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Beyond Reality |
Act II Idiosyncrasy “Who are you?”, I asked confused “Lynn.”, the… thing exclaimed “No…”, I replied There was a major silence while I looked for signs of the other two. “What do you mean no?”, the thing whose name is Lynn asked annoyed “I don’t know man, what are you, my bad, who are you again?”, I said, sounding stupid. “Lynn! Lynn Beaux”, Lynn said angrier “No way, I thought you were dead!”, I exclaimed loudly. I couldn’t understand how he was alive, why did he look like that. Am I sure that is him? How do I even make sure? He died in the project months ago, he looked like wavelengths, changing in frequency constantly to make a silhouette. How was this even possible? “No, but how are you here? It has been a millennium, you aren’t dead?”, He asked cutting off my train of thought. “A millennium? It has only been a few months man, you, okay?”, I said hesitantly. His wavelengths rose in frequency, seemingly to show his anger, his silhouette got clearer, and you could see his facial features better, crisper. The tension in the room got tense when he curled his hand into a tight fist, his eyes became bright lights like the sun was placed where his eyes should be, I felt a sharp pain in my ear until a massive voice shook the facility. “Carbon Entity detected” It wasn’t robotic, but seemed inhumane, uncanny even. It was unexplainable, it felt like God himself was speaking with his voice surrounding everything me. No way. God doesn’t make sense; he doesn’t exist to me at least. “COVER YOUR EARS NOW!”Lynn screamed while putting my hand on my ears. Seven trumpets played loudly, one after the other, it couldn’t be. This isn’t real—- “It’s not real, keep your ears covered, keep your mind blank, it can hear your thoughts”, I faintly heard Lynn say to me. The vibrations of the trumpets rumbled the whole facility shaking several machines around the room, and the lights flickered. My whole body felt like it was violently being shaken to the core. This was not real; I still have so much ahead of me. It went silent. I looked at my hands they were shaking, and my vision started to double, I looked at Lynn, he seemed worried. “What was that?”, I slurred. “It’s not safe here. However, you got here, you need to do it again and leave.”, he said it quickly like he was telling me a secret. There was silence, my mind was still shaken by those trumpets, and it couldn’t focus on anything else. “I have no clue how I got here.”, I stated. “Fuck, we need to get you out of here, in the meantime do not, and I repeat, do not think of anything that you are afraid of. Anything that makes you nervous, any trauma, repressed memory, or irrational fear. Make sure you don’t let it learn who you are.”, he spoke quickly and as softly as his spirit box voice could go. Dare you defy me, Lynn? The voice spoke again strongly, with the sound that surrounded the whole room. Should I show myself to your unfortunate friend Adrian? “Go back to being gone for a hundred years.”, he stuck out his middle finger, and I laughed a bit. Oh Lynn, you are trapped here, you won't ever see them again. Give up, submit, being immortal isn’t all that fun you see. “Lynn, is that you?”, another familiar voice of a woman spoke “Lynn! I’ve been looking forever for you. Please come outside, we miss you.” Lynn’s wavelength changed rapidly, rising and lowering. Then it hit me. That was Lynn’s wife. Something felt off though. “You aren’t real.”, Lynn replied almost in a saddened tone. Check for yourself. It was his wife, it was uncanny, too uncanny. All the alarms in my brain went off, that she wasn’t what she seemed. I looked at Lynn and with every step, she took his wavelengths started rising almost like an ultraviolet ray. Until she was a few feet away from him when he snapped, making his hand into a blade-like shape and making it solid then stabbing his wife right in the stomach. It felt so real, the way blood sprayed the wall, the way her body reacted to being stabbed, and even seeing her face make the face of someone in pain. It was too real. “I love—” “This doesn’t hurt me anymore.”, Lynn cut off his fake wife with a cold comprehensible monotone voice He was solid, he didn’t wave anymore, he was Lynn, and he looked pissed. The massive metal door in our had its valve start turning to release its airtight seal and start to open slowly with its rusty hinges. Whatever was on the other side it didn’t seem happy. End of Act 2 |