Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2287144-Star-Light--Star-Fight
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Rated: E · Fiction · Family · #2287144
Winner! Daily Flash Fiction 12/21/22 W/C 300

Star bright, star light, first star of the night…” sang Marcie.

“That’s all wrong. It goes ’star light, star bright, first star I see’

“I’ll sing it any old way I choose. You’re not the boss of me!” Marcie yelled and threw a pillow at Casie.

Casie threw a shoe at Marcie. Suddenly the fight escalated into name-calling and hair-pulling.

Mom opened their door. “Girls! What is going on in here?”

The sisters stopped, dropped weapons, plopped down on their beds.

“Nothing. We were just talking,” answered Marcie.

“It didn’t sound like that out in the living room. Stop this fighting. Get out and help decorate the tree. Dad and Mike are waiting,” Mom stated as she left.

The two sisters made their way out to the living room to face the rest of the family. Dad held a red bell, the traditional family ornament hung each year. Mike held the star for the traditional tree topper the sisters put on each year.

“You two lost your job this year. It’s now Mike’s turn. You’re on clean-up.” Mom held out the vacuum. “Have fun.”

“That’s not fair!” “We’ve always done the star!”

“Stop! Christmas is all about love and family and sharing and giving. This year you both need to stop fighting and start being just a bit nicer,” Dad said. “Or all your presents’ll disappear.”

“Do it,” Marcie shouted. “Give ‘em all away.”

Casie’s eyes shot a glance to Dad. “Don’t listen to her. We’ll vacuum.”

Dad dialed a number on his cell. In a few moments, the doorbell rang. A man came in, gathered all the presents. He said a few words to Dad, then left.

Marcie and Casie stood in stunned silence.

“Sorry Dad.” Marcie finally uttered.

“Finally.” Dad opened the front door, brought in the presents.

W/C 300
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