Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2284865-A-Bump-in-the-Night
Rated: E · Fiction · Contest · #2284865
Daily Flash Fiction Prompt - basket, tower, book =300 words
A loud noise, a shriek, a scream, a crash! Lillibet woke up startled. “What on earth?” she asked herself and her little dog, Carlos, as he jumped up, growling, from sleeping beside her. Lillibet hopped out of bed pulling on her robe and running to…where? The window? The door? She heard the loud cries…

“PLEASE, PLEASE DON’T KILL ME! A strangled scream, a sob. “I DIDN’T TAKE YOUR MONEY, I DON’T KNOW WHERE IT IS! All this in a tearful confession. Lillibet opened the door to her apartment and peeked down the hallway. She stepped down the corridor and heard the coming from one of the apartments across the hall.

A CRASH, SHRIEK, GLASS BREAKING! She heard whimpering, a door closing and then water running. POP, POP, POP! Was that gun shot, Lillibet didn’t wait to find out, she ran back into her apartment, closed the door and called 911 to relay her story.

After the firemen evacuated the building, Lillibet was standing on the side of the street holding a basket with Carlos nestled inside. “Ma’am what floor did you hear this commotion on?” He asked, looking up at the apartment tower.

“The 12th floor. The screaming and noise, it was so real.” Lillibet told him.

“Ma’am, we searched the entire floor and didn’t find anything, anywhere, except one of your neighbors listening to an audio book while she was in the shower. Maybe that is the noise you heard.” He told her as he walked back to his truck.

258 wc
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