** Image ID #2293819 Unavailable **
Hello, Power Reviewers!
The theme of May's Review Raid is the letter M.
Review any item which has to do with the letter M.
Some suggestions are in this memo.
In addition, we have included a section to honor Mona (Eyestar).
As you know, sadly she passed away in March.
Mona loved Haiku, Dragons, and Fantasy.
We can review those types of items in this raid as well, in honor of our good WDC friend.
Please make a note of the date:
Saturday, MAY 20th
This month, it will be hosted by...
We'll be giving out merit badges and prizes so let's have some fun!
Also, as always during review raids, each and every review you do will be double credited.
(Your reviews must follow our Power rules of quality, affiliated, public, 250 or more character reviews).
If you can't find an item here in our suggestions, remember that you can also review any item you wish.
Please remember that raid reviews do not count at the "SuperTower Review Room MB Rewards" 
There's no need to post your affiliated reviews on a forum...We'll find them.
The Galactic Guardians have Super Powers, after all.
 Honoring Mona 
Click Here to View Haiku, Dragon, and Fantasy Items ▼
Click Here to View Poems ▼
Click Here to View Stories ▼
Flash Fiction and other shorter stories
"Memory Calls" 13+: A man drives to a date with his memory.
"Minerva" E: The Lair Contest Entry May 2020 - 3rd Place
"Invalid Item" :
"Mistakes" 13+: A crushing response to unbearable irritation.
"MediEvils" 13+: A trip into the past - with beasties!
"Memory Alpha" E: A professor deals with memory loss.
"Peanuts to Mercury" E: Differences. Duality. Diddly.
"Mars in my Veins" E: A case for Mars.
"Full Moon" E: The first transformation
"A dystopian marshmallow short story" E: A challenge given to write a short story about marshmallows. This was what I came up with.
"Maine state lock down" E: Slight description of daily farming.
"Music" E: Flash Fiction
"Another Martini" 13+: A couple enjoys another martini.
"National Eat Maple Sugar Day" E: Celebrated in U.S. Dec. 17; In Canada, March & April
"Invalid Item" :
"The Muffins" E: When a lost recipe becomes difficult to find
"A Murder And A Lie" 13+: She was Angry, so she told someone, but she didnt mean it, now shes been blackmailed.
"The Cause of Mushrooms" E: An Entry to a Contest
"The Little Masketeer" E: Little Billy has reservations about wearing a mask to school. Dialog only - 499 words
"Orange Marmalade (for Bren)" E: Here's a little poem about a snack my wife brought me recently.
"Sam Adams Meets His Match" E: Sam Adams Meets His Match for Daily Flash
"The Mantle Clock" E: Sometimes when something breaks, it can turn your life upside down.
"The Field Mouse" E: An essay on field mice from my cat's point of view
"Your First Big Milestone" E: Written for Khiarah Williams, June 8, 2018, on her graduation from high school
"Mischief Training" 13+: Flash Fiction Prompt 6/30: plate, mice, laugh, Word count: 300
"Invalid Item" :
"That is Your Mistake" E: Mikayla won't be followed and harrassed any longer.
medium to longer stories
"Monkey Roundup at Richard's Island" 13+: My service dog Buddy plays Roundup with Monkeys at Richard's Retirement Bash. Enjoy!
"Mabel And The Mob" 13+: Mabel ends up with the mob's money
"Eddie and Dave. Ch 2." 18+: Trying for holiday money.
"The Morlaffs" E: Getting an alien race to laugh.
"Moon Curse - ch 1 - Sword Play" E: Salandra and Brandon are medieval twins, and they have an incredible secret.
"The Hare and The Moon" E: How the Hare Got to The Moon
"A Madison County Event" 18+: In memorium of my well read, practical joking friend, Connie.
"Mountain Monarchy" 13+: "Expect them to retaliate.”
"Magnolia - a bit of too lyrical prose" E: Magnolia's coloured my life in young adulthood and when I was a mother. 3rd Magnolia item.
"Magnolias" 13+: Sometimes what you are looking for, is in your own backyard.
"The Mighty Mississippi" E: Entry for The Writer's Cramp 7/9
"Melina's Mud Mishap!" ASR: A young woman's day goes from bad to worse after getting herself stuck in the mud.
"Felix Martingale" 18+: A boy from a small town finds happiness
"MERLIN'S BASEMENT, CASE #839528 " ASR: A Special-Ops teams uncovers a massive Kidnapping Ring, magic is involved
"How to make a magic wand" 13+: How to make a wand. An exercise in personification. Previously:His daughter's Magic Wand
"A Million Light Years" 13+: How do you measure distance?
"The Three Musketeers" E: Introduction to Caitlin Price
"Mermaids and Coffee, Forever!" 13+: Some facts and fun.
"The Mermaid Dragon and Water Horse " ASR: A water horse saves her sister, the mermaid who turned herself into a dragon.
"Coral, Little Mermaids Octopus's Garden" E: Coral, the Mermaids' daughters venture into a Octopus's Garden, find things are afloat.
