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THE EYE IN THE SKY The eye in the sky Knows all, sees all Hears all, understands all The eye in the sky Watches over us Everything we do Is monitored, controlled Under surveillance There is no privacy There is no private space The eye in the sky Knows all Everything we do Everything we see Everything we think Recorded by the unseeing Uncaring eyes The cameras, the videos The computers that control Our lives Ever watchful Ever diligent Nothing escapes The cold, calculating glares Freedom is nothing But an illusion To the free man There is no freedom Except in one’s inner mind Only there Can one escape The eyes in the sky No one monitors our thoughts Except our own thought police The rest of the world Is controlled, monitored Under constant surveillance The eyes in the sky The camera in the sky Watches over us All the time All the time 24/7 Never stopping Never on strike Never on break All day long All night long 24/7 Total control The eye in the sky Is the same As the eye In the dollar bill All the same All the same Watching us No one can escape Its baleful glances No one is free Aye the eye In the sky Is always upon you As you become A mere number In the cosmic game Of life Up behind The eye in the sky Big Brother is watching You and me And big sister too And crazy Uncle Tom And wild auntie Em God, and the Devil Rama, Ganesh, Laxmi The Buddha bar gang Jesus is there as well Mary as well And you must be knowing this That even Saint Nick, Santa Clauss and the Easter Bunny And Father Time himself Are there Zeus and the Jupiter gang And all the demons and spirits And the big spirit And Brahman, Gabriel, Allah Mohammad the prophet too And the CIA, Mafia, KGB And spies and counter spies All are watching us Spy Vrs Spy The tooth fairy is there too She gets her 10 percent All the same Watching us Forever and ever But the eye In the sky Does not care Does not notice What we think or feel The eye Watches us All the time Recording our movements And reporting it to its masters Its job is to watch Us You and me And the billions of others On this alyssum called Earth The question came to mind That has no answer Who is the eye in the sky Is it God Is it the devil Only time will tell The difference The eye in the sky Smiles at us And watches and watches And watches All the time written after I started noticing that surveillance cameras are everywhere and some one is listening and watching us all the time. Enough to make you paranoid. © Apr 2015, john Cosmos Aller |