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by Lotta
Rated: E · Fiction · Paranormal · #2280138
Werewolf Romance. Strong Female lead
High Luna’s Daughter

Lotta Patterson
Copyright © 2021 Lotta Patterson
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or used in any manner without the prior written permission of the copyright owner, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review
Portions of this book are works of fiction. Any references to historical events, real people, or real places are used fictitiously. Other names, characters, places and events are products of the author's imagination, and any resemblances to actual events or places or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

Table of Contents
Chapter 1 Death of the Luna 1
Chapter 2 — Surviving 6
Chapter 3 — 9
Chapter 4 — 10
Chapter 5 — 11
Chapter 6 — 12
Chapter 7 — 13

Chapter 1 Death of the Luna

It’s hard to imagine how life can change overnight. One minute I’m the apple of my father’s eye and the next minute I’m nothing to him. This all happened when I was 10 years old. I still can’t find them how one incident can change my whole life. I lost my mother, my father disowned me, my brother ignored me and I became and outcast in the pack that used to love me. I was forced to grow up and learn to take care of myself and beat all odds. Everyone gave up on my and expected me to die. I refused to lie down and die. I am the High Luna’s daughter. There is power of life in my blood. This pack will one day regret turning their backs on me.

It was a couple of days after my 10th birthday. I celebrated with my family; my father and my mother and my older brother Timmy. My dad gave me a Princess necklace for my birthday because I was his little Princess. My mom baked me my favorite purple cake. Purple was my favorite color and a secret sign between my mom and me. I have a purple dot on my lower back. It is a sign that all the girls from my mom’s family have, It show that we are gifted wolves. I don’t know what my powers are yet, but sometimes I can make things happen with my mind. It’s a secret between my mom and me; well, all of the women in my mom’s family know. They are all gifted. The gene is passed down from mother to daughter. We keep it a secret because some wolves fear gifted wolve and some want power for themselves and would try to kidnap gifted female wolves and mate with them. Mom told me that our gifts cannot be forced, so even if someone force mated me, the gift would not pass down to the offspring because I did not freely mate with them.
It was the best birthday ever. My older brother Timmie spent the day letting me play with him all I wanted. He is 5 years older than me and usually does not want to hang out with me. He’s super protective but prefers to hang with his friends like all teenager and do not want his baby sister trailing behind him. I understand and try not to bother him.
After eating and plying with my brother, my friends came over and we have a public princess theme party for me. I got so many presents. I have never been happier. I had no idea that would be the last time my family and I would be together happy or the last time the pack would show me love and care. The party lasted up to my bedtime. No mom did not let me stay up past bedtime. She always says that even special little princesses need their beauty sleep. I went to bed happy and excited that I was getting closer to being a teenager.
A couple of days after my 10th birthday, I was playing in the woods near our packhouse. I heard the call go out for all women and children to get to the safe house. Our pack was under attack. I moved as fast as my little legs can carry me trying to make it to the safe house. Before I can get to the safe house a big gray wolf jumped out at me. I ran and fought as hard as I could without a wolf. Since I was just turning 10 I had not shifted to my wolf yet. I can tell the wolf was playing with me like I was prey. I tried to move him with my power, but I was too afraid to concentrate. I just kept trying to run and get away from him. I had not started training yet, so I didn’t know how to really fight my way through the wolf attacking me. I slide under the wolf’s legs and ran again. The wolf was faster than me. Before I got to far away, the wolf pinned me to the ground. He looked at me like he was trying to decide how he was going to kill me. I closed my eyes and waited for the kill blow to come. Before I knew anything, the big wolf was pulled off of me and my mom yelled for me to run.
