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Peter Parker and Doc Ock struggle with their new existences. |
Previously: "S02E13 "Revenge of The Living Brain"" ![]() "A NEW LIFE FOR AN OLD" FADE IN: NARRATOR (V.O.) Previously, on Marvel's Spider-Man. INTERCUT SCENES FROM PREVIOUS EPISODES A comatose DOCTOR OCTOPUS, lying on the ground with the Neuro- Cortex suspended above. Electricity arcs between them. THE LIVING BRAIN (V.O.) You thought I was gone, Spider-Man. But, hiding in the circuits of the Neuro-Cortex, I, Dr. Otto Octavius, was planning my sweet revenge the whole time. CUT TO: Villains watching a giant, flickering monitor on which a shadowy visage is cast. THE LIVING BRAIN (V.O.) (continues) I recruited a gang of amateurs and morons-- CUT TO: SPIDER-MAN fighting villains. He staggers, exhausted, under their blows. THE LIVING BRAIN (v.o) (continues) --to keep you busy, wearing you out, preparing your rendezvous with destruction. CUT TO: THE LIVING BRAIN pins Spider-Man to the floor, blasting him in the face with the Focal Energy beam. THE LIVING BRAIN (V.O.) (continues) Now it is time. I am going to obliterate your very essence, Spider- Man. I am going to annihilate your very being. CUT TO: Images of PETER PARKER, his friends and loved ones, floating in darkness. They wink out one by one. THE LIVING BRAIN (V.O.) (continues) I am going to take everything from you, Spider-Man. It will all be mine once I have downloaded my precious mind into your body. CUT TO: Now only Peter's face remains. He grins (nastily) at the viewer. Lightning flashes, and his visage intercuts with that of Doctor Octopus, also grinning. THE LIVING BRAIN (V.O.) (continues) Then I will be Spider-Man, and you, Peter Parker, will be just a memory. Ha ha ha. END OF TEASER MAIN TITLES: MARVEL'S SUPERIOR SPIDER-MAN FADE IN: INT. PARKER HOUSE -- PETER'S BEDROOM -- DAY Peter Parker is curled up in his bed. AUNT MAY enters. AUNT MAY Peter, sweetheart, you need to get up. Peter MUMBLES argumentatively. AUNT MAY What's wrong, honey? Didn't you get enough sleep? CLOSE ON PETER He sits up, hunches with eyes closed, stifles a yawn. PETER Oh, sure. I guess I just-- A bluish light falls over his face. His eyes widen and he GASPS. Images of The Living Brain, of Doctor Octopus, and of Spider-Man writhing under the Focal Energy beam DISSOLVE in and out over his haggard stare. The images and the light fade away. Peter's stare softens into a hooded and furtive look. PETER Had really weird dreams. Aunt May returns to the door. AUNT MAY Well, a quick shower and a hot breakfast will clear away the cobwebs. You don't want to be late for school. Peter's eyes widen with horror. PETER School?! CUT TO: PETER'S MIRROR Peter, dressed with his backpack on, glares at his reflection. Note: When speaking aloud, Peter Parker always uses Peter Parker's voice, but it alters subtly between the arch and arrogant manner of Otto Octavius and the more boyish tones of Peter Parker. These respective modes, when it is necessary to indicate them, will be marked as (otto) and (peter) respectively. PETER (otto) School? Really? I see now that certain aspects of this scheme will be attended by ... suboptimalities. Or, as Parker would phrase it -- (peter) Man, parts of this plan are really gonna suck! EXT. CITY STREET -- BUS -- DAY -- ESTABLISHING INT. BUS -- DAY Peter huddles with bowed head and folded arms on a bus bench. PETER (otto) Luckily, I've got Parker's memories to aid my deception. Still, I must remember to strive to remain in character. His Aunt May nearly took my head off when I accidentally called her wheat-cakes "pancakes." But what a dear, sweet woman she-- His voice fades, and he begins to SNORE softly. Voices MUTTER and approach. BULLY #1 (O.S.) Hey dweeb, make room. Peter, without opening his eyes, shifts to put his feet on the empty part of the bench. PETER Occupied. ANGLE ON THE BULLY He is big and meaty, as are BULLY #2 AND BULLY #3, behind him. BULLY #1 I said, make room. EXTREME CLOSE UP ON PETER His eyes crack open into a baleful stare. PETER And I said, occupied. BACK TO BULLY BULLY #1 (nurses knuckles) O ho! Tough guy wants to be made to! EXT. CITY STREET -- BUS -- DAY BLOWS and GRUNTS O.S., from inside the bus. EXT. HORIZON HGIH -- FRONT SIDEWALK -- BUS -- DAY Bully #1, propped up between Bullies #2 and #3 and boasting a badly contused face, stumbles off the bus. Peter follows, stretching ostentatiously and stifling a yawn. PETER Great workout, guys. Same time again tomorrow? BULLY #3 Weirdo. INT. HORIZON HIGH -- LAB Peter, head and shoulders drooping, with eyes shut, enters. MILES MORALES, radiating energy and excitement, bounds up. MILES Pete! My man! You get enough sleep last night? PETER If by "get enough sleep" you mean "spent the night battling supervillains in an ultimate boss fight," then yeah, I got enough sleep to last a lifetime. He puts out a hand and grasps at empty air. That wakes him up a little. PETER Huh? Aw. I miss your robot butler and his tasty beverages. ANGLE ON PETER He slumps into a chair and props his feet on Miles's desk. Miles hands him a cup. MILES Well, have some of this. I need you awake and thinking, Pete. I only got a million questions. PETER I won. What other answer do you want? MILES You wish. Last night was bad news for us. EXTREME CLOSE UP ON PETER His hooded gaze turns baleful. PETER (otto; softly) What do you mean "us", you refugee from a remedial--? MILES We got a major problem and not a lot of time. If Doc Ock is on the loose again-- Peter GASPS and bolts upright. PETER Wh-what do you mean Doc Ock is on the loose? Wh-what makes you think that? MILES That's what you told us last night, Pete. You said Doc Ock-- PETER I did? Oh. Heh heh. Well, you know, I was kind of punchy, I think I might have misspoke. MILES And he was also broadcasting all over the intercom system. I patched in and heard him gloating and everything. PETER (squeaking) Oh my! What did he say? MILES Nothing that made a lot of sense, and that's why I wanna hear it from you. What was his plan? PETER His plan? Oh, just the same old, same old. You know Ock. "I will destroy you, Spider-Man." Heh? MILES Didn't he say anything about how he got back or what his ultimate plans were? PETER Well, I tried getting him to talk, but he was too smart to fall for it. Miles gives him a hard stare. MILES Okay, I guess I'll just have to get L.B. back online. Maybe his memory's not all shot like yours is. PETER L.B.? (yelps) The Living Brain? Wait! Where's your robot butler now? MILES Downstairs in one of the big labs. If I can get his memory circuits online, maybe we can-- PETER No! You can't! That was Doctor Octavius! MILES Say what? He jumps aside as Peter runs from the room. INT. HORIZON HOUSE -- LARGE LAB -- DAY Machinery and equipment. The remnants of the Living Brain are splayed on a table. Peter, PANTING, runs up to press his face against a plate-glass window, looking into the lab. Miles appears behind him. PETER You haven't reactivated him yet, have you? MILES No, we're still trying to rebuild his-- PETER Because it was Doctor Octavius inside the Living Brain! The whole time, hiding in plain sight! He transferred his mind into the Neuro-Cortex and tricked you into building that body for it! Then he hired the Chameleon and all those other villains, and when that didn't work he tried to kill me himself! Honest! MILES Are you sure you're not remembering some nightmare you had after you got home? PETER Trust me, Miles. If you plug that thing back in, he'll come back online, and I almost didn't beat him last night! INSERT POV -- THE LIVING BRAIN Robot's-eye view of the interior of the lab, through a bluish filter, distorted. Miles enters the frame. PETER PARKER (V.O.) Come on, Miles. Finish plugging me in, buddy. Hook me up to a voice box so I can-- Peter enters the frame. PETER PARKER (V.O.) No! Get away from him, Miles! That's not me! You have to--! Miles gathers up some wires draped nearby. PETER PARKER (V.O.) Yes! Plug me in, so I can text you and tell you-- Miles yanks the wires free of their connectors. PETER PARKER (V.O.) No! What are you doing?! INT. HORIZON HOUSE -- THE LAB -- DAY MILES I'll have to scrub the back-up banks, in