"The Meteorite Bullet" ASR: Astrina is about to find out someone wants her dead - via a Meteorite Bullet.
"Invalid Item" :
"Eve: The First Mother" E: A look at Eve of the Bible as a mother.
"Mushrooms on the Trail" E: Created September 28 for Short Shots
"Invalid Item" :
"Match!" 18+: Detective Nick Montanari meets his match
"Invalid Item" :
"The Case of the Missing Meatball" 18+: Joey 'Meatball' and stolen mob money attract attention from an unlikely pair of detectives
"Invalid Item" :
"A Thousand Marbles" E: An inspirational story...from years ago
"The Meteorite Bullet" ASR: Astrina is about to find out someone wants her dead - via a Meteorite Bullet.
"Invalid Item" :
"Mindy's Hole In The Wall Mistake!" 13+: A young woman gets herself stuck in a hole in a wall while trying to take a shortcut home.
"Leanne's Cave Mistake!" 13+: A young woman gets herself stuck in a cave while retrieving her hard drive and needs help.
 This and That  
Click Here to View This and That ▼
images and photo albums
"The Monkey" E: Barrel Of Monkeys
"Valletta Malta, 2011- The Noon-Day Gun" E: The firing of the noon-day gun at Barrakka Gardens, Valletta
"One of Faribault, Minnesota's Bridge" E: It is one of the scenic drives you can take in my area.
"Minnesota Winter" E: An image that shows how this past winter has been.
"Mississippi River" E: Image for "The Big Muddy"
"Invalid Item" :
"Without the highway markers, anywhere" E: Wheat fields along Route 56 in SW Kansas, July 2004.
"I can haz marshmallow?" E: A mouse in da house!
"Tia's Medallion" E: This is a picture of Tia's Medallion. Known as The Medallion of Magic!
"Music as Inspiration" 18+: or why I choose the music I do for my creative endeavors (2017 Quill Award Nominee)...
Recipes, travel, and other items
"On Writing for Money" E: Wherein the author discusses his pathway to authordom.
"Invalid Item" :
"Coral Reefs of the Republic of Maldives" ASR: An Environmental Issue
"MIT-Comparitive Media Studies/Writing" E: Massachusetts Institute of Technology's program, Comparative Media Studies/Writing
"Native American Heritage of Minnesota" E: Princess Owatonna's statue is pictured - who's the legend of the city of Owatonna.
"Mark Twain and "The Aged Pilot Man" Poem" E: Some history on Mark Twain and a discussion of his poem, "The Aged Pilot Man." Incomplete
"Musicology Anthology " 13+: Stories from Beatles Album. Abbey Rosd
"WDC Rock 'n' Roll Music Challenge" 13+: What Rock 'N Roll Music inspires you to write?
"DEUX-MILLE MÉMOIRES" 13+: a poignant peek at the cultural and generational evolution of families
"Tips on Mascara Cosmetics" 13+: Tips on Mascara
"My Passion for Mathematics" E: How I discovered my love for mathematics in college
"Mom’s Hungarian Goulash Recipe " 13+: Recipe my Mom texted to me, she made this when I was a kid.
"Ruby Chocolate Muffins (Vegan)" E: Story with recipe: Won 2nd place in Sharmelle's Recipe Kitchen Contest, December 2022
"Beacon's Recipe Book" 13+: What I've learned since I first started cooking.
"The Marvelous Friend Guestbook" E: This is my guestbook. Let me know you were here.
"Mason-Dixon Recipes" 13+: My Recipe Book, constantly being added to
"Museum's That Offer Virtual Tours" E: Either Virtual Tours or Shared Content
"Chocolate Malted Cookies" E: These cookies are the next best thing to a good old-fashioned malted milk. Taste of Home
"Map of My Port" E: Guide to items in my port.
"Chocolate Mint Brownie Torte" E: Chocolate Mint Brownie Torte Recipe
"Word Search of Minerals" E: Word Search of 25 Minerals’ Names
"Beware of Scammers and Money Mules" E: How I was conned and manipulated by unscrupulous money mules online.
"Memories of Gandhiji" ASR: My Dad, on a personal meeting with Mahatma Gandhi, and on a prayer meet for Gandhiji
"A Day in the Madlib(rary)" ASR: There was something magical about that book . . .
Click Here to View Portfolios ▼
If any of you create any special shared images for us to use during this review raid, let us and we'll add them below.
Here are some on 'share' for you to use!
Created by the amazing A E Willcox 
** Image ID #2293506 Unavailable **
Created by the amazing A E Willcox 
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Can't use images? Simply add the link to our group:
Type: {c-item:power}
Or, something like this for the Letter M:
{center}{size:5}{b}{e:vine2}{e:burstp} {c:orange}Celebrating the Letter M{/c} {e:burstb}{e:vine1}
{c:teal}Review Raid{/c}{/b}{/size}
OR for honoring Mona:
{center}{size:4}{font:verdana}{c:grape}{e:fairyr} Honoring Mona {e:fairyl}
{e:wand} Review Raid {e:wand}{/c}{/font}{/size}{/center}