I was about to run when I saw another wolf come out and jump on my mom. I picked up a big stick and hit the wolf that was on my mom in the head. The wolf fell to the ground. I was not sure if he was dead or not. My mom was able to fight off the other one. My mom looked at me and told me to run again because she could hear other wolves coming. There were to many for us to fight off. I started to run again and tried to get my mom to come with me but she just kept telling me to run. She put herself between me and the other wolves. I could not let my mom fight alone. I tried linking my brother and my dad, but they were fighting at a different location. They both yelled for me to get to the safe house. I told them mom was surrounded and needed help. My dad and my brother started fight to get to us. My dad was a big black wolf. He was one of the strongest wolves alive. My brother had not shifted yet, but had been training for years, so he was a strong warrior in his human form. Dad told me to fight and try to hold them off until they got to us. Dad reminded me that I was an alpha’s daughter and was stronger than most wolves. I closed the link to my brother and father and stood next to my mother. I wasn’t able to run anyway. My mother linked me and told me, no matter what happened, I had to live. There is a purpose for my life and I had to live. The werewolf kingdom would be lost if I didn’t live. I remember her telling me stories about the wolf I am supposed to become, but I thought they were just stories. I can tell by her determination that there was some truth to those stories.
Before I knew it about four big wolves had surrounded my mom and me. My mom tried fighting but there were just too many of them. With my stick in hand, I tried to help my mom, but I was no match for a full grown wolf. I was able to throw one wolf off my mom with my mind, but was not strong enough to throw him very far. He jumped right back up and came back at me and my mom. My mom fought like a true warrior, but there was just to many. A couple more wolves joined the four that we were already fighting. It was like they targeted us. They must have realized we were the alpha family. If they get to my mom, it will have an impact on my dad. Every time they went for my mom, I jumped in front of her. She kept yelling for me to stop. I was bitten all over my body was losing a lot of blood. I was barely holding on. I could feel myself losing consciousness. I was going in and out. I heard one wolf say that I was as good as dead and they were surprised that I wasn’t dead already.
They focused on my mom. I couldn’t tell what happened to her. I blacked out again. I half woke up and heard my mom telling my brother to promise to look after me and protect me at all cost. I wanted to yell and tell my mom that I needed her to stay and protect me herself. I can’t lose her. I fade out again and then I heard my mom tell my dad that she loves him. My dad told my mom that I should have fought harder to save her. He said he could not live without her and did not want me if she did not live. My mother told my dad, that I was her pup and a part of both of them. Loving and caring for me is like loving and caring for her. She made my dad promise that he will care for me and protect me. My mom tried to tell my dad and brother that I had a higher purpose, but they were crying to hard to hear her. My brother kept telling my mom that she would be ok. I heard footsteps and my dad yelling for the pack doctor to save my mom before everything went black again.
I woke up after I don’t know how long. I was in the pack hospital and connected to all kind of machines. I was in the room by myself. I was by myself. My dad wasn’t there, my brother wasn’t there and my mom wasn’t there. I didn’t know where anyone was. My mom never left me alone when I was hurt. I don’t understand where my family is right now. Maybe my dad and my brother are with my mom.
The doctors and nurses came running in the room when they heard me yelling.
“Where is my mum and dad,” I asked.
Doctor Jackson looked at me with pity, “your mom didn't make it baby girl.”
“What did you say Dr. Jackson.” I asked.
“Your mom. the Luna, she’s gone baby girl. She didn’t make it.”
“ No no no no no.” I yelled crying.
“I’m sorry Trinity. We did all we could. We almost lost you too.”
“She should have died too.” My dad said from the door to my room.
He looked at me with so much hatred in his eyes,
“Why are you crying?” he asked.
“Daddy,” I say reaching for him with tears in my eyes.
He backs away.
“ don’t touch me,” he yells at me.
“ Daddy no,” I cry.
“I am not your dad anymore I am nothing to you because you my mate died. You should have died with her. How could you live and she die from this day forward I am nothing to you and you are nothing to me.” he looks at me again and turns and walk out the room.