case the Doc got a virus into them. But this lab is isolated and in a wifi dead zone. No way he's getting back out into the real world. PETER Whew, thanks, Miles. That was a close one. INSERT POV -- THE LIVING BRAIN Miles and Peter loom in the screen. PETER PARKER (V.O.) What are you up to, you--! Get away from my friends! Miles exits. Peter watches him go, then turns to look down into the view screen. His outstretched hand covers it. Then the view screen winks out. PETER PARKER (V.O.) What? No! INT. HORIZON HOUSE -- BIG LAB --DAY Peter plucks the Focal Energy Device off the face of The Living Brain, cradles it with a smirk, slips it into his pocket. He runs O.S. Peter (O.S.) Miles, wait up! Don't you want to hear the rest of how I beat the snot out of the bad guys? END OF ACT ONE FADE IN: INT. THE LIVING BRAIN All is dark, save for some stray electrical sparks, like trailing lights left by fireflies. PETER PARKER (V.O.) Pull yourself together, Peter. You're the only one in here who can help you. Wherever "here" is, exactly. The sparks coalesce into a ghostly outline of Peter Parker. He looks himself over. PETER PARKER Okay, I've definitely felt healthier, but this is a start. Is there any more to me? He shuts his eyes, flexes. A glow emanates from him, illuminating previously invisible structures. He GASPS and opens his eyes. The glow vanishes, leaving him in darkness. PETER PARKER Whoa, what was that? I feel like-- He concentrates again, this time with his eyes open. The glow radiates outward, and his eyes and mouth widen with astonishment as shapes light up around and behind him. ANGLE ON THE LIVING BRAIN, INTERIOR Imagine a cityscape coming to light and life. Walls, towers, streets, power lines, grids, arterial traffic on the ground and in the air. It is smooth and artificial, as though computer generated. Think TRON. ANGLE ON PETER PETER PARKER (awestruck) What is this place? POV -- THE MINDSCAPE The camera PANS over the cityscape. PETER PARKER (O.S.) Is this what the inside of a computer looks like, when you're inside the computer? ANGLE ON PETER He leaps onto a wall, sticks, and runs along it. He stops to crouch at a 90-degree angle to the ground, and the camera TILTS to bring him right-side-up. PETER PARKER At least I've still got my spider powers inside this place. He runs O.S. INTERCUT Shots as Peter runs, jumps, flies, and webs his way from building to building, higher and higher. On reaching a high rooftop he walks to the edge and looks O.S. His jaw drops. PETER PARKER No way! He leaps and runs up the face of an immensely tall tower, whose top never comes into view no matter how high he climbs or how far back the camera TILTS. ANGLE ON ROOFTOP Peter appears over a parapet, then turns and looks back. ANGLE ON THE MINDSCAPE Below, spread out, is the city. But from this vantage it makes a definite pattern: the streets and buildings outline a picture of Peter Parker's own face. PETER PARKER (O.S.) I'm not inside the computer. I am the computer! INT. HORIZON HIGH -- CLASSROOM -- DAY Peter Parker, eyes drooping, his face resting against his hand, stares ahead. MAX MODELL (O.S.) --which also equals the square-root of H over A-squared, which lets us-- Peter's hand goes up. ANGLE ON CLASSROOM MAX MODELL stands in front of a blackboard covered in equations. He SIGHS. MAX Yes, Peter? PETER (otto; bored) Derive delta-x-delta-p, which equals the square root of point-oh-seven- a-squared times h-over-a-squared. MAX Right again, Peter. PETER (otto; bored) Yippee. The bell RINGS. Students rise to leave. MAX You will be responsible for all this on the mid-term. Peter, may I speak to you? Peter, slumping with boredom, approaches Max. MAX Peter, I'm glad you're keeping up so well with the material-- PETER (still otto ...) This is last week's news to me, Max. MAX But could you at least pretend to be interested while giving me the right answers? Passing students give Peter ugly looks behind his back. MAX (continuing) Because I think your attitude is bothering the other students. PETER In point of fact, Max, I have a better idea. How about--? ANGLE