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Dystopian law that allows the act of euthanizing unwanted children post-natal. |
CHAPTER ONE: The Declaration It was revolutionary, truely. Dr.Hardson had thought of the idea himself, having had seen his wife completely stricken with grief, before eventually giving in to her own thoughts. Through countless generations, unfortunate circumstances had always been a major factor into unfortunatebirths. Accidents, rape, drunk decisions, even get-backs from crazy women and obsessive men. Though an amazing profit for businesses, it was always a lingering shadow for much of the population. The fact of the matter was, there were more children being unwanted and neglected than those who weren’t. This is why Dr.Hardson, through his own traumatic ordeal, had come up with this controversial solution. Through the beginnings of his introducing his idea to doctors, politicians, and multiple communities, there was an uproar of disagreement and disapproval. Crowds of protestors frequented his first few public proposals, claiming that his ideals were denying human rights, as well as ostracizing those who could not provide sufficiently for their children. Yet the more he continued to preach his idea, the more people had begun to realize that what he was preaching was not a genocide of children, but rather an opportunity to make the necesary choices. As Dr.Hardson continued his public speeches, less and less of the opposing crowd frequented his talks, shrinking in number. Eventually, things caught on. Within 40 years, his idea finally began to make traction, starting with a small operation that had partnered with a well-known fertility clinic. Dr.Hardsons first client was a young girl,about 14 years old, who had been a victim of assault, and was currently living under her very religious mother’s roof as she raised her now 8 month old son. According to her claims, her mother blamed her pregnancy on multiple acts against god, and saw the assault and pregnancy as a punishment. The girl then continued to relay multiple accounts of abuse and torment from being raised by her mother throughout her childhood. She did not see a promising future for herself or the unwanted child. As a result, this young lady did not want to continue raising her child. However, she was concerned about dealing with her mother if she had agreed to follow through with discarding it. Morally, this decision was a daunting task for both Dr.Hardson and this client. Yet, it was Dr.Hardson who had worked so hard to make this practice a reality and much more, an option. After a long discussion and some necessary evaluations, the decision was made. The first eliminative injection was successfully given to the infant, killing it immediately. This would be refered to in the future as discardment, which was the practice of humane euthanasia. A death certificate was then given to the 14 year old client for her deceased child, following after with rehousing, away from her mother. The client returned to Dr.Hardson fifteen years later, thanking him immensely for his wonderful solution, and relayed her successes and her overall happiness that had come from his idea. This is what sparked his invention to spread throughout the country. By the year 3046, it was standard practice to not only assist in the elimination of unwanted pregnancies and children, but to sterilize all children over the age of 12, until they are old enough and fit to reverse the sterilization and raise children of their own. Once the age is reached, each individual must undergo a bank check, therapy and psychological evaluations to know whether the individual is fit both financially, and mentally to raise a child. Multitudes of couples have been denied for reversal of sterilization, while others have been approved. Through the overall studies made about Dr.Hardson’s original idea and invention, the population deemed happier and increasingly progressive. Couples who have been denied of having children applied themselves towards education, public assistance, and achieving their own aspirations, with many eventually succeeding in passing the evaluations necessary and receiving the sterilization reversal. Couples who were able to produce their own offspring led successful lives, with their children maintaining an overall happiness due to mental and financial successions. Children who have been born and were no longer wanted by their parents can be placed for adoption with an age limit of 12 years old, where they would then be gently put to rest through discardment, in order to prevent a livelihood of negative quality. Parent’s had the opportunity and right to discard their children if they no longer wished to raise them due to internal relationship difficulties or mental hardships, with the exception that the child is five years of age or younger and showing adamant signs of distress, difficulty adapting to situations, difficulty expressing emotions, or other side effects due to an irregular environment. Similarly, children were able to advocate for their own discardment if they felt that their environment, care, and wellbeing were not sufficient for them to become successful grown individuals. However they must undergo a multitude of evaluations, as well as the parents, who