“You Promised” I yelled .
He just looked at me again and walked out of the room.
I just lay there and cried. I can’t believe my dad, I’m his baby girl. He promised my mom that he would love and care for me. How could he break a promise he made to her on her death? I’m only 10, how can he say that I’m nothing to him anymore? I cried myself to sleep wondering where Timmy was he’s my Big Brother. He’s always been there to take care of me. I hope he keeps the promise he made to mom at least.
Timmy came later that night and like my dad he just looked at me with hate in his eyes. He also blamed me for my mom's death. He told me that I was no longer his sister and that he wanted nothing else to do with me. He didn't even want to see me anymore.
“Timmie, how can you do this to me. You promised mom you would protect me.”
“don’t speak about her. She is dead because of you. All you had to do was keep fighting. Me and dad were coming.”
“I tried Timmie. I fought until I had nothing else left in me. She was my mom too and I loved her.”
“She is gone because of you. You should have been in the safehouse and then mom would not have had to fight for you.”
“That’s not fair Timmie, how was I supposed to know we would get attacked?”
“All I know is that my mom is dead and buried and it is all your fault.”
“What, you had her funeral without me?”
“Of course we did. You didn’t deserve to be there.”
“What did you all tell grandma and grandpa about me not being there? They would have never let you do that to me.”
“Dad is the alpha of this pack. They have no power here. We told them you were in a coma and we did not know when you would wake up. They left yesterday, so you are all alone. And guess what, Dad will never let you go to them. You will stay here and suffer like us.”
“Mom would be ashamed on you and dad. She would have never agreed to this. I’m your baby sister. I don’t know how you can live with yourself after treating me like this.”
“Mom is not here is she?”
He turned and walked out of the room. Him not my dad never came back the whole time I was in the hospital. I was released from the hospital after two weeks the doctor waited to see if my dad or my brother would come and get me but no one showed up. I heard from one of the nurses that my dad forbade anyone from visiting me while I was in the hospital. I guess he really wants me to suffer. I don’t know who he is anymore. The daddy I knew was never a cruel person.
Since no one is coming for me, I took myself out of the hospital. I walked to my home or I should say the packhouse because I had nowhere else to go. I didn’t know what to expect. I figure they would not let me stay of the alpha floor anymore but assumed I would still be able to stay in the packhouse somewhere. I was so wrong. When I opened the door to the packhouse, my dad was standing there with boxes and suitcases standing by him.
“This is all of your stuff get it and go you are not welcome here.” he said.
“But daddy where am I supposed to go?” I asked.
“That’s Alpha Collier to you. You are no longer allowed to call me daddy. As to where you go, I really don’t care. You just can’t be here.” My dad said.
“But alpha I’m only 10 years old I can’t take care of myself. Even if you don’t acknowledge me as your daughter, you have an obligation to care for me as a minor in your pack Alpha Coliier. According to pack law, you cannot put me out to care for myself.”
“I make the laws in this pack. You are useless. We do not want you here,”
“I’m a child, I don’t know how to take care of myself.”
“ Well, I guess you got to learn because you are not welcome here and no one in this pack will help you. Because of you the Luna is dead.”
“She would be so ashamed of this monster you have become. I will see what the council thinks of how you are treating me,”
“Good luck with contacting them. You have no phone and no one will help you.”
I just looked at him, grabbed my suitcases and waked out crying. it takes me four trips to get everything out. I don’t know why because I have nowhere to put them and I have nowhere to go. I just walk around the pack land trying to figure out what I’m gonna do. I found a cave I can hang out in until I find something more permanent. Maybe after time, my dad and brother will change their minds and remember that they love me. I know they love me deep down. They are just grieving, but I lost her to. Momma, I am trying not to hate them back, but I don’t know how much I can take. Why don’t they just send me away. They are purposefully being cruel right now.