ON HALLWAY Peter notices ANYA CORAZON as she wheels the remnants of The Living Brain past the classroom doorway on a gurney. He reacts with shock. MAX Yes, Peter? What's your idea? PETER Oh, uh, I'll talk to you about it after school! He scampers away. MAX Peter, I-- (shakes head) Why do the smartest ones always turn out so arrogant? INT. HORIZON HIGH -- HALLWAY Peter runs up to Anya, joining her as she walks along. PETER (peter) Hi, Anya! What are you doing with, um--? ANYA Moving him to the main computer lab. Max wants us to-- PETER But that's my--! That was Doctor Octavius's old lab! ANYA Yes. We need his files to help us repair the Neuro-Cortex. PETER Repair it?! But--! ANYA But what? PETER Uh, didn't Miles tell you--? ANYA Tell me what? PETER Oh, nothing. But I gotta go find Miles. Don't do anything until we get back to you! Peter runs away. Anya calls after him. ANYA You were never even part of this project, Parker! INT. HORIZON HIGH -- MILES'S LAB Miles is packing books into his bag. Peter runs in. PETER Miles! Anya! She's got the--! MILES I know, I know. Chill-ax. PETER But Doctor Octavius! If he's still uploaded inside the--! And if she hooks him up to--! MILES Peter, I told you to chill out. Everything's gonna be okay. You need to get to class before-- A school bell RINGS. MILES (continuing) And now you're tardy. PETER I don't care! I don't need to go to class, I already--! MILES It's Aeronautics, Petey, that's the one class you are definitely not up to flight speed in. Don't worry, I'm helping Anya and Gwen. I'll make sure the Big Bad Wolf doesn't get loose again. He pats Peter on the shoulder, and exits. Peter hops anxiously from foot to foot. INT. THE LIVING BRAIN -- MINDSCAPE -- DAY Peter Parker runs, leaps, and soars over the cityscape, much as he did in the real city as Spider-Man. The difference is that this city lacks detail. The buildings are glass-like boxes, and the traffic below -- both cars and people -- are undifferentiated blobs. PETER PARKER This is the greatest! This is even better than New York! And the best part is--! He swan-dives off a rooftop directly into the pavement, where he shatters into a dust cloud. But the cloud quickly coalesces into his body. His arms and legs and head are attached at the wrong points, but these migrate until he is whole and hale. PETER parker I'm indestructible! As he stands with arms exultantly extended in the midst of the blob-like pedestrians, he does a double-take as HARRY OSBORNE walks past. PETER PARKER Harry? MEMORY-PETER (O.S.) Harry! Peter does another take as another Peter Parker (Memory-Peter) runs after Harry, who stops in answer to the shout. HARRY Hey, Pete. Phew! Did you leave your gym clothes in your back pack again? PETER Harry! When did you get back from Europe? MEMORY-PETER So how was your first day back at Mid-Town? HARRY Don't ask, 'kay? How was your first day at Horizon? PETER PARKER Mid-Town? Horizon? (penny drops) Oh! The other two walk off, talking ("Oh, I just met some cool people, and today I'm getting my very own lab!" "Fantastic"), leaving Peter to look around. PETER PARKER This isn't real. It's a memory. He locks his sights onto something O.S. INSERT POV At the end of a long alley, a figure briefly walks into view, then walks out of it again. BACK TO SCENE PETER PARKER Uncle Ben. A swiftly moving shadow flies over him, and is gone. Peter reacts, looking around. PETER PARKER What was that? Apparently it has gone, and Peter returns to what he was looking at O.S., then runs after it. ANGLE ON ALLEY Peter runs along the alleyway. When he emerges at the other end, he is standing in a suburban yard, with no sign of the city behind him. In front of the open garage door, UNCLE BEN is guiding YOUNG PETER who, in helmet and pads, is trying to balance on a bicycle. CLOSE ON PETER who watches the scene with intense fascination. INT. HORIZON HIGH -- COMPUTER LAB -- DAY Using a winch and pulley, Miles, Anya, and GWEN STACY lift the Neuro-Cortex from the shattered remnants of The Living Brain. MILES Are you sure the wifi is off? ANYA For the third time, Miles, yes. Why