Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2285936-GNOMEVILLE
Rated: E · Short Story · Fantasy · #2285936
I don't think this is quite finish.
Freddy Frog had been to visit his friend Gertie Goose and, on his way, home he stopped by Willows Pond to cool off. As he was sitting there on his favorite lily pad, he saw something very strange. The old oak tree's leaves were very brown. Freddy decided he would hop over to the big oak and see what was going on. When he got there, he saw a sign that said, “Welcome to Gnomeville population 10”. He didn’t see anyone around except a snail on the road.

The snail said he was just passing through and didn’t know anything about the tree or Gnomeville. As Freddy hopped through the field, he came upon a small house with a mouse standing by the door. As Freddy hopped down the road, he recalled what the mouse had told him. He said that just recently a new fairy named Tangle Saturnglitter had come to
live in the dark forest at the edge of Gnomeville. About a week after she came the residents noticed that the oak tree’s leaves were turning brown, and the garden plants were wilting.

The reason, no one was in town was because the ladies had gone to the market and the men went into the forest to find the fairy and ask what was going on. That night Freddy told his wife all about it. Whatever was happening in Gnomeville was bad. He hoped it would get better soon.

The woods were dark and full of loud noises, but the men knew they must find the fairy and ask why this was happening to their beautiful field. If it continued there would be nothing left and they would have to find a new place to live, so they trudged on.

The men came to the end of the woods and there before them was the most beautiful castle. Anyone who lived here couldn’t be bad. They opened the gate and went inside and walked up to the door. They knocked and the door opened. There stood a fairy, dressed in a golden gown. She asked them to come in.

The fairy told the men that she was a fashion fairy, and her job was to make pretty dresses for all the fairies. She had moved to the woods outside Gnomeville because it was a colorful place. She needed to take the colors from the trees, flowers, and other things so that her dresses were the most beautiful in the land.

The fairy and the men went outside and as they walked along the men asked the fairy if there were no other way to color the dresses. She told them that she had lost all her dyes when she crossed the river. The Trolls had taken them, and she had taken an oath to never use her magic to hurt others, so she left without them. She could not make others because the spell was in the basket with the dyes.

They asked her if they were to get the dyes back could she please return the colors to the fields. She said she would return the colors to the meadows, fields, trees and their gardens if they could bring her the dyes. She told them they only had two days before the spell she cast would take the color from everything and become permanent and could not be reversed.

That night the Gnomes headed for the bridge. They knew of the Trolls and how they bullied the people and creatures of the forest. They also knew that these Trolls wanted more than anything to be castle guards. Maybe they could convince them to return the dyes to Tangle Saturnglitter and she in return would let them guard her beautiful castle.

As winter became spring the trees turned green, the gardens grew, as did the population of Gnomeville. The Trolls now guard the castle and have helped Tangle design new dresses, not only for the fairies, but for the ladies of Gnomeville.

Gnomeville, population growing.
© Copyright 2022 Penelope Moonbeam (inkydinky33 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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