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Idle talk while waiting for the end of the world. |
The Four Horsemen waiting on the seals to be broken. "Who would have thought the world would end on a Tuesday?" Dave pondered out loud. "What? Why would it matter what day it is? Just go, already!" Roderick growled. "Can't. Seals are still intact," Bo commented blithely. "I would've preferred a Friday, to be honest." "Fry day?" Carl wailed. "I hate all that fire and brimstone. Never can get the smell out of my hair!" "Shut up, Carl," Dave absently addressed the last in line. He turned back around. "Why Friday, Bo?" "End of the work week," Bo shifted in his saddle, patting his horse's neck. "All bets are off then." "Seems rather cruel though, you know? Not like this is a party," Dave pointed out. "MONDAY!" Roderick bellowed. His horse snorted and stamped. "That day always sucks." Dave and Bo glowered at their loud companion, soothing spooked horses, but grudgingly agreed. "My favorite day is my birthday," Carl piped up, "And this year, I want a speedboat!" Bo smiled at Carl and reached out to pat his horse's head. "Shut up, Carl." "Hey, maybe it should be Wednesday," Dave smirked. "Why Wednesday?" Roderick muttered, glaring at no one in particular. "Hump day," Bo chuckled, nodding in appreciation at Dave's humor. "Lots of that will be happening." "Camels have humps," Carl chimed in, looking down at his pale stallion with a frown. "Hey, can I..." "No, Carl." Dave and Bo said in unison. Carl pouted, mumbling how a camel would be better. "Ah, sheesh," Dave sighed, rubbing at a streak of dirt on his horse's right haunch. "Not now." "That's just bad timing," Bo said with sympathy. "Think there's time for a wash?" "I could give her a little trim, that might do it!" Roderick eagerly pulled his sword from its scabbard. "Leave off, Rod! Put that away," Dave ordered. He stroked his white mare's neck, calming her. "Why does Rod get a shiny sword and all I get is this scythe?" Carl grumbled, twirling the weapon. "WHOA! Dammit, Carl! Put it away or I'm taking it away!" Bo ducked just in time, air whooshing. "No! No trades. I don't want your stupid old scales," Carl hugged the scythe to his chest. "Shhhh... do you hear anything?" Dave asked, waving a hand for them to be quiet. "I hear the pounding of my blood in my veins, onward to glory!" Roderick made ready to spur his horse. "Not yet, Rod," Bo snagged the red stallion's reins and held tight, preventing Roderick's charge. "I see dead people," Carl whispered. Shifting his scythe, he waved at a cute shade floating past. "It's the seals. They've grown quiet again," Dave announced. His mare pranced, feeling his mood. "That's it! I've had it with this job!" Roderick fumed, crossing his arms, and glowering upwards. "Aw, come on, Rod. I've got that deck of cards," Bo cajoled. "We can play war just us, ok?" "Do you know crazy eights? Or go fish? The big guy likes that one," Carl grinned, clapping his hands. "Come on, Dave. Get that mare a bath, she'll be all shiny and ready for next week." Bo called. "Sounds good. You lead this time," Dave said with a wink. He nudged his mare after the others. "Hey, it's taco Tuesday, guys!" Carl exclaimed. "No way they break those seals today, duh..." |