may be discarded if there is evidence of severe abuse, neglect, and issues regarding mentality and finance. The age limit to a child wishing for discardment starts at the age of 12, and ends at the age of 17, to which then The Child’s Order can no longer apply. Discardment for any age of child is seen as a safer alternative to abortion or execution through other means, and is treated with different types of aid before finalizing the decision. This was Dr.hardson’s invention and idea to have this order established. Having seen his own wife fall apart after realizing she did not want her baby, there had been no alternatives to aid her. Throughout the three years of both Dr.Hardson and his wife raising their son, it was more and more apparent that Dr.hardson’s wife was continually detached and disinterested in her own child. Dr.Hardman was forced to watch his wife fall into hysteria and eventually kill her own child, afterwards commiting suicide. He did not want to see others suffer a similar fate, thus the motive for his original plan. Throughout the years after his death, decisions and regulations alternated these plans, which has led to the practices now seen today. However, this practice in society did not come without resistance from some of the public. While the majority of families were systematically accounted for, many people hid from The Child’s Order in order to achieve their own families, without the regulations to assess or assist their ability to do so. These families remain hidden, and would withhold from being seen or found by any personel who might report them to The Child’s Order. Consequently, these same people cannot access any major facilities without being found and assessed. The parents cannot find employment. Their children cannot attend schools. They cannot access medical facilities. At the risk of being found they willingly survive without these necessary requirements of life, under the noses of the government system and The Child’s Order. The result of these actions have therefore made these families uneducated, ignorant, sickly, and wild over the generations of their survival and further procreation. These people are referred to as The Unaccounted, and if found are to be assessed accordingly, in hopes that they can be rehabilitated and subject to a better quality of life. Majority of The Unaccounted live in areas of low light, visibility, and quality. These areas are often in forms of abandoned houses, buildings, or natural caves and hidden reserves. In these predicaments, these areas found must be searched thoroughly by armed assistance given by the government. Often found lingering in these areas are The Unaccounted children, with some found deceased due to disease, injury from falling debris, unsafe structures that have caved in, or malnourishment. Many children who have been caught alive from these areas possess a ravenous personality, often fighting against enforcement with hysterical action. They are present with many unattended diseases, physical disablements, and quality of mentality. Oftentimes when an Unaccounted child is found, a parent is shortly discovered soon thereafter. Both persons are assessed immediately, oftentimes with much difficulty as both persons resist to their best ability. On many occasions, the relationship found between the child and parent are normal, give or take a few concerns regarding decision making, and action execution. During these discoveries, the parent is often given a choice to allow aid from The Child’s Order to better their living situations and allow them to be accounted for in the current society. These forms of aid include assistance for food, medical care, homing, labor, and education. While some choose to accept the offer, many aggressively decline, leaving present assessors no choice but to discard them both, as to prevent the persons to continue living a life of negative quality. Through The Child’s Order, it is a set standard to allow and pursue the life of any child or adult, with the exception being that there is clear evidence that they would not be able to achieve a quality of life in that which is enjoyable and progressive. Though The Child’s Order has had to discard many Unaccounted families, the prevalent number of The Unaccounted is not an overlooked situation. The Child’s Order is aware that many of The Unaccounted hold strong belief that life itself is worth the pains and struggles of a demented childhood despite the fact that the outcome of such low quality livelihoods end up in many persons becoming mentally ill, traumatized with symptoms of PTSD, physically disabled, chronically sick, or suicidal in their adult lives. It is with this knowledge that The Child’s Order takes utmost care in a gentle assessment when an Unaccounted person or child has been found. However, due to The Child’s Order’s desire to ensure a quality of life that is enjoyable and progressive for each individual, it is of top priority to discard those who not only cannot achieve a quality life for themselves, but can affect and prevent others from achieving their own quality of life as well. With that being stated, The Child’s Order and The Unaccounted have remained loyal enemies since the beginning or Dr.Hardson’s beginning practice of The Child’s Order. |