Chapter 2 — Surviving

I am so hungry. I stayed in my cave for lunch and dinner. I have nowhere to go and nothing to eat. I leave the cave and walk back to the main pack area hoping someone will take me in. No one will even acknowledge my presence. Some of them even try to run me away. I can’t believe the pack that I grew up in would treat an orphan child this way. This is not how a pack is supposed to work. That man who was mated to my mother is destroying the pack that my mother built up with her blood and sweat. They are turning away from everything she taught them and everything she stood for. This saddens me and makes me even angrier with that man. I hope my grandparents deal with him before this pack is completely lost. I can’t believe this man is my father. The same one who used to carry me on his neck and tuck me in every night.
I can’t stay in this cave for much longer. I need to get out. It’s after dark, so I should be able to move around without my father or brother seeing me. As I was passing by my best friend’s house, her mom invited me to come to stay at her house and fed me. I was so relieved because I had nowhere to go and no one else from the pack had offered to help me. Ms. Lovely was friends with my mother. She tried to comfort me, but I know the alpha won’t let me stay here and I don’t want to get them in trouble. Tonight, I will enjoy a warm bed and a full stomach. I don’t know how long I will be able to stay here before he makes me leave. He vowed that no one would help me, so I don’t know what he will do if he finds out that Ms. Lovely helped me.
Just like I knew he would, the next morning he came and knocked on Tanya’s mother’s door. I heard him tell her to meet him in his office. I can tell that he was angry. I hope he does not hurt this family for helping me. I should have just eaten and gone back to my cave. I know he wants to isolate me, but I will not let him destroy the lives of other people. I have already mentally prepared myself to do this alone. At least until my grandparents come back for me.
After about an hour, Tanya’s mom came back crying. She looked at me with sadness and told me that I had to leave. The alpha said that I could not stay here and if she let me stay, he would banish her whole family. I hugged Ms. Lovely and thanked her for her kindness. I knew he would not let me stay. He would rather blame a child than take responsibility for what he did. He forgets I am my mother’s daughter. I will survive despite his best efforts.
“Don’t worry Mrs. Lovely, I’ll be okay. My grandparents will be back for me soon. Until then, I have some survival skills that I can put to use. If my grandparents don’t come soon, I’ll find another pack to take me in. Most alphas knew my mother and would be upset if they knew what he is doing to me. Don’t worry. I know I will be ok.” I said.
She just kept crying. She knows that no one else in this pack will take the chance of making the alpha angry. Even the Beta is being quiet about what the alpha is doing. Mrs. Lovely said she doesn't understand how the alpha can be so cruel. She has lost respect for him and my brother. Apparently, my brother is following after the alpha. He didn’t even try to defend me. She said she knows my mother is not happy with what they are doing. I reassured her again that I will be ok.
“We will have to come up with a plan of how we can get food and supplies to you without the alpha finding out. I refuse to allow you to starve.” Mrs. Lovely said.
“I don’t want you to put your family in jeopardy. I will be ok. My mother made me promise her that I would survive, and I will. My mother is watching over me. Everything will work out.” I say.
With that, I left the lovely’s home and went back to my cave. I stayed in my cave for a couple of days. Tanya came to find me and dropped off some food for me. I have made my cave very comfortable. I keep my living quarter hidden. I don’t want my dad or my brother to stumble on it and know that I am not suffering like they want me to.
