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Rated: 13+ · Draft · Action/Adventure · #2285255
The Old One hears information from someone who remembers the day of the explosion
                             Chapter Thirty-Three

500 A.E.

         The Old One was through with his tutoring until right after his next visit to the liquid eterinite pond for refreshing his essence. He was, of course, ready for the next pupil. He had some free time, so he decided to join the Collective to gain information regarding the Supreme High One, time anomalies, or Elders.

         He heard many conversations regarding the Elders. There weren't accusations or distressed feelings; more like simple gossip. From what he heard, the Elders were the topic of choice.

         He heard, the Elders have enormous power, more than the Supreme High One could even imagine. They are keeping it a secret, so people do not get nervous around them.

         Do you know that the Supreme High One sacrificed himself when the three-headed monster came through a magic area in the air? There was a fierce battle between the two. After the beast bit the Supreme High One, a great light was seen coming out of thin air that caused a horrific explosion, killing the beast and the Supreme High One.

         What? The Old One wanted to hear more.

         A great light out of thin air? The window? Someone had either remembered the light or had heard about that day. This was an excellent lead.

         He immediately focused on the speaker. He found her instantly. Her name is Tay. She was young, only five hundred cycles. He began to search her memory regarding the window, explosion, and himself. He had an idea to get the information from her directly. He would become an inner voice of the lost Supreme High One. He would need to bring his barriers up to prevent her from looking too deeply.

         Tay, why did you call me from my rest? It is not time for me to leave One with the Planet. Has a new Supreme High One been created? If you are not true to me, I shall bring you with me when I return to One with the Planet. Speak!

         The Supreme High One? Who are you? Puclss, is that you? Very funny.

         I am who you called, the Supreme High One. Have you news as I spoke of?

         Now stop. I know this isn't the Supreme High One. He has been gone for nearly five hundred cycles. What proof do you have?

         Proof? Do you demand proof? Very well. I will delve deep into your memories, something, not even an Elder can do.
         I have one. You are joined with Weth. You have been with five different Hydranousians. When meeting someone new, you claim to have never been joined. Do you need more proof?

         No! How did you know? I have never told anyone.

         I know all, see all. You are transparent to me. Now give me the information I requested.

         No, there hasn't been a Supreme High One since the other died in an explosion over six hundred cycles ago.

         Who told you how I perished? There was no beast.

         One of my tutors told me when I was a Young One. The Old One said he was there when it happened. He said the explosion was so bad, that hundreds of Hydranousians became One with the Planet.

         Who were they? Your Old One, if he was there, must have known some of them. He surely was connected to them. What of the explosion you mentioned? How did it happen?

         The Old One never told me. He just said a beast with three heads bit you and then the explosion occurred.

         That is not how I became One with the Planet.

         Where is your tutor now? Where were you when you discussed this with him?

         Last I heard he was at a village in the area of Glok-Glok sands. I am from a village near Glok-Glok sands, Lewr, and the River of liquid eterinite. My village was within sight of the liquid eterinite, many remember him in my village and can tell you more. If I may ask, how would you get there?

         I am the wind that destroys, the liquid eterinite that sends the unwary to become One with the Planet, I am the Supreme High One.

         Tay was very afraid. Her only defenses wavered and then collapsed. Was she weeping?

         Please Supreme High One, I am so sorry I talked about you. I will never do so again, Please forgive me. I can become your tool, your Prophet?

         I need no such thing. You are forgiven.
         Thank you Supreme High One, thank you! Supreme High One?

         The Old One closed off direct communication with Tay. He then went to her subconscious and began to remove the conversation and all knowledge of her story. For good measure, he put in the fear of ever talking about the Supreme High One.

         After the Old One had walked to places unknown, he had passed through many roads, villages, and cities. He remembers Lewr and the Glok-Glok sands. It would take half a cycle to get there from where he was currently located. He began at once.

         After walking and exploring as he went, the Old One arrived at the Glok-Glok sands and Lewr. They were as he remembered.

         He walked to the gate of Lewr. As he approached a guard addressed him. Hold, stranger. You are entering the providence of Lewr. State your business.

         I am an Old One. I have been traveling for about three cycles for my pilgrimage. I followed the path and came upon this village. I would like to rest, refresh my essence, and find another Old One said to be here.

         The guard stated, Hold while I discuss your admittance with a superior. "

         The Old One stretched his awareness to the guard and superior.

         There is an Old One at the gate. He states he is on a pilgrimage. He stated he was wanting to speak with another Old One who said to be here, he would like to refresh his essence and rest.

         Did he provide a time frame for how long he will be here?

         No, he did not. I did not ask him that question. Forgive my error in not asking him a simple question.

         No need to apologize. You are new to this post. Take this as a lesson.

Yes sir, Thank you, sir.

         Allow the Old One to enter. However, keep track of him, where he goes, and who he talks with.

         Yes sir. Thank you, sir. The guard goes back to the gate and speaks to the Old One.

         You have been given the privilege of entering our town. Be diligent about where you go and what you do. Be aware of your surroundings and remember where you've been and where you want to go.

         I thank you for your information, Replied the Old One. Could you tell me where the Old Ones live?

         I know all of the current Old Ones. Please tell me what they look like. Describe in as much detail as you can provide, remarked the Guard.

         Certainly. He has different colored eyes. He is a little shorter than I am, and his hair and beard are the color of One with the Planet. He has broad shoulders.

         Oh, him. I do know who you are talking about. He is currently Out of Phase. That building is down that road. When you come to the second bridge, turn left and walk till you get to the Retreat.

          May you be blessed for your kindness and assistance.

1248 Words

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