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Isabel and her friends are captured by the Rejigs and have to find a way to excape. |
Isabel thought back to the battle in the cave. It was brutal. All the animals fought, some better than others. Storm was knocked out. The beavers were caged and tied. A few squirrels managed to escape, but not that many. Duke was nowhere to be seen. “And to top it all off,” Isabel said, “I have an insane aunt.” Isabel was tied up in a field. All of the animals were either tied to the trees on the edge of the field or in cages hanging from the branches. Most of them were gagged or knocked out. The beavers and Elsa had no clue what was going on and were still fighting one another. The field had a long stone slab in the middle of it that thousands could stand on at one time. Isabel was on one end of it, and a short, plump lady was at the other end. In between the two was a large lion. Around the lady were many men and mammals. There were bobcats, porcupines, coyotes, horses, ect. Many of the men looked uncomfortable and were fidgeting. (They were embarrassed about what they could turn into. Some could only turn into slugs or worms). Isabel was guarded by some of these men, and Jaxar. Isabel, however, had the stone, but she didn’t want the others to know that, so she didn’t wish for anything yet. She was waiting for the right moment to use it. Right now, all Isabel could do was watch what was going on. The lion never moved, except for his tail that constantly twitched. His long shaggy mane swayed with every breeze. “Silas,” Isabel growled. “And I will assume that the lady is my Aunt Brooklyn. The lady was wearing a long purple dress that flowed over the ground. On the dress were many white flowers. The lady had straight hair that reached her hip. Isabel hated her at first sight. “Though, as much as I hate her, she is pretty.” she admitted to herself. A great stone wall was behind the lady and many women were sitting on top of it. Some would turn into birds and fly over the field at random intervals. Without warning, Silas stood up. When he spoke, his voice was rough and cruel. “Brooklyn has done all of us Rejigs a great favor. She has tracked down all of the traitors in this land, and now, we can rule. I’m glad to announce her…” and then he yelled, “Your new queen!” Silas roared an earsplitting roar and another lion appeared in the grass. Both lions ran at an angle towards Brooklyn. When they met, the two lions became one again, and Silas leaped over Brooklyn. Brooklyn was crowned as a smile came over her wrinkled face. All the Rejigs applauded. When all was quiet, Brooklyn declared, “Now, we feast!” Isabel was dragged to the nearest tree and tied to it. When the guards left, Isabel whispered to her necklace, “I wish the ropes would come loose.” Instantaneously, the ropes went slack. Isabel could see all the food on the other side of the stone wall. Isabel quickly slid out of the ropes and climbed the tree. Once safely in the tree, she opened the cage doors and untied the rest of the animals. The birds flew off, and the squirrels climbed in the trees. The wolves ran off. Isabel freed everyone she found. It was only until the end that she noticed someone missing. Maverick! Isabel searched every tree and bush to no avail. She was sneaking around the stone slab, when part of the stone moved. Out popped a little head. “Maverick! We have to go. Before they find out.” Isabel murmured. Maverick replied, “I don’t know who ‘they’ are. I just know that you can get me and my sister to safety.” With that, another head peaked out. She squealed and ran for the woods. Maverick and Isabel followed. Brooklyn happened to hear the conversation and she stood up. She saw two mice and her niece running for the woods. All the other animals were gone. “Why, that little creep!” Brooklyn’s eyes raged with furry. “You fools! You let them escape. After them!” Cassi knew this was coming and she told her siblings. Lucy circled around and took out man after man. Greg met the Rejigs up front and kept them at bay. Cassi attacked from the sidelines. They managed to buy enough time for the others to escape, then they were overthrown. The cats limped to the grass, and collapsed from their injuries. “I just hope we bought them enough time.” Lucy sighed. Isabel caught up to the rest and they hid in the trees or bushes. Isabel was hiding with an old eagle who had breathing problems. He turned to Isabel and wheezed, “T-the wand.” Then he took a wand from under his wing and held it out to Isabel. “Take it. Use the s-stone.” “Peterson.” Isabel remarked. “I have no use for it. Do I?” The eagle nodded. “Th-think of it as a g-gift.” Peterson fell from the tree in front of the Rejigs. Isabel watched in horror as he was shot by an arrow and as Peterson crumpled to the ground. Tracey, now a full grown gray wolf, screamed. She attacked and Eugean leaped up from the bushes to help his sister. The two wolves were down in seconds and their lives were ended early. |