Word quickly got out about how the alpha kicked his 10-year-old daughter out of the packhouse. A couple of families asked for a transfer from the pack because they do not want to serve an alpha who would treat a child that way. They offered to take me away with them since my dad no longer wants me. He told them they could leave, but if they tried to take me with them, we would all be killed at the border. I don’t want anyone else to get in trouble. I let the families know that I am ok. I reassure them that my grandparents will be back for me soon and there is nothing he can do against them. I’m only still here now to fulfill a promise I made to my mother.
The weather is changing and I need to find different lodging for myself. I walk around the outskirts of the pack to see if I can find something suitable. After spending a couple more nights in my cave, I decided to explore the area for a better shelter. There are abandoned houses scattered around the border of the territory. Some are barely standing, but some are in ok condition. It's amazing what a 10-year-old can remember and think of when made to grow up fast.
I walked for hours with no luck. Since it is getting dark, I decide to go back to my cave. I walk to the border and start looking for a cabin or something that will serve as my new home. I get a feeling that I should head north, so I do. As I head to the border of the other side of my cave, I see this shack-like building. It’s almost like it appeared out of nowhere. I feel like my mother was leading me here. I walk inside the shack and it is in ok condition. From the outside, it looks like it is about to fall at any time, which is good. The alpha won’t care if I stay in a shack. I decided to stay in this little shack. There’s barely a roof over my head but it protects me from the elements, and it is on the edge of the territory so I’m safe for now. Now I just have to figure out how I’m going to feed myself. Tanya and her brother Jonathan continue to sneak food to me when her brother is on patrol, But I don’t want to keep putting them at risk. I know they will continue to try and help me, but I need to be as self-sufficient as possible until I can get away from this pack.
I try to clean and fix my little shack up as best I can with my little hands being only 10. As my father ordered, no one from the pack tried to help me or assist me. It’s like I never even existed to them. No one cared that a 10-year-old child was made to live like this. Most packs don’t even treat prisoners like this. At least prisoners get fed. The alpha is trying to make sure no one brings me any food. I think he has guards watching the area now that I have an actual structure. I need to learn how to hunt small animals so that I can feed myself. He will not break me, no matter how hard he tries.
I thought that my Big Brother Timmie would at least miss me enough to check on me but apparently, he and my father meant it when they said they never wanted to see me again. I guess Timmie cares more about keeping dad happy than honoring the promise he made to mom. They will regret what they are doing to me one day soon.
Here I am, a 10-year-old child, forced to live on my own because my mother died defending the pack, while my father was cheating on her and my brother was too busy with his friend when I tried to mindlink him. Instead of the two adults in this situation taking responsibility for their actions and me, they try to destroy me. I will rise against this. My mom told me to be strong and live well and I will mom. I promise I will.
Oh, mom why did you leave me I know if you were still here you would not let him treat me like this. I promise you mom you gave your life saving my life. I will live my life to the fullest mom. I will make you proud of me. I Will Survive. You died so that I can live, and I will live. I don't care what daddy says I don’t care what Timmie says my life is worth something because you gave your life for me.

