Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2284464-A-time-to-burgle
Rated: E · Fiction · Contest · #2284464
sometimes best laid plans work out!
Dressed in black and crawling across the cool tile floor, Mike pushed the heavy duffel bag in front of him. “Hurry up!” he whispered, “we only have a few minutes to get out of here”.

“I’m moving as fast as I can,” Shelly whined, “I broke a nail.”

He cased the joint for over a month and realized he couldn’t pull this robbery off without the near-do-well teller’s help. He wined and dined her for the next two months before he finally got her to agree to help him with the bank heist. “Listen I just need your ID, I can do the job myself.” He told her.

“No way buddy, I’m coming with you. I ‘m getting my fair share, right out of the vault.” She replied after he told her the plans.

Just as Mike reached the side door and pushed it open the alarm went off. He grabbed the duffel bag and jumped up, ‘run, run, run!” he yelled as he ran to the small red car parked on the corner.

He yanked open the door and threw the duffel in the back; Shelly did the same as he was pulling away from the curb and driving down the block before she even had her door closed.

Once he turned down the street to the safe house, he saw three squad cars sitting there with the strobe lights on. Policemen were milling all around the area.

“Great, where are we going now?” Shelly asked.

“To hell, if we don’t change our ways!” Mike replied grinning as he drove right past.

265 wc
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