are you so worried? MILES Peter thinks a virus must've got into the L.B., that's what caused it to go rogue. ANYA Why do we think it went rogue? Just because it got into a fight with Spider-Man? GWEN Did you program it to recognize Spider-Man, Miles? MILES Well, uh ... No. I mean, I couldn't have, right? It's not like him and I hang out! ANYA Then we just have to make sure the processors are undamaged, debug any corrupt files, and-- MILES I just think we should be careful. Pete's usually got some solid instincts. The camera PANS to the ceiling, which has a skylight in it. SPIDER-MAN peers down at them through it. EXT. HORIZON HIGH -- ROOF -- DAY Spider-Man crouches by the skylight. SPIDER-MAN (otto) Curse the luck. I was hoping I would never have call to employ these threads. But under the circumstances, better to appear in the guise of a "public menace" than as-- Owww! He flinches, and rubs the back of his head. SPIDER-MAN What was that? Like getting punched in the back of the head by a-- Owww! Again! Quit it! A shadow falls across him, and a klaxon SOUNDS. Spider-Man wheels. SECURITY 'BOT (O.S.) Alert! Intruder on rooftop! Security to--! Spider-Man shoots webbing, muffling the voice but not the klaxon. SPIDER-MAN Oh, for the love of--! When did Morales have time to reactivate these tin cans? ANGLE ON SECURITY 'BOT It approaches, still trying to shout through the webbing that covers its speaking grill. SPIDER-MAN (O.S.) And why didn't he ever whitelist Spider-Man? END OF ACT TWO FADE IN: EXT. HORIZON HIGH -- ROOFTOP -- DAY Multiple SECURITY 'BOTS converge on Spider-Man. Klaxons SOUND. SPIDER-MAN (otto) Blast it! I cannot afford to be caught here like this, not by Mister Morales and his friends. Time to see if I acquired Parker's muscle memory along with everything else! He springs away. The 'bots turn and pursue. Spider-Man springs about, flipping, cartwheeling and dodging the fire from the 'bots. He comes to rest on the side of a wall. SPIDER-MAN Ha! It appears your security 'bots' targeting algorithms need recalibrating, Mister-- Oww! He jumps away just before a laser bolt pits and blackens the wall where he hung. He lands atop another wall and rubs the back of his head. SPIDER-MAN So that's what Parker's so-called 'Spider Sense' feels like. Annoying-- He dodges another laser blast. SPIDER-MAN (continuing) --but effective. He springs about, firing webs at the 'bots, covering their mouth grills. SPIDER-MAN (still otto, despite repartee) Ha! Chew on that, why don't you? He punches a 'bot into a fast spin, like a top. SPIDER-MAN What's got you so spun up? He throws himself feet first at a 'bot, knocking it off the roof. It hits the ground, crumpling into a heap. Spider-Man covers it with webbing. SPIDER-MAN That's one way to 'stick' a landing! He rubs his chin. SPIDER-MAN (otto) Hm. I always considered Parker's penchant for quips and puns a mark of low intelligence, but on reflection-- (peter) Ha! It's kind of fun! EXT. PARKER HOUSE -- FRONT DRIVE -- DAY A faint bluish tinge over the scene marks it as slightly unreal, as do the capsule-like blobs that pass down the street, like cars. Young Peter Parker wobbles uncertainly on the bicycle. Uncle Ben holds the seat, and when he lets go, Peter falls off with an "Oof!" Peter Parker stands in plain sight, watching, but the other two don't pay attention to him. YOUNG PETER I'm no good at this, Uncle Ben! UNCLE BEN No one's good at anything the first time they try, Peter. YOUNG PETER Why do I have to learn to ride a bike? UNCLE BEN You don't have to do anything, Peter. But you'll be happier if you learn. YOUNG PETER I'd rather be inside working on my gearbox model. Uncle Ben points to the pedals and chains of the bicycle. UNCLE BEN But don't you see, you've got one of those here? You push the pedals, which moves the chain, which makes the wheels go round. YOUNG Peter Wow, you're right! I didn't think of it that way! Peter remounts the bicycle, and this time is able to pedal it slowly in a circle. PETER PARKER That was your gift, Uncle Ben. You always had a way of helping me see things better. I wish-- He