Chapter 3 — Struggle

I spent the next day trying to teach myself to hunt. Since I have not shifted yet, I don’t know how to track the animals. I did sniff out a couple of rabbits, but they got away. I tried fishing in the spring new my cabin, but I don’t have the proper equipment, and as you can guess, no one in the pack would assist me. I was able to find a couple of berries to eat,
Tanya linked me and let me know that she has not been able to get to me the last couple of days and Jonathan has been patrolling on the other side of the pack. Like the last night, I went to bed hungry and cried myself to sleep.
I got up early and decided to walk out a little further in the woods. As I was walking in the woods I saw a little rabbit. I found a stick and broke it I made myself a little spear after about five tries I finally was able to catch the rabbit I took him back to my little shack and built the fire. When I tell you, that roasted rabbit was the best thing that I have ever had. I ate as much as I could and then I decided to let the rest just lay in the smoke and cook so I can preserve some for later.
That was my very first successful hunting trip. For now, I will stick with the small game. I think if I can catch about 3 rabbits a week, I’ll be ok. School opens back up tomorrow and I plan to go by the library and get books about hunting and edible wild berries. I also want to learn about gardening. I can probably hide a small garden in my cave. I’m sure if the alpha knew I was trying to grow my own food, he would destroy it.
I finally go to bed. I find myself in a beautiful garden sitting by a stream. I smell my mother’s floral scent and it immediately relaxes me.
“Oh mom, I miss you so much,” I say to myself.
“Baby, I am right here with you. I have never left you.” My mom says and comes and sits next to me.
“Is this real or am I dreaming?”
“Both, you are dreaming, but this is real. This is the only way I can communicate with you now. I no longer have a physical body, but my spirit is still with you. I will be with you for as long as you need me. Don’t worry, no matter how difficult things get for you, I will be there and I will protect you. The moon goddess has allowed me to keep some of my powers so that I can keep you safe until you can protect yourself. No matter how hard your father or brother tries, they will not be able to physically harm you, but I can’t do anything about the things that they are saying to you and how they are treating you.”
“Thanks, mom, just knowing that I am not alone makes this more liveable.”
“I am sorry for everything that you are going through. I went to Beta Cross last night and encouraged him to look into the attack. I don’t think it was random. I just want to make sure you are going to be safe here.”
“Mom, I want to go to grandmother and grandfather. I don’t really want to be here anymore. This is not my home.”
“I’m sorry baby. My mom and father are not in this realm right now.”
“What does that mean mommy?”
“Remember when I told you that you were special?”
“You are. I am a hybrid. Your grandmother is a Fae princess. Her father is the king of the Winter Court and her mother is the queen of the Summer court. You, my princess, are the only heir to both courts. Your grandmother does not have any siblings and I was an only child.”
“What about Timmie. He is the oldest.”
“It saddens me to think about my oldest child right now, but he is fully werewolf, so he will not be able to inherit the throne. Only you, my daughter can do that. You are the last hope for both kingdoms. Your grandparents had to go meet with your great grandparents and reassure them that you are being cared for.”
“How long will they be gone?”
“I don’t know baby. I sent your grandmother a visual message before my body gave up and showed her your brother and father promising to care for you and protect you. She is under the impression that they are doing just that. If I would have thought that your father or brother would break their last promise to me, I would have asked her to take you away from here.”
“I hope they come back soon.”
“Time works differently there. A couple of days there are a couple of years here. I do know that she will be
back for you after you turn 11. I know that is almost a year, but let's try to hang on until then.”
“I will try mommy. I just don’t know if I can.”
“Remember, I will be with you as much as I can and you will see me often in your dreams. It won’t be every night, but I will always be watching over you.”
My mom holds me in her arms as I fall asleep. I wake up to Tanya linking me telling me to get up and get ready for school. I still don’t know if that man is going to let me go to school, but I am going to try. Hopefully, I can get what I need from the library before he even knows that I am there.
I’m nervous about going to school tomorrow. I don’t know if I’m welcome at the school anymore, but I need to go to the library and find a book on things that I can eat. I need to be prepared for anything.

Chapter 4 — School

I linked Tanya and told her I would meet her at the school library so no one will see her walking in with me. She is my best friend and I don’t want to see her get hurt or in trouble because she wants to help me.
I make it to the library and see her and Jonathan waiting for me. Jonathan is older and is one of the top warriors of the pack. I wish he was my brother. He tries t help me as much as he can. The alpha can’t threatened him, so he just sends him away from me to patrol. Jonathan hands me a bookbag. I look inside and it is full of non-perishable food.
“Thank you all. This will go a long way.” I say
“My mom prepared it for you.” Jonathan said. “We can’t get to the cabin to bring you anything right now, but we can drop stuff off to you her at school.”
“I don’t know how long the alpha will allow me to stay at the school. We can use the cave as a drop off point. I will link you the secret entrance location later. You can actually get to it near the pack house without being seen.”
“That sounds like a plan. I need to get to class. I will see you two later. Link me if anything happens” Jonathan said to Tanya,
“Ok, Trinity, what books are we looking for?” Tanya ask
I give her my list and we grab them all in no time. Tanya will take them and drop them off later. That way no one will know that they are for me.
“Do you think you can get me a few vegible seeds. I want to try to start a garden in my cave,”

Chapter 5 —

Since it has been months and I have not heard from my grandparents yet, I spoke with Jonathan about possibly getting in touch with them, but I don’t know their number. I don’t have the range yet to be able to mindlink them from this distance. Jonathan said he will contact them once he gets contact information for them. Right now, only my father, brother and the Beta have that information and if Johnathan asks them, they will know he is trying to help me. I don’t want to put Johnathan on their radar so for now, I’ll just focus on surviving like I promised my mother.
Several pack members talked about contacting the council, but everyone is afraid of the alpha to do anything. I will find a way. I don’t know how yet, but I will. Alpha or not, he will not get away with this.

Chapter 6 —

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Chapter 7 —

© Copyright 2022 Lotta (lotta at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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