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the lost princess of the underworld has been found. |
Do you believe in fantasy? Because i do, under the earth there’s a place called the underworld a place where people go after they die if they have problems they still need to solve but im getting ahead of myself. Hi my names grace and im the princess of the underworld i wasen’t always the princess 3 years ago i didn’t even know the underworld existed not until i found a black door inside my closet. 3 years ago “Ma!” i shouted from upstairs “Grace? What’s wrong?” she said as she ran down the hall and up the stairs towards my room “Grace? Is everything okay?” she asked “That’s my mom lilianna, lili for short we moved here last year and never in that whole year have i seen a door in my closet my mom told me not to open it but she knows im too curious”. I walk towards the closet and slide the door open but as soon as i do i hear “Grace, Dinner!” my mom yelled but when i looked back at the closet, the door was gone! i quickly moved the clothes back and shut the closet door and go downstairs to eat. After i ate i saw my hand glow but when i looked up it stopped am i an alien? i wondered to myself not knowing what to think. Has this happened to me before when i was younger? I had so many questions that i didn’t know the answer to. As i walk back upstairs i just happened to look back at my closet and see the door but as soon as i open it my hand starts glowing and a portal opens i try to grab on to something but it was to late i was already in the portal. “I feel like im in star wars” i say to myself when suddenly i fell out of a red and and black sky. “Where am i?” i ask myself. When sudden;ly someone with glowing red hair bumped into me. “Oh im sorr- um i think your hairs on fire” i say “I know im jade queen of the underworld” she said “im sorry the under- what?” i sid in confusion not at all picking up what she was laying down. “The underworld the place people go when they die if they have some unfinished business” she said “What?” i asked still confused “Wait a second you look… familiar? have we met before?” she asked me “Uhm no no i don’t think so” i told her how i got here “AHA” she said “your the lost underworld princess” “im WHAT!” i said in complete shock “b-but i-im not dead yet” i told her “Well you are now” she said smirking “don’t worry i will teach how to be one of us” she said. “I was once a little girl like you, you know loving kind” “really?” i asked her “oh yea” she said “what happened” in asked“ “well my senses came i was bullied in school so i became mean, hateful and aggressive thats when i found a door in my closet and now i’m the queen of the underworld” Yea so thats how i found the underworld but all this is boring stuff lets skip ahead just a little bit 30 minutes later “You got that” she asked “Yep i got it” I said happily “Oh yea and one more thing never be nice be mean hateful aggressive and change that outfit it’s horrible” she said as she walked away I walked up to a mysterious door and opened it and saw my bedroom “A portal” i said already walking through it. And just like that i was back home like it never happened but it did happen and now im princess of the underworld. But little did i know that it wasen’t over yet. |