starts at a RUSTLE from a bush near the corner of the house, and GASPS as Doc Ock's face emerges to grin at Young Peter and Uncle Ben. PETER PARKER Doc Ock! No! Get away from them, you--! He flings himself at Ock, who vanishes, and Peter Parker crashes into the side of the house, which itself fades into another blank facade. When Peter rises again, he is back in the original cityscape. He looks around. PETER PARKER Okay, so that wasn't Ock. Or was it? Oh, man, this place doesn't make any sense! Wait! (looks around) If you don't understand a thing, try looking at it a different way! I wish you were really here, Uncle Ben, so I could thank you. And also so that-- Well-- Peter scampers up the side of the building that's materialized. At the top he closes his eyes and concentrates. PETER PARKER Okay, so if this place has my memories in it, and I go looking for them-- He opens his eyes, and GASPS. ANGLE ON THE MINDSCAPE From on high Peter surveys the city. It is now dotted with multiple representations of his house, of Horizon High, of Oscorp, of the Cup o' Joe cafe, and other locations. INTERCUT Peter and Harry, Peter and Miles, Peter and Aunt May, Peter and Uncle Ben, Peter and Gwen, Peter and others, at home, school, on the street ... PETER PARKER (O.S.) It's every place I've ever been, with everyone I've ever known. Everything I've ever done, and-- No! At every location, Doc Ock appears, crouching in a corner, leering over a parapet, striding overhead on his robot legs. BACK TO SCENE PETER PARKER He's in here with me! He can see--! No! Peter runs O.S. EXT. MINDSCAPE -- STROMM'S LAB -- DAY Mendel Stromm's lab, from the episode "I, Robot Master," recreated but open to the sky. Spider-Man is strapped strapped to a table and wired to the Neuro-Cortex. MENDEL STROMM gleefully watches the writhing Spider-Man, and Doc Ock watches too with a grin. Peter Parker approaches. PETER PARKER Robot Master! When he copied my reflexes into the Neuro-Cortex, he must have copied all my memories too! And when Doc Ock downloaded himself into the Neuro-Cortex-- (groans) He found out everything about me! CLOSE ON PETER PARKER PETER PARKER No wonder he knew that I was-- His face and form ripple, and Peter Parker changes into Spider-Man. SPIDER-MAN (continuing) --Spider-Man! The camera PULLS back to a radical distance. EXT. MINDSCAPE -- NIGHT Spider-Man, standing atop a rooftop. All around him is New York City. It is a war zone, with multiple Spider-Men fighting Scorpion, the Lizard, Spider Slayers, Rhino, Jackal, and other foes. Over the lip of the horizon, like an enormous planet, rises the leering face of Doc Ock, gleefully studying the mayhem below. EXT. NEW YORK CITY -- DAY A security 'bot slams backward into a wall, cratering it. Spider-Man drops into the scene, to admire his handiwork. SPIDER-MAN (peter) Oo! That's gonna leave a mark! He leaps away just before a laser bolt flies at where he's standing. It misses him and explodes the first 'bot. intercut SPIDER-MAN and security 'bot as he leaps from surface to surface, dodging fire, while it spins and shoots at him. SPIDER-MAN Am I over here? Or over here? How about here? No, here? ANGLE ON 'BOT as Spider-Man lands atop it. He covers its sensors with his hands. SPIDER-MAN Guess who! He rips an arm off it and starts whaling at the 'bot's head with it. SPIDER-MAN Stop hitting yourself! Stop hitting yourself! Stop hitting your--! A web string shoots in from O.S., snagging and ripping the arm from Spider-Man's grasp. ANGLE ON SPIDER-MILES as SPIDER-MILES catches it. SPIDER-MILES Peter! What are you doing, man? Spider-Man tears the head off a 'bot. It BUZZES as it short- circuits. SPIDER-MAN What does it look I'm--? Oh! SPIDER-MILES These are my security 'bots! Until we get L.B. fixed and back on his feet-- SPIDER-MAN L.B.! He grabs Spider-Miles by the throat. SPIDER-MAN (continuing) You haven't brought him back on line, have you? SPIDER-MILES (choking) Pete! Let! ... Go! Spider-Man releases him and runs O.S. Spider-Miles calls after him. SPIDER-MILES Are you sure L.B.'s the only one that picked up a malfunction