered slightly as he looked down at Curio, his green eyes widening even more as he felt that he couldn't possibly get away from this hook. But, at the same time, he did not want to admit defeat to Curio either. Afterall, he was a beautiful, sexy creature like him, and the idea of being captured and used like that... well he just couldn't give up this opportunity! Tokkori simply stood idle as he watched Curio grab out more harnesses and restrained his wings and legs even more to the point where the little yellow bird lost all feeling in his limbs to move. All the little avian could do was shoot his head up and moan for each time the harnesses brushed themselves against his soft feathers, making his small cock hard again. Curio lowered his body slightly and bent over, bringing his nose close to Tokkori's cock so that they were only inches away from each other. The Cappy reached out for Tokkori's head and gently stroked over his cheek with his thumb, wiping away the wet tears that were now rolling down his pale, chubby cheeks. "It's okay... I won't hurt you..." Curio promised, using one hand to stroke Tokkori's cheek. In spite of his fear, Tokkori kept his eyes focused on Curio's face; on the way his lips curved into a smile, on how his eyes sparkled in the dimly lit darkness. As Curio latched the last harness around Tokkori's tail feathers to keep them raised in the air, the elderly Cappy was exposed to his avian lover's wet, swollen entrance. The hole dripping with his juices, he stared into Tokkori's eyes intently, waiting for him to speak up, waiting to hear those sweet and loving words that Curio had heard so many times before but now wanted to hear again. "Please, Curio... I need you♡," Tokkori whispered in desperation. "Oh, Tokkori... You have no idea how long I've waited for this moment..." Curio sighed. Once again, Curio brought his face closer to Tokkori's opening and slowly slid inside of him. Tokkori gasped in surprise when the old Cappy suddenly entered him completely, stretching him and stretching the feathers that formed his stomach. The little bird closed his eyes shut tight at the sudden intrusion, wanting to avoid seeing anything that was going to embarrass or offend him. However, once Curio finally began to pound away against him he felt a warm, liquid sensation running up and down inside him. "Mm, hm... That feels so good, Tokkori," said the Cappy seductively as he took control of the rhythm. "You're so wet, so hot." Tokkori was breathing heavily as he began to pant and pant until curio's cock slid into the hole easily. He was trembling, unable to believe that such a large man could be filling him. As Curio slowly pumped into Tokkori, the older Cappy slowly pulled out before inserting his cock into the new position, allowing himself to adjust. The sight of Curio's huge cock entering his beloved's ass had the yellow avian whimpering quietly as it stretched him to the very limits of endurance. Tokkori began letting out screams of pleasure before lowering his cries down to a single moan with each thrust that the museum curator applied to his little hole, a single tear rolling down his cheek. As much as Curio enjoyed hearing his little feathered friend gasp and moan from the intense penetration he was receiving, he also couldn't stand how it almost kept distracting it. As a result, Curio stopped his movements and fumbled through his bag, taking out what appears to be a handmade paper beak. With much force Curio placed the mask over the yellow bird's beak and listened as his noises were becoming muffled. Just by this little predicament alone, Tokkori could almost feel his heart rate steadily increase as his Cappy lover pushes his little legs forward and entered a mating press, penetrating his tiny body all the way through. "MMPPHH~♡!!!" Tokkori muffled loudly as he felt his own eyes roll into the back of his head in deeply driven lust. Curio had started feeling himself become almost dry and absorbed of his energy as he pounded roughly into this yellow bird's sweet little hole almost to the point of falling asleep midway. He bent down amidst the rough harnesses and leveled his height down to Tokkori's flushed face, gazing lovingly into his black pearly eyes. His gaze softened a bit as he cupped both sides of Tokkori's face with his hands and ran his fingers through the feathery tufts at the base of the bird's neck. Without warning, Curio leaned down towards the young Bird and gently kissed the tip of his nose through the mask. "I love you so much, Tokkori ♡." Tokkori couldn't help but blush deeply after hearing the words uttered so tenderly, especially when he had just been called 'love' by his favorite person ever and he couldn't help but giggle happily. Hearing Tokkori's soft giggles made Curio chuckle along, feeling extremely happy with what was happening. As if the prolonged thrusting had never been stopped abruptly, Professor Curio felt his cock tense up inside the yellow bird's insides as he let out sharp grunts of satisfaction, releasing a thick heavy load inside Tokkori. As his pace had started slowing his avian lover was letting out short moans and love filled cries through the gag on his beak while allowing his eyes to flutter. He knew how strong the professor was and how rough he can be sometimes, but never in his entire life did he expect to be pounded good by a Cappy of such elderly age. Tokkori felt his small cock tense up and watched as the tip started to turn a blood red color, then ending in a small waterfall of cum to spew, making him scream. "C-CURIOOO~!! FU-AAAAH~!!! ♡" he called, feeling his insides expand by the hefty load produced by his lover. Curio stopped and watched closely as he filled the bird's belly with his own seed and expanded his little stomach like a balloon. He couldn't believe it — he invited a Birdy into his home, and now he's making love to him. Although Curio did make quite a mess with it, he hoped Tokkori didn't get knocked up and started carrying his child inside an egg. Then again as a historian, Curio was obviously certain that male impregnation was common during the ancient Cappy civilization era, but this was the present day and it was a serious topic to bring up mentally. He had always assumed that some people did have eggs in their bellies since some men carried them in their pants, but he never thought that Tokkori might carry one inside his stomach. Curio smiled as he imagined Tokkori's little baby bump; soft, round, and adorable like Kirby with a sweet little bundle of joy developing inside. It almost caused Curio to let out coos of adoration as he gently pulled out. As he did so a waterfall of cum leaked out from the avian's asshole and caused him to whimper, arousing the elderly Cappy even further. Watching as a puddle of his reproductive juices formed underneath Tokkori's small body, Curio produced a smile underneath his mustache, reached a gentle hand out to Tokkori's cheek and caressed it. "Oh, Tokkori~," the Cappy purred lovingly. "You're so cute...♡" The yellow bird gave a muffled thanks and looked up at his lover, his eyes looking tired from the prolonged stimulation on his body. Having been turned into a dripping wet mess of cum, sweat, and musk, he tried his best to lift up his body and look straight at Curio, but all the energy he had was all wasted on one single Cappy. With careful ease Curio unlatched the harnesses from Tokkori's body and caught him in his arms before he could fall flat on the wooden floor. Ignoring the white filth pouring from Tokkori's gaping hole and onto his sleeve, Curio crawled into bed and continued cuddling his feathered lover. He gingerly removed the paper mask off Tokkori's beak and landed a soft kiss on the base, smiling as he saw Tokkori's eyelids start closing as the young Avian was starting to succumb to the wonderful sensations being felt through his own body. "Rest now, Tokkori..." he whispered softly. "Let me hold you for as long as you can bear it." The yellow avian peacefully drifted off as the elderly curator Cappy landed a few more kisses on his forehead and fell asleep alongside him. |