Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/campfires/item_id/2292714-A-Dragoness-Delight
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Rated: 13+ · Campfire Creative · Fiction · Erotica · #2292714
A human becomes a dragon goddess.
This is for those with decent writing skills and an interest in macro growh, dragon transformation, breast expansion, and muscle expansion just for fun without a story behind it. To join, you must be willing to write detailed growth and transformation sequences in presant tense describing sensations, the changes, & using size comparisons. The first entries will introduce our characters, establish the setting, & clarify their relationship. PS. Keep Safe For Work & longterm.
Lisa was excited. Her best friend was coming over with a new invention that was supposed to be able to enlarge & change bodies. As the Earth was going to pot she figured it was a good time to ditch the human race and maybe even hurry things along. To that end she had decided to ask to be turned into a busty dragon goddes of unprecidented size & strength. She glanced at the clock in her apartment that was posisioned in the middle of a downtown skyscraper. Power hungry & impatient, she began to tap her feet belonging to her 5' 3" tall skiny frame.
         It was then her doorbell to her apartment sounded. Making her way to the door, she opened it and smiled with glee as her friend arrived.

         Standing in the door was a young man that stood just a inch shorter then her wearing a lab coat, glasses, a button up shirt, jeans and sneakers.

         "Finally, I thought you'd never get here Mike! What happen? Traffic?"
         Chuckling, Mike held up what looked like a vile filled with sparkling red liquid.

         "Yes, it's right here Lisa. Set and ready for you as requested."
Lisa sits on the couch, her feet propped on the coffee table. "So how does it work, how potent is it, & have you decided if you are going to join in yet?" Lisa imagines the two of them taking turns growing bigger together, especially liking the thought of a draconic Mike pumped up with muscles making her chest swell.
         Chuckling, Mike sat in a chair across from her, watching as her excitement grows knowing her dream shall come true.

         "To answer in order: just drink it, it'll take one to two hours to start, and yes, I will join you in this."

         To prove it to her, he pulled a second vial out.

         "Sides, somebody gotta keep up with ya, right?"
Lisa giggles. Mike always had such a charming way of putting things. She was incredibly lucky to have such a smart friend that shared her view on dragons vs. humans. Blushing, she works up the question she'd been wanting to ask. "Could you possibly accompany me as another busty anthro female dragoness?" She then proceeds to hurridly gulp down the mixture, her face beet red. After finishing she wonders out loud, "What should we do while waiting for it to work?"
         Doing the same with his vial, he began to think on her question as he too began to blush from the thought of being a female dragoness.

         "We'll see how the stuff works, might even turn me into a female."

         Chuckling, he began to think of what it might be like. Being a female that is...

         "Why not go out to the park? Plenty of room to grow and then some."
Lisa frowns. "What's the fun in growing bigger than a skyscraper if you don't do it inside of the building? How about I outgrow it from the inside & you can grow from the park across the street? Oh. I almost forgot! Wasn't there supposed to be some sort of remote control for fine tuning the change?" She smiles, "I know you. You want to make my chest swell to gargantuan proportions."
         Blushing deeply, Mike tosses her a watch.
         "I give ya, the Expando Band. It'll help you regulate the growth to how you want. It'll also grow as you do. Just push the center screen and a hologram will appear and it'll be easy for you to do any changes you want."
Lisa taps the screen & a 3d projection of herself shows up. Beside it was a list of species. She chose Queen Anthro Dragoness. The display now showed a projection of a 50 foot tall anthro drgagoness with sharp head horns, a massive wingspan & a nice thick strong tail. Suddenly her body began to change. Her tail pushed through her jeans & her wings shredded her shirt. Her head elongated to accomodate her draconic muzzle & her neck stretched out. Her nails turned into retractable claws & her skin hardened into onyx colored scales. Her overall size was now 8 feet tall, not including tail. "Mmm. This feels soo good! What do you think?" Suddenly, she wraps her muscular scaly arms around Mark hugging him to her chest which was the size of beachballs. What she didn't notice was he could reach her expando band.
         Uzing the corner of his eyes, he started to enlarge her already large breast as well as her ass and hips to match.
         Feeling the softness of her bussom, he reached into his pocket and placed a second band on himself and set it to King Anthro Dragon.
Lisa shudders with delight as her body swelled in those places. She was especially enjoying her chest getting bigger. She savored how her breasts swelled outward pushing her arms further out, taking up even more room. Her overall size was just beginning to grow. Her figure stretched up & out completly covering the couch. "Ya know, I may have wings, but the tail has to be my favorite new body part. Besides, once I'm large enough, would they even be useful?" Her tail & wings grow ever longer & larger.
         Feeling white scales cover himself and two tusks grow out of his mouth and a tail shredding his pants to pieces, gave her a playful smirk.
         "Oh, I might be able to do something later about it."
Lisa closes her eyes to atune herself with the changes. Her body's growth felt nice and smooth as it took more & more room. Her scaly skin pushing things out of its way as it grew. She could feel Mike's draconic changes as his body was up against & partially in her chest. She began to pant, excited with all that they were going through together. Perhaps they would need to raise the bar on their planned sizes. Heck, why have a bar for any of their body parts? With this kind of power flowing through them her chest could be as big as two stars! The apartment was getting cramped. She could feel the furnature collapse under her massive frame. Her feet punches into the hallway, her tail punches through the wall to be outside, & her head pushes through the ceiling into the apartment above. Her muscles & chest swell ever larger!
         Deciding to really up the changes, and add a bit of fun, Mike placed his band off his neck and around his neck before giving himself a body of a chinese dragon, wrapping himself around her bussom, and slowly around her inner thighs, hoping to entice her.

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