last night? EXT. MINDSCAPE -- NIGHT Spider-Man watches the battles raging around him. But he ignores them, to muse to himself. SPIDER-MAN There was a copy of me inside the Neuro-Cortex when Doc Ock downloaded himself into it. But if he was in here too ... He turns and catches a reflection of himself inside a mirrored surface. He frowns, and his form wavers, turning back into Peter Parker. The battles are wiped out too. One, two more changes, back to Spider-Man and back to Peter Parker. Each time, the scene changes to an appropriate backdrop -- peace or superheroics. Then Peter's form changes to that of Otto Octavius. His eyes widen, and he looks around. ANGLE ON MINDSCAPE Now it is Otto Octavius, in various forms, who populates the city. BACK TO SCENE OTTO OCTAVIUS (peter; but Otto's voice) Huh! Doc left his memories behind too! Which means if he left a backdoor, so he could get in and out-- He sprouts robot legs, and strides away. ANGLE ON PORTAL A great, glowing door opens directly into and through the side of the dome-like sky. Otto Octavius approaches. OTTO OCTAVIUS There it is. And it looks like someone's been thoughtful enough to establish a connection to another network. The ground shakes, and buildings start to totter. At the street, the representations of Otto Octavius look up, startled, and wink out, one by one. OTTO OCTAVIUS And not a moment too soon. Looks like someone is starting to purge the Neuro-Cortex of all its data. Including me, if I don't get out of here! On his robot legs he gallops toward the portal, and disappears through it. INT. HORIZON HIGH -- COMPUTER LAB Spider-Man, Spider-Miles, Gwen, and Anya stand around the Neuro- Cortex. Anya has her arms crossed. ANYA I still don't think this is necessary. SPIDER-MAN Are you saying I don't know what I'm talking about? ANYA I just don't understand how Doctor Octavius could have downloaded himself into the Neuro-Cortex. It's supposed to be impossible. SPIDER-MAN He was a genius. GWEN Then isn't this basically murder? Shouldn't we--? Her hands goes to a control panel, but Spider-Man covers her hand with his. SPIDER-MAN Gwen, you have to trust me. I was fighting with him, and he was talking to me the whole time. It wasn't him, not anymore. The process must have driven him insane! It wasn't Otto Octavius anymore. It was just a mind virus. Gwen looks doubtful. SPIDER-MAN The man you admired doesn't exist anymore. If he was in the Neuro- Cortex, this is the only way to give him some peace. Gwen lowers her eyes, but withdraws her hand. But Anya looks unimpressed. ANYA How do you know Gwen's name? SPIDER-MAN What? Oh! Uh ... Whoops! There's my Spider-sense going off again, someone must be about to rob a bank! Spider-Man webs upward, O.S. SPIDER-MILES Whoops, my Spider-sense is going off too. He follows Spider-Man. EXT. HORIZON HIGH -- ROOFTOP -- NIGHT Spider-Miles lands on the roof and looks around. Peter Parker steps out from behind a wall and puts a hand on Miles's shoulder. PETER Miles! Thanks for helping out back there, buddy. Spider-Miles whips off his mask. SPIDER-MILES No problem, Pete. But, uh, do you really think we had to wipe him out? PETER I'm sure of it, Miles. We definitely had to get rid of whoever it was inside the Neuro-Cortex. A shadow falls across his face. PETER (continuing) He was just too dangerous to leave on the loose. INT. MASTER PLANNER'S LAIR -- NIGHT A bare warehouse, dark, with crude benches as the only place to sit. But HIPPO and PANDA are sitting on the floor, leaning against each other as they sleep, SNORING. A flickering light disturbs them. Hippo opens one eye, then leaps up. Panda falls over with an "OOF." Hippo shifts nervously from foot to foot. HIPPO Uh, Panda? Panda sits up. She stares O.S. at the same thing Hippo is staring at. ANGLE ON TELESCREEN The fuzzy, indistinct form of THE MASTER PLANNER gazes down at them. THE MASTER PLANNER Well... This is an unexpected plot twist. FADE TO WHITE. DISSOLVE TO BLACK. TEXT ON SCREEN: TO BE CONTINUED ... FADE OUT. Next: "S02E15 "Outside the Box"" ![]() "Spider-Man Commentary: A New Life for an Old" ![]() |